Meet Desiree Jansen


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"So," she said and patted my back, "You said you could spot me a few quarters."

"Yes," I replied and realized there was no way I could turn around without revealing the massive erection she had caused. I desperately looked around for anything that could help me and was left empty handed. In a flash of desperate inspiration, I grabbed the clothesbasket and held it in front of me so that it hid my arousal from view. I said, "Yeah, uh come on."

"I can carry that," Desiree said and reached for the basket.

"I got it," I waved her off with one hand, "Let a guy be chivalrous."

She smiled warmly, her full lips stretching into a broad grin that was so sexy I felt myself begin to sweat again. We walked out of the laundry room and went to my apartment. I was thankful Karen was gone. Seeing me walking with Desiree would have been enough to give her fits, but seeing me walking with her shirtless would be the key to the Armageddon. I unlocked the gate and opened the sliding glass door.

"Here," I handed her the basket as I slipped inside, "Won't be but a minute."

I ran inside, being careful not to step on the broken glass as Desiree stood on the back porch. I didn't dare invite her inside as I ran into the kitchen and opened the freezer. I grabbed one of the blue colored Otter Pops from the back of the cold box as frigid air caressed my hot skin. My nipples went extremely hard as I held my breath, pulled the waistband of my shorts open and pressed the frozen treat against my throbbing member. I shivered and uttered a high-pitched squeak as the icy pop chilled my sex and began deflating my erection. I braced myself against the fridge as the treat did its work and I suffered silently. Finally, feeling like I had a frozen hotdog hanging between my legs, I tossed the Otter Pop in the sink and readjusted my shorts.

"Here you go," I smiled as I stepped back outside and handed Desiree five dollars in quarters, "Compliments of me."

"You're a sweet heart," she held the change in her cupped palms and then paused for a moment as though she wanted to say more.

"What?" I asked, maybe a little too eagerly.

"It's nothing," she turned and went back through the gate, nudging it shut with her painfully sexy ass, "Thanks again."

"Uh, Desiree?" I heard myself say, "You were going to say something, weren't you?"

She stopped, her eyes looking away as she bit her lip in deep thought. Finally, she said, "I was just wondering if you wanted to step in for some ice tea? But you know, considering what's going on with you and Karen maybe it's a bad idea."

It was a bad idea.

It was a milestone in the long history of bad ideas men and women are faced with everyday of their finite lives. I knew it was the worst idea to come down the pipe since searching for weapons of mass destruction became household lingo in the American subconscious. It was one of those ideas that without warning blossomed into a "Jerry Springer Show" episode complete with hair pulling, foul language and chair flinging brawls.

But she was being so kind to me, and we had developed such a good friendship over the last year. I enjoyed being around her and she made me feel good about myself. And she was hotter than hell in my opinion. She was one of those moms that guys in high school were desperate to fuck. She had a real, honest to God sexual magnetism that was so unassuming it was impossible to deny.

I looked down at my wedding ring and said, "You know, you're probably right Desiree... but thanks anyway."

The disappointment in her eyes was clearly visible, but I had to ignore it.

I was married, for better or worse.

Mostly worse.


The funny thing about what happened after I closed the sliding glass door was that I felt good about sticking to the vows. Desiree was certainly a temptation for me, and I think we both knew that. My body was tingling and begging for her, trying to convince me that it was right to go and have her for my own. I could feel myself being torn between my obligations here and my happiness there with her. I imagined she would be the perfect lover and that her passion would be unforgettable.

But, I had stuck to the vows. I felt good that I hadn't compromised myself, even in the face of such genuine temptation.

And then I saw Karen standing in the shadows of the living room. She was leaning against the small entry from the foyer, her arms crossed and her tongue planted firmly in her cheek. She was tapping her foot again as her sizable chest heaved in barely contained anger. Even her clothes looked pissed-off, her red t-shirt and dark shorts with that red hair made her look like a groupie for Satan.

"And just what the hell was that?"

"What was what?"

Karen pointed out the sliding glass door behind me and at Desiree, who was walking away counting the quarters I had given her. I looked over my shoulder and then turned back, "I loaned her some money to finish her laundry. She was carrying a big load and dropped it. The clothes got dirty. I helped her out."

