Megan & Kasey - Job Training Ch. 02


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Rothman went on to explain the rest of the day's schedule to them. "You will be leaving soon with Mrs. Brandt. You are going to Mr. Quigley's new store for a marketing meeting, which is why your mom will be there. I'm not sure what else he has planned for you, but I'm sure it will be fun. Then, tonight you will both report to Mick and Harry. Tomorrow, I will pick you up at 8 a.m. for our flight, Megan. Kasey, you will be working with Quigley and I think Mr. Yelton, the photographer. Mick and Harry can confirm that with you tonight."

"Yes, sir," Kasey said. "Thank you, sir."

Fifteen minutes later, Susan Brandt texted that she was waiting for them in the parking lot. They hurried out to meet her. Megan got in the front seat and Kasey climbed into the back of Susan's SUV.

"Hello ladies," Susan greeted them. "Don't you both look lovely."

"Thanks, Mom," Megan said.

"And thanks for picking us up," Kasey added.

"My pleasure. So what do you two think of the work world so far? You certainly dress differently than you did for high school, don't you?"

"That's for sure!" Kasey laughed. "I love dressing up though."

"And the office has been great so far," Megan added. "It's really interesting. I can't wait to see what the negotiations are like on our trip."

"I have to tell you, I was a little concerned at first when I heard about that trip," Susan said. "Mr. Rothman has a, well, he is known to fool around. But you're so much younger and your dad works there. I know he wouldn't dream of laying a hand on either of you. I realized it was a pretty foolish thought."

"Yeah," Megan forced a laugh. "He's like a dinosaur!"

"Hey, he's about the same age as me and your father," Susan mock scolded.

"Exactly!" Megan laughed for real this time. It was good to see her mom in a good mood. She felt like she hadn't seen either of her parents look happy since their return from their trip. Whatever was happening with their relationship, it was taking its toll on both of them. "It's good to see you smiling for a change, Mom."

"Thanks," Susan said. "You know whatever happens, your dad and I will always love each other and you."

"I know," Megan said. "I just want you to both be happy, like you used to be."

"Me too," Susan said. "We just have to figure out if we can be happy together anymore or not. We don't argue or fight. We don't wish any ill will toward each other. But the spark is gone."

"It can come back though, right?" Kasey offered.

"Maybe," Susan said. "But it's been gone a long time. I think he needs something I can't give him and I need something he can't give me. It's no one's fault."

"What do you need to be happy, Mom?" Megan asked.

"Oh, it's complicated and simple all at once, I suppose," Susan said. "Your dad is a wonderful man. Kind, gentle, giving, honest, hard-working. There's nothing wrong with him. But, well, he's too nice sometimes. Too passive. Sometimes I need to be more of a man and to make me feel more like a woman. Like I'm irresistible. Like I excite him and he..." her voice trailed off.

"Like he has to have you," Megan finished the sentence for you. "All of you. Any way he wants."

"First, when did you start thinking like that," Susan laughed, nodding. "And second, yes, exactly like that. I love how kind he is, but I need to know that he has to have me."

"What do you think he needs?" Megan asked.

"He needs someone who takes charge, who tells him what she needs," Susan said. "He's such a giver, he never thinks about his own desires. He only wants to provide. I think he feels like being more, well, aggressive or demanding is demeaning or selfish. That's just his nature. I love it about him, but I also am bored and feel average because there's no intensity."

"That makes me sad to hear you feel that way," Megan said. "You know you're so beautiful and attractive. I'm sure he wants you as much now as he ever did. He just doesn't know how to show it."

"You're probably right," Susan sighed. "But I'm tired of trying to teach him. I don't know how. And my patience is gone. I need a change. And so does he. I want him to be happy as much as I want to be happy myself."

"I know you do," Megan frowned. "I wish I could help. So, what are you going to do?"

"I think we are going to take a break from each other," Susan said. "Not get a divorce just yet, but maybe see other people. We've talked about it. Trying to be open, to see if separation makes us happier or sparks the old flame. We just need answers at this point. Are you OK with all this?"

"Of course, Mom," Megan said, toucher her mom's shoulder. "As long as you two don't hate each other and you're both happy, then I'm happy."

"Always so mature," Susan smiled. "You know we're both very proud of you."

