Meeting Kelsey Ch. 02: Missing Kelsey


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"What?" Greg asked incredulously.

"Get out of my room Greg, NOW!" I shouted.

He got up and got dressed, quite angrily with each article he pulled on. "What is your problem Jess? I thought you wanted to fuck? I mean, finally, I thought maybe I was going to get inside your pants. I know you want to. Kelsey told me it would probably happen this week. Now you are pissed because ... why?"

"Kelsey told you it would probably happen this week?" I asked and half shouted. "Did she plan the gang suck on the bus too? Get the fuck out!"

He yanked his shoes on. "Actually, yes, it was her idea. The gang suck thing. She said it would get you hot as hell and I'd finally get to fuck you. And I know you want to. But, no, you are going to save it for marriage or what? I mean what the hell Jessica, you aren't a virgin. Haven't I been with you long enough, faithful to you this whole time? What are you holding out for?" He pulled on his coat as he said the last part.

"Wow!" I exclaimed. "She really..." I couldn't believe that he actually thought that by getting me to blow nineteen guys I would suddenly want to fuck him. Was he wrong? Was Kelsey wrong? I didn't know, but I wasn't going to find out tonight. I grabbed him by the collar of his coat and kissed him hard on the lips. It surprised him, but it cooled the tempers for a moment.

"Call me in the morning. I'm... I need some time Greg. It... I need to think." What I wanted to say is that he needed to be my boyfriend and be a man, but I wimped out on saying what I was thinking.

"Okay Jess." Greg frowned. "I'll call you in the morning. Goodnight." And he kissed me quickly and headed out the door.

I fell into my bed and fumed for about an hour before falling mercifully asleep.

The next morning, I was awakened by my cell phone. I groggily got out of bed and retrieved it from my purse. "Hello?" I answered through half closed eyes, not even looking at the phone to see who was calling or what time it was.

"Good morning sleepy head." Kelsey chirped. "I hear you were quite the slut last night."

I groaned. Kelsey giggled on the other end of the phone.

"I am so proud of you Jessica. The boys have been raving on and on non-stop about how fantastic you were. Jake told me all about the bull ride too. I won't even penalize you for that one, since it was technically not your fault. So, I hear you want to fuck Greg now." She paused for an answer.

"Kelsey, I'm not in the mood." I replied.

"Well, that is good, because the answer is no. I don't think I want my pussy being entered by Greg's cock ever. He just really doesn't deserve it. I mean, he was going to let that whole bus load of guys use your mouth like a cum dump. He isn't really the right guy for you. I'm going to find you someone better for your first college fuck."

"What?!" I yelled. "Kelsey, Greg is my boyfriend. You are not going to pick who I date!"

She laughed. "Oh Jessica, you are so cute. Of course I am. I am going to decide everything for you in your social life from now on. You'll see. You'll like it in the end. Now, Jake will be there in about an hour to pick you up. You are going to go to his place this time and give him a nice long blow job like you bragged about yesterday. He is so looking forward to it. I have to say, I'm going to have to be careful with you around you little slut."

"Kelsey!" I screamed into the phone. "Stop it! I am not doing that! Stop it! You don't own me. Just leave me alone." She had a lot of nerve. I was really getting pissed at her presumptions.

"Jessica, don't raise your voice to me. I'm cutting you some slack here because this is so new to you, but don't push it. You are going to do as I just told you to do or I will work my magic on Greg and turn you into the frat whore. Surely you don't want to be that do you Jessica?"

"No Kelsey, I don't and I wouldn't. You might think you have everyone wound up and dancing for you like puppets on a string, but I am not some mindless little whore for you to pimp out wherever you want." I was really getting pissed off, and first thing in the morning too.

"Oh? Did you do last night of your own design then?" She giggled. "Was it your idea to blow Greg and Jake in front of the guys? Was it your plan to suck my boyfriend off twice yesterday?"

"I'm hanging up now Kelsey. I am locking my door and I am not going anywhere with Jake."

"Jessica, when you hang up, check the email I just sent you. Then call me back and apologize. You are going to be punished." She hung up on me.