"I'm sure you did," Karen glared at me, her insinuation anything but subtle.

"Knock it off," I said and made to walk past her and go upstairs. The need to urinate had come on strong in the last few minutes and it was time to heed the call. But Karen did not move.

"What's going on between you two?" she asked plainly.

I looked at her, my eyes wide as she stood in the way and would not let me pass. I said, "Beyond the sordid affair of my helping her with her whites?"

"You know what I mean..."

"No one knows what you mean!"


"I gotta take a piss! Would you move?"

"What's going on, Clark?"

"Her whites got dirty so I helped her out," I said incredulously, "Nothing else happened."


"Look," I hissed at her, my blood heating up as my face flushed, "Who the fuck do you think you are? You think we're fucking around behind your back? Well you're wrong."

"Am I?"

I held up my left hand wiggled my ring finger violently, "This means something, Karen. It's a promise to stay loyal, no matter what happens or what the temptation! No matter how much bullshit you shovel out!"

"So you're saying you're tempted?" she jabbed.

"Jesus Christ!" I put my hands to my head and walked back into the living room, "What do you want from me? I can't win with you!"

"I see how she looks at you," she said disgustedly, "And I've seen how you look at her."

"You're insane!" I cried out, though denying that Desiree and I had shared appreciative glances was a lie. I knew that, but I also knew Karen could take a molehill and make a fucking mountain out of it if you let her.

"I saw this coming," she laughed and kicked the wall hard with her shoe, "Oh yes. It was going to happen sooner or later. Karen, the big old fat housewife gets dumped again!"

"You're not fat and you're not dumb!" I shouted, "Why do you keep doing this! You're driving me insane! Just stop it!"

"Well then maybe you should just fucking leave," she spat.

"I'm not the one with the problem here," I shot back, "I'm not the one accusing people of cheating when they're not. I'm not the one living in a state of constant paranoia! I'm not the one who's hurting, and making fun of people I supposedly care about!"

"Please..." she rolled her eyes.

"No!" I shouted and grabbed the vase from the dining room table, "I'm not the one throwing shit against the walls and then pointing fingers and blaming my spouse!"

I chucked the vase against the wall as hard as I could. It shattered and fell into a million pieces as she stepped back, her eyes wide and surprised. She had crossed the line and she knew it. I pointed at her, "I'm not the fucking lunatic here! You are!"

Karen's mouth hung open stupidly.

I looked at the shattered vase and shouted, "You see that shit?! I did that Karen! It was my fucking choice to break it against the wall and I accept the responsibility for that too! I'm not gonna blame you!"

"And your point?"

My mouth hung open stupidly, "Take some fucking responsibility for your action and act like a goddam 28 year old instead of like a 5 year old!"

Karen looked at me and said, "It doesn't matter anyway."

"What doesn't matter?"

"We're never going to have a sex life again..."

" God," I staggered back dramatically, "Our marriage is falling apart at the seams and all you can think about is getting fucked?"

"It's true! You hate me! Everyone hates me!"

"People don't like you because you whine and complain and bitch all day long and never give anyone a chance to help you! And even when they do, you blow them off!"

"See, I was right."

"I'm done," I threw my hands up in the air and went to walk past her. My bladder was pounding mercilessly and I needed to go now. I had been through these motions before, it was the same fucking song just a different verse. As I walked to up to her, she wouldn't move out of the way. I looked at her and said, "Unless you want me to shower your leg, move."

"God, what do you want from me? I can never be good enough for you," she cried, her tears fat and obvious on her flushed cheeks, "What do you want?"

I had heard enough. I growled at her, "I want you to grow the fuck up and be my wife or get out. I will not raise our children in this kind of environment."

"Oh," she said, "So I'm screwing up the kids now too?"

"If we can't get out shit together then YES! We'll both responsible for them growing up completely fucked! Katy will grow up think it's okay to act like you do and Michael will grow up seeing us fight and he'll think out bullshit is normal. It'll be your fault being a four-alarm bitch and it'll be my fault letting it happen!"

"You're not taking MY children from me," she seethed.

"That's funny," I smiled sarcastically, "I thought we shared them?"

She said nothing.

