Memoirs of a Shared Wife Ch. 12

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Pippa meets alan.
5.8k words

Part 12 of the 45 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 03/15/2022
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Authors note.

This is chapter 12 of an ongoing series of true stories that i have moved from loving wives.

Chapters 1 to 11 can be found there.

When i told john he was very excited indeed, i had been trying now for weeks to coax a meeting out of alan. He is very shy and cautious so my approach had to be purposely slow, i didn't want to scare him off.

Yes he was flirty with a keyboard but the phone calls had been a big step for him, he had been nervous about giving his number out and susan finding out about me.

Then, as his confidence grew stronger I'd managed to go that one step talking him through a masturbation session.

And now this, an actual meeting.

Both myself and john knew that alan was more suited to our needs.

His personality was very similar to neil but then there was the bonus of his age..... perfect for my old man fetish.

Later that same day, alan emailed me with a location and a date and time.

It was 2 days away, i could hardly wait......

The meeting.

Getting up off my seat and pressing stop button i held on to the stantion as the double decker slowed down.

It's engine whining as the driver changed down through the gears.

Coming to a stop i get off, thanking the lady driver as i do so.

Stepping down onto the pavement, my short heels clicking as i walked off towards the center of this unfamiliar village.

Alan had told me there was a nice quiet pub that opened on a morning to serve breakfast, tea and coffee etc.

It was one where nobody would know him, in a village miles away from both our homes.

So very cautious.

He'd actually heard about it on facebook of all places.

Despite clearly having the advantage over alan, in that through our conversations i gathered i was far more experienced sexually, what i was about to do still set my heart racing and gave me butterflies in my belly.

The old familiar nervous excitement rush, this time it's cause was a simple meeting in a pub......with a man almost old enough to be my grandad.

The pub, the golden lion, was now in view just a hundred yards down the road but i had to stop to pull one of my stockings up.....for the third time.

Making sure nobody was nearby, i hitched up my skirt and adjusted it.

Hold ups.....they never do!

John had chosen them for me despite my protests, i knew what would happen.

They did look pretty though. White opaque thigh high hold ups complete with little red bows at the top.

To complete the set i had white satin french knickers and a white lacy bra which squashed my boobs together nicely to produce a lot of inviting deep cleavage.

Although alan thought this was just a friendly chat, i had other ideas and had come prepared.

Over the top of this i was dressed smartly in a grey suit jacket, grey mid length skirt and white blouse with just the right amount of buttons undone to reveal some cleavage.

My hair was tied back in a french braid.

I looked quite formal, as though going for a job interview.

John said i had a school teacher look about me. Which is something that came in handy years later.....but that's another story.

As i approached the pub i checked the time, it was 10.15 not bad, bit late but that didn't matter.

We'd arranged to meet at 10 but I'd had to get 2 buses, one into town then the second to this obscure village, seemingly in the middle of nowhere.

There was only a smattering of houses, the pub and a post office.

As i reached the pub i passed an old style red phone box which had had its phone removed and was now home to a small collection of books, it was one of those book exchange phone boxes..... quaint.

Upon entering the pub i stopped in my tracks and looked around, to say i was surprised would be an understatement.

The pub was packed full of people, talking, laughing. Classic FM was on in the background, i recognised a piece by mozart.

A strong smell of cooking breakfasts hung in the air and as i took in the atmosphere a pretty waitress walked past smiling, holding a large plate full of bacon, eggs, sausage etc.

I smiled back.....and swallowed. Suddenly feeling hungry but also immediately noticing my attention had been averted from my anxious state.....

Bugger! I hate that, when you become aware that you were..... blissfully unaware.

With my nervousness firmly reinstated i began making my way through to the lounge area where alan said he would be waiting.

The pub had a lovely old fashioned feel to it, with stout dark wooden beams crisscrossing the ceiling.

It had a war time aviation theme with lots of old black and white pictures of aircraft, aircrew and pilots.

World war 2 memorabilia hung off the walls, some with information tags proclaiming the objects origin, complete with dates etc.

