Memoir Extra 03: Our First Meeting

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Audrey tells her version of how she and Ben first met.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/08/2020
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I found that writing about our little rock climbing adventure was quite fulfilling. This time, I thought that I'd offer my version of how Ben and I met. I'm not disputing any of the major facts in Ben's account, however, I feel that I need to polish some of the finer points and provide my perspective on some of the details.

Here goes:

"If I want to paint my fucking toenails, I'll paint my fucking toenails Jason!" I said raising my voice slightly.

"I just want to get to the pool before the kids swarm all over it, that's all." Jason responded.

"Well I wanted to do them last night before I left home, but you said that there wasn't time. Just get over it, it'll only take another five minutes." I explained returning to the task at hand.

I had painted my toenails with the colours of the spectrum ever since that lesson on prisms in science class way back in high school. Our science teacher was Mrs Hansen and she was the only female science teacher in the school. The next weekend, I bumped into Mrs Hansen in the local supermarket and she was wearing sandals. It was then that I saw her toenails and the rest, as they say, is history.

As promised, I had finished with my toenails in no time and was ready to accompany my boyfriend Jason to the swimming pool. We were at the far end of the resort and it took some time to walk over to the pool area. As we approached, we could already hear the calls of excited children and Jason shot me a stern 'I told you so' glance but did not utter a word.

Standing between us and the pool was another couple who had approached the pool just before us. Seeing what Jason had dreaded, the other couple had already turned around and started to walk away from the pool. That couple ended up being Jennifer and Ben.

I have to confess that I didn't like Ben at first. He looked me up and down in a leering, almost sleazy manner. I know better now, but I was certainly not impressed and although I did not say so verbally, I'm sure that my facial expression and body language would have said all that needed to be said on the matter.

He started out by giving me some lame excuse about liking my toenails and I was just waiting for some frivolous, brain dead attempt at flattery involving matching my eyes or something else equally as pathetic. However, when he correctly identified that I was trying to represent the light spectrum, I was caught off guard somewhat. He also seemed to get my fingernails too. Jason didn't even understand my fingernails for fuck sake! I thought at that point that perhaps my gut reaction may require re‑evaluation.

Jennifer and Ben started to talk about alternative activities, that's when I suggested a game of tennis. I used to be pretty good at tennis, but I had not played seriously since I left high school. It was Jennifer who then took the initiative and introduced herself and Ben.

As Ben's already told you in his account, we stopped by their cabin briefly so that they could change into the appropriate footwear and then continued on to the tennis courts. It was the first time that I had actually played tennis naked. Whilst I enjoyed the freedom, having my boobs bouncing around unrestrained took a little getting used to. Anyway, Jennifer and Ben were no match for Jason and I. It was a fun match and they made a valiant effort winning a few games, but even playing in 'friendly' mode and wearing flimsy open-toed sandals, it was hard not to annihilate them, metaphorically speaking of course.

Jennifer and Ben were very gracious in defeat and offered to buy us lunch in the café. We had a wonderful chemistry together. As couples, we were similar ages, had similar interests and we managed to keep the conversation lively well into the afternoon. I was sad that we had to cut our conversation short when Jason reminded me that we were booked in for archery lessons that were due to start in 10 minutes.

We said our hasty farewells and promised to look out for each other around the resort. A few days later, we met by chance at the pool and then the following evening we had dinner together. It was the day after dinner that I encountered Jennifer again.

I decided to go for a walk and clear my head. I collected my purse, left the cabin and headed towards the café. I got myself a cold drink and selected a pastry from their meagre range before paying. As I left the cashier, I saw Jennifer sitting alone at one of the tables, so I decided to go over to say 'hello'.

I ambled over to Jennifer's table and announced myself, "Is this seat taken?"

Jennifer looked up from her book and smiled, "Audrey, no no, please sit down. Where's Jason?"

"Back at our cabin, I guess." I responded.

"You guess? Is everything OK?" Jennifer asked.

"Yes, Jason's just being a total turd at the moment." I said.

"Oh, that's not good. Do you want to talk about it?" Jennifer asked.

"Why are men such fucking dicks?" was all that I could manage.

"What has he done now?" Jennifer asked.

"Just the usual. Typical fucking man!" I responded angrily.

