Memoirs of Kitty Siam Ch. 50

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Maew and Megyn arrive at Central Command.
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Part 51 of the 53 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/21/2011
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Memoirs of Kitty Siam - Hydrogen and Stupidity.

They are a dying race, we should let them pass. – Ambassador Kosh

After scanning the area where the jump point had been I ran a quick diagnostic check on our ship to make sure we had not suffered any major damage from being caught in the singularity's gravity. My diagnostic told me that everything was in order, and other than a few hits from disruptor fire we were good to go. I launched a mini bot with a camera to survey the areas that had been hit and found that the living skin of the ship was repairing its self as expected. Once I determined that our ship was healthy enough to ride the wave I set course for Epsilon Eridani activated the FTL drive.

I understand that all branches of the military from whichever country, or planet they protect has their own set of rules that they must go by. I did my best to try to calm Megyn down as she continued to beat the dead horse that was my disregard for her military's rules of engagement and prohibition of the use of weapons of mass destruction. She would not listen to my counter argument that the planet killers we had destroyed were about to use weapons of mass destruction against her commanders and the planets in the surrounding star system. Unfortunately she was a creature of duty and continued to cling to the rules and regulations of her service and her precious Pan Galactic Consortium (PGC).

As a Princess and a leader I commend her for her ethics, but as a warrior I condemn her stubbornness to accept the fact that our actions saved the lives of possibly billions of the people her military were sworn to protect. I think she believed that I was just being a smart ass when I told her that if they wanted to execute anyone for violating the rules that I would confess, take the blame and the execution. After all, it would not be the first time I had been executed and probably would not be the last. The Colonel laughed about the execution part of the conversation. I suspect that she thought I funny when I had mentioned that I had been executed before... silly human!

After the discussion of her rules of engagement ended we had about an hour of silence which I used to plot the course of the fleet that we had destroyed. I knew I was about to treat a hornet's next like a piñata when I displayed my proposed navigational chart on Megyn's screen that showed her the approximate location of the carrier group that had successfully jumped before the planet killers made their failed attempt.

I suggested that we set course for their rendezvous point and attempt to take out the carriers as we did the planet killers. I already knew what the answer would be but I had to ask anyway. I was not surprised when she gave me a loud and definite "HELL NO!" as her answer. The surprise came when she once again did not hit me in the back of the head with the fire extinguisher. Of course I could have gone ahead and done this anyway as I did not require her permission or cooperation, but this time I agreed to do things her way and remained on course to Epsilon Eridani.

Twelve hours later we were approaching our final destination. Our scanners were picking up the frenzied scans of the picket ships as they attempted to identify the anomaly that was approaching their patrol zone at a speed many times greater than the speed of light, which they knew that no object in their known universe could obtain.

As we approached the outer most planets I disengaged the FTL drive and allowed us to coast until we obtained a speed that would allow the local patrol ships to catch up with us. I was a good enough pilot that I could have run the rest of the way to the Central Command location while still in FTL but I did not want to alarm the locals by showing up unannounced in orbit around their military's command and control facility.

Once they picked us up on their scanners we had four fighters and a destroyer heading in our direction at high speed. Megyn was working the comm. system trying to make contact with whoever was in charge of the destroyer. At first she was talking to the pilot of one of the fighters, then another fighter pilot claimed to be his senior and took over the conversation. Finally a bridge officer from the approaching destroyer Noriega took control of the conversation and requested that we come to a complete stop and await their arrival. What I was not expecting as I listened in on the conversation was the Noriega painting us with their targeting scanners before locking on to us with their main batteries.

I understand that we just popped in unannounced, but the Megyn did identify herself and her identity was confirmed so I could see no reason for them to approach us on an attack vector with their weapons locked on us. I was tempted to follow suit, and Megyn anticipated my reaction and cautioned me not to. I agreed and kept my hands off the weapons console but I did keep my fingers close to the controls for the shields and cloaking system.

The Colonel informed Commander Scaramanga that we had urgent business with Central Command. She asked for the nature of our business but Megyn told her that she could not put that information out over ship-to-ship communications. The communications between them and us fell silent for a few minutes before the Commander came back on and requested that we proceed under escort by the four fighters that had us surrounded and targeted. She agreed and I did as well, though I was tempted to cut into the conversation and ask if any of the four fighter pilots wanted to race us to the fifth planet.

One of the fighters took the lead while two took up a position behind us. The senior pilot positioned his fighter on our port side just close enough that I could see his face and he could see mine. Well, we could see each other about as well as possible seeing as how we both had helmets on.

During Megyn's conversation with Commander Scaramanga my identity was never questioned, she just mentioned me as an allied officer from a distant world and pilot of this craft. A more detailed interrogation took place between the lead pilot and us during the two-hour trip to the fifth planet in this system. The conversation began with small talk about our ship. Megyn declined to field those questions so she brought me into the conversation. It started as a conversation about our ship but turned into a flirt fest. I was not interested in dating the Major, but I remained civil and diplomatic and answered as many questions as I felt comfortable answering. I declined to put out the specifications of our ship or its capabilities over an open channel. Oh he did brag a about how fast his ship could go, and I just let it go even though I was tempted to engage the FTL and tell him that we would wait in orbit for him to catch up.

