Mel's Repressed Desires Ch. 02

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Bi Mel explores neighbor, sexy co-ed seduces her.
19.5k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/19/2021
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Previously on Mel's Repressed Desires - Ch. 01 (Set in the late 1990s)

- Mel and sexy neighbor shared her first bisexual moment

- Donnie plows Mel on camera with sexy neighbor filming

- Sexy truth or dare has everyone cumming and Jerry's cock in Donnie's mouth

- Donnie has two day job responsibilities with Mr. Donovan

***It's 10:30 p.m. on a Friday night and a naked Donnie and Mel after running naked across their back yard have entered their house, clothes in their arms - Told in Mel's voice once again***


I raced upstairs past Donnie, who was putting his boxers on in the kitchen, to check on Miles. Our baby was fast asleep, and I quickly slipped on a night T-shirt and immediately turned around, raced down the stairs, and followed Donnie into the living room. He slumped into the couch and looked up at me, his eyes worried with a hint of thought, in what direction I had no idea.

"What the fuck was that?" he blurted his face was in a non accusatory manner, just wondering aloud, confused as to what it was we just did in the back yard around our fire pit.

"A lot of sex," I said, having no other answer, my breasts dangling under the shirt and my body began pacing around the room not looking at anything.

Trying to keep an even keel under the circumstances, I came up with. "A whole lot of sex with a whole lot of firsts, unless you've sucked more guys dicks...oh that's right, it's a second for you."

Donnie gave me that look telling me I was approaching the line, then looked away from me in deep thought. He seemed to have been taken away for a moment, picturing the event or events of his past. He looked up, hands in his hair, then running down his face.

"Is this who we are?" Donnie wondered out loud quietly then in a raised voice. "I mean, I'm really not being judgmental, but really, is this who we are?"

What the fuck? I thought to myself, just looking at him in all his judgement. "Define 'this'," I quipped back, not knowing what to say or how to answer.

It was less than 36 hours since I've discovered that my repressed bisexual side was very real and my husband is, was, is now, shit I don't know; bisexual as well. All of those marriage meetings with the pastor, the one about full disclosure, certainly didn't hit home.

At that moment we firmly stood outside our traditionally Christian upbringings, the preached rights and wrongs did not align with the desires of our hearts, our minds and now our experiences. I just watched Donnie suck a cock, hell I even helped my mouth on it at the same time he took it in his. Who am I? Who are we?

"'This'," Donnie said standing tall, rising out of the couch, with air quotes. "Is us discovering two mighty big things about ourselves all at once. Maybe it's three, or do they count as the same thing. Shit I don't know."

I paced into the kitchen, trying to collectively bring this mess together. I looked out at the smoldering embers in the back yard, visualizing where I went down on Ruthie, where Donnie went down on Jerry, all of the dares, truths and discoveries in real time. I had it, or at least I was going to give it a try.

"No, you're right, I hear you thinking," I said as we merged repressed thoughts, giving them voice. "We each discovered our spouse is bisexual at the same time we discovered we're bisexual AND neither of us told the other about a bisexual thought we may have had much less the experiences. Shit! That's four things...I think."

I pushed Katie, a female who loved from college away and Ruthie reconciled that in just an afternoon. And now, we're playing truth or dare, sucking each other around a fire pit, no regard. I knew where this was hiding in me, I just thought this side was pushed down deep enough to be lost forever.

I sighed a big sigh and smiled at Donnie who slumped back into the couch and was staring at me, confused, amazed, thinking.

"It's okay," I said. "We're okay, you and I; both of us, we're okay."

His stare was blank but looking at me as my last word trailed off. Shaking his head, he looked down, shirtless in his boxers, and contemplating everything I imagined. We had an amazing week sexually speaking even if you take the fire pit out of the equation. I saw his shoulders drop, his body relax a bit.

Donnie laughed and sat up motioned for me to sit by him, so I slipped down in his lap and kissed him, the man who took and shared with me in a kiss our new friend's load. We put your hands on each other's face, turning over each other's lips before pulling off and staring at each other.

