Men vs Women Strip Trivia


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I looked left and right quickly. I'm definitely not one to look at other guy's junk but I could easily tell no one else seemed to be in quite the boat I was in. More than a few guys appeared to be in quite an aroused state. I was much too mad and embarrassed for that to happen.

"All right ladies this what you get to feast your eyes on tonight!" the host yelled to loud cheers. We all know the rules. No one leaves until 2 am! Snacks and drinks are over there. Have fun!"

I remained frozen on stage as the men went back into the audience and people started to mingle. I stared straight ahead without really looking at anything. To say I was in a state of shock was putting it mildly. Eventually I started to feel like I could move and made my way to find Christine and her friends.

"Well I know I'm not missing anything!" The voice came from a girl from my broadcasting class whom I had to tried to ask out the previous year. I looked over at her as she and her friend we're both pointing and laughing.

"You moron!" I heard a guy yell at me as I kept walking.

"Come on Mike you definitely don't have anything to worry about like he does," I heard a female voice say.

I felt like I had a spotlight on me as I walked around the room looking for Christine. Between my fumbling of the last question and well, my physical state, I got several more comments directed at me, none of them flattering. It also became evident as I walked around that many of the now naked guys were more than happy to waive the no touching rule.

I cursed to myself as I walked the entire room, not seeing Christine or her friends. I knew they couldn't have left. After what seemed like another 15 minutes circling I saw Mary standing in front of the tattooed guy who looked like he was going to punch me. She was stroking his cock and looking quite delighted with herself. I saw Tracy was standing next to her watching but still no Christine.

I then noticed what appeared to be the back of Christine's head crouched in front of the male host. She was on her knees. My heart sank as I turned to get a better look and verified it was my then, very soon to be former, girlfriend. I happened to round the corner in time to see her stroking him. He was huge, which i guess wasn't surprising since he's!a big dude. I stared at the scene for a moment before I cleared my throat.

Both she and him turned to look at me.

"What?" she asked me innocently.

"Sorry you don't measure up dude. She wants to be with a real man," he said to me.

Christine shrugged. "Yeah I don't think you and I are going to work out. Take care of yourself." She then continued stroking the host's dick.

I wanted to simultaneously punch someone and cry. I hung my head and started walking toward the food. I heard a "ooh he's cumming!" as I walked past another group. I ultimately wasn't interested in anything to eat and I sat at a table in the corner of the room.

I have no idea how long I sat there, only that I stared at the floor the entire time. I'm pretty sure I cried but I don't remember. I had never felt so humiliated in my life. Gradually I heard noise dissipate as it seemed they opened the doors and were allowing people to leave. I remember looking up a couple times and seeing the room get more and more empty. I thought about leaving but I was too stunned to move. Eventually I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Are you ok?" I didn't recognize the female voice but it sounded kind. I looked up and saw the other contestant, Stacy. I kinda shrugged my shoulders at her. I noticed the room appeared empty now.

"You want some company? My car wouldn't start and I have to wait for my ride." I shrugged my shoulders again and indicated the chair next to me. I put my head back down.

"That was really unfair what happened to you," she said. "Frankly I thought they should have given you the answer. You did have it."

I shrugged again. "I don't blame you," I said back. "But yeah it pretty much sucks."

Was that your girlfriend?" I looked up again.

"Huh?" I asked.

"You know, was that your girlfriend who told you it wouldn't work out?"

You saw that?" I asked.

"I was standing right behind you," she said. "You have a nice butt." She giggled a little.

"Oh, well she was but I guess she's not anymore," I replied.

"I really am sorry things went down the way they did," she said kindly.

"Uh huh" I mumbled.

"Look," she said. "I know it's none of my business, but if she dumped you because of tonight that's on her. She's not worth it."

Easy for her to say, I thought to myself.

"Is it?" I asked. "You saw everyone's reaction to me. Obviously I have nothing to offer," I pointed to the lower half of my body that was obscured by the table.

"I don't think you can base anything off of an event like this," she said. "It's set up for people to be a little more crazy, mob mentality and the like. In real life, at the end of the day, in a real intimate situation, that stuff doesn't matter. Honestly it doesn't."

I could tell she was trying to be kind and helpful, but it was ringing hollow.

"And what did you think, I mean personally when you were up there?" I pointed again at my lower half.

"Well," she said. "Honestly I didn't think much at all. If anything I was probably surprised at the reaction you were getting. It's never been like that and this is my third year in a row coming to this."

I wanted to believe her, but she frankly wasn't helping.

"I'm going to tell you something most guys don't know," she said. "Guys always obsess about the length, but that's not the important part for us, or at least for me and anyone else I know."

I looked at her skeptically. "Oh, and what is then?" I remember being highly irritated while asking the question.

"It's the girth," she replied. "At least that's true for me anyone else I've talked to about it. We all agree. That's the part that feels good."

I said nothing, so she continued.

