Medical Marijuana and Daughter's Ex Ch. 03


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A cellphone rings. We are all quiet as I sit down. It's Matt's phone. He says a series of yeses and no's, hangs up and turns to us.

"I've got a problem I have to solve. I'll be back in thirty minutes. You two hang out here."

Dammit. I just wanted to have great sex with Matt and now things are getting complicated. I walk with him to the door.

I say, "Be careful driving sweetheart. You've had some beer and grass."

He replies, "Don't worry. Do me a big favor. Treat Brad nicely. He's my first friend at the new university."

Matt leaves and I go back downstairs.

He says, "I hope it's nothing serious. Let's smoke another joint while we wait."

"Okay," I say, "But just a little for me. It's so strong."

He lights it up and inhales deeply. He says, "Why don't I do you like Matt did. Its easier on your lungs. He comes and sits beside me, takes a drag on the joint and locks his lips to mine and fills my lungs My brain instantly swirls, and pleasant feelings wash over me.

Brad takes another toke. I take just the one. He takes several. I look him over as he gets high. He's very different than Matt. Matt is rough around the edges in a bad boy way, while Brad is so sweet. I could eat him up. I'm surprised he plays a rough sport like rugby. His t-shirt is tight on his torso and shows off his muscular body. It has short sleeves that reveal very strong arms.

That grass is boosting my libido towards the red zone. Matt is going to have his hands full later when we get to my bedroom. Brad puts the finished joint in an ashtray staying intimately close beside me. It's cozy being close. I like it and Matt will be back soon.

He says, "You are really great kisser. He puts his hand on my leg. I put my hand over it for a few moments and trying to be as nice as possible, put it back on his knee. Matt is my man for tonight.

He puts an arm over my shoulder and says, "It would be a real honor if you'd give me another kiss."

This young man is very attractive, but this isn't good. Matt is coming back soon. I jump up and say nervously, "I'm getting myself a beer. Do you want one?" He nods yes.

I trot quickly up the stairs. I need some space before I go nuts. I'm horny beyond belief with a testosterone filled young, beautiful stud who clearly want to use my body. I'm not sure with being this high, I can trust myself. Maybe I should stay up here until Matt gets back.

My home phone rings. "Hi, Ann, it's me, Matt. It looks like I'm going to be here for three or four hours. Sorry babe, I know you were planning a big night for us. You look so beautiful and sexy. Hey, I don't mind if you and Brad fool around. I'm not the jealous type. He's a nice guy. No problem."

I say, "I don't think I can do that Matt. I really want to be with you."

Matt goes on, "I'll tell you what he told me when you were getting us a beer. He said you were the most gorgeous lady he had ever met. He said I was so lucky because he had never been with a mature woman. He has a crush on you baby."

"I don't know Matt."

"Okay, whatever, I'll be back in about four hours. Have fun."

I stand here in shock. I'm high and horny. Matt will be here later. Being with him the first time was against my morals. It was an accident of a weak moment when I was lonely and high on marijuana. Matt just said fooling around. What does that mean to young guys nowadays? Touching, kissing, making out with your clothes on? Those aren't too bad. But having sex with Brad who I just met is something I can't picture myself doing even though he's quite a hunk. That would make me a real slut. I'll just kill some time with Brad until Matt comes. Down I go.

I say, "That was Matt. He says he'll be four hours now."

Brad says, "Too bad. But we can hang out."

"Sure." I say.

He continues, "Why don't we dance some more?"

Aha, he wants to feel my bum again, sly boy. I like that plan. I go over to the music system and put on a slow, sexy song. We embrace and dance politely with his hands on my waist for a minute. His body is big and strong. Even in my heels, he is almost a head taller than me. My ex-husband was tall too. Brad is so masculine. His hands slide to my bum. I knew this would happen and that's why I played a slow song. Can't blame a woman for liking some sensuous touching from a virile young guy.

He murmurs, "There is that sexy ass again."

His hands are amazing. A groan gives away my pleasure. This is harmless fooling around.

He says, "You like that, right?"

"Yes Brad, I have to admit that feels very good."

Matts words are rolling around in my brain. He says its okay to fool around with Brad. That can't mean sex. Or does it? Could I be that much a slut? No way. Being with Matt is already a huge leap for me. Basically, begging him to come over for sex was something I never thought I could do. But I did. I know this horny, handsome young man is hot to have sex with me. But, I should hold onto some shred of decency and wait for Matt.