When we entered orbit around the fifth planet, local traffic control instructed us to make two complete orbits of the planet so that their defense stations could scan us for unauthorized weapons, or hostile intentions. The one thing working in our favor was that their scanners could not penetrate our organic hull, which prohibited them from detecting our Mentok missiles. I was sure that had they been able to see inside our ship that they would have identify that our ship was well armed. Given their primitive level of technology, they would never have been able to determine that our missiles would be classified as weapons of mass destruction.

Once we had permission to land, two of the fighters landed first, followed by us then our last two escorts. I was surprised that they did not have us landing in a subterranean hangar bay or some other hardened or secured facility. We had landed in what could best be described as an airport. We were given instructions to taxi from the main runway to an above ground hangar constructed out of some sort of corrugated metallic composite. The structures visible on this base looked very delicate and appeared as if they were built in haste and not well hardened against attack.

The first two fighters were marshaled in and were directed by the ground crew to two vacant spots in the hangar. We were directed to park next to them. Colonel Connors was the first down the crew ladder and when she got to the bottom of the ladder the Major that had escorted us in and the six armed guards that flanked him snapped to attention and rendered a proper military salute due Marine Colonel.

There was no such formality for me as no one was informed of my Royal status, but I have to admit that as I backed down the ladder my Royal backside got quite the checking out in Kitty's skintight white flight suit. As I turned to face our welcoming party I could see the eyes of the soldiers roaming freely over my body. The part of this experience that made my day was when I faced the men directly and removed my helmet.

My long black hip length hair cascaded freely from under the helmet and flowed softly down my back. As I looked the men over with out my helmet they got their first look at my black on black Annunaki eyes. I did not know if they were scared of me or in love with me but the way they were looking at my eyes, Megyn could have walked away from the guards and planted several bombs without them noticing.

Colonel Connor broke the trance and introduced Major Andropov to me. Next she introduced me to him as Princess Maew. I could tell that he was not used to dealing with people of royal personage, as he was not sure how to greet me or respond to me after that. The awkwardness of the moment was broken when two flag officers approached our little assembly and ordered the guards to take us to a conference room several levels below the hanger. I was happy to learn that they did build underground, but was still confused as to why they parked their valuable fighters and assault craft above ground where they were easy targets for an enemy to bomb from above.

Before we landed Megyn had been in contact with Central Command and had informed them of our mission without going into detail incase the enemy was listening in. When we entered the conference room the security detail remained outside along with Major Andropov. Only the two flag officers, Megyn and I entered the conference room. Once inside we were offered seats away from a large table at the center of the room. Gathered around the table were several high ranking officers that came to attention as the General and Admiral that had entered with us moved to take their seats at the head of the table. From the look of the room and the way the officers were seated at the table, this looked like more of an interrogation than a meeting as all of the officers were facing us from behind the table and our two solitary seats were placed opposite them about eight feet away.

After the customary introductions were made we were asked to take the seats that had been provided for us. Megyn had elected to speak for us and asked me to remain silent and to let her do the talking. Megyn addressed her comments to Admiral Montoya as he was the senior of the two flag officers. She began by explaining her mission aboard the SS Konrad Siegfried and how she came to know me. As I watched the faces of the assembled officers I could see that there were several at the table that did not believe her story of how the Siegfried was saved from destruction by one tiny Annunaki assault craft. However, I could tell that the General and Admiral were in agreement with what she had relayed so far. I watched their eyes widen when she showed them images of the planet killers, carriers, battleships and destroyers that made up the enemy fleet.

Megyn left out the part of our journey that involved the destruction of the planet killer fleet for obvious reasons. When the General pressed Megyn for details of the fleet that was due to arrive in a few days, she produced a data chip and asked permission to use the wall sized display panel behind us. She pulled up the navigation charts that her and her crew had compiled including their calculations for the hyperspace jumps that the enemy fleet would be making.

The General not being as familiar with hyperspace navigation interrupted Megyn and asked how she knew for sure where the final destination for the enemy fleet would be. She went back to the beginning of her briefing of the navigation and explained how the Siegfried had followed them through several jumps before the Javort class raiders of the Zetas attacked them.

The General was still not convinced and I could see that many around the table that understand hyperspace navigation knew that the Megyn was correct. There was a bit of a gap in the timeline that the General picked up on and suggested that during this period that the enemy fleet could have changed course and gone off in another direction. I could see that Megyn was getting nowhere with the General, and even as the Admiral joined in the questioning in an attempt to educate the General and the other army officers at the table, I knew that Megyn was getting frustrated. It was as if she were trying to explain celestial navigation to a garden slug. It was then that I used my internal wireless system to probe the electronic emanations produced by the conference room's connection to this facility's data system.

