Megan & Kasey - Job Training Ch. 04


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Michael nodded, impressed by her thought process. While he wouldn't be comfortable showing her off and insinuating that she was an object of desire for others to leer at, he couldn't deny her reasoning. She lit up a room with her smile and bubbly personality and, yes, even the most faithful husband would take notice of her, especially as she chose to dress.

"And at home, well, as you know Megan and I are helping Mick and Harry and we are both working a little bit with Mr. Quigley. It's a waste of time for you to pick me up or take me home. So, I think it would make sense for me to stay with you and Megan. I know Mr. Rothman plans to have her travel with him, so even when that happens, I will be there to cook and clean for you, do laundry, help with yardwork, grocery shopping, whatever you need. You can take my living expenses out of my paycheck. It's a win-win."

Then she hesitated, clicked the next slide. It was simply a picture of her on her knees, looking up at the camera with puppy dog eyes and pouty lips. She was wearing a choker, pink thong, white tube top, and had her hands clasped behind her back. "And, well, I know a man has needs. You have a lot of stress. I'm not trying to take the place of your wife, but, until you two are back together, I would be happy to take care of whatever additional needs you might have."

"Kasey..." Michael started, but she stopped him.

"Mr. Brandt, I understand what you're going to say, but please let me make just a couple more points and then I will be happy to address your questions," she said. She handled it perfectly. Against his better judgement, Michael waved and nodded.

"Very well," he said. "You've earned that much, Kasey. I will listen. Please proceed."

"Thank you, sir," Kasey said. She took another deep breath, very nervous now. Her perky breasts pushed against her sweater, lifting the bottom of it away from her tiny waist. She was nothing if not enticing, Michael thought. "I understand it wouldn't be romantic. It would be purely physical, fulfilling you with your basic needs - just like eating, sleeping, and bathing. Of course, we like to enjoy our food and have a comfortable bed, so there's no reason that your sexual needs couldn't be met in the most enjoyable of manners as well.

"While I'm young and a bit inexperienced, I think I possess the qualities that would enable me to meet your needs in a highly satisfactory matter, sir."

Michael started to speak, but stopped when she went to the next slide. Embedded in the slide was a video of her wearing a tiny white sling bikini with strings the thickness of dental floss. She wore white heels in the video, which played silently as Kasey spoke. In the video, she went through a variety of stretches, showing off her flexibility, including doing the splits, putting her legs behind her head, and laying on her stomach, arching her back and reaching back to grab her heels

"Flexibility allows for trying a number of different positions so that the act doesn't become boring or routine," Kasey said matter-of-factly, as if she were describing how to use a remote control. "It also enables access to each entry point." She stopped and looked directly into his eyes. "All three of them, sir."

He swallowed hard at the realization of what she was saying. He had fucked Susan in the ass only twice during their marriage. Oddly enough, both times it was at her request when she was drunk and wild on her birthday. Maybe he should have realized then that she wanted to be more creative and possibly dominated. He just chalked it up to the alcohol, but maybe he missed something. He looked at Kasey's taut body on the screen and imagined how tight should would have to be. He would hurt her. No way he could accept this offer, no matter how tempting it was or how well she sold it.

She clicked to the next slide and it was a slideshow of images of her in a variety of skimpy, revealing outfits, including bikinis, miniskirts, mini dresses, lingerie, stripper attire, Soffe shorts, thigh highs, and wet t-shirts.

"I know that men are visual creatures and it's important for me to look my best for you," Kasey said. "Much like the smell of a steak on the grill whets your appetite or fresh sheets on the bed help you sleep, a well-dressed woman enhances your desires and adds to your overall enjoyment of the activity. As you can see, I have a wardrobe full of clothes that show off my body. I am willing to wear these or any other clothes you want for me to wear anytime, anywhere. I am also willing to NOT wear any clothes you would like as well."

To emphasize her point, she reached under her dress and pulled down her panties. She stepped out of them, keeping eye contact with him the whole time. She held them to her nose and inhaled, then walked over to him and handed them to him. He took them, but did not follow her lead to smell them.

