Memoirs of a Shared Wife Ch. 25

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The journey home...
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Part 25 of the 45 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 03/15/2022
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It turned out that we didn't go directly back to our house.

On our return journey john had to make a minor detour....down a country lane.

I'll explain.

As we made our way to the car across the car park, dave was on one side of me john the other, both having a good feel of my bum as we walked, a hand on each cheek feeling me move.

It was exciting not only because of what they were doing but also there were plenty of other people about, watching us.

One group of young guys gathered around smoking near the entrance to the complex were heard to comment as we went past.

One of them said, "wahey!....look at them"

Another exclaimed, "Oh yeah....look at that!"

Still another shouted rather brazenly, "need any help fellas?... there's four more here"

This last comment causing an uproar of laughter amongst the group.

I felt like a cheap tart, with everyone looking on as they were.

But....part of me was enjoying the attention.

Getting up to the car john gave my bum a final farewell pat, then suggested to his friend that he should get in the back with me....

The intention here was obvious.

He unlocked the car and dave proceeded to do just that, get in the back with me.

It began as soon as we were seated in the back together, even before john drove off.

We were all over each other....

Kissing, holding, touching, tasting...taking the time to explore each other.

I was aware that we had left the car park and were heading off down a main road, headlights lit up my lovers face as cars past us, daves eyes were open and full of that hungry look I'd seen recently....the anxiety gone.....nothing but a raw determined lust.

This intoxicating energy was passed on through his kiss too.....oh he meant it alright.

His hands wandered... and i let them.

We weren't wearing our seatbelts and i was sitting up close to dave near the middle of the backseat on his right side.

He broke off our kiss and nuzzled my neck, instinctively lifting my chin up head back to give him easier access...i love that part of me given a lot of attention.

As he tucked in, licking, sucking, gently biting i let out a gentle add to this intense sensation daves hand was inching up my skirt, sliding up the inside of my thigh...

The car swerved a little and i heard john curse but at the time i was so engrossed in what was happening to me i didn't realise what was happening to john....

Higher and higher daves hand slid, opening my legs wider for him he suddenly went all the way and touched me....for the first time.

Letting out another louder moan this time...i was so sensitive down there....and wet...

As soon as dave made contact with my soft moist heat, he stopped biting my neck and paused for a brief moment, his heavy breathing too ceased, briefly.

A big forefinger probed a little way between my lips causing me to moan out loud and pant....I'd been so ready for this all eager for it....

The slightest little touch.... driving me wild.

And there it was again, that little swerve of the car, no cursing this time but i now realised the cause of our erratic course.

John was watching us through the mirror.

I'd been so focused on daves affections that i hadn't realised john could see us.

A memory from our past came wafting into view....the asian taxi driver....when i was in the back with my husband.

This time, it was johns turn to watch as i was ravaged in the backseat.

Within the knowledge that he could see us there came a flood of excitement, already on the edge at what dave was doing....i needed it....but....i didn't want daves finger...

Daves surprise at finding me without underwear and the fact i was so very wet, passed quickly, being replaced by a stronger desire, i could feel the passion, the excitement within him boiling over.

His breathing resumed at a faster pace, biting into my neck harder, his finger probing inside my slick entrance.

It was all becoming too much....

I had to do something quick, another moment and it would be too late....

Using all my willpower i gently pushed against his hand, trying to push him away while whispering down towards his ear, "no....not yet...i want you"

I panted the words out.

Daves hand initially did not move even when i pushed strong....good....i like that.

Only when he heard 'i want you' did he understand and pull back.

He knew i wanted my first time with him to be done properly.....all the way.

But here was a man who hadn't had any intimacy with a woman for a long time, he was determined.

So now i had my hands full, to put it mildly.

His eagerness had to have an outlet....

Dave quickly turned his attention to my bust, grasping at the laces on my top, thumbling as he had with his own zipper not that long ago.

Having undone it a little he was able to get access into my bra....

The sense of urgency was evident as he scooped my tits out and immediately sank his face into them....greedily clamping onto a swollen ripe nipple.

