Megan & Kasey - Job Training Ch. 03


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"Yes, but I think it will take more effort," Kasey said. "I think if it was me and him in the theater, he would reject me. He would feel guilty and angry. He would be mad at himself."

"I agree," Granderson said. "He has been playing super dad and super father for so long, I'm not sure he can play another role."

"I think he can," Kasey said. "I think he has to have that passion in him. There has to be something like that Megan's mom saw in him when he was younger. I think he turned it off and needs someone to turn it back on for him."

"You realize what you're suggesting is very risky," Granderson said. "He might shut down the school. He might pull Megan away. He might keep you from being friends. He might reject you. Or fall in love with you." Kasey hadn't even considered that last possibility. "Plus, it's the opposite of what you're supposed to be learning. You're supposed to be learning how to submit and do as you're told. You're suggesting you would be the dominant one, forcing the action."

"Only long enough to get it started," Kasey said. "Once he, well, decided to take me, he could do it any way he wanted. I would totally submit at that point."

"And somehow that's going to make him take Susan back?" Granderson asked skeptically.

"I don't know," Kasey shrugged. "I just thought maybe he would feel more like his old self or something. Maybe be aggressive enough to want to fight for her."

"I don't know," he shook his head. "I think it's a long leap from seducing him to making him a sex animal that wins back his wife. But, you came asking me for something. So, are you asking permission or if I think it's a good idea?"

"Both, I guess," Kasey said, then she thought a moment. "No, neither really. I do respect your opinion, but mostly I wanted to know how I should do it. I don't really even know how to seduce a man, let alone seduce a man who doesn't want to be seduced and who thinks it's wrong to be with me."

"It's not going to be easy," Granderson said, looking at the clock and realizing he needed to go. "Most men would want you just because you're you. No seduction needed. But he's not going to be that way. He's learned to deny his urges. Look, I have to go, but I think you have to make him mad. I think you have to be a brat and embarrass him and disobey him and tease him. Tell him I'm out of town and you're afraid to be home alone. Ask if you can stay at his house. Then, tease him some more. Make him so angry and frustrated that eventually he does whatever he's going to do."

"What's he going to do?" Kasey asked, wide-eyed.

"I don't know, pumpkin," Granderson said, kissing her on the forehead. "He'll either throw you out, leave, or fuck your brains out. That's my guess anyway. I wouldn't let you do it if I thought he'd hurt you, but keep your phone handy just in case."

"Yes, sir," Kasey said.

"Oh, and run it by Mick and Harry if you can," Granderson said. "Maybe start teasing him at work today, then run over to Mick and Harry's tonight and see what they think."

"Good idea," Kasey smiled. "Thank you, Daddy."

Kasey quickly showered and prepared for her day, thinking about how she was going to pull this off. Her dad had suggested the bratty, naughty role, but how did she do that? How did she make him angry? She had never been the straight line rule follower that Megan was, but Kasey was a good student and athlete. She was carefree, but also very disciplined and stayed out of trouble. Intentionally making someone mad at her wasn't something she really knew how to do. She needed training, but she had no time. This two-day window with Megan out of town was her window of opportunity. She would just have to try it, see how he responded, and adjust on the fly. She took solace in the fact that she now at least knew how to dress in a very provocative way and that she knew how to fuck once the time came.

She was thankful that she could wear any of Megan's clothes tonight since they were the same size. So she didn't have to pack anything. She just needed to figure out what to wear today. She couldn't go too extreme. It would be her actions, not her attire that would ultimately be the key in making the plan work. Humbly, she knew she looked good enough and her clothes were sexy enough that, if he was so inclined, he would find her very much to his liking.

She put her hair in a ponytail and the only makeup she put on was some lip gloss. She wore a woman's business suit, navy blue with pinstripes. But the skirt was small -- very small -- except for the slits up both sides, revealing lots of thigh and hip. She wore a red g-string underneath. The suit was supposed to be worn with a blouse, vest and jacket. She skipped the blouse, wore the vest, leaving the top of the three buttons unbuttoned, and wore the jacket for now. Without the jacket, her cleavage would be exposed as would her midriff. Her bright red, 6-inch stiletto heels covered her toes, but left the top and sides of her feet exposed, with a spaghetti strap across the top of her foot and around her ankle. Finally, she put on a red choker. It had no wording nor any rings on it. It was a simple thin red strap. But it drew attention to her slender neck and was a subtle but suggestive accessory.

