Men with Flashy Cars


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I always wondered when I heard stories about Daniel's infidelity but when it came down to it I really never understood how he got all the ladies. Not that he was ugly by any means, but he also wasn't the kind of guy you'd stop and stare at on the street. I am pretty sure my glorified view of him had to be related to some messed up boss complex and attraction nice things. He has a lot of nice this. The more time I spent talking to him however, I realized that he knows how to talk. He's got game. And that's what I had always wondered about.

His phone rings. I know how this game goes and I know that is my cue.

"Sorry about that," he apologizes.

"Don't worry about it," I shrugged. I am shocked at how un-phased I am by it. Perhaps I spent too much time in this position with Jace. "I should get going anyway." I don't want to have to make up excuses to Jace for not getting the shopping done.

"You know, I thought this would happen."

"What do you mean?"


"How?" I didn't think it would...I was on good behavior.

"You're Switzerland."

"What? How so?"

"You're so neutral," he smiles. I know he is right. I have actually never heard as accurate a description as that. "I could just tell. You didn't encourage or discourage. You're just Switzerland."

"Today I am."

"Thank you for coming over today."

"Yeah, thank you for having me. I enjoyed it."

"I like getting to know you outside of work." He helps me up. "Now get your sexy ass shoes back on and I'll let you leave."

I hide my smirk as I bend down to slip my shoes on. Jace always liked my casual black heels too.

"Promise me that on Monday when we see each other again, nothing has changed? You're still going to be the same amazing dedicated fiery worker?"

"Of course I will."

"Because that is so important for me."

"The same for me."

"Do I get to see you this weekend? Sunday maybe?"

"Of course, if you want."

His lips brush mine lightly before he opens the door to let me out.

I let the door close behind me and walk to my car. My heart is pounding and all I can think is what am I getting myself into?

I am almost home before I get a text from Daniel.

-Are you still in the area?

-I'm on the highway, why?

-I want you to come back...

-Aw but we both have responsibilities today.

-I'm washing my car. Will you come back?

I'd like to wash his car...wouldn't mind rubbing his sleek Audi R8 down.

-Are you serious?



-Not sure. I just feel a really strong energy right now...and I really enjoyed being around you.

-You know we can't.

-Okay, well I'll settle for this weekend then. If that's okay with you.

When I get home I clean up the house so Jace is happy when he comes home from work.

"You look hot today," he comments as he walks in the door.

"Oh yeah?" I grin.

"Yeah. Thought you didn't like to dress cute on your days off?"

"I thought I'd look cute for you today." White lie.

"Trying to impress me?" he smirks.

"Keeps things fresh," I wink.

I take a seat at my computer while he showers. Despite what Jace said I knew he would enjoy having a party. He never says no to an excuse to drink. Luckily I know almost all his friends from work and feel confident that I can pull something together before he has time to protest too much.

Guilt still gnaws at the back of my mind however. I know Jace would never have a party without Daniel...the two were like brothers when it came to going hard and I had no doubt that this wouldn't be an exception. Keeping things together at work will be hard enough with Daniel, but hiding what had happened between us in front of Jace will be torture. I am confident in my acting skills, but I know myself too well to say the guilt won't be eating at me the whole time.

Maybe I would be able to just brush the whole Daniel thing off...pretend it never happened.

-You home?

Daniel texts me in the early afternoon.

-Yeah you gave me the day off again.

-Two in a row? I spoil you. I left work for a bit.

-Oh yeah?

-Yeah. Thought I could swing something but I can't leave this time of day and look like a good manager. Traffic blows right now. Maybe on my way home though?

-See this is how rumors get started. You leave the store during the day on "business" and talk to pretty girls and then get stuck in traffic.

-Next time I will just have to make a house call to the pretty girl instead.

-I guess you will. Hit me up if you want to get together after work.

-Thanks darling...

I like that he called me darling...too much. Suddenly I feel a little pressured to clean the house. So I do that and a couple hours later Daniel texts me again.

-You still want me to come by?

-Yeah. But use discretion when parking. Risky time of day. If you want to see me that is.

