Megan's Convention Adventure


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"Sounds like you met your perfect match," Joel said with a smirk.

She rolled her eyes and blushed as Joel continued, "He likes everything you do and looks like Jabba the Hut."

Playfulness mixed with anger she slapped his shoulder. "Don't be a dick. Besides, I'm more an Emperor kind of gal, bet those electric volts would be...stimulating."

They laughed as they got up exited the room, though hers was more for show.

They walked to the vendor room, Joel's comments found her once again thinking about Keith and how much fun she had with him. They really did share many of the same interests and Joel's comment about Keith's weight made him seem like the guys who stared at them on the convention floor and that woman who glared at her. Even Joel scoffed at the idea of she and Keith together. Megan imagined making out heavily with Keith right on the convention floor in front of everyone, sucking on his tongue and rubbing one leg up and down his. She felt another tingle between her legs.

She shook off the image and the feelings it brought on and distracted herself by focusing on the items for sale.

Later, they decided to get some dinner before catching one of the movies that were being screened that night. By the time they arrived back in their room, it was very late. Both undressed and collapsed on the bed in exhaustion.

Megan dreamed about her adventure at the gloryhole and the encounter after, only it was now Keith who was wearing the Batman shirt the whole time. Then it was back to the image from earlier, of them making out on the showroom floor. As she imagined their kiss, she awoke with a thundering orgasm that coursed through her. Again, she tried not to move much but wasn't very successful.

After she calmed down and her heavy breathing stopped, she glanced over at Joel but there was no movement beside her. Relieved and satisfied she fell asleep.

Startled awake by the alarm, Megan stared at the ceiling. She remembered her dream and solo adventure then closed her eyes and tried to relive it. After several minutes Joel then began to stir and she pushed the thoughts from her mind.

Megan and Joel showered and put on their second day costumes and headed out to the convention hall. Megan had on a Star Trek original series skirt while Joel had his Sandman cloths from Logan's Run. Both were groggy and didn't talk much as they made their way to the convention center. They had their day mapped out. Both would do their own thing until lunch and then attend a couple of sessions together before dinner.

They read through the updated program after lunch, and Megan picked out a few gaming related sessions while Joel picked a couple more horror related talks.

"Maybe you'll run into your little friend," Joel said with a barely concealed guffaw.

"Seriously," she said as she gave him an annoyed look, even though she had the same thought.

"You're right. I shouldn't accuse him of being little. If you're going to be around other guys, I prefer ones like him. At least I know nothing will happen," he said still laughing.

She felt a flash of anger well up in her, once again reminded of the people from yesterday. It bothered her that he was so superficial and nasty to a nice guy who happened to have a weight problem.

Megan flashed back to the alley by the porn shop, when she was her on her knees in front of the not as heavy stranger. She recalled the ruined T-Shirt she took off and gave him. She never did buy another one because, well, she didn't really know why. It's just that now it was associated with a memory different from the one it was originally. Now she wondered which memory she preferred.

"Honey, you have nothing to be afraid of," she said, more to convince herself than him. "Besides, with all the stuff going on, it's unlikely we'll run into each other, so we're stuck with each other."

As they turned the corner Megan immediately saw Keith way down the hall. She recognized the wizard outfit and felt a twinge between her legs which she wrote off as residue left from her dream last night.

She grabbed Joel's arm and headed toward that direction, attempting to appear nonchalant, until Joel said, "Hey, look, your little uhh big friend."

"Oh, your right" she answered, faking surprise.

"Guess it's destiny," Joel said as he laughed and Megan replied with a smile.

They caught up to Keith, who had stopped in front of a panel room door and was looking at the schedule taped onto it. He glanced toward Megan and gave a huge smile when he saw her. "Hey Megan, how're you?"

"Great. And you remember my husband Joel."

Both men shook hands as Joel replied, "Nice to officially meet ya."

Joel glanced at the schedule and recognized that the next meeting was about Megan's favorite game and it would start in just over an hour.

"You should go to this," he said turning back to Megan.

"But, we were going to see the..."

"Nah, I know you'd rather do this," Joel said cutting her off. "Besides, there is another horror panel that I'd honestly prefer to check out."

