Memoirs of a Shared Wife Ch. 16

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A friendly chat... and more?
3.5k words

Part 16 of the 45 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 03/15/2022
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Before i begin describing what happened next regarding alan i feel it's important to first explain something that was happening at the same time, as it's relevant to the next part of our journey.

As things were coming to a head with my elderly boyfriend, john was in the process of changing jobs. He had been finding it difficult for a long time to work the weekends.

Friday and saturday nights were the big money nights but at the same time it was long hours, right through the night.

Worryingly he was having trouble concentrating while driving and had even fallen asleep at the wheel, albeit briefly, and thankfully with no passengers in the car.

The problem was getting worse.

Also one of the other drivers had been robbed recently, at knife point.

It worried me sick when he did a weekend.

What he wanted was a more stable, regular hours job.

Days or mornings, anything but those long nights.

After many months of talking about it, john decided it was time to do something about it after bumping into an old friend of his while we were out shopping.

This friend had been a fellow taxi driver but had decided like john, that the long nights were getting too much.

This old friend had gotten a job with a furniture distribution warehouse on the edge of our village. He told john it was the best decision he'd made.

Although the work was hard, loading furniture onto a truck and delivering it to customers homes, the pay was very good.

More importantly, it was a regular 8 to 5, monday to friday job.

A rarity these days.

Apparently they had a separate team that just worked weekends.

It was perfect, and, a position had become available.

The guy would put a good word in for him if he fancied it?

John did.

And just like that he applied the next day.

The application was successful.

So, at the time we were arranging to meet alan, john was leaving the job he'd been in most of his working life.

It was a little emotional for him on that last day, the other drivers all bought him a present and gave him a big card signed by them all.

It's surprising how quickly something so familiar can change like that, just because of a chance meeting with an old friend.

John actually started his new job just one day after we met up with alan together as a couple, for the first time.

Anyway, back to that first meeting.....

It turned out that alan was more eager to meet john than what I'd dared hope appeared that the seed I'd planted in his imagination of us being watched by my husband.....had grown and borne fruit.

During the coming days after our little chat in the bedroom he texted me with suggestions and ideas about where and when we could all meet up.

It was a little tricky getting the meeting timed just right to please everyone.

What with johns new job and alan having to tell lies to his wife and family.

Eventually we got it worked out.

Although alans first suggestion of a little quiet café tucked away in another obscure village was rejected by john, who happened to know the place alan had chosen.

Johns objection was that the café was too quiet, what we needed was somewhere big and busy with lots of people where we could just blend in.

So, there is a chain of pubs here in the UK that anyone from here will know what I'm talking about.

Usually big places, cheap and cheerful and very popular.

We chose one of these.

It was arranged for a tuesday morning, we would meet alan at 10am.

I cannot accurately describe the tension and excitement that dominated the days running up to that meeting....

Tuesday morning finally arrived and we got ready. Alan had texted me that morning saying everything was ok and he was looking forward to seeing us.

I decided to tease alan a little by dressing up quite formally, as i had done on our first meeting.

Although at that time i hadn't known that he was very turned on by the 'secretary' look.

I put on what I'd worn on that occasion, right down to the undergarments, white stockings.....french knickers.

The object here was that alan would know what i was wearing underneath......get all those recent memories.... flooding back.

I know we'd arranged to just have a friendly chat.....but you never know.

Perhaps my powers of persuasion may work.

John was prepared too, more than prepared actually.

Although nervous, he was chomping at the bit to see me getting it on with this old guy.

We had discussed the possibility of alan coming back that morning to our house.

John was buzzing with nervous excitement at the prospect.

And then the moment came, to set off.

We were both a bundle of nerves.

John even made 2 wrong turns as he tried to find the place he himself had suggested.

He knows the local area very well, and still....

like i said.....bundle of nerves.

Again, i will not attempt to describe the tension and excitement combined that flowed through us both that morning, as we pulled up to a stop in the car park....right next to alans mercedes which i recognised.