-I can come another day

-Of course you can. Or today. Whichever you want or both. I'm home and I'd love to see you if you wanna stop by.

He calls me.

"So you want me to stop by?" he asks.

"That'd be nice."

"Do me a favor though, can you make sure Jace doesn't show up?"

"No shit."

"Okay, and in terms of parking... my car kind of stands out."

I make a mental note to myself to stop having affairs with men who have flashy cars. It was once something I had to worry about with Jace's Porsche too.

"Yeah, just park across the street, you should be okay."

"Alright, I'll see you soon."

My heart is racing again.

I don't need to look outside to know he pulled up. The sound of the engine is a dead giveaway. Audi versus Porsche...tough choice.

I let him into our small townhouse. I wish I hadn't seen his high rise. Jace and I have a cute little place just outside Tucson. But it doesn't compare to Daniel's sweeping views of the mountains and stark desert beauty. Jace and I look out on our neighbor's unnatural rose garden and listen to the neighbor's kids jumping on the trampoline every night. It doesn't compare. None the less, I offer Daniel a seat and ease back into conversation.

"How was work?" I ask. Something about that question always makes things feel ridiculously domestic.

"It was busy. Glad I left when I did." He leans against me. "How was your day?"

"Pretty uneventful."

He asks me about the art on my walls. Most of it is work that I had done myself. I always hate that moment of admitting I am an artist. Most people are proud, but it's never something I boasted about.

"Your hands are cold," I say as he puts his hand on my leg. "It feels nice."

"You're heart's beating fast," he says, laying his head on my shoulder.

"It happens."

"I brought something for you, it's in the car."

When we get to his car he pulls out a book. "This can be your next reading project." He often gives me books to read, insisting that they will make me a more well-rounded manager.

"I'll try not to fall asleep reading this one," I smile and take the book from him. He hangs on to it. Makes me tug like a kid again. "Is there a—uh—due date on this, boss?" I bite my lip.

"Oh, I um, I don't know...yeah. But I'm distracted. You asking about a due date kind of turned me on." His hand grazes my hip, edging me closer to him.

"So it there one?"

"Three weeks."

"That much time? I can go faster...if you want. Would I get extra credit if I did?"

"Yeah, we can figure that out."

"Sounds good. I'll see you later." I let my body brush against his as I slide past him but I am too shy to make the move and kiss him.

I return inside and pack up my own purse, planning on stopping by Jace's office to drop off a cup of coffee for him before indulging myself in a little trip to the mall. As I am pulling out of my drive I get a call from Daniel.

"I think I got lost trying to get out of your neighborhood," he admits.

"Where are you?"

"The bookstore down the street."

"Well you can follow me, I'm headed out of the house right now anyway."

"Right now? I'll wait here then."

"Alright I'll be there in a minute." I hang up the phone.

One stop light later Daniel calls me again. This is almost cute.

"So I was thinking, would you teach me how be an artist like you and I'll teach you how to be a leader like me?" he asks.

"I think we can arrange that."

"We'll have to find a good trade off."

"I accept most forms of payment," I joke.

"In that case my payments might be quite steep."

I pull up beside him in the bookstore parking lot.

"I see you. Do you mind if we stay on the phone for a little bit?" he asks as we pull out.

"Not at all, I'd love to. Asshole driver," I mutter as some guy tries to cut me off.

"I saw that dick. I'm not letting him in either. I want to stay right behind you."

"Oh really?"

"Unless knowing I'm behind you is too distracting."

"Mmm not at all. That's right where I want you." I'm glad he can't see me blushing. I know I shouldn't have said it but the more time we spend together the more appealing the idea is.

Three days later Daniel asks me to come over again. I wonder if he has been changing the schedule at work so we get the same days off or if the universe is working in our favor. I go over in the early afternoon, not needing to make up excuses to get out of the house as Jace isn't even close to coming home from work.

After letting me in Daniel says, "I'd ask you if you want a drink, but I'm guessing you'll say no." He pours a glass for himself.

"I really shouldn't. You know I have to drive home soon."