"Really?" She said with more enthusiasm than she wanted to.

"Yep," he said as he leaned in and gave Megan a kiss. He then looked to Keith and told him, "Keep an eye on her for me."

Keith replied, "Uh, sure," and smiled weakly.

As Joel walked away, Megan and Keith stood there frozen.

"Want to head to the vendor room until this starts?" Keith asked.


As they wandered up and down the aisles, Megan once again noticed that most of the men would look at her, then Keith, then back at her with a strange expression. A couple of times, Keith would be distracted or a few feet away, and some of the men would start chatting with her.

She new instantly they were hitting on her and she enjoyed it but another part of her knew they were hitting on her because they felt they could easily "steal her away" from someone like Keith. Annoyed with their advances, she would move closer to Keith and say something to him, which would make her wannabe paramours disappear.

She couldn't help but smile. On a couple of occasions, she would grab his hand and lean against him, pressing herself against his large form, to get the unwanted men to leave her alone. She also enjoyed the charge that shot through her each time they touched each other. She was so turned on. She told herself that if Joel walked by she'd jump him and do him right on the spot but she wondered if it was actually someone else she'd rather do.

It was a different story when she noticed Keith talking to one of the women there. A pang of jealously shot through her as she walked up to Keith, grabbed his hand, and gave the unknown woman the evil eye. "We should probably head to the next session."

Keith looked at his watch and replied, "Oh, yeah, we should."

As they walked away, Megan looked back and gave a wicked smirk to the other woman, who turned away and made herself busy at the table.

They entered the room, found a good spot and took their seats. Nervously, Megan stared at the stage and thought about her reaction to the other woman talking to Keith and how much fun she had teasing the other men that thought they were a couple. She couldn't remember a time when she felt so horny. Oh, wait, yes there was a time she felt that way, only...

Taking deep breaths, she tried to push the thoughts out of her mind, but she couldn't help but steal glances at Keith sitting next to her, his size making them intimately close to one another.

The Star Trek skirt she wore was already incredibly short and showed off nearly all of her shapely legs. As she wiggled slightly in her seat it caused the skirt to ride up a little more and it caught Keith's attention. She looked at him and saw his eyes widen as he stared at her exposed legs.

After he turned away to stare straight ahead with much sweat on his brow, she scanned him up and down and then focused on his crotch to see if she noticed anything. She thought she saw something as he moved around in his seat. Megan raised her eyes and locked with his. She smiled and looked back to the front and hoped he hadn't noticed her staring. But after a few minutes she glanced back at him and their eyes locked again.

Both smiled, then he put his hand on her leg. When she didn't react he started to circle his thumb on her outer thigh. His large, pudgy hand covered so much of her upper leg. Along with his thumb, he slowly began sliding his fingers back and forth across her inner thigh. Because of how short her skirt was, he was only a few inches away from her now hot cunt. Megan bit her lip. She felt ready to orgasm right there. It took all her strength to put her hand on his. She left it there for a second, fighting with herself, before moving his hand away. She looked back at him and slowly shook her head.

Megan returned her hand to her lap, disappointed in herself for letting him rub her as long as she did, only to have his hand glide back onto her leg a few minutes later. More shocks went through her. She new she shouldn't let him touch her, but his gentle rubbing felt so good. It was also a rush to be this out in the open and risk being discovered.

She thought about all those guys that questioned the possibility of her and Keith together, that tried to seduce her away from him. She thought about Joel laughing at the idea and mocking Keith's weight. She glanced around to make sure no one noticed and put her hand back on his. She spread her legs a little more and stared ahead as he began to slide his hand further up.

The audience burst out in applause as the lights went up and returned her back to reality. She took her hand off Keith's and continued to look ahead. The talk was over and she didn't think she heard a single word. She looked down and saw his hand still on her leg slowly stroking her up and down. She had a lump in her throat and could only think about her dream last night.

"How about we visit the vendor tables?" She asked nervously.

"Sure," he said much to her relief.

As they walked, she noticed more glances, only this time she was more reserved and didn't react or cling herself to Keith. At some of the more crowded tables they would rub or bump into each other, though neither did anything to prevent such "accidents."