"Thank you, Kasey," he said. He didn't know what else to say. Order her to put them back on? No, she was giving a great presentation and he promised to listen. He held them, feeling how soft and warm they were, while she resumed her presentation.

She clicked to the next slide, which contained a few video clips of her sucking on lollipops, bending over, biting her lip, arching her back, twerking, and walking in heels. "In addition to wearing the right clothes, it is important to present oneself in a manner meant to entice and perhaps even tease, again, adding to your desire and overall enjoyment. I love to tease with my lips and mouth and would even get my tongue pierced if you would like."

Michael's head was spinning. His cock was getting hard. Kasey's sexuality was overwhelming. He knew she was pretty and last night had shocked him, but this was overstimulation. She was a little sex machine, fresh off the assembly line, all shiny and new and unblemished. And his for the taking.

She saw the bulge in his pants and dazed look in his eyes and realized she was succeeding. She pressed on to the next slide. This one included images of her jogging, playing tennis, cooking, sitting on the couch, laying by the pool, working, and sleeping. Then it rolled into a gif that kept playing over and over of a woman who looked similar to Kasey asleep in bed with a hard cock tapping her on the face to wake her up. Jackson had found that one somewhere.

The title of the slide simply read, "24/7 Access".

"Just like getting hungry or sleepy or thirsty, a man can be horny any time," Kasey said. "So, by staying with you, I will be available to you anytime you need me."

Kasey took out a lollipop and popped it in her mouth, put her hand on her hip, looking sassy, and said, "Any questions, sir?"

Michael clapped. He would have stood up, but his erection was already too noticeable. She had done an outstanding job.

"That was a terrific presentation, Kasey," he said. "You are a natural presenter."

"Thank you, sir," Kasey smiled. "Does that mean you accept my proposal? I see at least part of you approves. I'll be happy to take care of that for you right now, sir. I can make it my lunch!"

"Slow down, Kasey," he frowned. "Yes, you got me turned on. I can't deny it. But you know I can't accept your proposal."

"Why not?"

"Because, it's just not right."

"You know I can't present and let you get away with saying no that easily," she said. "I challenge you to list two reasons why you're saying no."

"OK, good for you for not taking no for an answer," he smiled. "First, what would Megan say? Or my wife? I don't know if I'll ever get her back, but I for sure won't if I'm going to bed with you every night. And Megan would think I'm the worst father ever."

"I'll count that as one reason," Kasey nodded. "Second one?"

"It's just not right," he said. "I'm old enough to be your dad. I'm your boss. Everything about it is inappropriate."

"There you go again," Kasey said, legitimately angry now. "You keep acting like I'm some naïve little girl Did you think I was naïve last night? Seemed like I knew what I was doing, didn't it? Do you think I dress like this without knowing the signals I'm giving off to you and every man I see? I know I'm young, barely legal, they say, but I'm not dumb. And I'm not in delusional or in over my head. Can't you see that? I can do this. I want to do this. Why are you stopping me? I'm trying to help you."

"How does this help me, Kasey?" he challenged. "By finishing off my marriage? By alienating my daughter? By jeopardizing my career? You're sexy, Kasey, but are you that good in bed to make losing all that worthwhile?"

"Maybe I am," Kasey said. "You'll never know because you're too stubborn to see that your perfect world is crumbling around you with our without me. You're a good man. A respectable man. You don't deserve to have things implode, but your wife left you because you're too..."

"Too what?"

"Passive, sir," Kasey said. "She needed excitement. Megan needed excitement."

"Megan? What does she have to do with this?"

"Nothing, sir," Kasey said, biting her tongue. She wanted to tell him that Megan was probably being split in two for the 10th time in the last 24 hours by Rothman right now, but she stopped. "But Megan didn't decide to forget college because she's afraid, sir. She wants something else. She's seeking it. I'm seeking it. We aren't sure what it is, but it's not little girl fairy tale stuff. It's real life. Real meaning. We both are trying to find our passion, sir. Your wife is too. Can't you see, the only one without passion in this discussion is you? What are you passionate about, sir? What will make you angry? Happy? Consume you? Drive your decisions?"

"Having a good career, being a good father, and being a good husband."

"You did all that," Kasey said. "I don't know if you can save your marriage or not, but I know you can't do it unless you change."