Dinking with Daniel is a risky game for me. Beyond driving home I'm more concerned of the idea that at any minute his wife could show up and if I am shitfaced, the likelihood of a successful escape would be slim to none.

He leaves his drink on the counter and comes to sit with me. He takes my hand in his and twines our fingers together. I know I should stop him but I've stop denying that I don't want it. It may be wrong, but it is so undeniably true.

His lips brush my wrist lightly sending a shiver up my spine. Then he kisses me. He really kisses me for the first time. Taking me in his arms and pulling me close to him. My tongue hungrily seeks his, fulfilling a primal desire that I'd denied myself for so long.

"I've wanted to do that for a long time," he says lowly.

"I know," I breathe.

His hands ride the curves of my body making every one of my senses come alive. His lips travel down my neck, my chest, down to the smooth skin of my stomach.

He kneels between my legs. "May I?" he asks, tugging at my panties.

I nod. It's too late to turn back now anyway.

His lips dance down my hips lower and lower. And those lips...those beautiful lips that I'd thought about for so long part my own lips. His tongue teases at my slit and I feel my juices trickle out of my pussy. Jace stopped paying me much attention down there a while back.

"You taste so good," said Daniel, lifting his head up.

But all I can reply with is a moan as he slips a finger inside me and starts flicking my clit tantalizingly with his tongue. I squirm with pleasure as my body quakes at his touch.

"I want you to come over later tonight. If you aren't doing anything," Daniel invites.

"Mhmm," I agree, still lost in feeling.

"My wife is gone tonight, so we could have a bit of fun," he grins and pulls my panties back up.

"Yeah, I'd like that." I am already planning my alibi for getting out of the house that night.

"Do you have to work tomorrow?"

"I do but not till afternoon."

"You're lucky. I promised I'd be in early."

"What happened to taking the weekend off?"

"I felt guilty."

When I leave Daniel's high rise I run home to prepare dinner for Jace and myself. I have a couple hours till I said Daniel to meet him and I use my time to try and clean up around the house and build my excuse with Jace. But I can't focus. My mind keeps slipping back into the brief time I had spent with Daniel earlier.

"I'm gonna go out with the girls tonight, okay?" I say.

"Oh." Jace looks mildly disappointed. "Do you have to?"

"Yeah, babe, it's the only day we all have off together. You know how hard it is to get our schedules to line up."

"Don't get into trouble."

"We never do." I kiss him on the cheek and grab my purse.

My phone rings.

"Hey, babydoll," says Daniel when I pick up.

"Hey, Angie," I say, making my way quickly out the door. "I'm just leaving now."

"Angie, eh?" he laughs. "Didn't know you were into girls."

"Ha ha," I say after I'm sure the door has closed behind me. "You ready for me to head over?"

"I'd like that."

In less time than I expect, I arrive at Daniel's place.

"I'm glad you came back, darlin." He pulls me to him quickly as we walk into his building. The back of the building, naturally—can't have his neighbors spying me.

"How could I stay away?"

"Just know, it's gonna be a long night tonight."

"I think I can handle that."

"I got lucky. My wife got so hammerd over dinner that she decided to spend the night with her friends and can't drive home. And she didn't notice I was already drunk."

"Very lucky indeed."

"Would you like to take a drink with me?"

"I would love one."

Knowing that we won't have any danger of interruption makes me much more comfortable to drink with him.

Daniel wraps his arms around me from behind as I take a sip of the drink he hands me. His breath on my ear is far too distracting. Then he slowly takes every piece of my clothing off until I am standing naked for him in his kitchen as he kisses me from head to toe before undressing himself.

"I want to be inside you," he whispers in my ear.

My breath catches. There is a small part of me that still wants to protest—that still wants to be loyal to Jace and run out of Daniel's apartment. But that part of me is completely outweighed by the part that is craving Daniel closer and closer to me and wants nothing more than to let him inside of me.

"Let's go outside," he says, taking my hand.

His balcony has a million dollar view of the city below out to the endless desert and the mountains on the horizon. The night air is bitter cold compared to the heat of the day and bites against my skin. The street looks a million miles below us and little cars and street lights light up the people roaming about the sidewalks.

