Memoirs of a Swinger Ep. 09


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The gangbang room was pretty much as Ruth had described except that it didn't have bars like a jail. Instead the room consisted of three solid walls and one made from a frame made of wood covered in chicken wire which viewers could peer through. The floor was covered in wipe clean crash mats like you used to find in the gym at school. In the centre of the room was a low bench with an upholstered vinyl surface for the woman to lie back on or kneel over. Around the edge of the room were sofas for the guys to sit on and a table with a big bowl of condoms on it, as well as some lubricant and several boxes of tissues.

The gangbang room also had a red light, green light system similar to the individual rooms and once we were all inside the big guy turned the red light on and then spoke to Ruth in French. It seemed that he was the leader, self-appointed or otherwise. Judging by his size it looked unlikely that anyone was going to dispute this. He walked over to the bowl and picked up a condom indicating to everyone there that they were to use them and then said a few other things in French which I didn't understand.

With the ground rules laid down the fun could begin. There were seven guys in total and they formed a ring around Ruth. Ruth got down on her knees in front of the big guy, pulled his cock from his trousers and began to suck on him. His cock was in proportion to the rest of him and she had to open her mouth wide to fit him all in. The other guys also got their cocks out and began to wank themselves to hardness. Ruth grabbed the two cocks either side of her and began to wank those herself.

Spending about a minute on each person Ruth worked her way around the circle of men until she was back in front of the big guy. He lifted her up and kissed her while the others removed her bra and panties. With these thrown to the side of the room she was groped by many pairs of hands and passed around from guy to guy. She kissed all of them full on and I could see her trying to feel as many of their cocks as possible before she was led to the bench, lifted up and laid down on her back.

The big guy indicated to two of the others that they should stand either side of her and let her play with their cocks while he took first go at her pussy. The others moved to the side or sat on the sofa with their cocks in their hands waiting their turn. Ruth lay back taking a cock in each hand, pulling them closer to her so that she could just about get both in her mouth at the same time.

The big guy unwrapped a condom and rolled it over his cock then took some lubricant and worked it into Ruth's pussy. Without any foreplay at all he pushed himself inside Ruth who grunted with pleasure. He then grabbed Ruth's legs and held them up to give himself better access to her pussy. Ruth whimpered as he began to repeatedly sink his huge tool into her.

A small crowd had now gathered the other side of the mesh netting. They were mainly black guys but there was one white couple. The woman stood in front of her partner holding the mesh for support while her partner stood behind her. I could see that he was massaging her tits and groping her pussy while she reached out behind her to stroke his cock.

The big guy kept his pace up on Ruth for about five minutes until he was about to reach his climax. Then he pulled out of her and replaced one of the guys at her side. The guy who had been replaced slipped on his condom, squirted out some lube and got straight to work fucking Ruth. Meanwhile Ruth began to wank the big guy frantically until he came, spurting his cum all over her face. The big guy's job was then done. He went and sat down and another guy took his place at Ruth's side.

The next three guys fucked Ruth in exactly the same way. They all fucked her frantically then withdrew and she wanked them off over her face. It seemed that the object of the game here wasn't to see how long you could last but how hard you could fuck her and how quickly you could cum.

After the fourth guy had emptied his load over her they turned Ruth round and bent her over the bench. Now two guys spit roasted her, one fucking her from behind, the other with his cock in her mouth. Ruth made suppressed screams of appreciation as she was fucked and this time, when the guys came, they shot their load over her back.

It took roughly thirty minutes for the seven guys to fuck Ruth and shoot their loads. When they had finished she looked like someone had thrown wallpaper paste over her. The cum on her face had mixed with her makeup and made it streaky and it was now beginning to set hard on her as it dried out. I'd thought that this would have been the end of the session but the big guy had other ideas. He stood up sporting a renewed erection and rolling on a new condom he proceeded to fuck Ruth for a second time, this time from behind. Those that wanted it, stood in front of Ruth and had their cocks sucked clean by her.

The crowd outside the cage had grown and people were now standing two deep to watch. The white woman who had previously been groped by her partner was now clearly being taken from behind by him and she wanked a couple of black cocks off at the same time while watching the show in the cage.