"OK, take a deep breath and start from the beginning. Tell me how you two meet." Jennifer said encouragingly.

"OK then. Um, well Jason was actually the first man that I had seen completely naked standing right in front of me." I explained.

"How old were you when this happened?" Jennifer asked.

"Oh, about thirteen or fourteen I guess. He would have been about sixteen at the time." I responded.

"What happened?" Jennifer asked pushing for more details.

"Well," I began, "I'd seen glimpses of my father naked from time to time, but he was not one to parade around the house naked in front of me, neither of my parents were. Anyway, my friend Anna from school had invited me over to her place for a swim in her pool one afternoon."

"OK" Jennifer said as she listened to my tale.

"I'd obtained permission from my parents so I put on my swimming gear and some normal clothes over the top, picked up a clean towel and rode my bike the block and a half over to Anna's place. Her mother greeted me at the door on her way out to do some grocery shopping. Anna appeared from a door off the hallway wrapped in a large towel with a pretty tropical print on it."

"Sounds fairly normal so far." Jennifer commented.

"Indeed it was." I started, "So from there, we made our way through the house, into the back yard and then over to some pool lounges. In one smooth motion, Anna whipped off her towel and laid it out on one of the lounges, she was totally naked. No bathing suit, just naked, right in front of me, without a care in the world, naked!"

"Mmm, go on." Jennifer encouraged.

"Well, I just stared at her for a while dumbfounded." I paused before proceeding, "I'd been in the ladies' locker room at tennis training many times, but everyone there was so shy and discrete, not just brazenly and unapologetically nude in front of each other. Anna seemed a bit confused by my shocked look and said that she thought that I knew that her family were nudists and that's why I accepted the invitation to swim in her pool. When I told her that I did not know, she said that I could keep my swimwear on if I wanted to, but that she was still swimming in the nude."

"Seems like an honest misunderstanding and a reasonable response." Jennifer said nodding.

"Oh yes it was, I'm not suggesting otherwise. However, staring at Anna's naked body was when the epiphany struck me." I responded.

"Which epiphany would that be?" Jennifer replied.

"Well, I'd obviously seen myself naked in the mirror hundreds of times before and Anna looked," I paused collecting my thoughts again, "she looked just like me. Breasts, nipples, hips, pubic hair, labia, all the same, just like me. I don't know why this came as a revelation to me, I was female, she was female, it stood to reason. It was one of those 'ah ha' life moments when one of the pieces to a puzzle that you didn't even realise was missing just falls into place."

"A moment of clarity." Jennifer offered.

"Exactly!", I said, "Hidden from society under all of our layers of clothing, we are all just the same. I hesitated ever so slightly before I just did it."

"Did what?" Jennifer asked.

"I stripped off all of my clothing, completely naked and we were splashing each other in the pool before I knew it. The first time having the warm sun and the cool water taking turns at caressing my naked skin was exhilarating." I said.

"That sounds like quite a liberating experience, but where does Jason come into the story?" Jennifer asked.

"We're almost there, I promise.", I said pausing again to catch my breath, "Well, after Anna and I had finished swimming, we laid out on the pool lounges sunbathing, completely naked. Anna told me to be careful that I did not get sunburnt. My skin was pasty white, whereas Anna's skin was smooth caramel all over, so she recommend that I go easy my first time out in the sun naked."

"OK" Jennifer said.

"Anyway, eventually I had to head home or my mother would start to worry. Anna said that I could come over again in a few days, and when I did, her mother joined us in the pool too. It felt natural, just us girls, a minor increment on what Anna and I had done a few days earlier. However, a few weeks later, all that changed." I said.

"Why? What happened?" Jennifer inquired.

"Well, you see. Anna and I had been swimming and were sunning ourselves as usual. Suddenly, I heard the patio door start to slide open. I thought that it was Anna's mother coming over to join us again but when I looked around, it was Jason, Anna's brother. I was petrified, frozen in fear." I said.

"Why? What did he do?" Jennifer asked her anxiety climbing slightly.

"Nothing, that's sort of the point. In all of the TV shows and movies that I had seen, or magazines that I had read, if a male and female are naked together, it means that they were going to have sex. He was totally naked and as he walked toward us, all I could see was his floppy penis and scrotum just wobble back and forth in time with his footsteps. My crazy teenage mind thought that I would have to have sex with him." I explained.