"You know," I stared at her, "If they were that important to you, you wouldn't have made you anti-depressant cocktail and tried to kill yourself while I was at work and they were right there watching. A two year old and a newborn watching their momma die slowly on the stairs. Yeah, that's love as only a mother can give..."

She slapped me hard across the face. I was stunned and angry and hurt and completely broken all at the same time. Our catch-22 of a marriage had just been taken to the next level by a flip of her wrist. My cheek stung for a moment as the slap echoed through the apartment. It was our very own "shot heard 'round the world." I put a hand to my cheek as tears welled in my eyes.

"I want a divorce," she said hatefully, "You're going to leave anyway so I might as well beat you to the punch."

She was baiting me, daring me to argue with her again.

I wasn't going to bite this time.

I nodded quietly and then slipped my wedding ring off. I held the gold band in my palm for a moment, feeling a bit like Frodo must have felt in the Cracks of Doom before he had to decide to give the ring of power up or to keep it. I rubbed my index finger across the smooth surface and then opened my palm. The ring fell to the floor and clicked and clattered and then rolled to her feet.

"Do what you must," I said and then shouldered my way past her and up the stairs.


When I came back downstairs, Karen was gone.

My ring and, her engagement and wedding ring were on the dinning room table in a casual mess. I looked out at the front window, pulling back the thick curtains to see if she was still here somewhere. Her car was gone from the parking lot. I sighed and looked at the rings, feeling a strange mix of sadness and yet a sense of relief. It was bizarre to feel that way, but it also helped me understand my own state of mind and my true feelings for my soon-to-be ex-wife.

I stepped outside, feeling hot and totally lost. The temperature was over 90 degrees as the hour rolled on to three o'clock. The humidity was high and muggy as the air caused my flesh to mist with sweat again. I wiped my forehead of perspiration and put my hands on my hips.

It had finally happened. Desiree was right. She wanted out.

I was startled as Desiree came back out of the laundry room and smiled at me, looking a little embarrassed. I suddenly felt the need to do something about my all time low in life. I knew I needed to break the bonds of this farce of a marriage. Karen didn't want me anymore? Fine. Let's just forget that I had stood by her through all her crap and put up with all her bullshit. Let's just forget that I forgave more times than I can count for her crazy accusations shitty treatment.

I looked at Desiree and said, "Hey."

"Hey you," she walked towards her apartment door, just caddy corner with our back porch, "You okay?"

"No," I said, "Not at all."

"What happened?" she frowned and walked over to me.

"Karen just said she wants a divorce."

Desiree shook her head, "I am so sorry. What did you do?"

"I tossed my ring at her and she took off."

"Oh Clark," she put her hand on mine as I braced myself against the fence, "Is there anything I can do?"

I thought for a moment and then shrugged, "Yes there is."

Desiree looked at me expectantly, "What?"

"Tea," I said finally, "Ice tea would be lovely."

Desiree smiled, "Come on in."


"I'm sorry it's so hot in here," Desiree said as I sat in her kitchen. Her apartment was roasting as I waited for the tea, sweating a pint a minute. My shorts were becoming damp as I sat there, my skin beginning to glisten in the afternoon sun. She said, "My A.C. is broken."

"You should get that fixed," I said as she handed me the glass of tea. Four cubes floated in the amber colored fluid and I licked my lips in anticipation.

"Money," she sat down beside me and took a sip of her own tea. She tilted her head back and actually took several large chugs. Her throat worked in and out as she swallowed, and I was suddenly seized with images of her working her mouth and throat around things other than ice and tea.

"There is never enough of it," I said, trying to make small talk and failing miserably.

"Among other things," she said and sat her glass down, "Pardon me for being so rude. I was just really thirsty."

"No sweat," I smiled as sweat dripping into my eyes and stung.

"You look hot," she said uncertainly, her fingers playing with the fine slice of lemon in her drink.

"It's a hot day," I replied.

"No," she shook her head and blushed, "I mean you look hot, Clark. You look really good."

"Oh," I turned my eyes away and felt my cock begin to stir again, "Well, thank you."

"Karen's a fucking idiot," Desiree said and let her black, shoulder length hair fall around her shoulders, "You're the perfect guy."

"I don't feel like the perfect guy," I said.