"It's just sex Mel, just fucking sex," Donnie said. "If you're attracted to Ruthie, so be it. If I sucked Jerry's dick, so be it. We move forward, deal with what it is and with what happens next and we'll do it together. We're a family, we love each other and apparently sneaky freaky in bed."

"Are you attracted to Jerry?" I asked speaking of freaky.

"No, not really," Donnie said, brow crumpled, his legs shifting under my weight. "I liked sucking his dick though, which is how I left it the last time I sucked cock."

"The last time," I said, saving that story for another night just for the sake of moving forward. "Life goes on Donnie and they'll talk to us, and like before tonight we'll have flirty banter. When the time comes we'll either be up in each other's genital regions or we'll say 'thanks but no thanks.'"

"Something like that," Donnie said, his hands were at my hips and we kissed again. I could smell fire on us an feel the sex dried on our faces.

I went to bed, and Donnie had to check his work schedule for next week. I didn't mind him going to bed on his own after the night we just had and especially since I had zero interest in sex from what we had just been through.

I laid down on the bed staring, climbing under the covers and then at the ceiling, remembering Katie but then thinking of Ruthie. When I came on her face earlier today I felt reborn.

I began to wonder about Ruthie how she feels we have joined bodies. I then thought about how her night ended. Jerry joked he would be fucking her in the arse to join our "club", after reveling to them we had just done that for the first time. This turned me on.

My mind pictured her on her elbows I could visualize Jerry's hips and bare arse thrusting into my new lovers sweet backside. I let the image of her receiving his cock, her breasts bouncing to his thrust, and then I fell asleep thinking of their soldimistic coupling.


(Saturday morning) The giggles and coos of Miles woke me up, so I quickly dressed and got him settled downstairs before getting some things done. When Donnie came down I went for a short run, I wanted to please my Ruthie more and more, getting my body in shape, and later trimming myself in the shower in case she would be going down there soon.

I ran with music in the background and a slideshow of my lovers running in my head, Ruthie and Katie, who touched my soul enough to be in with those who touched my body. I made it back, cooled down and hit the shower.

Shaving I gasped as I would periodically finger myself, water running over my body, thinking of Ruthie's hands on me, her mouth. I was giddy with crush and affection for the woman who opened my world to her love and skills, turning me out to orgasm like I'd hadn't had in that way. I wondered what the Hankins were up to, getting on my robe and rushing downstairs.

Looking over at their house it was clear, the their vehicles were gone, that they must have being heading out somewhere for the day. Disappointed my impulses couldn't be stimulated I decided our Saturday was wide open. Interrupting Donnie on the computer I suggested we take Miles to the Zoo for the 1st time and he was very into this, getting him off the computer.

He was all consumed about this summer job, which come out of nowhere seemingly and was going to be a windfall like we'd never expected. He was constantly on the computer and avoiding me some until he began riding me hard opening up our sexuality.

We were getting things ready for the zoo when tells me he was going to need to stay in Des Moines overnight Thursday and late into the day Friday.

He made $1,300 cash last week so I really didn't care. We had already put half of that into savings for Mile's college fund, and the next weeks was headed to our credit card debt

Donnie was very affectionate that morning, kissing me on the head, touching me along my thigh. We loaded up and made the 45 minute drive, Miles falling asleep and being a cranky upon our arrival. We got him in his stroller, rolled up to the zoo, and made our way through the ticketing line.

Riding along my mind drifted back to the Hankins, more specifically Jerry. His cock was nice and he had a passive aggressiveness that made me feel like he was looking at me sexually.

I smiled some as we pulled up to the zoo, turned on from my thoughts of all of our sexual organs and where they fit and how they were, or would be, pleasurable. I turned my focus to my family, pushing pause on the naughty thoughts and images in my head.

Walking through the zoo, our son's face showed that Miles loved the animals, and for the first time in the summer we were having that classic family time and it was very refreshing.

I was able to detach the previous evening from the day. I would tingle and moisten thinking of Ruthie, or Jerry's flirtation, I could instantly rejoin the moments we were making as a family and in our marriage.

We were finishing up and found a little ice cream place on the zoo grounds heading towards the door. We got him a dish and Miles was soon wearing chocolate it all over his face and giggling. Donnie had to run to the bathroom but I delayed him as I playfully wrapped my leg around his waist for a moment.