"I don't know, Kasey," he said, shaking his head. "I see what you mean about change, but do you think you're the change I need? Come up with a presentation that convinces me of that."

"Yes, sir," Kasey said. "Permission to skip lunch? In two hours, I'll convince you."

"All right, Kasey," Michael said, clutching her panties. "Two hours. I'm going to go to lunch. I'll make it a long one so you have time. I'm going to assume these panties are mine to keep?"

"Of course, sir," Kasey smiled.

As soon as he left, she sat down and started jotting down ideas. She called Mick and Harry. They listened to her story and then asked for time to think. They called back 15 minutes later. "You have to trick him. Make him think you need to be trained and that, by training you, he will be learning to be the man his wife wants him to be. But in reality, you will be training him how to be dominant and how to treat a submissive."

"Yes!" Kasey said. "That's perfect. What about Megan? He is worried about what she will think."

"Tell him you can keep it a secret," Harry said. "You can fuck in the car or in his office. Or you can sneak in his room in the middle of the night. Hell, send Megan over to us, fuck him, then come over and join us. You can make it work and it will be fun for you to tease him and make him uncomfortable in front of her."

"This is so fun!" Kasey said. "Thank you! You're both geniuses!"

She hung up, called Jackson and told him she needed just a couple new slides and yes, she'd give him another hour of her time for his trouble. She agreed to break it up over two or three sessions, however he wanted to do it.

While Kasey and Jackson worked, Michael sat in his car, sipping a drink from a fast food restaurant. He clutched Kasey's sweet little panties. He was hard again. He wanted to jerk off all over those panties. He wanted to go back to the office, take the afternoon off and fuck her for about 12 hours straight. These were the sort of crazy images and thoughts passing through his lust-driven head. He considered these thoughts inappropriate, unproductive and unacceptable. He denied the notion that this was common thinking. That his sexual desire and wanting to take Kasey was as natural as his desire to take his next bite of lunch, his next thirst-quenching drink, his next night of restful sleep. Sure, he had thoughts like this all the time, throughout his marriage. He wanted to do more in bed with Susan than he let on. He fantasized about her and about other women as well. He chastised himself each time, feeling guilty, almost adulterous.

He couldn't go back and fuck Kasey. He knew it. But the desire was there more than ever. Maybe it was because Susan had left and he was feeling the need for contact more than usual. Maybe he wanted to do it to get back at Susan. Maybe he wanted to do it because Kasey was practically irresistible. But he couldn't. He had too much to lose, most importantly his self-respect and that of his friends, family and co-workers.

But what if Kasey was right? What if his attempts to be perfect, the man he thought everyone wanted him to be had backfired and it was all coming back to haunt him now? What if Susan leaving was just the beginning? What if Megan's independence turned into rebellion? What if his home failures impacted his work and he lost his job? What if Kasey was right and he needed to make a change? And what if that change started with her? Even as he clutched her panties and fantasized about her, it was a big leap to think sex with Kasey would fix everything. But he had to try, right? It started with resolving his marriage, one way or the other. Maybe Kasey could help him rediscover the man Susan fell in love with. Or maybe it would drive Susan farther away. Either way, he would know right? This life in limbo was terrible.

And so, it was with a hard cock and open mind that Michael returned, anxious to see Kasey's presentation and afraid of how he himself would react to it. His dick had already voted. Would his heart and mind agree?

He thought clearly enough to realize that his body would betray him in his current state. He was strong-willed, but sitting here with Kasey's panties in his hand, he knew he would fuck her if he went back right now. He called Susan. He needed to hear her voice.

"Hello Michael," she answered. Not overly friendly, but she had answered right away. That was a good sign. "How are you?"

"I'm OK," he said. "How are you?"

"I'm pretty good," she said. He could hear the smile in her voice. That stung a little, but he appreciated that she had at least refrained from saying she was "fucking fantastic" or "never better." No matter what happened, he appreciated that she would be civil and believed they would always care for each other. "Have you heard from Megan?"

"Not today," Michael said. "But I know they were supposed to meet early. They had a pretty tight schedule. I think she will get some down time tonight before they fly back tomorrow."