He presses against me from behind. His arms twine around me and his lips roam my neck. Goose bumps travel my arms and legs. He takes me hand in his and gently pushes me forward so I am leaning over the railing of his balcony. I feel his stiff member against my thighs and I know he can feel my cum leaking down my leg.

"Can I?" he breathes.


My breathing is already ragged and I am trembling in anticipation. Four years of loyalty to Jace left me unfamiliar to the touch of others.

His cock teases my hole. I am burning for him and want to slam myself into him but I wait in anticipation, letting him probe and slide against my hole.

"Please," I moan. I want him inside me. I want to know what I've been fantasizing about for so long. I want him to open me up and realize every one of my desires.

He slowly pushes his way into me. Forcing his cock into my sopping pussy.

"You are so tight," he growls when he is deep inside.

"That's what you get when you fuck girls 16 years younger than you," I grin.

My heart races, knowing that anyone in the city could look up and see us fucking above them. Then he pulls me back inside and to his bed. The bed that, ironically, only his wife sleeps in now, as he moved to the couch long ago.

"I'm going to fuck you till four in the morning," he whispers in my ear. And I have no doubt he is telling the truth.

He plunges back into me, making me writhe against his body. Our hot desire burns but he slows down, rocking against me, making me feel him completely. My lips seek his desperately as I wrap my legs around him.

"You're so beautiful, Nikki."

He pulls out and shifts his attention to my breasts. They fit fully in his hands as he kneads them softly. My nipples are stiff beneath his hands. He takes one in my mouth, suckling my nipple and making my lower half tingle with desire again.

"Get on top," he groans.

I obediently climb on top of him, grinding down on him slowly. My hands trace his chest and down his stomach. I bite my lip. His body is stunning for his age. Obvious years of daily gym trips paid off and lines of muscle remained traced into his skin. I run my hands through his short hair. Only flecks of grey against the deep chocolate give away age and stress.

He flips on top of me again. Driving into me much harder than before until I am clawing and his back and clinging to him like he is all I have left.

"Can I cum in you?" he asks. There is a thin sheen of sweat on his forehead.

"I want you to," I beg, "please."

He pounds me harder and harder. I am close to begging him to stop but I can't get enough of it. His weight falls against me as he explodes inside me, my body shaking against his.

We take a break only to refill our drinks.

Three drinks and two hours later we lay side by side in his bed. Panting.

I look out the picture window and, for the first time, notice that I'm buzzed. And it feels great.

"What are you thinking?" asks Daniel.

"Nothing," I say.

"You're lying."


"Then what's on your mind?"

"Does it matter?"

"Yes," he looks at me, taking my hand in his.

"I'm confused."

"By what?"

"You," I admit.


"I don't understand you. I don't understand how this is happening."

"I've been honest with you from the start," he says. "I want to get to know you. I respect you so much at work but I want to learn who you are."

"You aren't how I expected."

"I know. And I know it's stupid to try and say that everything you have heard about how I am is wrong because honestly 75% of it is true. This just isn't one of those cases."

"I don't know why."

"I don't know why either...but there is something about you that makes me ask myself, are you too good to be true?"

It's a compliment, I know. But it leaves me spinning. How do I keep putting myself into these situations? I am not too good to be true. I am undeniably fucked up. I haven't been attracted to a man I could have for four years and yet...I have a second one falling for me. What is wrong with me that I can't just be a goddamn one night stand or a fleeting obsession?

I finally leave at four in the morning. I'm in a comfortable state somewhere between drunk and sober and as the buzz wears off. I realize that after eight hours of rough sex, I'm hungry. At least I think I am until I stop at a diner and have a plate of food in front of me.

I pick at the French fries feeling kind of queasy, leave a large tip, and drive home.

First I beeline to the shower. Scrub all the sweat and cum and god knows what else off of me. Let the hot water burn my face.

Then I crawl into bed next to Jace. Shivering. And lay there until the sun rises and sleep finally takes me.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Great start, please keep going.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Hope she gets AIDS AND DIES

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