Memoirs of a Shared Wife Ch. 17

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The best laid plans...
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Part 17 of the 45 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 03/15/2022
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Ok, so this is the part of the story where the reader will understand why my husband did not want me to tell this.

Like i said at the beginning, it's embarrassing and awkward and honestly?'s never happened again.


One of those things you just don't see coming.

This will not be what the reader was expecting, but these are true stories and sometimes things don't work out as we would like them to.

Anyway, on with the story.....

Because of the embarrassing nature of what happened next, I'm not going to go into too much detail.

After alan had made his decision i left the two of them alone again for a few minutes. They were both rock hard with obvious bulges visible in their trousers so there was no chance of them walking out of the pub straight away.

So i left first and waited for them in our car.

Several minutes passed in which i contemplated what was about to happen.

All these months in planning and here it was at last, about to take place.

Although we had agreed that john would just be watching, maybe alan would be ok with my husband taking part?

Oh god....that thought sent a shiver of raw excitement right through imagination working away.....

By the time john and alan emerged from the pub i was, as they say, gagging for it, desperate to get home and get in that bedroom.

As they walked towards me side by side the guys were still talking and before parting, john shook alans hand and i caught him say, "you'll be fine....see you back at ours".

Alan smiled and nodded to john, then waved at me before getting in his car.

John got in beside me and turned to give me a kiss, soft and gentle on the lips, nice and slow.

Although gentle, i could feel a sensual passion behind it.

Breaking off, he drew back, his face a picture of excitement.....a devilish lust creeping into his eyes as he stared into mine....that hungry look I'd become addicted to...

When he spoke his voice had a slight tremble in it.... nervous excitement clearly taking its toll

"Fuck me.....this....i....i mean....this is gunna happen....isn't it?'s really gunna happen....I'm gunna see it.....I'm gunna be the room...with you.....when he...."

John trails off, blowing air out through his mouth before taking a deep breath, he holds out his hand between us, trying to keep it steady....but can't....he's trembling

"Look at that", john says showing me how excited he is.

"This....this is what you do to me", he adds copying what i said to alan earlier.

Watching my husbands hand shaking with excitement like that, it's another one of those special little moments that I'll always remember.

Reaching out i take hold of his hand and squeeze it while talking softly to him

"'s going to happen john...and you're going to be right there in the same room.... watching us"

Lowering my head i gently kiss johns hand while keeping eye contact, staring into my husbands eyes lovingly.

It's a special moment in our long relationship....very special indeed.

And one, that no words could do justice.

After our brief interaction in the car, we set off for our home...and our bedroom.....with alan following closely behind.

During the journey, john talks about our time at the pub. He tells me that he was so turned on by my teasing with alan that at one point he thought he would have to stop me from groping him under the table....his balls were boiling and he was going to make a mess in his trousers.

John talks about the time alone with alan too, when i waited for their erections to go down in the car. Alan had thanked john profusely for allowing him to get to know me.

He told my husband that the time he spends with me is the most exciting of his life, and that i am a remarkable young lady.

He also confided to my husband that he was very nervous about 'doing this', in front of him.

John reassured his new friend, telling him that it would be alright, he would do just fine.

'just pretend I'm not there', he'd said, adding that he would only watch and not try to join.

This seemed to calm alan down but, unbeknown to us at the time, he was so much more nervous than we realised....

We arrived back home and went inside, the cameras were not made ready this time, for obvious reasons.

Again, with hindsight, it's probably a good job they weren't recording what was about to happen.

But, at the time, i wasn't thinking of any possible problems, all i could think about was my soaking wet fanny that desperately needed alans stiff little prick.....i had an itch that needed scratching alright.....i was going to eat him alive.

2 minutes after getting in, there came a knock at the door.

What a strange sensation it was to answer it and let alan in, with john stood right there in the hallway with me......there was something 'final' about it.....this really was it.

With the door closed and locked i wasted no time, embracing alan, pushing him up against the wall, kissing my boyfriend passionately.

As he responded, kissing back, quick breaths coming through his nose, i could hear a sharp intake of air from my left.

John gasping, muttering something inaudible....oh my god.....this was intense....john watching us kiss....right there next to us...that feeling of being much more exciting than i had imagined.

With john looking on i put my hand down to alans crotch, grasping his growing bulge... groping.....a muffled groan escapes him.....vibrating through my mouth amidst writhing tongues.

My heart is beating so fast, excitement levels reaching fever pitch....i want him so badly.

Breaking our kiss I'm in two minds to just go down on him right there in the hallway, show both men how eager i am....

I'm aware of john to my left near the bottom of our stairs watching us but, also, someone else is watching....our sons, their school portrait pictures hanging on the wall between us and john.