At the back of the bar hung a huge picture of an old aeroplane, which alan later told me was a lancaster bomber. The picture was big, about 8 feet long.

The photo had been taken facing the aircraft as it stood on the ground surrounded by aircrew, some were sat on the wings.

According to alan, who again later told me, the pub had been the 'local' of aircrew at a long since disused nearby airbase.

I kept on past the bar area and into a slightly less busy lounge with lots of tables with seated folks busily tucking into their delicious looking food.

At the far end of this room, a huge open fireplace with a roaring fire provided the centre of attraction.

I instantly felt at home and also experienced a strong déjà vu feeling.....very strange sensation.... that diverted my attention for a moment.

Until my eyes fell upon alan sat alone in a corner, staring into his cup.

He looked extremely nervous and out of place, a few people were actively glancing at him as they stuffed bits of food into their mouths.

Evidently alan had aroused their interest. Perhaps his likeness to howard had provoked a response.

Speaking of which, i was suddenly hit by an attack of the giggles.

Mainly because of alans appearance but also I'm the type that in high stress situations often do get a sudden attack of light heartedness.

However i soon recovered as alan noticed me approaching.

His face was a picture, if someone could look pleased to see you but also terrified to see you at the same time.....

He was clearly much more nervous than myself, and this knowledge boosted my confidence.

I smiled warmly as i approached, watching alan get up and offer me his hand to shake.

My mind briefly making a connection to our recent phone call in which alan had put the very same hand to good use while i spoke softly in his ear.

He managed a smile back and in a quiet voice greeted me with a polite 'good morning pippa dear'.

What struck me immediately about alan is how short he is. I'm 5'3" and he was almost on a level with me. I later found out he's just 5'4".

Also he is only slightly built, being very thin.

Alan offered me a chair, pulling it out for me like a true gentleman......and gentlemen....for me at least.....are a turn on.

He sat down and we began chatting.

Alan telling me he was worried i wasn't going to turn up but so very happy i had.

I apologised and explained about the buses, alan was very understanding

"'s alright pippa i understand about the buses i was just worried you'd got cold feet"

His eyes kept wondering down to the bit of cleavage i had on show, cautiously snatching a look when he didn't think i was looking.

"You look lovely my dear.....very nicely dressed.....that outfit suits you......and your hair....."

I let him go on for a while admiring my appearance, soaking up the flattery and charm. Alan was making me feel very more ways than one.

He certainly is a charmer I'll give him that.

As I listened to his soothing voice it suddenly occurred to me who he sounded like.

It had been on my mind since first hearing him speak over the phone but now i got it.

There's another old british comedy series called 'dads army'

The character of sergeant wilson.

He sounds like him.

Alan was less formerly dressed than me, in dark grey trousers a blue jumper and white shirt underneath.

After alans flattery i was offered a drink

"Oh thank you"

I said

"I'll have a coffee"

He got up and went to the bar. Leaving me alone with some questioning looks from folk on nearby tables. I couldn't help but think, were they wondering why i was with alan?

I began to feel a little embarrassed. We were after all, the original 'odd couple'.

Not only was i roughly the same height as him I'm pretty sure i outweighed the guy too.

Then, there was the age difference.

Perhaps they might be thinking I'm his daughter?

Alan arrived back at our table 2 minutes later with a steaming mug of hot coffee.

I thanked him and we resumed chatting. Initially talking about all sorts of everyday things, even the weather.

Gradually however the conversation turned to more personal aspects of our peculiar relationship.

Alan asking me in a hushed voice while leaning over the table towards me

"Does john know we are meeting here today?"

I was a little perplexed as I'd already told alan by email that john knew what i was doing that morning.

It was apparent to me that alan had a personal interest in john and his relaxed stance on us meeting.

Alans keen interest..... intrigued me.

I told him that john knew full well what i was doing and added that if he hadn't have been working that morning, he would have brought me in the car.

This information had a profound affect on alan.

His surprised look preceded some careful, quietly spoken words

"really?.....he was going to bring you here to see me?!"

I nodded, enjoying the effect.