Throwing my head back and gasping, the sensation of daves ravenous mouth and writhing tongue so intensely stimulating.

It was as though he knew exactly what i liked, how i wanted it done.....sucked hard and gently nibbled....

Drawing in another sharp breath, i moaned out loud.....then in a whisper the words, "oh god yeah....come on"

The tickling prickly sensation of daves tash providing a new and exciting dimension to the experience.

From the position i was in i couldn't quite reach daves groin so my own fascination for exploring would have to wait, however another attraction had presented itself.

I'd caught my husbands eyes in the rear view mirror...

Just like it had been in the taxi, they were moving their focus of attention quickly between me and the road ahead.

Both objects of great interest.... for very different reasons.

Every time a car passed its lights revealed to john what was happening to his wife in the backseat.

The sensory deprivation here a little different than mine had been at the cinema, plenty of auditory from my gentle moans and his friends heavy breathing but intermittent visual.

A sort of flashing peep show.

When our eyes did meet it was brief but intense, i could see the determined hungry look within him....all consuming.

I stared back when i could hear another car about to pass us, making sure he knew....knew i was loving him watching....make him see i was loving what his friend was doing to me.

And apparently, i did it a little too well.

Not that i had cause to complain, the heat between my legs was unbearable....i had to have dave and have him now.

My husband had decided he too must have some relief....he needed to see

I'm not great with directions especially in the dark but i knew that we had deviated from our way home.

The car sped up, lights passing us less frequent then practically none.

The road narrower, darker.

We were out in the countryside....

The ride became bumpy, car slowing....stopping....reversing back then stopping again.

Dave, still buried in my tits suddenly lifted his head, his lips glistening in the gloom.

He was so happy in there he hadn't noticed we'd stopped.

For a second we sat there panting, i was looking from dave to the front of the car where john was....when it happened...

I think dave was about to ask 'where are we', he had begun to say something but a huge streak of brilliant white light flashed across the black sky, making us all jump a little.

A thunderstorm, off in the distance....

We were briefly awed into silence at the spectacle which gave a surreal feel to an already out of the ordinary evening.

Several seconds later....a distant rumble of thunder...


My hushed word, between breaths, i was still reeling from daves expert attentions.

We sat there for a moment in silence, except for our steady breathing, waiting for the next strike....

And there.....a splash of brilliant white tinged with blue forked across the sky...this one seeming to fill the night with its brilliance.

I've always been awed by nature and thunderstorms are a particular fascination.

Their power and beauty are unrivaled.

The storm was some good distance away and shouldn't bother us.

Dave turned to face me as we sat huddled together in the back, his eyes dark pools in the gloom, but even in the dark i could feel that hungry gaze penetrating right into me.

He kissed me then, firmly on the lips, sliding his tongue inside.....oh god yes....i can feel that want....that need....this was it.

I kissed back and moaned gently before breaking off and staring once again into the dark pools of his eyes, i said three words, "i want you"

And that's all it took. What happened next happened quickly and without hesitation from any of us.

I was aware of john coughing a little nervously then he got out the car, at the same time dave also was backing away and opening his door.

Both men briefly stood by daves open door, dimly lit by the courtesy light, i could see dave pulling his shorts down as i got into a better position on the backseat.

Laying on my back with my bum near the edge of the seat next to the open door, skirt pulled up revealing my upper thighs, which i then splayed open.... showing the two men everything...

Ready and very, very willing.

My last view of the guys stood up at the door, was dave removing his shorts, his stiff cock waving in the air as he did so, john stood to his side watching me while saying something to his friend.

I couldn't hear it at the time but john later told me about their brief exchange of words.

Dave had asked john rather shyly if he had a condom?

John replied that he didn't need one, telling dave to, "get her wet.....she loves it"

I recall a cold breeze blowing around my legs and up my skirt, the temperature change highlighting just how wet i was downstairs....

On my bare boobs too, nipples standing straight up to attention, the cool night air reacting more readily upon them due to daves saliva.

Then it was happening, dave was crawling back in through the open door, on top of me.