Continuing I said, "In none of those TV shows do people take their clothes off and eat a sandwich or take their clothes off and read a book or take their clothes off to swim in a pool. They only ever take their clothes off, to have sex."

So, what happened next?" said Jennifer as she pushed for more details.

"Well, Jason and his floppy penis casually said 'Hi' and smiled as they walked straight past Anna and I without stopping and then they just dove into the pool as if this was a perfectly normal occurrence."

"Seems reasonably normal." Jennifer commented.

"Normal maybe now, but for a first time encounter, I was freaking out internally whilst trying to seem cool and laid-back in front of my new nudist friend Anna." I said.

"Wise move." Jennifer said.

"Anyway, Jason had a quick swim and came over to talk to Anna and I. His floppy penis was at eye level just centimetres from our faces. Anna didn't seem to notice as she introduced me to Jason and he sat down next to her for a chat. He spread his legs wide and his penis and scrotum sort of just drooped there." I said.

"Go on, what happened next." Jennifer encouraged.

"Well nothing exciting actually, we just had a relatively normal conversation about school and movies we'd like to see and stuff like that, albeit totally naked. Anna and Jason mostly lead the conversation because my brain was still trying to make sense of the situation. Their mother even came out to join us with a tray of cold drinks, totally naked in front of her son. Like Jason had done just before, their mother was standing right in front of us with her pubes and slit at eye level and none of them seemed to care." I explained.

"Sounds like a relatively well-adjusted family in my opinion." Jennifer commented.

"With my current mindset, I would certainly agree, back then it was all very raw and new to me. So, after a while I gradually calmed down but by the time that I was comfortable-ish with the situation, Jason said that he was late for something or other and he stood to leave. He kissed his mother on the cheek, looked at me and said that he was pleased to meet me and he just walked back to the house, completely naked. Their mother collected our empty glasses and wandered back into the house as if everything was normal." I concluded.

"So is that when you and Jason got together?" asked Jennifer.

"No, but we're almost there, I promise. The nude swimming continued, on and off, for the rest of school with carefully selected fellow students invited to join us from time to time. After graduating, however, Anna and I went our separate ways to study or work or travel or whatever. One day, years later, I was visiting my parents. I was in the front yard helping with some gardening when I saw Anna, her dog and her newborn son out for an afternoon stroll." I said.

"Sounds sweet." Jennifer added.

"It was. Anyway, Anna's parents were having a big wedding anniversary party the following Saturday, so Anna invited me to join in. It was at that party that I reconnected with Jason and we sort of just hit it off from there." I explained.

"Was the party a nudist party?" Jennifer asked.

"No, they kept that sort of thing fairly private." I explained.

"So how does this lead the Jason being such a jerk?" Jennifer probed.

"Oh, sorry, I got a bit side-tracked didn't I? Well, just before I came over to the café, Jason and I had been having sex and yet again he just shot his load inside me and then pulled out without even wondering if I was satisfied. Thank you ma'am." I said.

"Oh, OK. Perhaps we should talk about this elsewhere." Jennifer said lowering her voice somewhat.

"Really, why?" I asked.

"Well, even though everyone is walking around here naked, they don't encourage equating nudity and sex. There are also some kids around too, so let's just head over to my cabin and sit on the porch to continue our little girl's chat shall we?" replied Jennifer discretely.

Jennifer collected her book and her drink and we wandered over to the cabin. It was not too far and when we arrived we settled into the large chairs on the front porch. The nearby trees provided some shade without totally blocking the sun and the warm breeze was pleasant.

"OK, where were we?" Jennifer asked rhetorically, "Ah, that right, sex talk. Carry on."

"You know," I continued with my voice at a discrete level, "I've never come just with a guy inside me. I've always had to get myself off with him inside me. They only care about one thing and that is their tiny little friend between their legs."

"Yes, some men can be like that, but it's been my experience that some are, for the most part, trainable." Jennifer said with a smirk.

"Have you trained Ben?" I asked.

"Oh, Audrey, no no no. No need, he came, excuse the pun, to me in his current form." Jennifer responded proudly.

"Do tell!" I said encouragingly.

"I can not remember a single occasion when Ben has come before me and left me high and dry, so to speak." Jennifer explained.