"Did you know that only the first three inches of the vagina even have nerve endings?" She asked me. "Any length beyond that is irrelevant."

"Really?" I asked. "Is that true?"

"Yup," she said. "Besides, my absolute favorite is what happens before that. I really get a lot more stimulation when my outside gets attention. There are a lot more nerves there. You make a girl happy with that in mind, and your partner won't be going anywhere."

"Also, The normal state of your penis, the one you're in right now, is irrelevant. What we really want is to know when you're like when you're really excited." She paused. "Fully hard," she added.

"Look," she said. "I can prove it you."

I looked her in the eye. "And how is that?" I asked.

"Well," she started. "I'm sure you're boob man like every other guy. What did you think of mine?"

I was startled by the question. "Well, uh, I definitely liked them."

"Don't be shy. What did you think?"

I hesitated. "They were very nice."

"Here," she said. Without another word she lifted up her shirt and unhooked her red bra. With the shirt still around her neckline she let the bra fall. "Does this help refresh your memory?"

They were glorious. I was so entranced I was staring. Her nipples were poking straight out. I wanted to squeeze them and play with them.

"I think that answers my question," she said with a smile as she peaked her head down to look under the table.

Between the conversation and view of her boobs I hadn't noticed I was getting hard. I looked down myself.

"That's quite the transformation sir" she said with a grin as she looked back up at me, then back under the table. Her gaze never left my cock as it continued to grow. She continued to stare and I loved every second of it as my dick reached full height, which in spite of my regular size os roughly seven inches when hard.

"Now, I don't have D or even C cups but I'd say you're still really fond of my boobs," she said, her head still looking under the table. "It's the same thing with girls, there's a lot more to it than just 'size' as people say. But I promise bigger is not always better."

I was processing what she was telling me. "I'd like a better view if you don't mind," she told me. "Swing that chair out."

I did as she instructed, her gaze never leaving my dick the entire time. "Now, if I say so myself I think I'm looking at a really nice penis here," she told me.

"You're just saying that," I said.

"No I'm not. I can tell. You're thick."

She reached over and ran her finger along it. I shuddered as she did. My hand started to go toward her breasts.

"Well this sure looks interesting. You didn't tell me the party was still going!"

We both looked up. Standing to my left was a very beautiful woman with shoulder length black hair and looking hot in a black dress. She was smiling and in doing so looked really sexy.

I don't think it's an exaggeration that I thought in that moment she was the sexiest woman I had ever seen.

Stacy's finger was still on my penis. "Sorry.." she started.

"No, don't be, i'm just sorry I walked in on the fun," the other girl replied. "I'll wait in the car until you're ready."

"No it's ok," Stacy said. I was disappointed as she lowered her hand. "This is my roommate Andrea, she's my ride," she indicated to me.

"And what is your name big boy?" Andrea asked me. She was staring at my hard cock and I thought maybe she wasn't displeased with what she saw.

"Uh, I'm Rick," I said.

"Rick had a rough night," Stacy said. "But I think he's doing better," she said with a smile as she gave me a playful punch.

I had to admit my spirits were definitely lifted, among other things.

"It doesn't look like you're having a rough night to me," Andrea said as she continued staring with a smile.

"Well, it's true I was," I said. "Thank you," I said to Stacy. "Your advice was helpful."

"You know what's tonight's event was?" Stacy asked Andrea. "Well, Rick here was the contestant, and he lost on a crazy ending. To boot, the girls made fun of him." She pointed at my dick, and it seemed Andrea understood what she was getting at. "I wanted to prove to him that length isn't everything."

"She's right you know," Andrea said. "I couldn't care less about length." She paused. "Besides from what I can see you have nothing to be disappointed about." I swore she actually licked her lips a little.

"How did your date go by the way?" Stacy asked her.

"Terrible. He was rude to the waiter and bar staff. I won't be going out with him again."

Andrea looked at my eyes for the first time.

I noticed that I was now staring at her chest, which looked impressive. I thought maybe she had Ds but I wasn't sure. She really had a beautiful body. I looked up at her eyes and she smiled at me. I smiled back.

Stacy looked between Andrea and me. She and Andrea seemed to exchange a look of understanding. "You know why don't I head out to the car. I'm in no rush."

Stacy grabbed her bra without putting it back on, pulled her shirt down, stood up, leaned in to me and whispered "I have a boyfriend, but did you see how she's staring at your cock?" before she walked out.

"Is this seat taken?" Andrea with a smile.

Before I really knew what was happening, Andrea sat down, pulled her chair close and started running her fingers along my cock. She wrapped her hand around it and nodded with a smile.

"This would definitely work for me," she said as she looked up at me. She looked back down as she continued to trace her fingers along it. I definitely saw her lick her lips with her tongue as she got to the head of my penis. I moaned a little as she moved to the underside. She explored every inch of me and I enjoyed every second of it. "I really like your balls," she said. "You have something in there for me?"