If things went well, with any luck, she would be able to wear the really naughty outfits for him tonight. For now, she was only partially inappropriate for work, but could "accidentally" show off plenty for him. She was going to call an Uber, but then she had an idea. She called Mick and Harry. Maybe they could drive her and give her some tips. 15 minutes later, they picked her up and she hopped in the back seat with Mick while Harry drove.

"I know you're all dressed for work," Mick said. "So I'm not gonna fuck you right now. But jerk me off. You'll come over tonight and do it right."

"Yes, sir," Kasey said. She pulled out his thick cock and stroked it. She bent over and licked it long enough to get it wet, then stroked faster as she talked. She explained her plan with Michael, her conversation with her dad, and her concerns about not knowing how to unleash Michael's desires.

"First, I'm impressed that you're taking the initiative to create your own learning experience," Harry said. "You're correct to think that you need more training for this situation. You aren't ready, but I understand about the timing."

"It's very nice of you, too,' Mick said, watching her hand caress his rigid cock. "He is a good man and deserves to have his needs met. Your dad is right there is some risk, but it's not as bad as it might sound. First, they are already split, so no matter what happens, you aren't a homewrecker. You won't make that situation any worse. There's really nothing to lose in that respect. The other thing is, I think we all agree that it would be very surprising if Michael went too far. You and Megan will always be friends, so I'm not worried about that. And he doesn't need to know about the school for there to be a threat of that being shut down. Worst case scenario is he rejects you and stays separated -- basically where he is right now. It's a tough assignment, but there's really a lot more to win than to lose."

"I agree," Harry said. "Regardless it will be a good learning experience for you."

"Thank you both," Kasey said, leaning over to flick her tongue across the head of Mick's cock to lap up the bubble of pre-cum that had oozed out. "I know there's not enough time to train me, but do you have any tips on how to tease him and make him take me?"

"I agree with your dad," Harry said. "Frustrate him. Embarrass him. Make him angry. He won't yell or explode on you. He won't humiliate you. He will internalize it all. He's good at that, at maintaining his self-control. But a man can only internalize so much."

"I agree," Mick said, fondling Kasey's breast through her suit. "Read his reactions. Piss him off, then back off, then when's about calmed down, do something else. Keep priming that pump, if you know what I mean."

"Hmm, not really," Kasey said ironically as she pumped his cock, reminding the guys just how young and naïve their students really were. They both laughed, but Kasey didn't understand why. She looked at Mick blankly.

"You're priming my pump right now," Mick said. "You stroke fast, then slow, the lick it, then fast, then slow. Get it?"

"Oh, yeah," Kasey said, embarrassed that she missed an obvious reference. "I see now, sir."

"Good, so do the same with him, fast, slow, then give him a little taste," Mick grunted, getting close now. "Keep doing that. Sooner or later, he can't hold back any longer." Mick grabbed the back of her head and put her mouth on his cock, shooting his load into her mouth. Kasey worked his cock hungrily, showing her appreciation for his guidance by dutifully draining his balls.

She thought the guys might switch spots, but they were close to work and Harry assured her that he would have plenty for her after work. "Regardless of the day goes, make sure you come over after work and give us an update," Harry said.

"Yes, sir," she said. "Thank you, daddies." She got out of the car and walked into the building, nervous but excited. She carried a small bag inside which she had several suckers. She put one in her mouth right before she walked into Michael's office.

"Hey, good morning," he smiled, noticing her skimpy suit but not staring. "Dentist handing out candy these days?"

"Good morning, sir," she giggled, pulling the sucker out of her mouth. "No, I had no cavities so I celebrate with some candy. I've been doing that since I was a kid. Sorta the rebel in me, I guess."

"Yes, you're quite the rebel," Michael mocked.

"So, what do you need me to work on for you today, sir?" she asked, with just a hint of suggestion in her tone.

"We have a meeting with Helen in about 15 minutes," Michael said, referring to his administrative assistant. "Helen is off on Fridays, so we meet every week on Thursday to go over the schedule for Friday and the upcoming week. This afternoon I want to go over some reports and you can help me fact-check and make sure we have everything correct before we present it next week."