We sway slowly for many more minutes. Another slow song plays. His body is very nice against mine. I can feel his stiff erection on my stomach. Matts conversation swirls in my head again. He said Brad told him he had never been with an older lady and its lucky to be with one. It might be interesting to give him a taste of a real woman's erotic nature.

I shift my hands to his buttocks. They are very firm, more slender than Matt's but very sexy.

I look up at him and repeat what he said, "You like that, right?"

He gives a big boyish smile and says, "Yes, that feels so good."

His hands work on the fabric of the back of my skirt and I feel cool air up my thighs. The horny lad is pulling up my skirt.


Alright, the skirt is over her waist and I will feel her panty-covered ass. Ahhh. There. Her panties are satin smooth, and I can feel her skin on my finger tips at the undersides of each cheek.

She reacts to my touch. "Brad, what are you doing? You naughty boy."

"I thought you might like me feeling your bum this way even more."

She looks up. Her face is so beautiful. She doesn't say anything. She doesn't say stop. I'll press on. Our eyes are staring into each other as I slip one hand under her panty waistband and down onto her bare ass. She just closes her eyes and bites her lip. Holy fuck, she's letting me do this. I dip my other hand to the bare skin of the other cheek. She leans her head on my chest and we dance.


It's true. His hands on my naked bum feel so good. I could swim in this sensuous touch forever. I hug his strong body closer and relax into it. The song plays on sweetly. He gently massages my bare bum.

The song ends and a fast number comes on. We part and I pull the back of my skirt down. We dance fast and loose. He twirls me two or three times and I fall backwards into his embrace. He talks the liberty of holding my breasts. Bad boy. I spin away. What the hell, I spin back and he holds my chest again. We both laugh. I stay like this as he fondled my breast. It feels great. I spin away again and notice he has unbuttoned my two top buttons. The top of my bra is showing. Should I do them up. What the hell. It's innocent fun.


What a sexy lady. Her tits are spilling over that incredible purple bra. She loves to shake those things. Dammit the music stopped. We fall onto the sofa, exhausted. I pull her into my arms and hug her.

Panting, I say, "You are incredible."

She says, "And you are incredible too. Hey, all that touching was no accident you naughty boy."

I say, "You seemed to like it."


I'd like this young man to touch me more. But I couldn't make love with him. I'm just not that much of a slut. I'll wait for Matt for the real thing. I have an idea that will be safe but erotic. It will scratch my itch and give young Brad a taste of a mature woman's erotic nature.

"I'll tell you a secret Brad, women, especially older woman love to touch and be touched. Why don't we snuggle and make out for a while? I don't know what today's young people think making out is but in my teen days, it was sensuous touching with our clothes on. I'm with Matt, Brad. But we can fool around like that if you want. Deal?

His eyes light up like Christmas morning and says, "Deal."

"But you have to promise to respect my boundaries. Okay?"

He says, "Absolutely. No means no."

My heart starts to beat faster. I realize I just gave this young man free rein to explore my body. What will he do? An erotic shiver runs up me.


Wow. Fun time.

I pull her to me and we kiss. It's my habit with new girls to kiss and sneak a hand to cup their breast. I love to feel a girl's breasts. I've been yearning to hold Ann's. They are bigger and sexier than the teens I date. I cup her breast. She's wearing a bra but I can feel her hard nipple through it. She moans and locks her hands behind my neck. Fuck, she's letting me go anywhere. Permission accepted.

I run my thumb over the hard bud of her nipple.

She whispers, "Oh Brad, that feel so good."

I ask, "Can I unbutton your blouse?"

She hesitates and replies, "No sweetheart. This is good."

I paw her other breast through the smooth satin. She kisses my neck in submission. I feel a surge of energy that gives me the urge to just plunge my hand down inside her bra. But I've been trained to be respectful. It's so hard to hold back my instincts.

I whisper, "Ann your breasts are amazing. Breasts are my favorite and yours are the best."

She coos, "You're so sweet Brad."


His hands feel great but the bra blocks much of the sensation. I have an idea.

I get up and say, "I'll be right back." I run upstairs to my bedroom and take off my blouse and bra. Then I put the blouse back on, button it up and tuck the bottom into my skirt. He and I will get more pleasure with just my shear satin blouse between his hand and my breasts. I look in the mirror and can see faintly the dark circles of my areolas through the shear, white silk material. My stiff nipples are like headlights. When I looked in the mirror before the boys arrived, I saw a sexy, classy lady. Now I see a horny fox.