I had dressed in a nice skort, with a button down sleeveless white t-shirt with a slightly bluish bra that I had purposefully worn to get glances at my nicely propped up breasts.

Walking around that morning several men stared into my shirt and I had playfully snuck a peak back at them, getting caught a couple times, responding with a sly grin. I had felt empowered with the sexual attention that had been paid to my body the past two weeks.

So I went to get a napkin and noticed a young woman was zeroed in on my look, giving me a once over as I walked up. Her eyes purposefully moved to my cleavage and held there for a moment as I approached.

I expected her to turn away in embarrassment, instead the early 20 year old gave me an approving nod, wink and a smile. The smile turned into something more, something with intent and thought as her face got serious, her eyes intentional.

My God! She was giving fuck me eyes in the presence of my husband and child, having had to have seen me snap my leg around Donnie. I quivered in desire eyes locked, neither of us breaking the moment, her lips now pursing just a little and her tongue meeting her top lip.

She was serving another customer at the ice cream cart who ordered, and for a moment she held it through their first request. We took turns glancing away, and back into each other's faces, my pussy wet, panties now soaked.

"I'm taking Miles in to clean up," I heard Donnie say, having returned from the bathroom. He picked him up and I immediately got nervous, anxious, and when I looked up, the line had dissipated and was gone; the woman looked up at me. I felt like running as she grabbed a clipboard and pen and headed in my direction.

What was happening?? She approached confidently and slowly, her petite waist held up short black zoo issued shorts that she made look amazing. Her breasts were full enough to have a bounce as she stepped. I took a deep breath, my panties had to be dripping onto my skort insides, I closed my eyes for a moment and heard her set the clipboard down at the table.

"You're son is adorable," she said extending her hand and I shook it embarrassed, pulling back. "Hi, I'm Kandy and the owner of our little ice cream stand. Could you put your email address and regular address down and I'll send you our latest specials, weekly flavor and discounts for if you come here as a family or if you find yourself here alone with your son."

'Alone' hung in the air and her smile was wide as I picked up the pen. I had an AOL account, since that's what Donnie set up, but also relied on my work email. I knew to put that down as well as our mailing address.

"Thank you so much...." she was waiting for a name, but then looked down at the clipboard. "Mel. Is that short for Melanie?"

"Yes it is," I said, blushing a little, feeling giddy and embarrassed I hadn't introduced myself.

"Well thank you Melanie and I love your outfit," Kandy said again her eyes scanning, if not undressing, me. "We're here all summer and then downtown Des Moines after the snow flies and the coupons are good for both."

"Thank you Kandy, the ice cream is incredible," I said back, nervous, looking away and then back up to her eyes and bright smile.

She thanked me and did a turn, and showed me her best feature, backside in those black shorts, and trim waist. She then did a quick half-turn her perfectly supported breasts, her pony tail bouncing as she turned back. I watched her serve another customer giving me two or three more glances with a smile, woven between dips of ice cream.

"He's as good as new, changed and everything," Donnie said coming back from the bathroom breaking my trance, my reality settled into the air like hot, humidity in Iowa. "He's going to sleep well on the way home."

I was aroused and the vibe wouldn't be extinguished, Kandy made me almost cream my panties without even a touch so I had a thought. "Take me to the mall we need to go to Victoria's Secret I need some lacier stuff."

Donnie would have went in with me if not for Miles. There was one evening, after dinner and drinks, we went in to VS and I popped out dressing room in just the lingerie, for everyone in the store to see. Donnie tried to see if he could embarrass the professional staff there and it was so much fun, Donnie giving graphic feedback like no one was there.

Those trips in the store were hot and we'd often end up banging in the car, or once in the Mall's far bathrooms that no one used. It was probably one of the things that sealed it for me saying yes to his proposal, his insatiable sex drive and creative way to make things fun and sexy.

Without Donnie in VS, and fresh off the young woman eye fucking me at the zoo, I came out to ask the opinion of the workers there. The goal wasn't embarrassing the clerk, it was finding things that new lovers in my life might like.

"Okay, I'm married right, but if you were seeing me for the first time in something like this, is it sexy enough?" I asked imagining seeing Ruthie and Kandy eyes on me.