That bitch hung up on me! I so wanted to do the hanging up. I drug myself into my chair and checked my email. There was one from Kelsey and I opened it. It read, 'click for a laugh' and had an attachment. I clicked it and there was a clip of me with my ass bared to the camera riding that damned bull from last night. I sunk down into my chair and fumed. Had Jake taken this last night? You could see my ass and my face plain as day as I clung to that fucking bull.

It must have been when the guy was bringing me to the edge of an orgasm, because my pussy was pressed against the damned thing, which was fortunate since I could tell that my thong had indeed slipped to the side in all the bumping. My face was flushed and I was screaming for the guy to stop. So, whoever had taken this video had definitely known I was screaming for help. I felt so humiliated seeing this clip. How many others had the same or worse on their phones today? Why was she showing me this anyway? I knew what happened last night, I didn't need her video reminder of my shame.

Was she blackmailing me? Oh God! She had my contact list. She had my parents, my siblings, my friends from back home, everyone!

I broke into a sweat. She wouldn't resort to blackmail would she? But, why else would she tell me to look at it and call her back? I started to hyperventilate. I fell to the floor and nearly vomited.

It took awhile, but I finally got myself under control enough to breath normally again. I got back into my chair and calmed myself down with a bottle of water. A few minutes later, I rang her back.

"Hello Jessica." Kelsey said so sweetly as she answered the phone. "Before you say anything else, I think a nice heartfelt apology is in order." And she waited for it.

"Are you ... What are you going to do with that clip Kelsey?" I asked, trying to keep my lower lip from quivering too much.

"That doesn't sound like an apology." She paused. "The clip was just sent to one person on your contact list, want to know who it was?" She laughed.

"Stop! Oh God no Kelsey, please?" I begged, falling onto my knees.

"I do like begging, but you still aren't apologizing." Another pause. "You really are going to have to get better at this or get more friends on your contact list. That is two copies sent. Shall we try again?"

"I'm sorry Kelsey! Please! I'm sorry I yelled at you, please stop this!" I cried out into the phone.

"Good try, but you are yelling, not humbly apologizing." Another pause. "Three down, forty-seven left."

I shook violently. She was ruining me. "Kelsey..." I whispered. "I am very sorry for shouting at you and for questioning you. I will do whatever you ask. Please forgive me for being so insolent." I didn't feel it, but I said it in what I thought was a convincing way.

"There, so much better Jessica. Now, I have many more clips by the way and pictures. Not just of the bull riding, but the one I showed you was tamer than many others. So, let's not do this again okay? I hate hurting you Jessica, I really do. Don't force me to do it again."

"Yes Kelsey, I'm terribly sorry." I whispered.

"Now, when I get off the phone, you will go to the shower and get a nice hot one. I want you to wear something sexy, but not whorish like last night. After all, Jake has standards, I can't have my man being seen with common sluts, at least not apparently so. You have an hour. When you are with Jake, you will do anything he asks of you. Even if he wants to fuck you, you will do it and you will tell me. I am not giving you permission to fuck him by the way, nor am I giving him permission to fuck you. But, I want to know if I can trust my Jake while I am away."

"Do not tell him anything about this part of the conversation. If you warn him about it or lie to me, I will find out, you believe that don't you Jessica?"

"Y-yes Kelsey." I stammered.

"Good. Now, you will, as I said, do anything and everything he tells you to do today. It seems Greg has been having second thoughts and is leaving for home today for Christmas break. I'm sorry about that, I am. But, really Jessica, you two were not a good combination. You are way too good for Greg. I'm not saying you can't salvage it for awhile. He isn't ready to break up with you yet, but I think you should prepare for it, it seems likely to happen. He is just too weak to stand up for you and too invested to treat you like he should."

"When Jake is finished with you, he will bring you back to your dorm room. There will be a box inside your room, so leave the door unlocked. You will call me before you open it. Do not open it until I tell you to do so. Do you understand?"

"Yes Kelsey." I whispered, I couldn't even find my voice with her anymore.

"Good girl. Now, put your phone in the charger, I'm sure the battery must be close to dead by now, just leave it there, you won't need it while you are with Jake. I'll talk to you later today. Try to have fun." She laughed softly. "Jessica?" She said softly to elicit a response.

"Yes Kelsey?" I gasped into the phone at my spiraling out of control life.