"I'm proud of you too," Megan smiled.

Kasey was hearing all this and her mind was a whirl. She had an idea. A crazy idea. It had to be crazy. But it would work. She knew it would. Or at least it would be fun trying. She shook the thoughts from her head and focused again on the conversation from the front seat. Megan had changed the topic to today's meeting with Mr. Quigley.

"So we will be talking about our plans and vision for this store," Susan was saying. "I'm not sure how you two fit in exactly, but he's a very smart and successful man, so I'm sure you will learn a lot about sales, marketing, and running a business. This is an unbelievable opportunity for you both."

"I'm so excited," Kasey said. "I love the clothes he has in his stores."

"They are pretty sexy, but quite lovely," Susan smiled. "But this store is for a different market. Night clubs, strip clubs and, well, the bedroom. So I don't think you'll be wearing these clothes any time soon."

Megan and Kasey shared a quick, knowing glance. "Probably not," Megan said. "But if he gives us some, can we keep them and try them?"

"Hmm," Susan frowned. "I guess so. I have to remember that you're both adults. Grown young women. I have to accept that you'll be wanting to dress for certain occasions. Just be careful. It's not right, but men will make assumptions about you based on how you dress."

Megan was impressed by her maturity, but not really surprised. Her mom was always pretty cool like that. Both her parents were. She always thought they were both naïve. Now she was sensing it was just her dad who was straight-laced and naïve. Her mom, well, she sounded like she had a wild side to her that was waiting to get out. She just wished her dad knew how to make that happen.

They stopped at a local diner for lunch, then arrived at Quigley's store, which was not officially open yet. Quigley met them at the front door, letting them in and then locking the door behind them. He exchanged greetings and idle conversation with them as he led them through the store which was mostly stocked with racks of garments, most of them meant, as Susan had said, for the night club, strip club or bedroom. Every item screamed sex.

The girls glanced at the various items, recognizing many of them as things that now hung in their own closets. He led them to a back hallway and into a conference room. Dr. Meeks, the plastic surgeon who also owned a strip club, was seated at the table along with Mr. Yelton, the photographer.

Since Yelton had taken the senior photos for both girls and Megan had gone with her mom to her appointment with Dr. Meeks, the girls were at least able to act like they had met these men before. They followed their lead, as Yelton commented how much they had grown up since those photos and congratulating them on graduating. Meeks re-introduced himself to Megan and acted like he and Kasey had never seen each other before. She played right along, "Very nice to meet you, sir," she said, shaking his hand. Susan never suspected that all the men in the room had fucked Megan and Kasey several times in the past week.

"So, let me just explain everyone's role here," Quigley began after everyone sat down. "Susan is our account rep from the marketing agency. She's been working with us for years. She's simply brilliant. Mr. Yelton is here because he's an outstanding photographer and I have asked him to help take some pictures for use in our marketing materials and on our website. Dr. Meeks is here because, not only is he brilliant, but he does somewhat privately own a strip club."

"Please keep that in this room," Meeks nodded.

"Yes, absolutely," Quigley said. "You can trust everyone here. Anyway, it's no secret that many of the items we sell here will appeal to his employees as well as his customers. So, we felt like he would give us good insight on our consumer base. And finally, Megan and Kasey are here because they have expressed an interest in learning about marketing and business and are going to intern here with us and help us out with some of our promotional events. In addition, they are very bright young women who I'm sure can give us some ideas and suggestions from a younger perspective. That said, Susan, I will turn it over to you to present your ideas."

Susan thanked him and handed out a bound presentation to everyone at the table. It was printed in color and very professional.

"We all know that internet shopping is heavily impacting physical retail stores," Susan began. "Not only do people like the convenience of shopping from home, but also, they like the privacy of shopping for certain items, such as the type of clothing we will be selling here. So, how do we make sure we get customers to come here? Great quality, selection, and prices are imperative, but not enough. What we need to offer is an experience. My suggestion is that we create an atmosphere that turns this store into exactly what are customers are shopping for. We turn into a club environment with a more private area that suggests the intimacy of a bedroom. Our staff needs to act the part, wear the clothes, and model them willingly.