The big guy pounded Ruth mercilessly for another ten minutes until he came. This time he finished inside her. He then declared Ruth open for seconds and a couple of guys stepped up and fucked her too, all of them finishing themselves off inside her. A third guy then fucked her for another ten minutes before conceding that he wasn't going to cum again. His mates laughed at him and at this point all seven guys gathered round Ruth then lifted her to her feet. When she was standing they all clapped in appreciation. The crowd outside also clapped and there were a few cheers then the group began to disperse.

Ruth walked over to me, a big smile on her face. I handed her some tissues and she tried to wipe the cum from her face and her back. I found her panties and bra for her and she put them back on.

"Did you enjoy that?" I asked.

"It was wonderful," Ruth replied, "but I think I need a drink now" she said.

I ordered some drinks while Ruth went to the bathroom to tidy herself up. When she came back she had removed all of the traces of cum from her face and hair.

We chatted for a while and then Ruth decided it was getting late and we should be getting back as we had a flight to catch tomorrow.

"It's been the perfect end to a perfect week," she told me.

We went back to the locker and Ruth put her clothes back on, covering herself once again with her lightweight raincoat. It was about one thirty in the morning by the time we stepped out of the club. There were no taxis outside and the doorman indicated that we needed to go to the end of the alley and back to the main road where there was a taxi rank. He shut the door behind us and we set off down the alley.

We got maybe twenty yards away from the club before a guy appeared out of the shadows. At the same time another walked up behind us. They were both North African, both thin and wiry. The guy in front produced a butterfly knife and flicked it open, then spoke in French.

"They want our money," said Ruth.

"Best give it to them," I said.

Ruth handed over her handbag to the guy in front and the guy behind moved round to relieve me of my wallet. They both examined the contents, taking out what they wanted and throwing the rest on the floor. Having taken stock of their haul the guy with the butterfly knife pointed to Ruth's rings and told her to take them off. Initially Ruth tried to plead with him but he wasn't interested.

"Let him have them Ruth," I tried to say as calmly as possible, although by this time my heart was racing.

Ruth tried to remove her rings but the heat and the night's exertions meant that her fingers had swollen and try as she might the rings wouldn't come off. The guy became agitated and having checked that nobody else was in the alley he held the knife to her chest threatening her. She started to panic and tried again to get the rings off but still no luck. At first the guy didn't know what to do then it came to him and he threatened Ruth with cutting her finger off. He went to grab her hand and while both of his hands were occupied I hit him with an uppercut that floored him. I turned round to the other guy, grabbed him and charged him back into the wall of the alleyway, forcing his head back so that it met the wall at speed and with a terrible crack.

You sometimes see on T.V. people being knifed or shot and in the heat of the moment not realising it. I don't know if the guy had intended to knife me or whether I had just charged onto his blade but the moment the knife went into the left side of my body I was aware of it. The pain was even greater as it came out again. As the guy dropped to the floor I saw the knife in his hand. It was a survival style one, not Rambo sized but roughly six inches long with one straight edge serrated at the end. I felt a sharp continuous pain in my side and blood was coming out, quite a lot of it.

Looking back I'm not proud of it but I kicked they guy in the face as he lay on the floor then turned and did the same to the other guy. I needed them to stay down plus, in the heat of the moment, it felt good.

"We need to get to the main road," I said, "but you might need to support me." Ruth was dumbfounded by what she had just witnessed and the moment she saw that I was injured she turned white and froze. I put my arm round Ruth and told her to walk slowly to the street.

The moment we got out onto the street Ruth started shouting to anyone who would listen, calling for help and very quickly we were surrounded by a small crowd from the surrounding bars and restaurants.

A group of the younger men disappeared down the alley to see if they could find my attackers. I sat up against a wall feeling sick and waited for help to arrive. The police were on the scene within two minutes, the flashing lights from their car filling the street. One officer was an older guy, the other looked like a rookie. They cleared some space around me but seemed powerless to do anything else.