Alan looked around himself suspiciously, as though expecting someone to be eavesdropping, leaning forward more he spoke in a quiet confidential tone


I nodded once more

Alan kept up his line of inquiry

"So.... he's not jealous or anything?"

I was very much enjoying alans incredulity. It was fascinating to see.....the look on his face.


I said, then added

"He likes it.....turns him on.....a lot"

The 'a lot' part was said slower, louder and with emphasis.

Alan moved back a little, frowning, then a broad grin crept across his wrinkled face

"He's a kinky sod your john"

He said.

I had to agree, nodding. Then added

"So am i"

I said it while maintaining eye contact, but alan didn't take the bait, he was looking around nervously at all the people.

Turning back to face me he said

"I.....erm.....think i chose the wrong place for us to meet pippa....sorry.....we can't really talk properly here"

Seeing an opening and feeling naughty i went for it

"Oh?.....what do you mean properly?"

My words were accompanied by 'the look'.

I'm grinning while typing this because i recall the look on alans face, somewhere between surprise and sheer terror.

In what turned out to be reminiscent of an encounter with neil, alan stuttered while beginning to apologise and explain what he meant.

Feeling wicked i watched this little old man squirm for a moment.

I knew of course, what he meant by 'properly'.

It didn't necessarily mean doing anything, but just being able to talk about what we wanted to talk about without people listening in.

After a few blurted out sentences from a petrified alan i reached across the table and put my hand over his, squeezing it gently, with a reassuring smile i said

"It's alright..... I'm just pulling your leg....i know what you mean...."

Looking around myself now, i could see a few folk paying us a lot of attention

" is busy here.....and we seem to be quite popular"

Suddenly, i had a naughty idea.

It was daring, spontaneous, wicked even.....and..... completely irresistible

Taking my hand off his i leveled it between us and gestured for alan to come closer with a curling index finger, leaning forward myself and making it look as though i wanted to whisper something to him.

But, i had other ideas.

As he drew near i planted a tender kiss square on his lips.

Alan didn't attempt to stop me.

When i moved back away from him he was staring at me with a look of pleasant surprise.

That look however, quickly evaporated as a giggle sounded from a nearby table. Alans shy nature kicked in and he turned the colour.....of a beetroot.

It was so endearing to watch and i couldn't help but grin.

I suddenly felt very turned on by this, shy old man.

Alan looked nervously around at the lady who'd giggled at us, i glanced at her too.

An oldish woman with short dark hair, she was leaning towards her husband and saying something to him while watching us.

I just barely caught the words '....yes...but i think she'd kill him'.....then another giggle.

Alan looked terribly embarrassed but instead of feeling sorry for him i found it so refreshing.....after harry.

Now, i was the one, once again, in control.

Like the situation with neil.

Alan leaned forward and in a hushed voice asked why I'd kissed him?

Watching him closely i told him that I'd done it because i liked him, and found him very sexy.

This had the desired affect on alan, turning him an even darker shade of red.

I grinned while biting my lower lip, soaking up the power i had over this little man

"You.....are so cute when your blushing"

I said, locking my eyes with his.

It was true, alan had an almost childlike quality about him that reminded me of neil.

Shy, and timid......turns me on.

Reaching out once more with my right hand i squeezed his left and took a drink from my cup before saying

"You want to get out of here?.....we could go for a drive in your more private....if you want?....just a ride round....we can chat more easily"

Alan once again looked nervously around, then back at me

"Just a ride and chat?"

He said it with a worried nervous.

Holding my hands up in a 'surrender' pose i said

"Promise..... I'll keep my hands to myself"

I said it while winking.

Alan swallowed hard, looked around again, then back at me

"Alright....come on let's go"

We both got up together and i made a point of giving the giggling ladies husband a meanigful look..... making eye contact....and holding it.

It worked handsomely, the guy held my gaze for a moment, a shy smile beginning to form on his face.....until his wife prodded him hard in the shoulder, giving first her hubby, then me, a hard stare.

It was worth it.

I followed alan back out the pub and into a car park around the back.

I was gripped by the urge to hold alans hand but didn't, i knew he was nervous and didn't want any more attention drawn to us.

