Mel's Repressed Desires Ch. 01

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Mel's sexy neighbors bring out hot truth or dare.
9.9k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/19/2021
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- Mel was left to tend to the baby as Donnie starts summer job

- Just met neighbors of three months, have watched each other perform sex act.

- Donnie has uncovered desires with men no long repressed.

- Unlike UCRD, which is in third person, this will be 1st person & Mel's perspective.

'My God, her lips were so soft,' I thought as Ruthie Hankins, neighbor who I had just met, pressed her large mouth on mine. She was tender, her hands on my waist pulling me in and her tall frame now pressed against mine. Our first interaction of substance and I had admitted something to she and her husband, Jerry, while Donnie, my husband, was away at work that evening.

She moved her lips down to my bottom lip, taking it in between hers before puckering and pressing forward. Precise movement with her mouth opened my lips, which stunned were just there, and just like that her tongue moved into my mouth. My hands reached up and circled her neck as I finally kissed her back with some force, not as delicate as she kissed me.

Her husband's questioning had released a story from my past no one knew and Ruthie was now a stand in for a opportunity lost years ago, playing the role of "Katie" and playing it to perfection.

Ruthie ran her hands over my shorts, down to my thighs and then up the front of my body, cupping each breast over tank as our lips and tongue did their dance. My eyes were closed and my senses picked up the sweet fragrance from her hair, skin and the sweet drink she had shared with me. My hands found her face as her fingers slid under my tank top and bra, finding my nipples and rolling them in unison before slipping her right hand out and downward. She moved me to the counter in my own kitchen and pushed down past the front waist band of the shorts, panties and soon her middle finger had brushed my clit. My "time" had ended that morning and what was denial of my husband, turned to submission to Ruthie.

"Ohhhh," I breathed, releasing our kiss for a moment, only up pull upwards again with my hands on her shoulder, meeting her mouth as she penetrated me softly with her finger. Ruthie spent time massaging my clit, rising my level of desire, wondering how far she would go. My hips pushed against her hand as my mouth searched for her tongue, the thrust sending her deeper inside of me. I moved my right hand to her left breast and petted her over her clothes, not real sure how much longer we could be secluded before Jerry came with my son Miles. They were out back around the fire playing as the two of us played in our kitchen.

Ruthie must have sensed my hesitation, though my fingers were now on her athletic torso, pressing into her firm abs, flirting with her shorts waist band. For the past couple months, since moving in, I admired and envied her tall body, athletic shoulders especially the past month where she would layout topless at times. She was discrete, but not enough to prevent me from seeing her smallish, perky with chocolate chip nippled breasts from 20 yards across our lawns from my back porch window. Meeting her tonight was wonderful and as a couple they made me feel relaxed enough to tell a story not even Donnie knew about, leading to us making out in my own kitchen.

"We'd better get back," Ruthie said pulling her hand out of my shorts and blouse and us both straightening our clothes, wiping mouths while locking eyes. "You need to tell Donnie tomorrow morning what you told us and what we just did."

"I will Ruthie," I said looking affectionately at her, much like I had five years ago to Katie. "Thank you."

"You're welcome and are so sweet," Ruthie said, moving to me again and kissing me softly on the lips. "We can make this whatever we want it to be."

I smiled as we touched hands and moved to the door.

"Oh, and we're telling Jerry right now to get that out of the way," Ruthie said. "I'll go mix you another drink, you put Miles down and bring the baby monitor to the fire pit."

"Yes, Ruthie," I said for the first time, and not the last.

As it turned out we almost didn't hang out that night, but my frustration with Donnie's series of messages pushing his arrival home back, was sensed by Jerry. Looking back now, knowing he was a phycology major, class valedictorian, now social worker it makes sense how he made me comfortable in such a short amount of time. And the drinks didn't hurt either, my stamina for alcohol diminished since abstinence from being pregnant and nursing Miles. Jerry was quick to introduce themselves to me, alone for the evening, and we had already made plans for the next night to barbecue "at his place".

We exchanged stories of how we, as couples, met, how they found each other in college and Jerry began a trend of throwing sexual questions in the mix. "Did you go down on him first, or he on you?" or "Did you fuck in your parents house?" I found them easy to answer and would hear myself sharing stories of sex, telling nearly a stranger about how I insisted we fuck on the steps, living room and in their bed sort of marking my spots. Jerry cool demeanor and satisfied grin as I answered showed he was pleased with himself for quickly bringing a little that out of me.

