Memoirs of a Shared Wife Ch. 24

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An intimate conversation.
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Part 24 of the 45 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 03/15/2022
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At the pub....

The young bartender finished serving the customer before me, handing him his change, then making eye contact with me.

With a warm smile he asked, "what can i get ya love?"

Smiling back then giving him the drinks order, my eyes wandering down to his bum as he walked over to the spirits optic.

He had a nice peachy one, a handsome guy of about of these days i would like to 'have a go' with someone younger...

Thinking about the young bartender came as a welcome distraction from the heady mix of emotions and thoughts which now filled my mind.

After all, i had just wanked off our friend in a cinema, a public place no less, in front of my husband....

Serious business indeed. And this was just the beginning.

Looking back over my shoulder, the two men in my life were busy in conversation with each other.

As i watched, dave who sat facing me, noticed i was looking, he smiled and gave a little wave, prompting john to turn and do the same.

I smiled and waved, then turned back to face the bar.

What were they saying? Obviously it was about me, perhaps dave was explaining how surprised he was at what I'd just done....and how good it had felt...

Or maybe john was reassuring a nervous dave that it was ok, he didn't mind about what we'd done at all....he....liked to watch.

This situation, with the two boys talking together while i got the drinks reminded me of the time with alan.

This pub we were in was even a spoons, the things are everywhere! Although not the same one as we met alan in.

However, although a similar setting, this particular situation couldn't be more different.

This time we knew, all of us, what we wanted and we knew it was going to work between us.

It had been a bit dicey however, on leaving the cinema.

Although dave had willingly and happily held my hand between there and this pub, he seemed distant....deep in thought.... perhaps in shock?

It did instil doubt within me, even with what I'd just done.

Struck dumb too, for he didn't say a word.

Fortunately this silence was not too long as the pub was only a minutes walk away from the cinema.

We were in a big complex with not just a cinema, there is pubs, restaurants, shops and even a large gym.

A big place.

On the short walk over, we held hands and walked along together as though a couple.

John walked beside us but made no attempt to hold my hand.

He appeared to easily and willingly accept his role as 'second in command'....dave was now my man...for this night at least.

This came as a new and exciting feeling for me.

Yes of course, I'd been with other guys with my husbands knowledge and full approval but...

To see him like this? Relinquish control over me...step down and let his friend take over?

So special....and a huge turn on.

As i pondered this situation, i also realised how wet I'd become since the cinema...

I'd felt it upon standing up initially, but that annoying couple who had seen us were occupying my mind at the time.

Now, free to notice all the little things?

With no knickers to soak up my 'excitement', it was trickling down the inside of one thigh!

The bartender was nearly finished my pink gordons was ready on the tray, dave had chosen a double jd...i think he felt like he needed it, john had a coke as he was driving.

I paid the good looking barman and took up the tray of drinks, feeling that tickle of juices between my legs as i began to walk back to our booth, my heels clicking on the hard floor.

Returning to the guys, john helped distribute the drinks and i took up position seating myself next to dave.

Noticing a knowing look and grin of approval from john, he knew as well as i did that dave was now my boyfriend for the evening.

The main man.

We all took a drink, dave downing his in one, then took a deep breath, slowly letting it out.

"Oh yeah...i needed that", he said with genuine relief.

John chuckled and i asked a still shocked looking dave, why he needed it? Had something happened?....this earning another chuckle from my husband.

Dave grinned too, looking from me to john and back again.

When he spoke, a slight tremor of excitement was detectable within his voice.

"I was just telling john....i....i can't believe that just happened...i....don't know what to say.... except....thank you pippa"

Dave went on to tell us that he hadn't been touched by a woman in a long time.

We knew from previous conversations that daves marriage had been in trouble long before she 'did the dirty' on him.

I told him that he was welcome and that I'd been itching to touch him intimately for a while, i also asked him how he felt when i first put my hand on him?

Dave grinned shyly....oh that bashful look he endearing....and that little look at john too...still checking for approval even at this stage.

When he spoke it was in a quiet voice, the pub was busy, people sat closely all around us.

John, sitting opposite at a table nestled within the booth, leaned in to be able to hear his reply.

"Oh shit....i mean...i didn't know how to react at was such a surprise....i had no idea that was coming...."

Dave went on to describe how at first he thought it was a move by me in error, perhaps I'd gone to put my hand on the arm rest and missed?

But when i didn't move he became confused, still unable to accept i was making a move on him, he explained about looking at john to see if he'd noticed.

But john, at that point was oblivious.

Dave continued, "then when you started to stroke my leg?....oh god...."

He gave a little nervous laugh, shaking his head before going on, ".....i was shitting myself....i mean....johns right there just at the other side of you!....I'm thinking.... what's she doing?!....but at the same time... it felt so good"

Dave told us he was nervous and excited at the same time, which is exactly how i was feeling.

I asked him another question, "so i really took you by surprise? had no idea i liked that way?"

Now dave began to turn red, he paused for a brief moment, gathering up what he wanted to say, putting it in order.