I'm not normally good with cars but alans merc was very distinctive.

I pointed it out to john saying, "he's here", rather dramatically.

John was very impressed with the car

"That's..his?", He asked sounding surprised.

He reversed our car up into the next space to alans and sat there for a moment admiring the merc.

Johns a car nut and will happily drone on about them for hours.... until i tell him to shut up that is.

He began quoting letters and numbers that were supposed to mean something, horsepower etc, this that and, as they say around these parts....t'other.

Which of course meant nothing to me.

Although i do recognise quality when i see it, and i knew that alans car had plenty of room in the back and a nice comfy backseat....

We'd tried it out just once when steve was unexpectedly off school with a minor illness.

Unable to use our bedroom i was taken for a ride down a quiet country lane instead.....for a small guy alan could really make that car rock on its springs....

Anyway, we got out and walked over to the pub hand in hand.....wife and hubby together.

I'd had a text from alan just five minutes earlier saying he'd found us a booth near the back.

As we went inside i could feel the tension rising again.

This was intense and the nerves were getting to me, my mouth and throat felt so dry, heart going fifty to the dozen.

Glancing up at john as we made our way to the back, i knew he felt the same.

The pub was predictably busy, these places usually are.

Couples having breakfast together, old men sat staring at newspapers with cup in hand, a group of workmen with orange bibs covering their overalls, talking and laughing over brunch.

I noticed one of them staring up at me as i walked past, a young guy of about 20, very handsome.

The look in his eyes told me he liked what he saw.

Despite my nerves i managed a cheeky smile for him while passing.

He smiled back and, after just a few steps, his table erupted in half concealed giggling and a 'ooohh carl....your blushing', spoken in mocking tone by one of the young guys workmates.

I also caught one of them say something about not minding inviting 'her along' for a ride in the van.....which earned more laughter.

John didn't seem to notice, it was just a bit of fun, a much needed light hearted distraction.

But then, i could see alan in the booth over in one corner, he was sat sideways on to us, and as we approached he turned and saw us.

The look on his face said it all, although not as worried looking as i expected, alan was clearly anxious at the prospect of meeting john.

His worried look putting me at ease, helping me to feel more confident.

What is it about that? Seeing someone just as anxious as yourself, making you feel better?

They say misery loves company, so it is with anxiety, i guess.

I lead, and as we near the booth alan gets up, a smile breaking out on his face as he watches me approach.

I've gone through this moment in my mind over and over in the past few days.....and now it was finally here.

Alan welcomes me open armed, giving me a hug

"Hello my nice to see you", his voice close in my ear.

I'm accutely aware that john is right behind me watching I've said before it's the little things that seem to be the biggest of turn ons.

And that moment is no exception, i will remember it always.....that rush of pure john looks on.

Oh I know it's just a friendly hug but to me, at that moment it was electrifying.

John had seen me....doing things with this man.....but not like 'the moment', this.....was real.

Alan let go and smiled warmly at me before turning his attention to john.

It was amusing to see alan looking up at him a little nervously, before the familiar warm smile returned and he stuck out his hand to shake johns. Alan then spoke in a quiet but steady voice

" nice to meet you at last....I've heard so many nice things about you"

I stared as alans hand disappeared within my husbands.

Alans hand....the same hand that had groped my tits.....the same hand that had clutched my hair tightly as he lost the contents of his balls to the eager attentions of my tongue.....the very same hand who's middle finger had recently explored my arse hole....

To see this, these two men interacting even in this slight way, was intoxicating.....i could feel myself moistening up downstairs.

John smiled back down at alan, their size difference very evident.

He replied that it was nice to meet him too and likewise he had heard a lot of nice things about alan.

We got sat down in the booth, myself and john next to each other, alan facing us across a small table

There now followed a brief few seconds of awkwardness as the boys stared foolishly from themselves to me and back again.

