Memoirs of a Shared Wife Ch. 09

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A new beginning.
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Part 9 of the 45 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 03/15/2022
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Authors note.

Ok so I'll just mention briefly here before i begin that john did not want me to tell this part of our story, because simply, it's embarrassing.

Apparently you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince and although this guy was fun for a while, things did go....pear shaped? not pear shaped.....I'm pear shaped....which implies I'm went 'tits up'....that's better.

This encounter led to probably one of the most awkward and embarrassing moments of my life..... you'll see what i mean.



After my baptism of fire at the hands of serial womaniser harry, we became more cautious. A valuable lesson had been learned......the truth.

Tell the truth from the start or don't even attempt it. Make sure your intentions are clear right from the beginning.

Saves all that sneaking about and making stuff up.

After harry we had a bloody nose and it took time to get over that.

But get over it we did, and by early april i was raring to go once again, the urge to have another guy to play with was too strong to try and ignore for long. John too, was desperate to see me 'in action' again.

We had a fair few recordings of neil to keep us busy and originally 3 recordings of harry but i deleted 2 of those, only keeping 1 for reference, i never watch it anymore.

I found another charity shop to volunteer at. I liked the work, it was so interesting going through folks donations. This shop was much closer to home and a smaller place, it suited me perfectly.

There was no opportunity to play around, even the delivery/collection driver, was a woman. But i had already decided anyway, not to mix work with.....our new hobby.

After the last disaster.

So, it was decided between myself and john that i would try the email pal thing again.

It did prove fruitful last time, only being scuppered by trevors wife discovering his little secret.

This time i joined a different site. Putting my add in and waiting for the replies.

My add read something like this.

(Lonely lady, 37.

Seeking mature gent for daily correspondence.

I'm shy and quiet but love good conversation.

Interested in local history, reading, the outdoors, walking, nature, animals.

And lots more.)

There were other things that i put too but, you get the idea....

The interests are true to me. I love local history, so does john and it was this interest coupled with walking and the countryside which led to another more successful encounter than this one later on..... but that's another story....for another time.

We sat back and waited for potential 'suitors'.

It was so exciting vetting them all, myself and john sat there on the evening sifting through them....

There were a lot of replies, roughly numbering in the forties.

And it was squirrelled away in amongst all these enthusiastic responses that we found our man......

He, is called alan.

Fairly local, same interests as me, shy and quiet also. A retired accountant.

But, what drew my attention more than anything else was this guys age.......a whopping....71!

A 71 year old man?..... interested in getting in touch with a 37 year old me?......

It was a red flag to a bull.

I could not resist. Alan was by far the oldest that had responded, and he had my full attention.

I wrote back telling him that i wanted to write to him, and that he sounded nice.

What followed was a series of 'letters' that were primarily introductory.

Basic likes, dislikes, our personality types, hobbies etc....etc.

I was very careful to not to be flirty or suggestive, that ball was firmly in his court.

And it wasn't long before he made his first serve.

Just a couple of days into our writing he began flirting, gently at first.

He would put things in his letters like...

(Oh so you like older men?)

This was a reference to my add stating to correspond with 'mature gentlemen'.

I wrote back something about always being more comfortable with older gentlemen and how i found them usually very charming.

He then replied that he hoped i found him charming?

And that he was very pleased indeed to be in contact with an 'exciting young lady'.....which by the way, is the exact wording he used.

Things quickly progressed and within a few weeks we were openly flirting and being quite 'adventurous' with our letters.

During this period of getting to know each other alan began to make mention of his wife susan.

It was a sad story, she had been diagnosed with ms many years previously and was currently getting about using one of those mobility scooters.

She wasn't well but alan fortunately, had a lot of support from family. In particular his grandson and granddaughter in law.

Alan slowly, carefully, began to reveal to me that susan had gone off sex a long time ago, even before getting ill.

I'll just explain at this point that by now we were almost a month into our writing.

I had initially not revealed my marital status in the add, but had told alan about a week into our writing that i was married.

He was naturally curious because i had been openly flirting with him so.....i went out on a limb and explained to alan that my hubby john didn't mind me talking to other guys, he was fine with it.

Alan was very curious about this and asked if john knew the nature of our conversations?

The only answer i could give was....yes.

That first time i did that, tell him that john was fine with me talking intimately with another guy.....well....i recall my finger shaking a little as it hovered over send....i was so turned on about revealing the truth....