A North African lady emerged from a restaurant with a long piece of cloth and putting a bundled up shirt against the wound wrapped the cloth very tightly around my stomach then held it in place with a belt. I wouldn't have thought of that and I wondered where she had learned it. I was grateful to her. It seemed to slow the bleeding down a lot.

After about five minutes there was still no sign of an ambulance. The group of young men returned with the two attackers who were now very bloodied and beaten. One was dragged into the street unconscious, the other protesting his innocence and begging for mercy. A young man carefully handed the policeman two knives, careful to make sure he didn't disturb any evidence. The crowd started to kick the two men and the rookie cop had to shout loudly at them while threatening to un-holster his gun. You could see he was nervous. The older cop joined him and they stood side by side. The crowd backed off while the conscious attacker knelt on the ground and continued to protest his innocence. The older policeman un-holstered his mace spray and squirted it directly into the face of the attacker then took out his batton and beat him three times around the head. I'm not sure that I'd seen such a senseless act of violence before but the guy fell to the floor clutching his head. The crowd seemed satisfied and so was I.

After ten minutes the ambulance arrived along with another police car. The paramedics rolled me onto a stretcher put me in the back of the van and I was on my way to the hospital within a minute. Ruth got into the van with me but she was now in a state of shock. She was as white as a sheet and sat shivering in the seat next to me never saying a word.

When we arrived at the hospital I was rolled out of the van, rushed into a cubicle and lifted onto a bed. I remember shouting out in pain when they lifted me. A doctor came and assessed me and within a couple of minutes I was hooked up to a drip. After that it all went a bit fuzzy. I remember being wheeled around a bit and waking up occasionally, but other than that I was out of it.


The clock said ten thirty when I woke up the next day. I was in my own room in the hospital and I was surprised to see that it was Carole sitting in the visitor's chair and not Ruth. When she saw me open my eyes she got up out of the chair and stood next to the bed.

"Hi," she whispered.


"How do you feel?"

"I could murder a curry and a pint."

Carole laughed.

"Is Ruth ok?" I asked.

"Yes, she's a bit shaken up though. Fabien took her back to the hotel and the doctor's given her some sedatives. There's a funny story I have to tell you when you are ready."

"Please, tell me now. I could do with a laugh."

"Well, when they got you both to the hospital, because of the way she was dressed, the police weren't sure whether Ruth was a prostitute or not. They thought that she might have been a honey trap to lure you down the alley, so they wouldn't let her go until Fabien and I got here to vouch for her."

I began to chuckle until I realised how painful it was.

"I'll go fetch a nurse," Carole said.

Carole returned with a nurse who checked my blood pressure then asked me if I wanted any pain relief. I said yes and she left the room returning with a syringe full of something that she injected into me.

"The hospitals are good here," I said.

"You're on the private ward," Carole replied. "Fortunately, as an employee of Durolitum you are covered by their travel insurance. It's made the whole process much easier."

"Thank you for being here Carole."

"I'm glad I could help."

"I need to let Lesley know I'm here. I was supposed to be coming home today," I said.

"I called Daniel earlier. I remembered you said that Lesley was with Kate. Daniel was going to drive back to London and let Lesley know in person. He should be there by now. It's better she's with them than by herself. You can call her when you feel ready."

"Thank you. She'll be worried. I know what she's like with stuff like this."

"Ruth's told me her version but will you tell me what happened, Steven?"

"There's not much to tell. We got mugged as we were leaving the Coco club. The guys had knives. They took our money first then they wanted Ruth's rings but she couldn't get them off. One of the guys threatened to cut her fingers off so I hit him. I charged the other guy into a wall but somewhere along the way he knifed me. That's about it."

"That's pretty much what Ruth said. So you fought two guys with knives and won?"

"It depends what you mean by won I guess. They got arrested, Ruth's still got her fingers but I'm talking to you from a hospital bed."

"You know you're just the same as Daniel used to be. He was always running towards the fire when everyone else is running away from it."

"I'm sorry," I said, "I've not even started to work at Durolitum and I'm already costing the company money."

"That's one way of looking at it," she said. "The other way is that you rescued the wife of one of the company's most valuable authors, not mention an old friend of Daniel's and mine."