I grabbed the monitor after changing and putting Miles down after changing him, it was easy as he fell asleep on the walk from the fire pit. Our fire pit was locate towards their yard, in the back corner, but tucked to the east so the monitor reached, but just listening from the door wouldn't work. Walking back, I wondered how this conversation would go, and flashing back to Jerry asking earlier, "Who was runner up to Donnie? I mean, who would you have married other than him?"

"Katie," I heard myself say after a long pause and quick flashback that took me out of body. "Katie and I, well, didn't have a chance, um..."

"Mel, you don't have to get into this right now," Ruthie said, looking over at Jerry in a 'see what you've done' glare, before her tender eyes met mine. Up until now Jerry had drove the show, though he let Ruthie tell of her taking his cock in a movie theater and his fumbling through licking her pussy for the first time with her roommate.

"I'm okay with this," again my view of the scene at this point was almost above us looking down as the portal to that night had opened and I was fully there. "I need to get it out there."

"Katie told me she loved me," I said looking down, now fully seeing Katie's beautiful face. "We were only 19 and had, never, well 'been together' even so much as a kiss. I mean we were roommates in the Rider dorm at UNI, we were inseparable."

I paused, seeing her car and seeing her drive away, the same tears that came to my eyes then reappeared and started to stream down my face, with it facing down they dripped off my cheek. Ruthie saw and moved to me, sitting on the small table beside my chair and putting an arm around me. She brought me back down a little to the moment, leaving Katie to drive away again, leaving it where it was left just five short years ago.

"I told her, 'I can't, I just can't Love you," I stuttered out of my lips, to ears for the first time since Katie heard those words which sealed it on the spot. "I don't blame her for not pushing back, for just leaving, I mean the courage it took for her to say that to me and I shut her down immediately."

I told them of our playful, flirty, banter in the dorm, downtown, at night and our do everything together attitude. I admitted I thought about it almost every night since, what her lips would feel like, what her touch on my naked body would do to me. We both had boyfriends on and off, and we shared time in each others laps, quick touches over our clothes. We used to lay body on body watching TV, our cheeks, breasts and hips lining up perfectly.

"And you didn't kiss then?" Ruthie asked.

"We both were raised by repressed, Christian parents who placed shame in just about anything sexual, much less homosexual," I said. "I felt and always acted with that shame hovering over my head, even with my boyfriends."

I told them I really didn't regret not having the relationship as Katie didn't return to UNI and we did contact each other over that summer. She changed majors and moved to Minnesota where her parents headed.

"I really just wish I had experienced at least a kiss with her," I had said. "I felt attraction for her and other women as well."

That took us to going into the kitchen and Ruthie explaining she had several female partners in college as she was a ladies basketball team where there were very aggressive lesbian players.

"Sex is sex and people are people," Ruthie said. "Had I met one I felt was my life partner I'm sure we'd be together today, but it didn't line up with my life's goals of having a family anyway, so here we are."

"Yes, here we are," I said a bit in a trance having heard of her experiences and sensing her strong character while having different boundaries than I had.

We moved to walk to my house for a tissue and some water, as their drinks were catching up with me. I stopped in the middle of the kitchen and looked at her, I could feel Katie, the moment and this beautiful woman all at once and said, "Could you please kiss me?"

Ruthie smiled and moved in, and that's where it all began.

Now, heading back to the fire, we had to fill Jerry in and I was to fill Donnie in whenever that first chance was, most likely in the morning. Ruthie handed me a drink and surprising took my hand inviting what I knew, even knowing him just that night, was going to come from her husband.

"Wow, you too look radiant! Who went down on who?" Jerry said sitting up on his chair, his interest peaked.

"Jerry it's not quite like that," Ruthie said, her frankness was refreshing. "She wanted a kiss and I obliged, well and a little more."

"We made out," the alcohol in me said after I took a long sip of water.

"Sure, you don't invite me to watch," Jerry said smiling big and then amazingly dropped the whole thing.