Getting into position, his full weight was soon pressing down, pinning me into the backseat.

I found my breathing immediately restricted as he settled down on top....getting ready.

Even before he entered me, this feeling of being trapped and pinned was causing my mind to spin with excitement.

Dave, back then at least, was a big guy...heavy, and there was no way i was getting out from underneath him....not until he'd finished with me.

I couldn't move my arms much because of his size and the cramped conditions in the backseat.

All i could do was slide my hands up the sides of his shirt and up onto his bare back.

Immediately surprised by just how hairy he is!

My mind raced as i explored the expanse of his back, feeling the muscles flexing, he's so broad i couldn't get my hands to meet.

I could feel his hand down between my legs, guiding it....

Then....i felt its big head nudging....probing inwards.... beginning to push inside...

Oh god! I screamed with delight as he slowly pushed his hot shaft all the way inside me...

At last he was mine....and i his...

Dave groaned and panted as he began fucking me on the back seat....

All the pent up tension of the evening came rushing upon me, i couldn't help myself....and i came almost immediately....after just a few strokes.

Squealing into my lovers ear as the huge climax ripped its way through me.

Shaking uncontrollably, my legs clamping up on dave squeezing him tight....

The vice like grip of my climax spasm proving no match for his bulk and power.... unable to stop him while i came....he kept on thrusting into me over and over....

He was relentless, wave after wave of pleasure....filling my mind to overload.

I almost blacked out.

When i did finally come to my senses, i was dizzy and confused.

The car rocked side to side steadily on its springs as dave continued his onslaught....but there was something else.... something that didn't make sense, not right away at least.

The back of the car was brightly lit.

For a second i thought it was another lightning strike but it didn't flash it stayed on and moved about a little.

As my dizziness wore off i realised what it was, john had a torch and he was shinning it on us while he watched.

Even though I'd just come, the fact that my husband was watching us illuminated by torchlight.... instantly relit my flame...

Unbeknown to me, while dave had been getting into position, ready to fuck me, john had retrieved a torch from the glove box so he could see us better.

Also, i later found out that while i was having my first orgasm, he had got his hard dick out and was wanking himself while looking on....

And so, for the next several minutes while i was pummeled mercilessly by dave on our backseat like a cheap tart, my husband watched and pleasured himself.

While he fucked me it honestly never crossed my mind to goad him, which i normally enjoy, the sensation of being watched and what with daves sheer size and weight....i was literally breathless.

I could hear daves heavy breathing near my ear, his breath in my hair, his grunts on every in stroke....

And, just audible above that heavy breathing....a familiar....wet noise...from down between us... apparently I'd gushed, i could feel it running down my arse crack...

Daves back was becoming wet with sweat, the hairs matting... his huge hairy nut sack squashing into my arse cheeks as he humped me....

All these sensations filled my was busy....noisy... raw excitement.

And was time.

Dave could last no longer.

The familiar speeding up, his grunts louder, that sense of urgency....

As i realised what was going to happen i just had time to spit out two words between heavy breaths, "come on"

And that was it, dave pushed hard into me, going rigid and letting out a deep bellowing groan...the sound of which almost hurt my ears within the confines of the car.

What happened next was truly extraordinary.

During our rushed lovemaking session I'd completely forgotten about daves 'special ability'.

Which now suddenly came into sharp focus.

The deep, powerful, throbbing pulses within me.... signalling the start of something very special.

Opening my mouth wide i gasped in true awe as what i can only describe as a torrent of cum squirted into me....

I've never felt anything like it.

The pressure and warmth flowing into me was exquisitely exciting....add to that the heavy pulsing of daves swollen cock...

Despite the restrictive position, i immediately began grinding my hips upwards, pushing myself into him, trying to get it as deep as possible.

I screamed into the night as this incredible sensation brought on another powerful climax...."oh god YES....FUCK YES!....."

Panting and gasping for air through screams of delight, my foul mouth tirade went on....i won't repeat it all here....but i got a lot off my chest.

The powerful climax shook my whole body and left me weak and breathless.

Coming to my senses again, my lover was still going!