Their innocent eyes seem to stare accusingly..... it's this picture that makes the decision for me, i know it's only a picture but it feels do it with them watching.

In an instant I'm heading for the stairs, pulling alan after me by the hand, giving my husband a brief but meaningful flash of my eyes as we go past.

Mounting the stairs, we ascend quickly, john following closely behind alan.

A sense of urgency fills all three of us as we head for our bedroom....

Once inside i pull alan over to our bed and we embrace again, kissing opened mouthed, tongues entwining.

As we kiss I'm aware of our bedroom door closing, john arranging a chair to sit in one corner, making himself comfortable to watch the spectacle of his wife....with another man.....

I'm so turned on that i just want to dive in at the deep end. But i know i must pace myself, go steady and just enjoy the sensation of being watched, savour it.

Breaking our embrace i glance at john while beginning to undress, he's wide eyed and looks like he's in some kind of excited shock.....

Taking the suit jacket off and starting on the blouse buttons, returning my gaze to alan.

He's breathing quicker, going red, and looking from me to john and back again, he looks very nervous....much more so than normal.....his eyes keep going back to john in the corner.

I continue to undress in silence, both men watching closely. Once down to my underwear i proceed to turn around so I'm facing john, my back inches from alan.

Taking eyes briefly off john, glancing back over my shoulder to address alan, i ask him in a quiet soft tone, if he wouldn't mind removing my bra for me?....please... sir?

Looking back at john just in time to see him swallow, hard.

He's staring straight at me, watching closely. In an exquisitely erotic moment, i watch the lust and excitement grow ever greater in his eyes as alan carefully unclips my bra....and slides the straps off my shoulders....

He pulls it downwards and i slip out of it, alan letting it drop to the floor.

Before he can do anything else i grasp hold his hands and place them over my bare boobs.....where they instinctively begin to explore....

I'm now having my tits groped by an old man, right in front of john, who's mouth suddenly falls open

"Oh god...yes"

He says, in not much more than a whisper, but i hear the excitement present in every word.....that slight tremor, evident.

Alan is now pressed up against my back, kissing the back of my neck, softly.

Both men know this drives me nuts and i feel a shiver of pure delight go right through me.

Reaching back with my right hand i go straight for alans crotch, groping like before......and it's now, that i notice something is wrong.....

Alan, despite his age, always gets very hard very quickly. In fact although relatively small in size it could be a little uncomfortable for me during vigorous sex, purely because it is so stiff and hard.

But now, although feeling him through 2 layers of material, i could easily tell that his previous stiffy in the hallway, had gone down.

I tried to reassure myself that it was just the jitters and that alan needed a little time to warm up, but i suppose deep down, even at that early stage, i knew what the problem was.

Despite having serious concerns i moved things forward, all the time trying to ignore the obvious.

Spending the next 15 minutes doing what i could, undressing him slowly, going into my secretary role which, at least john seemed to enjoy.

My husband now had his hard dick out and was gently stroking himself while staring almost feverishly at his topless wife undressing an old man, calling him 'sir' while she did it

'There you go sir.....that's your shirt unbuttoned.... would sir like me to undo his belt?....yes of pleasure...right away sir'...just like that.

All said in as sexy a voice as i could muster.

I could hear johns heavy breathing from behind and to my right as i was turned at a slight angle to him, sat there on his chair in the corner, wanking over what i was doing...

While undressing alan i noticed how worried he actually was, eyes flitting quickly from john to me and back, he swallowed often and was beginnig to look almost desperate.

As he became naked i could now see that his dick was completely flaccid, if anything, it had actually shrunk.

Because of how we were standing at that point, john couldn't see alan properly as i was blocking his view with my back to him.

John was still stroking away, oblivious. His heavy breathing the only noise in the room.

Still foolishly believing i could fix this, i stared lustily at my trembling lover and asked, "would sir like his lollypop licked?".

At this point alan shook his head in a quick movement that was so slight it was almost imperceptible. Then he opened his move to say something, which looked as though it may have been the beginning of, 'i cant'.

However, again i let my own desires rule. Ignoring the now very obvious problem.

Before alan could get any words out i was down on my knees in front of him, determined to get him hard.

And this i suppose, is what brought it all crashing down...

Before, i had been partially blocking alans view of my husband, but now at his knees with my head in his crotch he could see john fully and more seriously for alan, john could see him.

Despite my best efforts, and believe me i tried to get that thing hard, oh god did i try!

It wouldn't budge. It's a strange sensation not having any affect on a guy.....strange.... and absolutely horrible.

And i must hastily add, is something that's never happened to me since.