I've had many experiences since this, but it's these simple little things that seem to affect me the most....weird.

But i love it.

There then came a period of agonising time when alan went silent, he didn't respond to my very personal reveal for a whole day, bare in mind here that we normally exchanged several letters per day.

I thought I'd lost him.

But then, late on the night i got a reply.

Alan was fascinated by the fact that john knew i was talking intimately with him.

He asked lots of questions but ultimately he was not put off....still acutely interested in me.

He even sent a picture of himself, it wasn't a rude picture just a facial shot, i had asked for one several days previously but alan had ignored my request.

Studying his picture carefully i was not initially impressed.

After harry, who was very handsome, alan was a bit of a let down. Also, he looked like someone on TV.

I got it straight away but it took john a while for the penny to drop.

It was very amusing showing john the picture of alan and watching the recognition process going to work. He stared at the image frowning

"Oh yeah.....i know what you mean....who does he look like?.....oh god!....he looks like.....wait a minute I'll get it...."

He did get it but not after much cursing and frustration.

Ok, this is the second time i will have referenced this tv show in a story but it is who alan resembles.

The show in question, last of the summer wine.

Alan is similar to a character called howard.

Except for the moustache, alan is clean shaven.

And before you start, no!.....that does not make me marina!

I had a very annoying few days of john taking the piss and calling me marina.

I'll just explain here to those not familiar with the show, the character of howard is having an 'affair' with an old bike called marina, well, he's trying to anyway.

But things never seem to work out for them.

Probably just as well because i think marina would kill howard if she ever got him into bed.

This experience difference between these two characters did end up actually mirroring myself and alans subsequent relationship, also he was very very cautious indeed, just like howard in the show.

Anyway, back to alan.

I sent back and lied, telling him he was very handsome, and included a picture of my own.

Again, not rude just a face picture.

Alan responded immediately. Within minutes of sending the email.

Suffice to say, he thought i was beautiful.

He was very enthusiastic, telling me that i looked a bit like the singer cheryl baker from bucks fizz.

And, more importantly....

Saying that he had always fancied was an obvious opening....and i took the bait.

Replying with a thank you and 'does that mean you fancy me alan?'

Those are the words i used.

He replied back, again quickly. This is what he put.

Amongst other things.

(Of course i fancy you, you are beautiful i could gaze at your pretty face all day john is truly a lucky man but now i am too)

That's his actual words. He was clearly impressed with how i looked and piled on the flattery.

I replied back saying that flattery would get him everywhere. And asking if he would like to swap phone numbers so we could have a proper chat.

At first he was reluctant but by the time we had finished emailing that night, i had it.

Alan was very concerned that i would call while his wife was there but i made a good job of reassuring him that i would only ring him when he told me to.

We arranged to make contact the next day on the morning, he would ring about 10.30 which suited me perfectly, i would be out walking. My shift at the shop didn't start until the afternoon.

Things were moving forward and although it was slow progress, the excitement was building.

I absolutely love these first tentative steps, slowly getting closer to each other, and to what you want.

The next day while out for my walk i got a text from alan asking if it was ok to ring cautious....i love it.

Replying that it was ok, my phone buzzed into life a moment before the ring tone kicked in.

I answered and heard alans voice for the first time. Fortunately he did not sound like howard from that show.

In fact he had an educated, upper class voice, you would never guess the guy looked like he did by listening to him speak.

We chatted on that beautiful spring morning for above half an hour.

He was so easy to talk to, a good conversationalist. Alan asked lots of interesting questions about me, my job at the charity shop, john, where i was going on my walk etc, etc.

It was basically a normal conversation, there was no innuendo like there would have been with harry. Just two people enjoying each others company.

It was so....nice.

We arranged to chat again the next morning at the same time.

By the end of the week our conversations had took on a more flirty tone. Good, he was getting warmed up. This slow steady progress suited me fine, especially after harrys bull in a china shop approach.

Alan was more of a gentleman, which for a huge turn on.

The fact that this much older man was very interested in me but also very cautious and took things carefully......well.....upon getting back home my knickers had the tell tale dampness which underlined my inner desires.

I had started to play with myself imagining alan and me together.

After speaking to him, listening to his voice, i had to have relief. Once back home i would run a bath or simply get into bed with my vibrator.....

The....more serious emails.... began on the second week after starting the phone calls.