She continued running her finger along them and stared to move back up to my dick. I let out something like a howl when she ran her finger along my underside again. She had found my sweet spot.

"I really like this head too," she said as she rubbed it. What she did felt so good. I couldn't explain why but it felt better than anything Christine ever did.

She then took me into her mouth. "Mmmmmm" she said.

In seemingly no time I felt like I was close. I mumbled something to that effect. I was beyond shocked at what she said next.

"I want you inside me. I want to feel that thing," she said.

I was flabbergasted as she stood up, removed her black panties from under her dress and grabbed my hand.

"Here feel this," she lifted her dress and moved my hand onto her pussy. It was really wet. "That's what I think of your cock."

She directed my hand onto her clit. She let out a moan as she moved my hand on it in a circle. I took her lead and explored the area, relishing in how wet she was and the noises she was making.

"Just like that," she said. She was stroking my penis at the same time. "Put your fingers inside me," she said.

I moved my fingers into her wet pussy. "Oohhhh!"

"Okay I can't wait any longer."

At that she straddled my legs, grabbed my dick and positioned herself over it. Before I knew it she had slid it in, and to say it felt amazing is an understatement.

I relished every second as she moved up and down on my cock. It might sound strange but there was something really sexy about her still having her dress on. It was like she was so inpatient she couldn't take the time to undress.

"I want to feel you explode inside me," she said. "I have an IUD so we're covered."

I could feel her wet pussy pressing against my cock from the sides. "I want to feel you explode."

I could feel it was about to happen. "Fill me up," she moaned.

I had feelings of immense bliss as I felt wave after wave leave my cock into her pussy. "OOOOOHHHH!" she yelled.



After I finished I collapsed in my chair. We were both breathing hard. It was a few moments before anyone spoke.

"I'm not exaggerating," she said. "That's the best I've ever felt," she said through deep breaths. "It's like you're sized perfectly for me."

After a few minutes Andrea stood up, grabbed her panties and stuffed them in her purse. She then dug in the purse and pulled out a paper and pen. "Here's my number," she said. "I expect to be hearing from you."

She then leaned in gave me a big, wet kiss which I returned enthusiastically. She then smiled. I smiled back and said "Dinner tomorrow?"

"You bet mister."

After she left I finally had enough stamina to stand up. I walked around the room and couldn't find my clothes anywhere. I finally gave up and was fortunate to find some towels in the bathroom. I wrapped myself in one to walk home. I later found out that Christine ran off with my clothes thinking it would be hilarious. I never saw her again and she ended up keeping them.

Years later I saw a news story that showed Christine getting arrested for trying to rob a bank. Needless to say I wasn't sorry that didn't work out.

Andrea and I not only became an immediate item but my college experience completely turned around for the better between our charged relationship and gaining a whole new circle of friends from her. We got married two years later and our life together has been nothing short of amazing.

I felt a particularly gratifying moment one night when Andrea and I saw Mary and Tracy at a game on campus. Their mouths hung open when they saw the knockout on my arm.

I can only describe that night as a humiliation that turned out to be exactly what I needed.

Had I followed my friends' advice and broke up with Christine on my own, I wouldn't have gone to that event. Had I not been the contestant in the spotlight, I wouldn't have experienced the humiliation, which means Stacy would never have come up to me and I never would have met Andrea.

Sometimes things just work out the way they're supposed to.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

To quote George Costanza: "Shrinkage!"

oldsage_1oldsage_1over 3 years ago

That’s some kind of fantasy but one hell of a story. Hey, this is fantasy land (Disney eat your hart out) I like Wiskyandbeer’s version better. I also like whisky and beer!

Well done



AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
great story, girth is everything

Great story and what a twist at the end, such fantastic writing.

it is great that you wrote about girth, giving a number about the girth wouldhave been awesome. And the small penis humiliation was great.

I have an idea for you, if you like:

You could write about a long or average cock (6 to 7 inches), which is thin. everybody knows girth is what really counts, even when it comes to condomes. About a guy who maybe even thinks he is big, until he realizes he is skinny. But maybe not to exaggerated. maybe only 4.5 inches in girth, so that he is skinny but not as skinny as a pencil otherwise he would have always known about his inadequacy. maybe he always bragged about his dick, but his girlfriends and ons didn't tell him at first that he is skinny, and only told their grilfriends. until something happened....

Or just use your own creative talent, but I think, what is really missing is a story about a long and thin one, becasue guys think alwasy about the lengthw hen girls think about the girth.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Excellent story.

grumpa1945grumpa1945almost 4 years ago
Life turns on a dime.

I made a crank phone call I on Dec 26th 1960.

I was 15 at the time but it caused me to meet the mother of my 3 childern.

I married her Dec 3rd 1961. Yes I was 16.

My second marriage came in 1978 to my soul mate.

She lived till Feb 1st 2016 I will miss her forever.

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