Both were distracted by one of the gaming tables when they heard a voice behind them say, "Thought I'd find y'all here."

They turned around and Joel put one arm around Megan and reached the other out to shake Keith's hand, the same one that a short time ago nearly brought her to orgasm.

"How's it going?" Joel said kissing Megan on the cheek. She noticed Keith look away quickly and wished she could push Joel's arm off her shoulder.

"Not bad. Mainly been checking out the tables and stuff for sale." They continued walking through the area, Joel's arm still around her shoulder and Keith standing off to the side. Megan was sure he felt like a third wheel. "Oh, what's that?" Megan moved forward quickly, causing Joel's hand to slip off. She smiled and stopped in front of a table.

"Hello," said the young man behind the table. In front of him were some flyers and card sets. "Do ya'll play?"

Megan and Keith both said, "I do" as all three focused their attention on the salesman.

"Great! I represent the Guild of Gamers and we're always on the watch for new members."

"Oh, I already belong," Keith said, then he looked at Megan. "These guys are great, and it's a great way to meet new people to play."

Everyone turned toward Megan. "I haven't been active for a while, but wouldn't mind starting up again."

"Sweet! I'm Dave," said the salesman, handing her a card. "Here is our information. I'm part of the Coverdale group."

"Hey!" Megan interrupted. "That's where we live."

"You should totally join the group," Joel told her before turning to Dave. "She's always trying to get me to play but it's just not my thing."

"Well, it's definitely our thing," Dave laughed. "Hopefully you'll stop by one of our meetings."

"I will," Megan replied thankful for the distraction from her twisted feelings.

"Don't know about you guys, but I'm ready for some dinner," Joel said.

Megan looked at her watch and exclaimed, "Wow! They're going to be closing up soon. We probably should grab something before tonight's events. want to join us Keith?"

"Sure," he said with a smile, "if you don't mind me tagging along."

They entered the hotel dining room and Joel guided the group to the first available booth. Megan got in first and Joel sat beside her. Keith sat directly across from Megan. While they looked at the menus, Keith stretched out a little and his large lower leg bumped into Megan's. Neither moved as their legs rested against each other.

After the waitress returned and took the orders, Keith shifted in his seat and accidentally knocked the table with his leg. "Excuse me," he apologized and looked down towards their legs.

"You guys playing footsies?" Joked Joel just after a yawn.

"With my legs and the small table, the difficult thing would be not to play footsies."

All three laughed and continued chatting.

"So what do you two have planned tonight?" Keith asked.

"They're playing a couple of old movies I'd like to see. If I can stay awake," Joel answered.

"What about you?" Inquired Megan.

"A group of us are going to get together for some games and beer."

"You ought to go," suggested Joel to Megan. "You hate horror and you do like gaming."

"Oh no," she replied as Keith rubbed his leg against hers.

She felt uncomfortable and sat up more, folding her legs under the seat.

"Besides," she added looking at Joel, "we've hardly seen each other all day."

"You can see me any time," he answered. "Conventions are supposed to be about having fun and getting to do things we normally don't get to."

"No worries," Keith interjected. "We still have a couple more nights. They'll be another opportunity for games."

Megan sighed with relief and turned to Joel. "Looks like your stuck with me tonight buddy boy."

He replied by putting his arm around her and rubbing her shoulder just as the food arrived. The gesture was sweet but it immediately reminded her of Keith's hand rubbing her thigh. Megan re-extended her leg, brushed up against Keith's and left it there. Keith looked at her and when she didn't move her leg, he rubbed his hairy one against her smooth one. They both smiled.

After finishing dinner, they sat for a while longer and talked and looked at tomorrow's itinerary. The each marked down what they wanted to do, then compared their notes. Keith mentioned the panel he wanted to start with in the morning.

"Hey, you've mentioned you wanted to go to the panel," Joel said to Megan.

"Are you still trying to get rid of me?" Megan said with a smile.

"Not at all," he said with emphasis.

"We'll see" she answered.

"Hey, Keith. You don't mind if she tags along with you again tomorrow morning?"