We talked about where Donnie was, his summer job, what the money would do for our family and I realized I knew this was going to be an adjustment from him being there all the time. They talked about saving for a new house, possibly in the proposed development area all before Jerry went to bed as he had to get up the next morning. Ruthie had the day off, but was going shopping with her mother at 9 a.m. I bragged about being a consultant in education and sleeping in, "Well until Miles says were up."

Ruthie stayed with me for another 1/2 hour and I asked her more about the women on her team. She said all of her bridesmaids and maid of honor were from the team, that's how close they were and that Jerry always wanted to watch me with one of them.

"It wasn't like the for me, but looking back it wouldn't have been such a big deal either," Ruthie said. "Actually, none of the girls were particularly comfortable with Jerry."

"Ah, he's harmless," I said, seeing the repressed academic trapped in a low thinking profession flexing his degree on a new friend. "And really, he's tall, thin and has a nice face to boot."

"Pretty average cock though," Ruthie said laughing.

"Mine too, I mean Donnie's," I stammered to the finish line as the drinks just told me to keep throwing things out there.

"Donnie's very cute," Ruthie said standing up. "I think we did alright for ourselves. You need to tell him tomorrow, just like I did, pull the bandage off fast."

"I will," I said, standing and my stomach bounced as the amazon woman with a big heart and smile moved to me again. "I will quickly tell him about our moment, and sit him down for a long talk about where it came from and Katie."

"Moments, plural," she said and leant over, penetrating my mouth immediately with her tongue and moving her hands to my back, pulling me into her. Ask quickly as the kiss began, it ended, my eyes still closed and mouth open wanting more. "Goodnight Mel."

I stood and watched her walk through the back yards to her deck and she opened the door. She smiled big as she saw me still standing in the spot she left me, my legs quivering a little thinking of her kiss, her hands on me, her finger inside me and running over my clit. The fire was about dead, so I rushed inside, checked on Miles and stripped naked.

I hadn't pleasured myself since early in our marriage as trying for a kid, getting pregnant and the months since put a damper on a practice I had always enjoyed. I stood naked in front of my mirror, having turned the lamp by my bed on, my shadowy body reflecting at me. I had been trying some to lose the baby weight, but still had 10-15 lbs. to go and I had cursed myself for not doing more. Tonight I felt sexy, and moved my hand to where Ruthie's had been.

My pussy was very wet from the discussions, kisses and looks from Ruthie, my two fingers slid easily deep as I bent down to penetrate. I ran my first finger over my clit softly, just standing them imagining Ruthie kissing me, her hands on my body. I wondered out skilled she must be, spending four years with women you must have taught her through many nights together and my legs began to shudder. With the other hand I pressed my breast from the other side and played with my nipple. I switched hands, first putting the two fingers in my mouth, tasting and smelling the scent I hoped, yes I thought it, hoped Ruthie would experience soon.

That thought, that desire, was now out and now reality I thought as I climbed into bed. Like imagining my male lovers back in the day when I first discovered how to love myself, I began to see Ruthie. She appeared at the foot of my bed and began to crawl up my legs, I imagined my hands finding her hair as she lowered her mouth to my hot cunt. My fingers played the role of lips, tongue, nose and face as I saw her devour me, my juices flowing for her to ingest, my moans not hidden.

"Yes, Ruthie!" I exclaimed as I added a third finger and massaged my clit fast. "Yes, yes, yes Ruthie!"

I worked myself now, building to a climax, putting her face there but focusing on finding the spots that stimulate most, that being my clit and a place lower. I used high right hand to push deep and left hammered at my clit, rolling my fingers between it's folds and under the hood, and back. The clreshendow built and soon I was bucking against my hands with my hips, squeezing my thighs together and cumming hard and wet. "Oh, yes Ruthie" I sighed. I slept naked, half-hoping Donnie would come home and wake me up, but awoke around 10 a.m. in the same naked state.

My husband had taken Miles and my headache wasn't as pronounced as I had anticipated, though went to the the Tylenol to prevent it from going migraine on me. I walked down a little groggy and heard him outside playing with our son in the cool morning, Mile's giggle, something that brings joy to my soul, didn't mask or cover the events from the previous night. I had a plan and an objective for short term resolution so I could dig into the long term issue. That being I was attracted to women before I met Donnie; I'm attracted to Ruthie and I still wanted my husband, son and marriage.