"So you've come every time with him?" I asked incredulously.

"Don't get me wrong, our first few times together were far from perfect. We had to learn each others' personal preferences, but I never once had to leave the bedroom unsatisfied. It may have been chivalry or something, but he's always given me satisfaction before taking his own."

"I've got to admit, I'm a bit envious." I said frankly.

"Sorry Audrey, what can I say? As improbable as it may sound, I can't think of an occasion where he's failed me." she responded nodding.

"What's his secret?" I asked.

"Look, I've had lots of sex one-on-one with guys and girls and threesomes and foursomes and evenmoresomes, the one thing that all of the partners that could make me come is that they take the time to lay the foundations." she explained.

"Foundations?" I repeated quizzically.

"Foundations, you know, foreplay." lowering her voice, "Some kissing of lips, a little stroking of skin, a touch of squeezing of breasts, a pinch of sucking of nipples, a bit of nibbling of clitoris', that sort of thing. Foreplay. It gets my juices flowing and my lady parts prepared for action."

"Jason does a bit of that." I said, "But only until he's hard, then it's full steam ahead."

"OK, I wouldn't do this for just any one, but I really like you Audrey so how about this?" Jennifer said.

"How about what?" I responded.

"After dinner, when you and Ben were out of earshot, Jason not-so-subtly asked me if Ben and I would be interested in swinging with the two of you." she revealed.

"Oh yes, ever since tennis he's been bugging me about that too." I replied slightly exasperated.

"Really?" Jennifer asked in disbelief.

"Absolutely. He keeps asking me to fuck other men so that he can watch. I just ignore him." I said.

"So then, when you go back to your cabin, tell him that you have changed your mind and that you'd be curious to try it out just this once and that you've invited Ben and I over this evening." she said.

"OK, he'll probably go for that." I responded.

"I've been into the lifestyle for years, but Ben's been a little bit too timid to try it thus far. I can tell that he likes you and I think that he may agree to try it with you." she said.

"OK, what time then?" I asked.

"How does nine-ish sound?" Jennifer responded.

"Nine seems fine." I agreed.

"OK, when Ben comes back from his hike, I'll let him know. I'll say that Jason initiated things and keep our little conversation between ourselves. Agreed?" Jennifer asked.

"Agreed." I replied.

I've got to admit, my thoughts were racing as I left Jennifer's porch. I was excited and nervous all at the same time. The prospect of my first sexual experience with another couple was mind boggling. What was the protocol? How should I act? Did I need to bring anything? Would Ben be any good?

I was nowhere close to actually hyperventilating, but I still felt the need to steady my breathing with a few deep calming breaths. To my surprise, this worked and some clarity of thought returned. Pastries, we need pastries, and tea, herbal tea, we needed some herbal tea too.

It should probably be apparent that my version of 'clarity of thought' may have possibly not been as clear and thoughtful as it should have been. Really? Pastries and herbal tea! What the fuck was I thinking?

After dropping by the small shop attached to the café, I headed back to my cabin with a bag of various pastries and a pack of assorted herbal teabags. Jason's face lit up when I told him the news.

"Condoms, we need to get some condoms just in case." he said.

"I'm on the pill, remember?" I told him.

"Yes, I know, but sometimes other women want something extra, just in case. Jennifer may want condoms." Jason replied.

"Condoms, where can I get condoms?" Jason said out loud.

"The small shop next to the café has them." I said, "I was just there and I saw them behind the counter."

"OK, condoms, I'll go get some condoms. Is there anything else we need?" Jason asked.

"I don't know Jason, I've never done this before. What about dinner?" I responded.

"What about dinner?" Jason asked seemingly puzzled.

"Yes, dinner. It's a meal traditionally eaten in the evening." I replied.

"Oh, I'm not hungry. Do whatever you want." he said absentmindedly.

"OK then." I said slowly as I watched him leave muttering to himself about condoms.

Truth be told, I was not all that hungry. The feeling in my belly was actually more nervousness than hunger. Not the stressful kind of nervousness mind you, the good nervousness of hope and anticipation of something wonderful to come.

Looking around the kitchen, I spotted an apple. That would serve as my entrée and the banana next to it would do as my main course. Opening the fridge, I spotted the last remaining slice of cheesecake and dessert was served shortly thereafter.