"I know this is hard for you, I've told you as much before. When I get back, things will be a lot better, I promise. This is just really bad timing, you falling into my lap when I had to leave the next day. One other thing, I know you hate me right now and that is okay. I suppose if I were in your shoes, I would feel the same way. You can hate me, its okay, but don't ever disrespect me. It will not go well for you and you will do anything I want anyway."

I hoped she was done, but I was in for a blow. "Your punishment is that you will go in your robe only, with a towel and your shower things to the first floor and shower there."

I gasped. "Please Kelsey," I started weeping, "Please don't do this. I'm sorry, I swear, I'll make it up to you. I'll give Jake the best blowjob I can. I'll do anything, but oh God, I could be raped."

"You won't be raped. There is always so much embellishment with you. Get going now, Jake will be there in an hour. If you aren't in your room, I guess he will have to go to the first floor bathroom to stop the gang bang that you were too stupid to prevent."

The dormitory that I lived in was co-ed. There were boys only on the first floor, a mix on the second floor and only girls on my floor, the third floor. Of course, boys were allowed on the third and girls on the first, but not to live in the rooms there.

I didn't see any way out except to lie to her and I was pretty sure she would find out if I did that, so I grabbed my shampoo, soap and towel, wrapped myself in my robe and descended the stairs to the first floor. I was shaking the whole way.

I cautiously opened the door from the stairwell onto the first floor. I had never been on the first floor before, excepting the lobby and the common rooms, but as I expected, the layout was the same from the side. Nobody in the halls, I darted down to the corner, turned and ran through the empty hall into the bathroom. I didn't slow down and barreled into the bathroom and cringed as I heard the sound of running water. I looked around quickly.

There were curtains over a few stalls and steam rising from the tops. There were clothes and toiletries on the benches in the middle and a shaving kit at one of the sinks. I needed to move fast before someone decided to come out and dry off. I padded carefully across the wet floor and into an empty stall with an empty stall between it and the next occupied one. I yanked the curtain closed and tried to control my breathing.

I was in a bathroom with at least three naked boys who were showering. Sure, they didn't know I was there, but I knew and it was causing a panic in me. I hung my robe on the shower handle, my towel over the top of the shower and turned on the water. Of course it started cold and I bit my teeth so as not to shriek and alert the fellow bathers to the presence of a woman in the bathroom.

I waited, dancing on my toes, for the water to warm up and then I plunged in and washed my hair savagely. I wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible. When my hair was saturated in shampoo, I soaped up my body. I trembled every time I heard a guy's voice. It happened a lot unfortunately. Some other guys entered and some left and some just chatted to each other across the stall walls.

"Dude, you hear about that girl that took on a whole bus last night?" Endless chatter aside, this one caught my attention.

"Yeah right. Somebody is always making shit like that up." Came a reply.

"Seriously man, I heard she fucked every one of them and even took it up the ass by some black guy with like a fourteen inch cock."

I didn't know whether to be shocked or amused by the lie, but the fact that the rumor had built that much that fast had me terrified of being found out.

"Listen to yourself bro. First of all, any mother fucker with a fourteen inch cock doesn't need to waste his time at college. Second, what is the chick's name? What does she look like? Sounds like a bunch of crap to me."

"Bro, I am telling you, I heard it straight from Gibby, you know that linebacker friend of mine. He said a bunch of them took the bus to PBR last night and this chick fucked the mechanical bull then ran a train on the guys all the way back to the frat house. She had so much cum dripping out of her holes, they hosed her down before they took her in to fuck the rest of the house. He said she will be there tomorrow night to do another train. I'm going man, I don't know about you."

The other guy laughed. "He is telling you that shit to get you to come to his lame ass wiener fest party. Most of the girls are gone for the break already. Go if you want to, I'm hitting the clubs where I have a better chance of getting laid for real instead of by some fairy tale."

This guy was my hero. I mean, obviously some of it was true, but thank God not everyone was blindly believing this story. I rinsed slower to see if there was more to be told, but the conversation changed to when they were leaving and I quickly finished up and turned off the water. I dried my hair.

Once my hair was reasonably dry, I toweled off my body and wrapped my hair in the towel and put on my robe. Now came the tricky part. The bathroom was much noisier now and more occupied than when I snuck in. I had no idea how much time had passed, but Jake would be in here dragging me out if I wasn't upstairs, I was sure of that.