Let me undo another button to show some more of my breasts. He'll like that. I fix my hair with a brush and put on some more of the bright red lipstick and a bit of powder. That's better. I spray some of my favorite perfume on my wrists and cleavage. Now, back down I go. This is so much fun and so bloody erotic. Go girl, go.


Ann, is fucking amazing. My dick has never been harder. I wonder if its possible to cum in your pants by just getting super horny. That would be so embarrassing. I better adjust myself. It hurts at this angle. Ah, that's better.

Here she comes. Wow, I can't get over how hot she is. She sits down very close, hugs me and says softly in my ear. "I have a nice surprise for you since you have been so nice."

A wave of sexy perfume hits me. Maybe that's the surprise. She puts her hands behind my head and kisses me passionately. Her tongue searches for mine. This is a new way to kiss. So much hornier. I slip my hand to cup her breast. Holy shit, she isn't wearing a bra. Wow, they feel so much better. Unreal. My god, each one is a handful and a half. I break the kiss and look down at her chest in wonder. I can see the dark, round outline of her areolas. I

"Oh, thank you Ann. That's so cool a surprise. Thank you."


His eyes are bugging out, they are so excited. How horny is that.

I say, "Go ahead Brad. I love it when you feel them and hold them."

He goes to town on them with gusto. When I was young, I held in my vocal reaction. But over the years I've learned to let my feeling out. I moan and make girly noises loudly as he pleasures my breasts. My pussy is vibrating. I can smell the rich musky odor of my love juices.

A thought enters my primal brain that I want to feel his young balls. Not his cock, just his balls. I can see the outline of them in his pants below the tent in his slacks. That would be so naughty. His hands are driving me crazy. I dip my hand down there and cup his sack. He flinches at my touch.

I say, "Relax Brad, I just want to hold your balls so gently. Do your girlfriends hold your balls?"

"No ma'am," he says nervously.

"Do you like when I hold them and squeeze them like this?"

He gasps and nods yes. His eyes close as he drinks in the new sensation.

"Brad, its okay to let your feeling out like I did. Go ahead. Let it out. Tell me what you're feeling." I squeeze his ball-sack carefully.

He says loudly, "Oh fuck, that feels so good."

I ask, "What Brad?"

"Your hand feeling my nuts is incredible. Ahhh, oh fuck yes, just like that. Oh, oh, oh, ahhh."

I take my hand away and he growls like a dog in heat. He pulls me to him with great strength and puts his hand between my knees. I feel his raw passion rising, going near the edge. He's a horny young man that is so close to a hot pussy. I feel danger in the air. I reach down and hold his wrist before he plunges his hand up between my bare thighs.

"Okay Brad, cool down. Its all good. Just take a breath." The muscles in his arm relax. His heavy breathing slowly returns to normal. That's good. I pull his hand from my leg and kiss it. "Okay, Brad, relax. We have a few hours to get to know each other better. Why don't we have a nice dance. Is that okay with you." He nods.

I put on a slow ballad and melt into his strong arms. His hands go immediately to my bum and mine to his. We sway slowly, our bodies rubbing together so naturally. My pussy needs some friction. I reach behind me to his hand and place in the front of my skirt where my private parts are. I reach up and put my hands behind his neck.


She never stops surprising me. She's so horny. I dig my fingers into her crotch through the skirt.

She whispers girlishly, "Be gentle Brad. Girls are delicate you know."

I spread my fingers over her lower stomach and the bulge above her crotch. I slide my palm lower, over the bulge and into the depression at the top of her thighs. My hand is too large to go inward so I push my middle finger to the front of her pussy. The tart stops dancing and spreads her legs enough that my finger can feel a few inches deeper in her panty covered crotch. I twirl the end of my finger on her private parts. She gives a little girlie moan and puts her hand firmly over mine to still it.

"Oh my god Brad. No more. It's too much. So, so, sensitive. My god."

She brings my hand from her crotch to her lips and kisses it.


Brad is so great. I almost came there, his touch was so good. Let me give him some pleasure like he gave me.

"Just hold my bum sweetie."

He cups my ass-cheeks. I place my hand on the tent in the front of his slacks. He groans loudly. I run the flat of my hand along the underside of his erection from his balls to the tip.