"Sounds like fun!" Kasey beamed with way too much enthusiasm in her voice. As a former cheerleader, she knew how to pretend to be excited.

He smiled at her, "I appreciate your enthusiasm, Kasey," he said. "Having a good attitude goes a long way at any job."

"How do you keep a good attitude, Mr. Brandt?" she asked. "I mean, I know your job is stressful. How do you relieve that stress and stay positive?"

"It's always been about my family," he smiled. "You know, time with Megan and ... well, family time has always made it worth it. But now Megan is all grown up and Susan, well, you know some of that I guess."

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that," Kasey said with a pouty face. "I know it has to be stressful at work and home now. I wish I could help."

She didn't go so far as to make the offer, but she was laying the groundwork. She had planned none of this. His comment about her attitude gave her the idea. She had always been good that way -- thinking on her feet, trusting her instincts. Now, with just a few sentences she had opened the conversation about Susan and his need to de-stress. She had him thinking about things. Not her, necessarily, but about things, how his life had changed and how his usual solutions were now missing. Maybe he would realize that the replacement was right there in front of him, barely dressed, young, tight, and oh-so-eager to help.

She couldn't count on that, though. He was a not a weak man. He had conviction and principles. He wouldn't be looking for a quickie with the intern to relieve stress. He would settle for jerking off like he had been doing, apparently. Kasey was happy to have planted a small seed, but she knew she had to do more. As her dad, Mick and Harry had all suggested, she had to tease and torment him like a little brat until he reached the point that he would fuck her out of frustration. She knew he was a little like Megan in that he didn't like to be embarrassed in front of others -- he was aware of how it looked when he was with a sexy young intern, and he didn't like the feeling. She needed to play on that. Embarrass him. Make him uncomfortable. Five minutes until the meeting with Helen... she had a plan.

Just minutes before the meeting -- she sensed that Helen was probably very punctual -- she got some ice and water. She took the liberty of pouring two more glasses -- one for her, Bonnie and Michael. She set hers and Bonnie's on the table, but took Michael's to him as he sat at his desk. Just as he reached for it, she pretended to drop the cup, sending the icy water splashing on his lap.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, sir!" she exclaimed, acting horrified. "Let me get you a towel."

"It's OK," he said, wiping away some of the water.

Kasey grabbed a hand towel from the bathroom and returned hurriedly, dropping to her knees in front of him just as Helen knocked, then opened the door. Kasey had positioned herself so that Bonnie would see her ass sticking up in the air and her head quite close to Michael's crotch. She exaggerated the motions with the towel as she dried him, making it look like she might be giving him head or jerking his cock or both.

"Oh, sorry," Bonnie said, wide-eyed. Helen had been Michael's assistant for the past two years. She had retired, but then realized she needed to make a little more money, so she worked four days a week, taking off Fridays and working half days on Thursdays. Rothman had offered to find Michael someone who could work full-time, but he had liked Helen's maturity and no-nonsense attitude. She didn't take attitude from anyone and saw through bullshit.

Helen started to leave, trying not to look like she had seen anything.

"No, Helen, it's OK," Michael said hurriedly, realizing what this must look like. "Just some spilled water. Please, have a seat."

"Yeah, I made a big mess on his pants," Kasey said, sitting upright and turning to face Bonnie. Again she had the pouty lips.

"It's not a big mess," Michael said. His face was red with embarrassment now and he was flustered as he took the towel from Kasey and wiped himself off. "It's just water. Please, both of you have a seat. I'll be right there."

Michael went to the bathroom and Kasey picked up the cup and filled a new one with ice and water for him. She sat down at the table with Helen, looking anything but innocent. "Whew, it's warm in here," she said. She took off the jacket, revealing that all she had on underneath was the half-buttoned vest. No bra, no blouse. Just cleavage, bare arms and shoulders, and bare midriff. Be Michael returned, she said, "You don't mind, do you, Miss Bonnie? Mr. Brandt said I could take off anything I wanted to be comfortable."