Following alan to a large white car in the corner of the car park, i don't know much about cars but did recognise the mercedes symbol on the front.

It was a beauty and when i got in i could smell the leather seats.

After complimenting him on the car alan told me he'd only had it 3 months and that it was brand new when he bought it.

We set off out the car park and drove for about 20 minutes, along winding country lanes.

It was a beautiful early may morning, spring was definitely here. The sun shone brightly and it was quite mild, warm enough to have the windows down.

As alan drove we chatted, firstly about the giggling woman back at the pub, then the pub itself.

This is when he told me about the disused airbase etc.

But, the conversation soon turned to more personal matters.

Alans fascination with my husbands stance on me seeing him foremost among the topics.

Susan too, came up.

Alan explaining how her illness affected her.....and him.

He carefully, shyly revealed to me that he hadn't been intimate with her for 12 years!

"12 years!...."

I repeated the number in a loud voice with genuine surprise. I knew they hadn't done anything for a while but.....12 years....

Taking a risk i pushed gently forward

" god alan....that is a long there been anyone else?..... during that period?"

He turned briefly towards me and replied with a kind of wary, embarrassed look

"No.....I've stayed faithful to her"

His reply really did shock me, alan was confiding in me that he hadn't been intimate with any woman for the past 12 years....

It didn't just shock me, i felt so sorry for him too. Imagine it for yourself, no intimacy for all that time.

Along with the pity i felt admiration too, for his love for her must be strong.....

Indeed, i began to strong?

If he'd been faithful to her for all this time......then did i stand any chance of enticing him?

The answer came to me in the form of that little voice at the back of my mind

' are in his car.....being driven down quiet country lanes.... talking openly about sex'

The little voice did have a point. But what spurred me on the most was just that stunning fact.....this guy had not had sex for 12 years..... except with his own right hand that is.

The desire to cheat on his wife with me, must be unbearable.....

The naughty thoughts this knowledge conjured up, made my mouth water.

Poor alan must be practically foaming at the mouth, inwardly.

Although i had noticed that he was eyeing me up much more openly now we were safely in his car, away from prying eyes.

Reminding myself that i was in control i kept on the subject of alans epic self denial, commending him on being able to do that and adding that i would not be able to do what he had done.

Upon hearing this alan then asked a very important question.

In that careful.....shy way of his

"So pippa.....have you erm.....ever......seen anyone else....while with john?"

Alan was going red again, i could see the years of frustration and curiosity fighting his shy side......but which would win?

At this point i chose to lie and not tell him about harry. I did however tell him some of what happened with neil. Altering the story to make out that it was just me that had discovered neils dirty little secret, and decided not to tell my first.

There was no mention of the camera of course.

I told alan about the little favours i did for neil in our bathroom, while john was at work.

Listening to my detailed descriptions had a profound affect on alan, he went bright red and kept swallowing.

Glancing at me then quickly back at the road, car swerving a little.

It was reminiscent of several days earlier while in the taxi.

I told alan that when it was over with neil I'd given in to my guilt and told john about what I'd done, expecting our marriage to take a heavy blow.

But that never happened. In fact our relationship became stronger than ever.

It old alan that although john was initially shocked at what I'd done he later confided in me that it was a huge turn on.

He then revealed a long time secret fantasy he'd been harbouring.....about me doing it with another guy.

I told alan that he was the first guy I'd actually met, after neil.

By the time I'd finished, old alan was almost drooling!

He turned to me and for the first time i noticed that look in alans eyes, that deep, dark, hungry look. The same thing I'd seen in the taxi drivers eyes......pure carnal did have it in him.

And if it was there, i could coax it out.

"I......I know about this thing.....couples that do that.....i.....erm....."

He blurts out a nervous laugh

" a lot of porn"

Another big step for alan, this was getting better by the mile.

I turned in my seat to face him, excitedly asking what sort of thing he liked to see and telling him me and john watched a lot of porn too.

As i listened to alan tell me in a dry sounding voice what he liked to watch i carefully undid a few more buttons on my blouse and pulled it apart more so he would have more cleavage to drool over.