After a few moments i took his flaccid thing out my mouth and looked up at him

"You alright love?.....alan?"

The look on his face told me what i already knew.

It was john. The problem was my husband, watching us.

Alan looked so desperately worried and ashamed, he actually appeared to be about to cry, his face red from embarrassment and frustration.

Before he could reply i heard john behind me ask, "you ok alan?.....what's matter mate?"

He had noticed alans anxious state as well.

Beginning to stand up i spoke again in a quiet, understanding tone, but alan didn't let me finish

"It's alright love...we can take a break....take things more slowly if you like?'s no worry.....john sometimes has....."

At this point I'm interrupted by a blurted out apology from alan

"Sorry!....oh god I'm so so sorry.....i can't......i can't do it.....not with...."

Alan aims a glance toward john, there's no malice or bad feeling in that look, just embarrassment and disappointment

"......not with him watching.....i can't....I'm sorry pippa.....sorry john....i can't do this"

The 'sorry john' part is said as alan hurriedly gets dressed. Quickly putting his trousers on without bothering with the underpants.

He's in such a hurry that he forgets his vest, i discover it the next day while hoovering, partially obscured under a bedside table.

We both try and clam him down. I tell him it's just first time nerves. John even offers to leave the room. But all of it falls on deaf ears.

All alan wants to do at that point, is get out of that bedroom and away from the ultimate embarrassing situation.

So, that's what happens, he rushes past john and out the door. Leaving my husband in the bedroom while i quickly throw a dressing gown on and follow alan downstairs and into our hallway, catching him at the door fumbling the key, desperately trying to get out.

Tapping him on the shoulder i say, "alan?......alan slow down! sticks sometimes"

Reaching past him i can actually feel the heat coming off his face and neck, this is more than just blushing, alan is absolutely mortified.

I calmly turn the key in its lock, pushing upwards slightly as i do so, this does the trick and unlocks our front door.

"There", i say trying to smile, keeping my look as calm as possible.

Alan looks back and now i can see tears beginnig to form at the corners of his eyes, he quickly wipes them away, he looks so old at that moment.

When he speaks his voice has a tremble

"Pippa....I'm sorry.....i have to go....i....i.... thought....i thought i know.....but....."

He trails off looking so very down and angry with himself.

Reaching out a hand and touching his hot face i tell him that if he can't he can't and there's no need to get this upset, we understand and we can always try again another time....if he wants to?

Alan looks into my eyes and for a brief moment his hurt look softens, it appears he's about to say something to me, perhaps something positive, but he doesn't..... perhaps there are no positive words for him to find...

Alan looks away, back towards the door as he's opening it, then, without looking back i hear one word, 'sorry'.

It's barely audible and spoken as he's walking out into the street.

Watching him walk away like that, down our street, i feel so dejected, like a big rug has been pulled out from under me.

This had been our big chance, everything going just right......and then.....

All that time fantasising, planning, preparing.....

This was the closest we'd come.

At that point, watching him walk away, i just felt like packing it all in, giving up on our fantasy altogether.

I just had a strong feeling that alan wasn't coming back...ever.

Slowly closing the door i headed back up to the bedroom, and an equally disappointed.. john.

End of chapter 17.

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Anjin1962Anjin196210 months ago

I have to admit, the series has me hooked, the raw reality, the intimacy, it feels voyeuristic, like being there. I absolutely love the support of John, and the sharing of the experiences between you both. I also love the gradual development, and personal connections. Thank you for sharing with us all.

Jimmie127Jimmie12711 months ago

It would be better if peoples names had the first letter capitalised, it would save all the red lines under them.

Gazza6969Gazza6969about 1 year ago

I thought you wrote this chapter with great empathy for Alan, bless him.

As others have said, this sort of thing happens t some men of all ages, but especially

older guys.

I think you have to be of a certain mindset to even try this sort of thing and possibly Alan was not

there. Too sensitive a person and although you worked wonders with him, his demons got the better

of him. Don't forget that the largest sexual organ is the brain . There are guys out there who could

~ perform~ this task for you at the drop of a hat ( or trousers), walk away and come back time and

time again for ther own sexual gratification, but beware, only you and your husband know what you

want out of this. Just don't get hurt in your quest!

Wiz1002Wiz1002over 1 year ago

Such a disappointment for all concerned but as you and others say, these things happen when under stress. Also, with Alan being a relative novice at this sex-lark, it is not full surprising.

Even so, I continue to enjoy your writings and so far have not had an “Alan moment” from reading about your delicious exploits!

charliem100charliem100over 1 year ago

No wonder he couldn't get hard what with that idiotic "there you go sir" talk.

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