"I'm sure he did," Helen said, not trying to hide the judgment in her tone. She liked and respected Mr. Brandt, but the past few days she had grown skeptical of him with the way he let his daughter and Kasey dress in the office. It was inappropriate. She had heard rumors about his marriage. Now this. It added up to a man using a mid-life crisis as an excuse to take advantage of a slutty intern. She didn't buy that Kasey was just wiping up water. Not for a second.

Normally Kasey would have felt bad about deceiving the woman and about embarrassing Michael. In this case, however, she couldn't be happier. Helen's disapproving look and tone made Michael that much more flustered. He dropped his papers and stumbled over his words. His face was red. To Helen he looked guilty. To Kasey he looked like a man who needed help in the worst way. And to Michael, he knew he looked guilty and felt guilty even though he wasn't. He also knew what Helen was thinking and hated that she thought that about both him and Kasey, whom he saw as simply naïve and innocent. He also hated knowing that Helen would probably be talking to the other assistants and word and rumors would spread. All eyes would be on him and Kasey. And it didn't help that Kasey not only looked so beautiful, but was dressed far too sexy. He didn't think she meant to send any negative or suggestive messages. But he understood that others might think that. It was all a misunderstanding but he knew everyone loved gossip and he and Kasey were giving them some ammunition now.

To make matters worse, as Helen reviewed Michael's upcoming calendar with him, Kasey pulled out another bright red lollipop. She pursed her soft red lips and flicked out her pink tongue, licking the sucker as her lips wrapped seductively around it. Michael noticed and he knew Helen did too. Michael knew that Kasey didn't know what she was doing, but also knew how seductive it looked -- no matter innocent -- and exactly what Helen must be thinking. He wanted to rip the sucker out of Kasey's mouth, but instead focused on Helen's report, pretending not to notice the half-dressed beauty next to him.

"Remember, you have a doctor's appointment this afternoon at 3," Helen said. "Your annual physical, sir."

"Oh yeah, I forgot all about that," Michael said. He looked over at Kasey. "Sorry, Kasey. I forgot. I'll see if your dad can pick you up or else we can get you an Uber. You'll get to go home a little early today."

"But I have to go to Mick and Harry's tonight," Kasey pouted. "Can't I just come with you, sir?"

Michael saw Helen rolling her eyes but pretended not to notice. "We'll figure it out," he nodded to Kasey, trying not to notice that she know had the sucker jammed into the inside of her cheek, looking very much like the head of a dick finding its happy place inside her mouth.

They finished the meeting soon after and Helen began to leave, wishing them both a not very heartfelt happy weekend.

"Oh, before you to," Michael said, "could you please order in some lunch from Billy's?"

"Of course, sir," Helen smiled. "What would you like?"

"Oh, just get us a couple of sandwiches," Michael said. "It doesn't matter which. Everything they have there is good."

Helen placed the order and left for the day. Michael looked out the window and saw her walking out to her car, talking animatedly on her phone. He could only who she was talking to and what she was saying. He knew it might not be about him and Kasey, but he would bet that it was. He reminded himself that Kasey had done all this very innocently. He wasn't angry with her. He was just embarrassed and a little angry with himself for putting himself in this situation. He didn't know how to talk about it without embarrassing Kasey and he didn't want to do that, so he let it go. Helen was gone for the day and would be spreading whatever gossip she wished to spread. The day's embarrassment was likely over, so he decided to let it go and move on.

He gave Kasey some reports to proofread, which involved cross-checking some data. It was boring, tedious work, but he always liked to get a second set of eyes on things. Plus, this would be a good opportunity for Kasey to learn. He busied himself answering emails and returning phone calls. Things always got busier when Rothman was out of the office. He wondered briefly how Megan was doing and silently prayed that they had a safe flight.

He glanced over at Kasey, noting how diligently she was studying the documents. She really was a hard worker. She was also just so damn sexy. When did she go from being Megan's cute, sweet friend to a drop-dead stunner? It was like it happened overnight. Of course, he thought it probably was just coincidence. He was having trouble with his marriage, his wife left him and he hadn't had sex in months. Any pretty girl -- even innocent, sweet Kasey -- would draw his attention. He cursed himself for being weak even as he stared at her spinning a fresh lollipop on her tongue, seemingly oblivious to the show she was putting on.