It was evident that neither of them knew what to do next.

I can be quite mischievous and john sometimes refers to me as 'twisted', but i couldn't help myself.

It was clear we needed a drink, alan already had his, a black i volunteered myself to go get us a drink.

It was so funny to see their reaction, both my boys..... looking quite uncomfortable at the prospect of suddenly being alone together.

After getting johns order of a chocolate latte i headed off to the bar.... knowing both men would be watching me walk away.

I deliberately exaggerated my walk, making sure i wiggled it....just a little bit.

Oh god, i could feel the wet patch on my knickers already....what if?

What if this morning was it? What if alan gave in to my persuasion and came back with us to our house?

I dare not hope.

Anyway, i made my way to the bar and ordered two coffees.

The coffee machine was not far from our booth and i could glance back while in the queue and see my fellas engaging in conversation.

They looked surprisingly ok, busily chatting to each other.

However, as per usual with these places, the coffee machine had screwed up, out of milk what a surprise!

I can honestly say that I've never been in a 'spoons' where the coffee machine didn't need some attention.

However this did provide an interesting opportunity, for my two boys to be alone for a while.

It ended up taking a good 10 minutes to get the drinks.

As i walked back and got within ear shot, john was talking about me.....

I couldn't quite catch it but it sounded like....'yeah i know....she loves that'.

Both men looked up at me as i got to the table and deliberately bent quite low to place our drinks down, earlier I'd made sure the top buttons of my blouse were undone so as to reveal some cleavage.

It worked beautifully, both john and alan staring at my bosom......mmmmm.....oh i can tell you.....that felt good.

And, in an unbelievably erotic moment, both of them looked from my boobs to each other and grinned knowingly.

It's these little things, like the look on their faces at that moment.....that do it for me.

I sat down next to john and there we stayed like that in the booth for almost an hour, chatting to alan.

We talked about lots of different things, everyday subjects.

Alan told us more about susan and her illness, how it affected her. His work, alan too asked john about his job, the old one and the new.

It's strange really, what we talked about.

Anybody listening would think it was just a friendly chat, which it was but.....this was a chat between three people who had a secret.

Eventually the 'normal' conversation dried up and a slightly uncomfortable silence fell upon our booth.

It was obvious both john and alan felt awkward about what to do next and it appeared it was up to me to move things forward.

By then i was on my fourth coffee and feeling the effects of a caffeine high combining with the excitement already coursing through me.

Taking another drink and feeling mischievous, glancing first at john then across at alan, i said

"so....what did you two talk about earlier..... while i was getting the drinks?".

I knew they'd been discussing me, intimately. So this was a test of who would be brave enough to tell the truth.

My prediction about who that would be proved to be correct

"We were talking about you of course"

Johns voice just to my left, alan was staring into his cup, turning bright red as he did so.

I glanced at my husband who was grinning and looking furtive, like a naughty school boy

"I see"

I said, keeping my eyes firmly on alan, waiting for him to look back up.

At the same time i was doing this, a naughty idea occured to me.....the spontaneous nature of which.... proved irresistible.

The booth we were sat in was quite small, myself and john seated within it while alan sat opposite us across a small table with his back to the room.

Carefully slipping my right shoe off i took my stockinged foot and slid it up alans touch having an instant effect.

Alan jumped noticeably and looked up at me, his face full of surprise.

Higher my foot went until i had my toes right in his crotch, i had to get lower in the seat to do it but not too noticeably.

Alans mouth fell open and he glanced nervously at my husband.

Giving alan a cheeky look i said

"Oh really?..... anything good.....alan?"

As i said it, i began to wriggle my toes and push forward harder.

Alans reaction brought a grin to my face. Firstly, i could feel him already starting to firm up at my attention. Secondly he stuttered his reply, clearly nervous but also enjoying himself

" good.....yes"

As he said this alan shifted position slightly in his seat and put a hand down onto my foot, not trying to stop me but seemingly to cover my foot up in an attempt to hide what i was doing to him.