With a nervous cough he replied, "erm...yeah...i knew you liked me....but.."

He trailed off glancing at john.

My husband was beginning to grin, he and i, knew what dave was struggling with but it was john who spoke next.

"It's ok dave you can say it....i don't mind one bit must know that by now?"

Dave began grinning back at john, then looked down at his empty glass, fiddling with it.

He was clearly finding this 'unique' situation difficult to comprehend.

Why would a married man be ok with another man lusting after his wife?....

At length dave spoke in that quiet confidential voice.

"Well.... obviously i knew you liked me and i liked you...had done since i first saw you...."

He was looking back at me now, i watched as he grappled with what he wanted to say

"....... there....that's what i mean.... saying that in front of john....even now it feels odd....not bad..... just strange"

I'd had enough and couldn't stand seeing him squirm anymore....i wanted to put him at ease and also his bashful behaviour was too much to resist....I'm a sucker for shy.

Reaching out my hand and placing it on the side of his head i leaned in to kiss him....slow and tender on the full view of john.

He didn't resist and kissed me back with a hint of passion behind it.

Breaking off i let go his head, pulling back and watching him closely.

"There.....did that feel odd or strange?"

That glance again at my husband, always that check for approval....he had to get over it but this was very early days.

"No....", he said it with more confidence and in a louder voice.

The kiss had not only been unable for me to resist but also had another reason.

A test.

Dave was obviously still feeling a little awkward with john there watching us, so.....i had to know.

And he had passed the test with flying colours.

You see, in the cinema, our 'interaction' had been mostly in private despite the contradiction of a public place.

Yes others were there but nobody was immediately nearby, it was dark and noisy.

And as far as dave knew, john couldn't see us.

But here?

Here was a far different setting.

Light and full of people close by, any one of which could easily see fact i had noticed one couple in particular, sat at a table behind john who were paying us a lot of attention.

But the main hurdle here for dave was the fact that john sat watching us, he saw everything as it happened.

So, that was one test passed, now to move it forward.

With a mischievous grin, i first looked around to see who was looking....yep....the nosy couple were still glancing across at us.

My gaze wandered from them to my husband, who sat watching, transfixed by what we were doing.

I gave him a little knowing look then turned to dave, leaning in to him and whispering up into his ear, all the time watching john closely

" kiss me....and mean it"

Moving back away from him i broke eye contact with john....who was practically drooling...and focused my attention on dave.

My new boyfriend had also been looking at john, still feeling that little bit nervous, but he turned to look at me, making eye contact.

And there it was....that look.

Hidden just behind the thin veneer of anxiety.

That hungry look that was made up of desire, lust and excitement....and did i detect a dash of dominance?....oh god i hoped so.

Yes, something there hidden behind that gaze....wanted me badly....wanted to own me...

That look sent a tingle right through every fibre of my body.

Then, with only a hint of hesitation, dave moved in and kissed me.

And it was no peck on the cheek.

A full blown open mouthed kiss, slow and deep, his tongue slipping into my mouth.

I kissed back, sliding my tongue up against his...i could smell and taste the whiskey, feel that wonderful tickle of prickly hair on my lips and face as i had recently in the cinema.

His big warm hand on my cheek....

"Mmmm", my moan of delight vibrated between us.

In the background over the sounds of the pub, just audible, i heard john gasp and say something quiet under his breath, it sounded like, 'oh yeah'.

Eventually dave broke off and moved back, looking directly into my eyes.

He looked almost feverish with excitement, red and begining to sweat....the hungry more evident.

He licked his lips, and with a renewed sense of confidence asked, "how was that?"

No look at john this time.

His focus just on me.

Drawing my tongue across my lips, i replied with the forwardness that only confidence can convey.

"That...was all i needed to know....all we needed to know"

With that i turned my gaze on john.

It was such a brief look but one so powerful.

For we both knew that our long search had come to an end, we had found the right guy.

Dave was the one.

John stared back, right into me with such intense passion, seething and bubbling away under the surface...

Words were neither needed nor would they have been adequate enough.

He simply nodded, holding my eyes for a moment longer then appearing to snap out his trance he altered his gaze to dave and asked, "so dave.... would you like to come back with ours....we have beer...and more whiskey"

As he said it he glanced down at daves empty glass, beginning to grin, obviously remembering how quickly our friend had downed it.

Still feeling naughty and excited from our recent kiss and the effects of the gin which I'd drunk too fast, i leaned up into daves ear once again, my lips brushing his skin lightly.

I whispered soft and quiet, "and me...."

Then, in a moment that was out of character i hastily added, "....i want you to fuck me"

I don't swear, except when very angry or very turned on and I'd never sworn in front of dave before, let alone whispering it into his ear...

I think it surprised us both equally, him at the time, me later when i recovered my sense of decency.....which was much later.

Dave, for a brief moment showed his nervous side again, his neck and face flushed red as i drew back grinning wickedly.

He swallowed, and if he'd had a drink he would be gulping it right then.