In a deep voice he says firmly, "Yes, stroke my cock."

The young lad is a quick learner on making one's feelings known. I grip his staff through the material and stoke the loose skin slowly up and down. He holds my buns very tightly, massaging very deep. I feel I am playing with fire here. He is a testosterone filled athlete that might lose it if he gets too horny. But what the hell, I love the sense of erotic danger.

I drop my hand and pull his lower body against mine and rub his crotch with my body. He pulls my ass strongly and grinds his package more forcefully into me. I put a leg between his to get more direct friction on my pussy. He lifts me with two strong hands on my ass like I'm a feather and rubs his cock hard against my crotch with my feet in the air. I get worried.

"Slow down Brad. Relax."

His breathing slows and he returns my high heels to the floor. Whew, that was powerful. Holy shit.

"Let's sit down. Do you want a beer?" He nods and I go upstairs.


I just about lost it there. Jesus fuck, she is so hot. These experienced women are so forward. I've got to keep it together or I'll ruin everything. We still have hours to go. The way she held my dick, she's had lots of experience around a cock.

Here she comes.

"Here's a cold beer, big guy. Don't worry. It's all good. Let me massage your shoulders. Turn around." I turn and her hands go to the muscles at the base of my neck. Her hands are weak but its nice to have her touching me. I fall into a mellow grass high as I sip my beer. Her hands push on the muscles of my back.


His body is so toned. These elite athletes like him and Matt are so incredible. I love stroking his hard muscles. I hug him from behind and lean my cheek on his back. He has a masculine salty smell. I reach around and place my hands on his buff pecs through his T-shirt. I kiss him below his ear. He turns and kisses my neck. I surrender and hold his head as his hands return to my breasts.

Oh, he's running his hand down the blouse over my stomach. His finger tips push under the waistband of my skirt, but it is too snug to go further. This naughty boy is wanting to feel my pussy. That's fine. He puts his hand on my knee and my legs instinctively snap together. He moves his lips to mine in another kiss. I remember boys doing this when we were young to move girls sneakily to the next base.


As we kiss, her legs relax and part a little. My brain is filled with my fantasies of seeing the hairy pussy Matt bragged about. Fuck, I must see that. I run my palm up further on the inside of her thigh. Her legs part slowly, and the hem of her black skirt rises slowly to reveal the crotch of her panties. Holy shit, I can see right through to her pubes. Gee, can I touch her pussy. She's an adult woman. Gee.


Fuck, what's he waiting for? My pussy is begging to be touched. He's making me crazy.

I kiss him under his ear in submission and whisper, "Touch me there, Brad. It's okay, I want you to."

He grunts and quickly covers my crotch with his hand. I give a loud sigh of pleasure and wrap my legs around his hand.

I say in a low voice, "Yes, let's be still for a moment. The feeling is overwhelming. My word, your hand feels good. I bet you haven't felt the pussy of a real woman have you?" Talking sexy to this young man is so erotic.

He says sheepishly, "No ma'am."

"Real women love it when our pussies are being felt by a cute guy like you. And we like to feel their manhood too."

I cup his balls again at the base of the tent in his slacks. I'm feeling so powerful, so erotically powerful.

"Nice balls Brad. Let's check out your cock again." I grip his penis. It a good length that will please his future women.

I whisper in his ear, "Very nice, Brad. You'll make a lot of women happy with that."


Holy shit these older babes are so raunchy. My dick just softened a bit when she surprised me and grabbed it. Wow, she's stroking it through my pants. It's rock hard again.

She's spreading her legs and is pulling her skirt right up to show everything from the waist down. I can smell a strong musky-sweet odour in the air from her crotch.

I'll feel her down there. She said she wants it.


The skirt was blocking my view. His hand on my crotch is so horny. I want to see it. His fingers sliding along where my pussy resides is makes me crazy. Skin on skin would be so nice. The young man doesn't have too much experience but that's okay. But it would be so sweet if he were to dip his hand inside my panties. He's likely too shy. I'll show him the way. I kiss his neck and ear. Now I suck his earlobe. That made my ex so horny.

I whisper in his ear, "It's okay if I pull your zipper down and reach in?"

He instantly responds nervously, "Gee, sure."

I pull down his zipper slowly. He starts to pant. I reach in and find it hard to get past his underwear.

"Is it okay if I undo your belt and pants?"