"That's good. Do you mind if I have dinner with her tomorrow night?"

"Of course not," Michael said. "She's an adult. It's not like we have to have to have a schedule for visitation or anything. I don't want this to be difficult. I hope you know that."

"I know," she said. "I appreciate it."

"And if you want to have dinner with me sometime, we can do that too," he said.

"I don't know, Michael," she said, taking a deep breath. He knew that sound. She wanted to be careful what she said, but she also had something to say. "I have to let you know, I'm enjoying my freedom right now. I don't know how long that will last, but for now it's the break I needed."

"I understand," he said. "Take your time."

"And I want you to know I am thinking about going out with someone," she said. That was the part she was hesitant to say, he could tell. "I don't know that anything will happen. But I don't know that anything won't either. I'm sorry. I don't mean to hurt you."

"It's OK,' Michael sighed. "I appreciate you being honest. These are probably conversations we should have had sooner. Maybe I could have been the man you needed me to be."

"You have been a wonderful husband," she said. "You did nothing wrong. I can't explain it. I just need something else and I'm not even sure I know what that is. I just knew something was missing with us. It's no one's fault. There's nothing wrong with you. But there's nothing wrong with me either. It took me awhile to realize that."

"I understand," Michael said. "I think we both can benefit from a break. Maybe that helps us get together and be stronger than ever. Or it shows us that it's time for it to end. I don't know that, but I'm going to keep an open mind."

"I am too."

"And anything that either of us does during this break is part of that discovery," he said. "No harm. No regrets. I want you to enjoy your date and whatever that leads to. Just be safe. Be happy."

"You too, Michael," she said. "You're a good man. You deserve to be happy too. Do something wild and crazy. There will be no judgment from me. You will always have my friendship and support, no matter what. I will never stop caring about you."

Michael hung up the phone. It had been emotional for both of them, but it was the conversation they needed to have. They had mutual permission to do what they needed to do to find themselves. The hope was they would either both want to get back together or both want to split. Either way, they wanted happiness for one another. As difficult as a breakup like this was, they couldn't be making it any easier on each other. That was a reflection of their respect and caring for one another, as well as their maturity and honesty. What could have been toxic was actually pretty pleasant and a relief.

Though Susan had given Michael permission to do something crazy, he didn't take that as a pass to do something with Kasey. He doubted she would sign off on that decision. But he no longer feared that having sex with Kasey would be the reason he lost Susan if, indeed, he did. She might not approve, but she wouldn't divorce him over it. So Susan was no longer a hurdle. Kasey was certainly not a hurdle. His job and Megan, those were hurdles. The largest, though, was his own morals. What did he really believe? Would he regret having sex with Kasey? Or would he regret not doing it sooner?

He couldn't talk to Megan or Rothman to clear the air the way he had with Susan. So, he had gathered all the information he could so far. It was time to go back and see what else Kasey had to say. Was there really any reason for him to do this under than a few minutes of pleasure? If the answer was no, he needed to be strong. And if the answer was yes, he needed to be all in, no regrets, no looking back. It wouldn't be fair to himself nor to Kasey. She was a young woman who didn't deserve to be used or have her emotions played with. He would be a gentleman no matter what, he reassured himself.

He went back to the offensive feeling excited and apprehensive. Usually once he analyzed things, he was prepared and confident for a meeting. But this was different. This was Kasey. This wasn't about numbers and data. As much as he tried, he couldn't find a way to make this process strictly rational.

While Michael was doing his best to analyze his upcoming decision, Kasey was doing her best to make sure she convinced him once and for all. As a student, she looked at this like her semester final. She had to ace this one to prove all her work thus far was worth it, that she had learned and could apply what she learned. About half an hour before Michael's return, she got the call from the front desk. Darrell was here. "Please send him up," Kasey said.

Darrell, the mid-30s pizza delivery man who was a fringe part of the school, was making a special delivery. When she had the idea, Kasey had reached out to Mick and Harry. They immediately dispatched Darrell, who had earned their trust. The slightly chubby man came off the elevator holding a small bag. Kasey greeted him with appropriate professionalism for anyone watching, then led him to Michael's office, closing the door behind them.