"We should never have been there Carole. I should have stopped her."

"She knew what she was doing Steven. You didn't know what you were letting yourself in for. It's me that should have stopped her."

The nurse returned with some breakfast on a tray and the doctor came in immediately behind her. The doctor began to speak to me in French and so Carole had to interrupt and explain that I was English. Fortunately the doctor also spoke English and after introducing herself got down to business.

"How are you feeling," she began.

"I'm ok," I said. "A bit sore and to be honest I haven't tried to move yet. What did you do to me?"

"You had a small procedure last night to stop some bleeding and to clean the wound. The good news is that the blade did not damage any organs. There is some muscle damage however but it is nothing that won't heal with time. The knife passed through your side so you have an entry wound and a small exit wound as well. We have stitched the wounds but we have had to fit temporary drains to help them heal."

"Thank you," I said. "When can I go home?"

"You should be able to leave here in two or three days. Now I need to change your dressing and take a look. Is that ok?"

The doctor removed the dressing which was thick with blood and fluid. The wound itself looked a bit gruesome and Carole had to turn away when she saw it but the doctor seemed satisfied with progress.

"Can I get out of bed?" I asked.

"Not today," she replied. "I just want you to rest for now."

When the doctor had left I tucked into breakfast. I was starving and probably could have eaten it twice. When I'd finished I asked Carole if I could speak to Lesley. She got out her address book and dialled Kate and Daniel's number. I could hear the phone ringing then heard Daniel's voice at the other end

"Hi Daniel," Carole said. "It's me... Yes he's awake... We've just seen the doctor. He'll need to stay in for a few days... I've just seen the wound, it's a bit raw at the moment but it will heal... No, no long term damage... Ruth is back at the hotel with Fabien. They gave her a sedative... I'll tell you later. Could Steven speak to Lesley?... Ok, love you too."

The phone went quiet and Carole told me that Daniel had gone to fetch Lesley then I heard her voice at the other end.

"Hi Lesley. I'm Carole, Daniel's ex... I've got someone here who's desperate to talk to you... He's fine but I'll let him tell you... You're welcome, let me pass him the phone."

"Hi," I said.

"Hello," Lesley replied. "How are you?"

"I'm fine," I said. "I've just got a slight stabbing pain in my left side."

"Stop joking Steven," and then she began to cry. "I've been so worried, I've only just met you and I thought I was going to lose you," she said sobbing.

"Hey, hey, there's no need for that. I'm fine. I'll be home in a few days."

"What happened?"

"We got mugged, there was a fight and one of the guys stabbed me."

"Did they get the guy who did it?"


"Good. Do you want me to speak to your mum?"

"I hadn't thought about that but, yes please."

"I'll go over and see her today. I'm going to stay here with Kate and Daniel until you come back if that's ok."

"That sounds like a good idea and I'm sure that mum would love to see you. I'm sorry I spoilt your weekend by the way."

"It wasn't a complete disaster. I'll tell you about it when you get back," she said teasingly.

"I'll look forward to it."

"How is Ruth?"

"I haven't seen her since getting to the hospital. She wasn't hurt but I think she got a bit emotional so Carole's partner Fabien took her back to the hotel and the doctor gave her a sedative."

"Ok. Daniel said this was her fault. I think he was a bit annoyed with her."

"We were just unlucky Lesley."

"You're my warrior Steven. I love you so much."

"I love you Lesley. I should probably go now. These calls can be expensive."

"Ok. Speak to you soon. Love you."

I handed the receiver to Carole and she hung it back on the wall.

"Feeling better now?" Carole asked.

"Yes. Thank you. Much better!"

"You know I should be thanking you."

"You're going to have to explain that one to me."

"Fabien and I are getting married. I spoke to him last night and he said he'd sign anything if it meant that we could be together. We didn't plan it this way but you're the first person I've been able to tell."

"Carole, that's fantastic news. I'm happy for you both."

"The wedding is going to be in four weeks' time. Immediately after the August holiday is over. You and Lesley must come for it and I insist that you stay with us. Donald is already missing you. Fabien doesn't allow him on the bed."