"Hey Babe!" I called out the back door, wearing just a T-shirt that hung down to the mid point of my thighs. "Thanks for taking the boy this morning. We had a nice time last night."

"Yeah, Jerry mentioned," he called back with no voice inflection or raised tenor. Donnie turned back to the boy, before giving me another look. I figured he'd like to see me mostly not dressed and could soon come to investigate. He had coffee brewed and I took in a couple big swigs while cleaning up what I left from the night before. I could see where Ruthie pushed me up against the counter to finger me, her soft and full lips on mine, my hands on he breasts. I got a little moist which was part of the morning plan, to surprise my husband with the news I was done with my period. Once he ravished me I would tell him about Ruthie last night and where the roots of that lay, in simple and brief terms.

The door swung open and Donnie announced that the boy needed a change. I instructed him to use the changing table upstairs and put the gate up, showing him the monitor before stating "come downstairs, I'm off my period and not wearing panties." His eyes grew big and he bounded up, I looked around and found the phone book. It had the Hankin's home number in it so I quickly called over. They had said it was "our turn" so in a chance anyone was home...Ruthie answered.

"Hello," she said.

"It's Mel," I said. "It was our turn, remember. Look inside our screen window."

I hung up and heard Donnie coming down the steps, he looked at the screen door and I nodded "yes" as he gave that questioning look and I knew he was gesturing like 'are they watching?" The last time I swallowed his cock we were back away from door, so this time I moved him by getting on my knees to right in front of the screen, where that was the end of the counter and a cabinet that he had to watch his head. I glanced over and saw Ruthie on the back deck, seeing she was readying to sun bath as it was almost 10 a.m. she was finished shopping and it was a beautifully sunny day.

I had Donnie's shorts and boxers off and his cock stuck straight out, I held it in my hand in case she could make it out before I took it in again. Remembering he taught me, angling my head as I bent more at the waist. Donnie pushed and I sucked, just wanting to give her an appetizer before she got the entree. I held it out again and just played with the tip, then his balls, enjoying the air against us flowing into the house. I turned to suck on the shaft from the side to see her laying, on her front, probably with the tie undone as I've seen it before, just drinking us in, my mouth covered his cock like a sausage in a hoagie roll. I pivoted my hips in my deep squat and released him for a second and reach around cross-handed and pulled my shirt up over my head.

I presented myself in the screen doorway to Ruthie, showing off my upper torso, my nipples perky and pointed from the breeze, my areoles about 1/2 dollar sized pulled upwards with the tension. I cocked my head looking at her and held Donnie, his eyes stayed closed and focused while I watched Ruthie get up and lay back, topless, her brown skin radiant with her darker brown small pointed nipples. As I took him back in my mouth, I saw her run her hands over her breasts and down between her legs and back. I stood and was now back in the doorway, just behind the screen stopping there as our deck was not very protected to the west. I stared at Ruthie, who was first looking down at her body, tracing around her nipples and sliding down under her bottoms. She was more protected as we pretty much were the only ones who could see in unless the neighbors looked over the hedges. She then slipped off her bottoms, opened her legs and put her fingers inside herself and looked at me.

I braced my hands on the doorframe as Donnie had swung behind me and had his cock rested on the crease in my lower back. He rubbed my breasts from behind and his chin was over my right shoulder, I'm sure drinking in Ruthie. He began to slid it downward and I pushed backwards, lowering so my breasts were now pointing down more dangling to be seen. I looked up so she could see my face as he entered and I contorted and moaned as he went balls deep on the first thrust.

"Oh Yes!" I said loud enough. "Do that again."

Donnie obliged and pulled back and thrust forward hard, my moan was muffled by my closed mouth, his third thrust was as hard and as deep and deserved an "Oh Fuck, yes!" I could see Ruthie's hand moving with my moans as he continued the assault, as he thrust five maybe six times hard before I had to slide to the floor, it was too much for my arms. He scrambled to reenter me and had my hips now pulling me back, thrusting again and again. Ruthie had added her second hand, rubbing faster than my moans, though I gave her an accurate pace of my husband's thrusts. I realized he was about five thrusts or more past his usual stamina and that under the circumstances I'd figured he'd had came almost right away.