I left with a half-dozen new sets of hot panties, one corset, and bras that made me look incredible. I left the dark red one on and it made the white top look like it wasn't there and drew a bug-eyed reaction from Donnie when I got back in the car. "You can't go back out in that," Donnie said. "Holy shit that's hot!"

Regardless, I did as we did some shopping for food staples and grabbed some fast food at McDonalds. While Knowing we shouldn't be pumping chicken nuggets into Miles, he ate and was asleep very soon afterwards. As Donnie drove my mind drifted to Kandy, to Ruthie, how I felt in my clothes and reliving Kandy's gave and Ruthie's aggression. I summarized to myself that they were different that Donnie's, Jerry's or any other man I had been courted by. They were a knowing, admiring looks, not a predatory, lustful that were just aimed to get in my pants.

Miles was sleeping with a french fry in his hand as I gathered him up and walked upstairs to let him continue his nap. I thought Donnie might want to get at me, the red bra certainly was alluring, but I wasn't surprised, or disappointed, that he went for a nap. I went to our extra room, one we hoped we'd fill with another baby in a year or two, and tried on my lingerie again.

We had used it as an office until Donnie moved it downstairs, sitting on a shelf were electronics, including a 35mm camera and a new digital one we had gotten for Christmas from my folks. We hadn't used it much, but it was on a charging docking station so it was fully ready.

I had taken some family pictures that have been downloaded to the computer, and they were still there. I looked in the full length mirror on the side wall, seeing my body, the red bra popping, my legs running out of the skort. I looked good and was wanting to look great.

I was going to keep working out and tracking my progress, already making MS Excel spreadsheet that I could enter measurements, weights and including a place for calories. Looking in the mirror I got the idea for some "before" pictures to have to visually compare myself each week as it's hard to notice subtile changes.

Donnie was sleeping in the next room as I set the camera's timer, placed it down for a moment before starting to practice some posses. At first just a front, and two side shots, making sure to have marks so the pictures would be chronological. I took my skort and top off, and stood there in my bra and panty.

I positioned the camera on the desk and quickly began to take the shots, shooting two for each the front and two sides. I looked at them, scrolling through the "play" button on the back, happy with their quality, not so happy with the little bulges here and there.

Growing up I did dance and we were taught how to pose, somewhat seductively, though it wasn't framed that way to us in our teens. My second thought was to collect some sexy photos so I set the timer and did a hands on my knees pose, pushing my butt and chest out and did these from the front and both sides. I did sort of a belly dancer pose, my hands out and up, bent at the elbows so I formed a "W", it accented my breasts.

The hormone imbalance that Kandy created at the zoo was still in my bloodstream. I thought about her, Ruthie, and wanted something to share, I knew you could attach files to email. Feeling the warmth lower again I got a chair, set the time and sat back doing the famous "Flashdance" pose where you kick your head back, chest out, legs straight. The camera clicked and I reset it to do it another pose when I thought, "what the hell" and took my bra off.

I ditched the chair and instead posed with my arms crossed over my breasts, for the first picture. I stood naked while inspecting the shot, shades were drawn so not to show off to the street below. I was warm between my legs when I did my first 1/2 nude photo, simply looking into the camera, hands at my side, and breasts shown. I did a bent over, straining to look up, hands on my knees and then I took the camera down, and did several with me being on all fours from various angles.

Donnie was still hard and fast asleep so I got out all the combination of panties, bras and corsets and spend the next 30 minutes in my own photo shoot. When I finished I had around 50 shots in all combination of 1/2 naked and in lingerie. It was a heck of a before collection and I thought in a month I'd do an "after".

I put the camera in the closet behind some boxes, horny I slipped out of my panties, and moved into bed with Donnie. He was in a deep sleep as I slid naked besides him, my hand moving to his waist and unbuttoning his shorts, before slipping inside. I felt his flaccid cock, stroking it slowly, his body waking up as he sensed me down there.

His hand found mine, he wiggled out of his shorts and rolled over on his back, cock rising. I slid my body to his feet and moved up, to my delight Donnie had his shirt off, placed a pillow behind his head, so I kept moving up and mounted his cock from on top.