At this stage john realised what was going on and, looking around first to make sure nobody was watching, lowered himself down to the table and had a peek underneath....

Returning back up to his normal seated position, the curious look replaced by an excited knowing grin.

John turns to look at me but before he can say anything i quickly place my hand in his crotch.

I'm now touching two men intimately at the same time.....albeit just a touch through material.....and covertly....under a table.

I will never forget just how powerful a sensation this created, that first time.

Even if it was just a grope. The pure, raw excitement of it combined with the secretive nature of what i was had a profound affect upon me.

That feeling of being the centre of attention, their difficult to put accurately into words.

I will say's like a drug to me.

The secretive nature of what was happening also brought on a strange flashback... i was reminded of my schooldays, when important things like bits of paper with who fancied who scrawled on them, were passed between the students underneath desks..... secretly.

What i were doing now was a secret too, all these years later......

At school i was the quiet, shy one. Who would have thought i could do something like this?

A slow deep intake of breath from john brought me back out of my reminisce.

Looking to my left he was watching alan closely, alan, looking as anxious as ever, glanced from my husband to me and back again.

What happened next happened fast. It seemed later, upon recalling, that the last 5 minutes of us sat there in that booth passed in seconds.

My mischievous side had taken over. The spontaneous nature of what I was doing had taken the two boys by surprise....

What i did next....took me by surprise.

With the two boys firmly focused on my attentions, i reached down under the table with my right hand while speaking to alan in a soft quiet voice, barely audible above the background chatter of the pub

"So....alan....what do you think gunna come back with us this morning?"

As the words left my mouth my hand slid up my skirt and up the inside of my right thigh, right upto and inside the french knickers.

Alan glanced nervously at john who was muttering something under his breath that sounded like, 'oh yes'.

He was still watching alan but as i groped him harder his eyes narrowed a little, he felt fully erect, the bulge tenting his trousers.

Alan, had been rock hard for several minutes.

Alan replied in a slightly shaky voice that he wasn't sure, it might be too soon....he didn't sound as if he believed that....good.

All it needed was a little nudge in the right direction, and i was already working on that.

As alan was replying, i was sliding my middle finger up my soaking god i was wet!

A shiver of exquisite sensation shot through me as i slipped over my clit just before withdrawing my hand from the moist heat.

Bringing my hand back up and taking my foot out from alans crotch i sat up and leant forward across the table, beckoning alan to lean forward too, with a curling index finger.

He did as he was told, leaning forward, nervous glance at john before looking back at me.

With us now face to face, i spoke in a quiet confidential voice

"This is what you do to me"

While taking my glistening middle finger and carefully smearing my juices down the middle of alans lips.

The affect on alan was instant and brought a rush of excitement within not just myself but john as well.

As alan drew back a little in surprise i heard john saying

"Oh my god"

John had seen what I'd just done to our new friend.

I bit my lower lip while grinning as alan realised what was on his lips....first exploring the damp spot with his fingers then licking his lips.... tasting the familiar fluid.

He looked shyly from me to john and back again and was about to say something but john got there first, "Go on alan....come back with us.... you won't regret it".

Alan looked down at his wet finger, obviously thinking it over, now was the time for one last push....

I reached forward and grasped hold of alans hand, the one with the juicy finger.

Bringing it gently up to my mouth as though about to kiss his hand, but instead i took the finger into my mouth and sucked it.

I heard another exclamation from john, "oh god.....yes!".

Alan looked quickly about us to see if anyone was looking, then pulled his finger out my mouth, as if expecting the act to be discovered at any second.

Quickly bringing his hand away and having another furtive look around, he then leant forward and said, almost in a whisper, his voice shaking a little with nervous excitement

"Alright....I'll do it....I'll come back with you"

And just like that, our ultimate fantasy was set in motion, all that stood in the way now was a 20 minute our house....and our waiting bedroom.....