Still pumping it into me, i could feel it leaking out....then i could hear johns excited words from close by.

I didn't know at the time but he'd got right down between our legs with the torch and was watching him fill me from up close...

"Oh shit.....fuck me!.. look at that!"

He was saying, amongst other things.

I was pinned there on the backseat unable to move until dave had finished, it took a while but eventually the pulses and twitches slowed to a stop and i could feel him shrinking inside me.

His breathing too, had come under control.

He spoke hushed words into my ear, "oh god....oh yeah....oh yeah"

Then i felt him begin to move and in a sweet gesture he kissed my head as he got up off me.

At last i could breathe properly, i lay there panting, staring at the car ceiling......feeling very satisfied.....very wet....and looking very.... unladylike.

My legs still wide open, skirt pulled up, tits out on hair a mess.

And the state i was in downstairs?....

Three words, "oh my god!"....

from john, summed that up.

I could feel it, trickling he stood there shining the torch.

He muttered something to dave, then handing his friend the torch said, "fuck it....i need this"

Then i heard the gentle rustling of clothing, daves shorts being pulled up, followed by the tinkling of a belt buckle and more rustling as my husbands trousers were it was his turn....

Although unaware at the time i later found out that john, upon seeing the state dave had left me in, had been a little hesitant initially, hence his comment.

He'd had sloppy seconds in the past of course but never this fresh....

Anyway, the fact it was still oozing out of me didn't stop him.

I was soon being laid on and entered again, john quickly building up a rhythm of powerful thrusts.

The wet, sticky noise from down between us seemed to be in competition with johns pants and grunts as he fucked me hard and fast.

His breathles words, "oh wet" came with a tell tale tremor of excitement.....he was enjoying the feel of fresh spunk inside me....another mans spunk.

I had just come twice and knew that this one was for him, a quickie.

He didn't last long, a moment later and he added his to daves.

Tensing up and cursing into my ear, spitting out obscene words while his cock spat out its seed deep inside.

We lay there panting together, john collapsed on top of our friend looked on.

In the distance a heavy roll of thunder, it seemed closer.....then it happened.


Daves word, "shit!", Shouted from near the open rear door making us both jump, quickly followed by, "car!.....there's a car coming up the lane"

We moved fast, john quickly getting off me, his still erect cock easily sliding out followed by a small stream of pearly fluid....

I was soaked through!

My skirt drenched, the car seat too, it would all need a good clean.

But that was the least of my concerns, sitting up i could see the headlights of a car coming towards us.

It was still some way off but traveling fast, its headlights on full beam.

In a flash john had his trousers back on and was quickly seated back in the drivers seat, joining dave up front, he'd got in the front passenger seat.

It was then that i realised i was missing a shoe!

It was nowhere to be seen in the back and i quickly realised it must have fallen off during my vigorous seeing to.

Opening the door, sure enough it was there in the dirt next to the rear wheel, i grabbed it and closed the door.

By the time john got his seat belt on and had started our car, the approaching car was upon us.

Their full beam stayed on for a moment, blinding us all.

John was cursing, calling the other driver and said something about, 'two can play at that game'

He was about to put our lights on when suddenly the other cars full beam dipped.....and its blue flashing light came on....

The police car pulled up bumper to bumper.... blocking us in.....

End of chapter 25.

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Gazza6969Gazza6969about 1 year ago

Only one word needed for this chapter, HOT, you are so sexy Pip., however...........

Don't tell us you did the two Police Officers as well !

It has been known !1

FortyninemikeFortyninemikeover 1 year ago

Now THAT is a great chapter … but uh oh

Wiz1002Wiz1002over 1 year ago

Hearing how you felt as you were fucked that first time with Dave and John was just so hot, sexy and arousing. I needed to rub one out before writing this comment and moving on to the next chapter!!

Loving your tales of being a hot wife and how it developed to this ultimate event with hubby.

charliem100charliem100over 1 year ago

meursault05 -- You should try it, it's the best!

wittychittywittychittyalmost 2 years ago

Erotic in the extreme. I am so horny now. 25 fantastic chapters

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