"Well" he said feigning annoyance. "If it keeps her off the streets and out of trouble, I suppose." All three laughed as Keith ran his leg against Megan's some more.

After the movie, Megan and Joel returned to their room. Next door was quiet so they assumed Keith was somewhere else with his group. They got into bed and the hornyness of the day caught up with Megan. She turned to kiss Joel but all he could manage was to tiredly kiss her back and was asleep moments.

Frustrated, Megan closed her eyes and pictured Joel getting on top of her as they kissed hungrily. However, when her hand found the wetness between her legs, she was teleported back to the vendor room touching and holding hands with Keith. Then they were back in the restaurant with their legs against each others.

In the fantasy, while Joel was rambling on about movies and the things he saw that day at the convention, Megan pushed her fork off the table. She sank on the floor and seeing Keith's fat legs under his wizard costume, she crawled forward and slipped under the cloth to come face-to-penis with the largest cock she had ever seen. While the two men continued to talk at the table, Megan leaned forward and wrapped her lips around Keith's dick and bounced her head up and down, sucking him eagerly.

In bed, she toyed with her clit. In almost no time her orgasm had built up to the breaking point. All it took was one light pinch and the image of herself under that table shoving Keith's cock into her throat to send waves of pleasure shooting through her. As the pulses subsided, she removed her hand and joined her husband in slumber.

In what seemed like no time, the alarm sounded. Megan lay in bed for several minutes. She listened to Joel in the shower and reflected on the previous day and the intense fantasy and orgasm she had last night. She decided it would be best to avoid Keith. Besides, she told herself, the fantasy she last night would be far better than the actual experience.

Today was their casual day. So, Joel had on jeans with a Star Trek T-Shirt while Megan wore shorts and a Doctor Who shirt. After breakfast, they wandered the floor a little until it was time for their next sessions.

"It's about time to find Keith, don't ya' think?" Joel asked.

"I don't know," Megan replied. "We really haven't done much together so far."

"Yeah, but I think you'd have more fun at the other panel we talked about. Besides, it's better to share it with someone who has the same interest."

"Dammit," she thought to herself. "Joel was right and as much as she kept trying to deny it, she really did want to see Keith again."

As they walked, she saw Keith up in the distance. This time he was in a Jedi Knight robe. She couldn't help but smile as she noted a theme with his costumes.

"Okay, I need to go this way for my meeting," said Joel. "Careful he doesn't use his Jedi mind-tricks on you. That might be the only way for him to get a girl like you."

"Ok," she replied more tersely than she meant. They kissed then she was off toward Keith who was now out of her sight. She glanced back and Joel was already out of view, so she picked up her pace, wanting to make sure she got a seat next to him. Megan looked in the room and easily spotted Keith making his way up the aisle. She caught up to him and tugged his arm. He turned around and smiled, "Hey" he said.

"Hey," she said back, as she flashed a bright smile.

They found a good place to sit and she asked how his game went.

"Not bad, but we had to cut it short 'cause most everyone was worn out. We called it quits around 2:30."

"You out lasted us. We were in bed by eleven."

"Oh, well, that just makes it easier to keep you up all night tonight," he said looking at her with a mischievous smile. As they chatted he put his hand on her leg again. Like before, she enjoyed his touch and the volt it sent from her loins to the rest of her.

"We really shouldn't do this Keith."

Keith pulled his hand away from Megan's leg, a sadness washed over his features.

"I said shouldn't," Megan replied, bringing his hand back over to her thigh. "Not that you couldn't."

Neither noticed the lights go down as the next speaker was announced. After several minutes of rubbing Megan's thigh, he reached for her hand and guided it towards his lap. Megan offered no resistance. He slipped it in through a slit in the garment and placed it on his own hairy sweaty thigh. She rubbed up and down, enjoying the feeling and size of his massive thigh. Despite his legs being apart, his fat thighs met slightly above his knees. She pushed her hands between them and moved up. Her eyes opened wide when she realized he had no pants or underwear on. If she kept going, she'd run right into his penis.

Breathing heavily, Megan leaned more towards him and he slouched down in the seat so he could spread his legs more and give her easier access to move up his thighs until she was able to reach his fully erect penis.