Alan rather shyly told me that i have a sexy voice and i didn't sound like where i was from, he couldn't detect an accent.

It is true that i don't really have an accent.

Some have even said that i sound posh, but i don't think i do.

Anyway, i responded by telling him that he had a sexy voice too and, taking a risk, went one further.

I told alan in the email that i could listen to his voice all day long, and that he 'got me wet'. Putting a kissing emoji on the end.

That night of emailing turned into a long one. It appeared that upto that point anyway, alan was bolder with the keyboard than while talking on the phone.

He replied with great enthusiasm, even going as far as to say that listening to me got him hard.

Not only that, but he told me that he.....had to 'play with it' after we had spoken.....

The door was now wide open, from this point on all our emails were very intimate. I revealed to alan what i had been doing after speaking to him.

This had the desired effect. He was besides himself with excitement that i was playing with myself while imagining us together.

The situation between us was heating up quickly.

Alan asked if john knew that i was doing that?

I told him that yes he did know and it turned him on tremendously, which was true.

What i did lie about however was when alan asked if john read his emails to me, i told him no, they were private.

John did read them.

Another few days past and i began sending him intimate photos.

Taken tastefully by john. I posed in some nice lingerie and also posed topless for a few.

Alan went nuts!

He told me i was gorgeous....and that looking at my him so hard.

Alan also told me in an email that he 'used' them, when his wife was asleep upstairs.

Apparently she never got up before midday. Alan is an early riser like me so that gave him plenty of time 'by himself'.

When we spoke on the phone it was always more reserved but i did notice that alan would go quiet sometimes, like as though he hadn't heard my question or maybe he had put the phone down briefly.

Occasionally he sounded out of breath too.

It was odd.

I mentioned it to john one sarurday night, we had gone out together for a meal at a local resteraunt.

The meal had gone and we were now sitting chatting, enjoying a drink.

John found what i had to say very interesting and he made a connection that i had failed to notice.

He took a big gulp from his pint, finishing it off, then beginning to grin he said

" do have a sexy voice....."

Raising and lowering his eyebrows in quick succession.

It was now obvious what john was getting at

Narrowing my eyes and locking them with johns i asked

"What? you think he's...."

John slowly nodded

".....while I'm.... talking on the phone?"

Johns grin broadened

"I would"

He replied

"If i was like him.....we know he's already doing it over your why not the sound of your voice?"

The idea of him there, at the other end of the phone..... touching himself while he spoke to me....did excite me.....a lot.

Breaking eye contact with john and reaching for the glass of malbec, i finished it off, feeling not just the warmth of the wine entering me.....but a flush of excitement at the image of alan busily wanking himself in secret while i chatted away.... oblivious.

John snorted, the sound waking me from the moment, his grin infectious.


I asked

"'ve gone bright red"

John pointed a finger accusingly

"I know what your thinking about..... naughty girl"

He was right, spot on.

And with this rush of excitement......there came an idea.

However, as i was thinking it john said it

"You know what you could do?......"

John then went on to describe the idea that I'd just had, telling me that i could suggest to alan.....since he liked my voice....that i could talk 'nicely' to him on the phone....

I'll just point out here that at this stage in my relationship with alan i was trying to get him out of his shell.

As mentioned earlier he's very cautious and wary of getting caught by susan. I'd already hinted at a meeting between us but alan was reluctant, like with his phone number.

This 'phone sex' idea was a perfect way to move things forward.

I told john i was going to suggest it to alan that night, he went to bed early but would get the email in the morning.

Alan got up early. It thrilled me that my very explicit suggestion would be there waiting for him....upon turning his phone on.

I wondered with growing excitement.....what his response would be....

End of chapter 9.

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goodsonformomgoodsonformom6 months ago

The flirting is the best part...well done.

maddictmaddictabout 1 year ago

Such a lovely flirt

Gazza6969Gazza6969about 1 year ago

What a sexy and naughty lady.

Wish I was that lucky man.

Maybe in future, you never know, do YOU ???

toydisher10toydisher10over 1 year ago

you weave a wonderful tale, I can see alan using your pictures, I would have done the same

FortyninemikeFortyninemikeover 1 year ago

It amazes me the number of negative posters that seem to read the entire series … it is obvious the overall story is on the same track … y do they keep reading? I’m enjoying the story, though I would most like the postings to be longer … some chapters absolutely nothing to get off on, while the ones that do aren’t long enough if “starting from scratch”.

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