"You look like it," she said suggestively and stirred her drink with her index finger. The sunlight was casting through the kitchen windows and catching her eyes, lighting them up and allowing her to look right through me. I felt myself becoming aroused to the point of dizziness as she looked at my body.

"You can do much better," she said and then got up. She went to the cabinet over her stove and opened the door, searching for another box of ice tea to replace what we were drinking. She was up on her tiptoes, straining her neck to see into the highly placed cabinet. Her huge breasts were bouncing with her movements as she shuffled the contents around.

"You need some help?" I asked, feeling more and more ambitious.

"Yeah," she said as she leaned against the stove, still trying to peer in, "Can you grab that little box of Lipton right there on top of the peanut butter?"

"Sure," I walked over and reached up into the cabinet. As my body stretched out to cover the distance, she relaxed and looked at me again, making no move to back away or give me any space. Her eyes rested on mine hypnotically as I grabbed the box and handed it to her. She looked at it and then at me, "Thank you."

"You're welcome," I said stupidly, not wanting to back away from her but unable to think of any reason why I should stay where I was beyond that I wanted her.

"You look really good, Clark," her eyes fell across the twin slabs of my pectorals and the lines of my stomach and waist as she set the box down on the counter slowly. Sweat was misted finely across her milky skin in a glistening highlight. It accentuated her cheeks and delicate nose and prominently displayed the generous amount of cleavage she was showing me. I watched as her eyes fell down to my crotch. My shorts were tented out and obvious. My heart thundered as she licked her lips and said, "You seem to have a problem."

I nodded, my mind locked into a primal pursuit of Desiree and her sex, "Yeah, I guess so."

"I could," she began and looked away, "I could help you... with that, you know?"

"Could you?" I asked stupidly as we inched closer to each other. I couldn't believe this was happening.

Desiree said, "I don't want to make things worse for you, Clark."

"Tell me what you're thinking," I said, though I was searching for an excuse to leave before things went too far. In my mind, all I could hear was that angry slap across my face.

She hesitated, her eyes meeting mine after a moment of deliberation, "I'm thinking of you... and me together..."


"I'm thinking of your body," she gently placed her slender hands on my chest and felt my burning flesh, "I'm thinking of what it would feel like against mine."

"Are you?" I managed as my cock became painfully erect.

"I'm thinking about how long I've wanted to touch you," she whispered and came closer to me, her hands sliding across my wet, bare shoulders and down my arms, "How badly I've wanted you to touch me."

I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and then grabbed the bottom of her white tank top. She looked at me and granted me her acquiescence to continue. I pulled the bottom of her tank top up slowly, revealing her stomach first and then the bottoms of her huge breasts. They were untouched by the sun and a pale white, milky and enticing. As the fabric came up I could see the faint signs of blue veins under her silky flesh. And then I saw her areolas and her rock hard nubs. The nipples were protruding out and begging to be licked and suckled. Desiree raised her arms above her head as I slid the shirt up and over her face.

"You're so beautiful," I said as I tossed her shirt away. She stood before me there in her kitchen, bare breasted and looking impossibly gorgeous in only her white skirt. Her stomach was a little pooched out, but it actually worked to her advantage.

Desiree stepped towards me and pressed her body against mine, our sweaty skin slick and burning with internal heat. I could feel her breasts pressed to my chest like two fleshy pillows, large and comforting. The silky mounds slid against me as she embraced my body, her nipples hard and specific against my chest. She pushed her hips against mine and I knew she could feel the full length of my erection as we held each other, her face against my neck and her lips gently kissing. I slid my hands down her back to her skirt where I began cupping and massaging her ass.

"You feel so good," she licked my jaw line.

I tilted my face down to hers and our lips met together, forming a seal that bypassed the hesitant first kiss between new lovers and went right to experienced needful lust. I felt our tongues sliding around inside the combined cavern of our mouths as my breathing became more rapid, more urgent. Our hands explored each other with a ravenous need as I squeezed her supple ass and grinded my cock against her thigh. Her fingers rested on my shoulders as we passionately kissed and then began to work down towards my ass, tracing along my spine slowly as she sucked on my tongue.

As she moaned into my mouth she broke the kiss long enough to tell me, "I've wanted this for so long,"