"For example," Susan continued, "for the clothes that, frankly, will appeal to local strippers, that area will be a makeup believe strip club. No, we won't have actual strippers, but we will have a pole and 2-3 staff members who will interact with the customers. Customers will be given a dollar bill when they arrive that they can tuck into a g-strip of a staff member."

A couple of the men chuckled and nodded their approval. "That's a great idea," Meeks said. "Create the environment, set the mood, model the behavior. Brilliant."

"Thank you," Susan said, flashing him an appreciative smile. "We don't want to go through the hassles of liquor licenses and all that, but I propose a small bar area where we can serve virgin cocktails where the customers and staff can interact. We build the experience and the connections. If the staff connects well with the customers, the sales will follow. Just as importantly, customers will return and will tell their friends as well."

"This is great for male customers," Quigley said. "What about our female customers? They are our target market, after all."

"Yes, sir," Susan said. "First, I think we can create a significant customer base of men who want to buy for their wives or girlfriends."

"Or staff," Meeks added.

"Yes, or staff," Susan said, nodding to him, appreciating his support. "But yes, women and couples will also be a big part of our customer base. Our staff will have to understand how to read the customers. Some of the women will enjoy tucking a dollar or playing dress up for their husbands. The key is to make it fun, casual, and interactive. We aren't judging anyone's lifestyle. We are a safe place for them to explore, fantasize and shop. We replace the value they find in shopping anonymously from home with a fun, welcoming place that doesn't feel dirty or seedy, but does fully acknowledge what we're selling with no apologies."

Everyone around the table listened intently to her while occasionally glancing at the presentation, which included pictures and renderings of the proposed space.

"I know the timing of this is a little tight," Susan said, looking at Quigley. "But as you can see, the creation of these spaces involves more lighting and layout than construction. It will be inexpensive and we can have it all done in a week without even having to remove the inventory you have already brought in."

"It does look very simple, well-designed, and affordable," Quigley nodded, looking at the projected costs. "If we do this, how do we promote it?"

"I would like to hold some events like bikini contests, car washes, as well high-profile events where we have our models wear the clothes and interact with customers and influencers to gain local acceptance and support," Susan said. "We will also focus heavily on social media. We take Mr. Yelton's photographs and get our staff in front of the camera. Lots of pictures and videos that reflect not only the merchandise, but the environment and atmosphere of the store, as well as the knowledge and friendliness of the staff. And, yes, the appearance of the staff is important. You mentioned you had a couple of girls coming today to model some clothes for Mr. Yelton to shoot, correct? Are they here?"

"Unfortunately, they both canceled just about an hour ago," Quigley shrugged. "We will have to find others. Sorry, Mr. Yelton, I did not have time to inform you that there would be no photo shoot today. I assure you I will still employ you for the work we do and will compensate you for your time today. I value your input and your eye as it relates to this campaign."

"It's no problem at all," Yelton smiled. "We can do a full shoot once the new design is complete, assuming you follow Susan's plan. I would, however, like to practice in the space a bit. Would Megan and Kasey perhaps be able to do a little mini shoot, just so I can do some planning for the other shoots and social media campaigns?"

"I think that's a great idea," Quigley said. "Girls, would you like to do a little test modeling for Mr. Yelton?"

"Of course," Megan said, taking the lead. She understood that these men had certainly planned this all along. There was no one else hired. No one had cancelled an hour ago. "I think it would be fun."

"Me too," Kasey said.

"Wait, you want them to model some of the clothes you sell here?" Susan interjected.

"Just for test purposes," Yelton said.

"Nothing would be used for promotion," Quigley assured her.

"Mom, we are hired to help out," Megan said. "Let us do this."

Susan looked at her daughter. Her little girl who was now officially an adult. She shrugged her shoulders and nodded, "Of course," she said. "If I can't trust you with professional gentlemen like these, who can I trust you with?"

"Thanks, Mrs. Brandt," Kasey smiled.

"Mr. Yelton, Mr. Quigley, you two know what you're looking for with these photos," Meeks said. "So why don't you two work with the girls. Mrs. Brandt, I would like to discuss a few ideas I have for the strip club setting you have in your plans, if you don't mind. No major alterations, just a few ideas I have from experience."

"Of course," Susan smiled at him. "That would be wonderful, Dr. Meeks."