This time he did turn to john for reassurance.

John, obviously aware I'd said something to egg him on, grinned and nodded at his friend asking again, "yeah?"

Dave, with the briefest of hesitation began nodding back and repeated my husbands word in confirmation, "yeah"

Then it just happened, the end of our brief but exciting time at the pub was signalled by john beginning to stand up, looking from dave to me and giving me a special little look, he said, "you ready love....come on....lets go"

I was ready, very ready.....I'd become even wetter during our daring interaction!

But we had another problem that was far more obvious.

I could immediately see, when john stood up he had a bulge in his trousers.

Not too obvious, but it was there.

Dave however was much worse.

He indicated while looking around, clearly embarrassed, that he would have to wait a minute.

Still riding my risqué high, i had a feel under the table....sure enough....hard as granite.

And would be very noticeable in shorts if he were to stand up.

However, i was feeling impatient, my 'itch' had become unbearable.

So i suggested he take my jacket and hold it in front of him folded over one arm, that would cover it up.

And, with my suggestion accepted, dave took hold my jacket and covered up the bulge as he stood up.

And we, all three, headed out to the car park.....and the ride back to ours....

End of chapter 24.

Authors note.

Ok this is one of those things which isn't necessary for the story and i felt it would perhaps ruin the mood if i told it as part of the story so i will include it separately here.

It's something that stood out in my mind and i thought you, the reader, may find it amusing.

Here goes.

It involves the couple who had been watching us while in the pub. A young mixed race couple in their early twenties, he black she white.

I did enjoy the fact we were being observed by them and obviously we were being discussed.

The girl in particular kept leaning across their table and saying things to her boyfriend.

It appeared she found our interaction amusing, and just something about her riled me.

She was quite chavvy and i can imagine the negative remarks she would be making about me.....

Also she was giving dave some quite mocking looks that were to do with the size of him compared to me....i did catch the odd word from her which i won't repeat here as it was offensive.

So basically, by the time we were ready to leave i was angry with her.

What with that and the gin going straight to my head...i decided to get my own back.

So, upon standing i made sure to make eye contact with her boyfriend, giving him the look and then to....stir things up a little more....i gave him a cheeky wink just before looking away.

Well, suffice to say....he enjoyed what I'd done....she...did not.

As soon as I turned around to walk away i heard her almost shout, "cheeky fucking bitch!...."

I just kept walking, following the guys out, even they had noticed and were looking around.

The girl continued in her drink fuelled outrage, ".....yeah that's it walk away ya fucking slapper....yeah we've seen ya....takes two does it?.... fucking slag....did ya see that?!.....fucking cheek of it!"

She did go on a bit more as we hurriedly made our way out.

But I'm not keen on profanity so I've just given a sample of what she said here.

Her boyfriend was trying to calm her down but clearly not getting anywhere.

The silly chav girl had hushed the whole pub (which takes a lot in a spoons) and made a fool of herself.

I do recall both john and dave asking me on the way out, what that was all about?

I just grinned and claimed i didn't know.

Satisfied in the knowledge I'd rattled her.

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goodsonformomgoodsonformom6 months ago

This part for me was so well done..."On the short walk over, we held hands and walked along together as though a couple. John walked beside us but made no attempt to hold my hand. He appeared to easily and willingly accept his role as 'second in command'....dave was now my man...for this night at least. This came as a new and exciting feeling for me. Yes, of course, I'd been with other guys with my husband's knowledge and full approval but...

To see him like this? Relinquish control over me...step down and let his friend take over? So special....and a huge turn-on. As i pondered this situation, I also realized how wet I'd become since the cinema...I'd felt it upon standing up initially, but that annoying couple who had seen us was occupying my mind at the time. Now, free to notice all the little things? With no knickers to soak up my 'excitement', it was trickling down the inside of one thigh!

Yeah, your arousal running down your thigh, is a very nice touch. It certainly aroused me and defined the moment. It was a wonderful bit of writing Pippa.

toydisher10toydisher10over 1 year ago

I'm surprised you were able to hold your tongue so long. Your stories are great. I wish We could write that well.

MetalRabbit51MetalRabbit51over 1 year ago

A wonderful new relationship forms! Between three people who need each other. Well-written story of how things can fall into place when an understanding is reached. Lots of fun here too, with the men so excited they feel embarrassed to stand up, for fear of showing everyone in the bar. And the woman at the end, making a fool of herself-priceless! The high point for me is what you whisper to Dave in the bar. Kind of says it all!

JBEdwardsJBEdwardsalmost 2 years ago

Your memoirs are so different from the others (that I've read) posted at Literotica, and different in a most enjoyable way! Most of them are about initial seductions and the gradual flowering of a relationship until it's in full bloom. Moreover because your hubby is right there, there isn't the initial awkwardness of a boy courts girl type of interaction with the uncertainty of rejection, for example, but an awkwardness of a very different type. You handle it delicately and with intrigue. I absolutely love it. Five well deserved stars, my lady!

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