It was relatively easy for my advanced Annunaki wireless system to find a pathway into their system's central processor. Using my newly established connection I created a bridge between their system and the Koloth. While Megyn was doing her best to educate the army officers, a few of the naval officers were doing their best to check me out. I caught them now and then taking a few long hard looks at me, and I could almost imagine the impure thoughts and obscene wishes that were floating around in the little military brains. I was nearly as tall as most of the male officers in the room, and taller than the females. To them I suspected that I was a long slender form worthy of conquest. It was just too bad for them because unlike Kitty, I was not interested in being a sexual play toy for the officer corps. However, I did find myself searching through Kitty's memories to see how she would have handled such a situation, just out of curiosity of course. What I found in her memories just had me mumbling, "What a slut!" under my breath.

When I turned my attention back to my human traveling companion and heard her answering the same reworded question for the fourth time I politely stood up and addressed the assembled officers. Of course I made the mistake of making my opening marks in my ancient dialect of Annu, which Megyn was quick to translate. I made the adjustment by accessing Kitty's linguistic database and selected the file on what she called, "Galactic Standard" language. I must have made an impressive figure to them as I stood and made my way to the large data display at the end of the room. I heard a gasp from several of the officers as the display that Megyn had put up was overlaid with the star charts and navigation information that I was pulling in from the Koloth. Only a few of them had realized immediately that I had somehow hacked into their supposedly secure and encrypted military data network.

I detailed the progression of jumps from where the Siegfried lost contact with the Zetas fleet, then tied that in with the sensor data from the Koloth. Next I pulled up the charts for the Epsilon Eridani system and the neighboring system. I pointed out two gas giants on the outer edge of the that system then concluded by stating that within twenty nine hours or less, the carriers of the Zetas' fleet will emerge from at jump point between these two planets.

After a moment of silence Admiral Montoya spoke up and inquired as to why my navigational data points to the neighboring sector, while Colonel Connor's data indicates that the jump point will be in the Epsilon Eridani system.

Megyn was a good intelligence officer but she did not have the navigational experience, nor the combat experience that I had with the Zetas. It was not my intention to invalidate her conclusion when I launched into my explanation of the difference. I explained to the officers that the Zetas would use the gravitational distortion created by the two gas giants in close proximity to mask the arrival of their fleet from the human's long range sensors. Even though their fleet was superior to anything that the humans could throw against it, they still would not abandon over 60,000 years of military experience and change their tactics now.

This statement opened me up to even more questions about the Zetas' battle tactics. As I fielded their questions I came to the realization that there were few if any human survivors from their battles with the enemy. This made me a welcomed data source to help them form new tactics to deal with the Zetas. Unfortunately while they may understand the tactics, they did not have the military hardware to combat the ships that the Zetas were bringing to the battle.

Once again General Maxwell entered the conversation and questioned my data. Like a skilled politician he had crafted and was in the middle of offering yet another question when I cut him off abruptly. I insisted at this point that if he did not believe the Colonel and I that he send a probe or a cloaked scout to the coordinates that I now had displayed on the star chart and that in twenty nine hours a carrier battle group will emerge from a jump point as indicated.

The General began to protest my disregard for his rank and position in interrupting him and I was prepared to let him know that a Princess outranks a General. However, that was not necessary as Admiral Montoya cut him off in mid sentence. The Admiral was now thinking of preparing a defense or possibly preparing to engage in a fleet verses fleet battle and inquired as to the number of vessels in the arriving fleet. I knew that the humans had no chance against the arriving fleet since I had secretly scanned their defenses and their ships in this sector on our way in, but I still gave him the honest numbers that he was asking for.

Of course the ever-doubting General Maxwell was quick to pick up on the missing numbers of the follow on planet killing fleet. When he asked me what happened to the planet killers I paused for a moment as I thought about Megyn's warning about not giving out the details of what I had done with the Mentok missiles. I was taken aback when Megyn chimed in and answered his question by pointing to me and blurting out, "She killed them!"

That announcement brought silence to the room, at least for a second or two before the General shot back with, "Yeah, right!"

I knew that I was about to be treated like a hostile witness by the General so I turned to the Admiral and asked him to order that what I was about to show the group would not leave this room. He paused for a minute and looked over the assembled officers then ordered everyone but himself and the General out of the room. Several minutes later when the room was empty except for the four of us I pulled up the gun camera footage from the Koloth.

As the destruction of the planet killing fleet played out on the monitor I narrated what they were seeing, but avoided all reference to the creation of a black hole inside the event horizon of the jump point. I simply explained that we had been at the right place at the right time and used our three missiles to destabilize the jump point, which allowed the fleet to be pulled in and crushed. I also did not show them how we had narrowly escaped when the black hole collapsed in upon its self.

This opened up another line of questioning which I did my best to try to avoid answering. The questions ranged from how I knew how to destabilize a jump point to the configuration of the missiles I had used. I ducked and dodged the questions as best as I could without telling them that I was born over 60,000 years ago and was using jump gates before ships were capable of producing their own jump points. I doubt that they would have believed the things I had learned over seven lifetimes I was granted by use of the Resurrection Protocol.