"Use my office," Quigley said.

Susan and Meeks walked down the hallway to Quigley's office, while Quigley and Yelton accompanied the girls to the dressing room. They had already picked out clothes for the girls to wear and stood and watched as the girls changed in front of them. Yelton's camera caught it all.

"So, the plan goes like this," Quigley said. "We take some shots. Yelton raves about you two as models to the point that your mom agrees to let you both be the models for all the marketing content. Then, when we open the store, we will explain to her that you need to be here because customers will expect to see the sexy girls they saw in the ads. We'll hire other staff, of course, but it will give you a reason to be here a few nights a week or on weekends."

"You guys are so smart," Kasey smiled.

"That's a great plan," Megan agreed.

"How much time do we have?" Yelton asked, his hand between Kasey's legs as helped position a g-string over her pink pussy.

"Enough," Quigley smiled. "Meeks will text me when they are almost done. Make sure we have a couple photos you can show Susan. Otherwise, we have time for some quick stress relief."

"I'm overdue," Yelton said. "Been thinking about this pussy all day." He squeezed Kasey's pussy through the g-string and grinned up at her.

"It belongs to you, sir," Kasey smiled down at him.

"It's gonna be a quick one," Yelton warned. "No time to warm you up."

"It doesn't feel cold, does it?" Kasey teased. Yelton pushed his finger past the g-string and inside her. She was wet and warm. Ready to go.

"Not a bit," Yelton said. He turned her around and bent her over the back of a chair that faced a vanity mirror. He pushed her g-string aside, pulled down his pants and was inside her seconds later. He watched her face in the mirror, watched her breasts sway back and forth with this thrusts. He watched her expression as he slapped her ass, tweaked her nipple, pulled her hair, and put his hands on her neck. He put his fish-hooked her, his fingers in the corners of her mouth. He grinned wickedly as he pounded her. Her eyes were wide and rolled back in her head. Her nostrils flared. Her nipples were hard and his hard thrusts made her breasts slap against the chair. Watching her get fucked was almost as fun as fucking her.

Kasey loved the good, hard pounding. She loved being taken and used like this. The man needed to get off. Time was short, but his cock wasn't. He needed release and it was an honor to be able to provide it for him. She wanted release of her own, of course, but knew he wasn't going to take his time. He was pounding relentlessly, wearing her out, not trying to make it last a bit. When he was ready to cum, he pulled out, grabbed her hair, spun her around to her knees and came in her open, willing mouth.

Kasey waited patiently for him to finish jerking, then, staring into his eyes to make sure he was watching, she slowly closed her mouth and swallowed, smiling as she did so. "Thank you, sir," she said.

"You're welcome, baby," Yelton said, zipping up and helping her to her feet.

While all this was going on, they heard the banging and thumping in the dressing room next door. Quigley had stripped Megan bare, leaving her clothes on the floor in Kasey's dressing room, and pulled her into the adjoining room.

Yelton and Kasey looked at each other, smiling. They could hear the wet slapping of skin and faint moans and groans.

"He's giving it to her pretty good," Yelton grinned.

"Not as good as you did me," Kasey said, knowing she had said the right thing.

"Which hole do you think he's using?" Yelton asked.

"Hmm, he probably didn't want to take the time to lube up her ass," Kasey said. "I bet he's fucking her pussy."

"I'm saying he's fucking her ass," Yelton said.

"What's the winner get?" Kasey teased.

"You win, I buy you anything you want in the store," Yelton said.

"And if you win?"

"You do a private photo shoot," Yelton said. "With me. Just for me. All night the next night you're free."

"Wow, um, sure, it's a bet," Kasey said. "That sounds amazing."

While Kasey and Yelton were placing their bets on how Megan's body was being used, Megan was enduring a relentless fucking by Quigley. She was happy to provide what he needed, to be of use and desire to him. But she was even more aroused by the knowledge that her mom was nearby. The chances of being caught were extremely high. It was so dangerous, so naughty, so not the good-girl she had always been. If he had been fucking her pussy, she would have cum.

When he finished and his load was in her guts, she walked hurriedly back to the other dressing room to retrieve her clothes. She felt naughty and alive and a little disappointed not to have been caught in the act by her mother.