I peeked out through the curtain and sure enough, there were guys in all states of undress out there. Some were just hanging out naked, and I do mean hanging out. I steeled myself, this was going to be difficult. I couldn't run, I'd probably slip on the wet floor and knock myself unconscious and really wake up to a gangbang. So, I'd have to do it the obvious way. I didn't try to draw attention to myself, but when I pulled the curtain back and stepped into the room, it was a given that it happened.

I took a few steps out and all conversation stopped as one guy started laughing. I saw naked bodies everywhere. A couple of them yanked their towels up around them. One guy apparently thought he was impressive and stood there staring at me, not covering up one bit. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I wasn't sure what else to do, I surely didn't want him to think I was here to hook up. I kept walking.

"Where you going so fast?" One guy asked.

"Damn girl, I would have washed your back if I had known you were there." Another added.

"I think this is what you are looking for." A guy to my left said as he held his dick in his hand towards me.

"Sorry guys, umm..." I couldn't think up a lie quick enough and was blushing heavily as I continued to make my way to the door. I kept my eyes as averted as possible, but peripheral vision was quite revealing.

"What's your name baby?" Another guy asked.

"Dude, that is the girl!" Someone shouted.

"What girl?" Asked about four guys at once and I picked up my speed towards the door. I was nearly running as I yanked the bathroom door open and heard.

"The slut from the bus last night."

I broke into a run. I didn't know if anyone was chasing me or not. I didn't slow down to find out. I ran all the way up to my room and locked the door behind me and fell down on my bed and cried. I was the slut from the bus now. I wasn't Jessica, I wasn't even Greg's girlfriend, I was the slut from the bus.

I screamed into my pillow. I punched at my bed. How the hell had I gone from a respectable student to the slut from the bus? Kelsey, of course, oh how I hated her. The whole school was finding out about me. It was worse than I had feared. I thought I would just get a whisper now and then about being a blowjob queen or something. No, I was now the bus slut.

About ten minutes of tearing into my inanimate and uncaring bedclothes, I got up and dressed in a mid-thigh skirt and a pullover. I was just putting on a pair of low heels when the door knob turned and finding the door locked, there was a knock on the door.

"Just a minute." I called to whoever was on the other side, as I pulled on my second shoe and walked over and unlocked the door. I figured it was Jake, and I wasn't wrong. He took a look at me and he just rolled his eyes and frowned.

"Jessica, you sure do cry a lot. What the fuck is wrong this time?" He pushed by me.

I didn't feel like getting into it, because he was obviously not in the mood to care at all. "Just give me a minute to put on some make up Jake, you'll never know I was crying." I fumed and went over to start applying.

"You know Jess, a lot of women would love to suck my dick. If it is that big a fucking deal, just call Kelsey and I'm sure she will let you off the hook. I'm tired of this shit."

I turned and looked at him. I had made him feel insecure. How funny is that? I almost laughed, but I knew that would really piss him off. "Jake, they know. The whole fucking school knows."

"They know what Jessica?" He asked, either being intentionally ignorant or fucking with my head.

"They are calling me the bus slut Jake. They even know what I look like." I wasn't crying so hard anymore, but my lip was shaking as I said it and tears probably weren't far behind.

"Oh for God's sake Jessica. It's just rumor mill bullshit. It will be dead soon and they will talk about some chick who fucked a horse or a gear shift or some other lie. You really thought it wouldn't get out at all?" He was exasperated with me.

"I didn't think that people would point me out in school Jake. I didn't really think about it much at all. I..." I didn't want to cry again, I turned away from him and shuddered, taking in a deep breath.

Jake walked over and put his hands on my shoulders. I trembled at his touch. "Jessica, you're a slut now."

I shook at the word. "It isn't so bad. So, let them talk. Let me tell you something, there is no such thing as bad publicity, you've heard that before right? Better they talk about you and you are somebody than you go through life as nobody. You are hanging with Kelsey and I now. You are going to be known. Kelsey knew this would happen and she will straighten it out when she gets back. They are going to make comments, rude ones. They are going to point at you. Boys will want to fuck you. Girls will be jealous and hate you for the fact that their boyfriends and the boys they want as boyfriends want you because you are the school slut."
