Menage a Quatre


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All I could think to do was lay back and keep my knees apart as she worked on me. While she did so, she reached up to caress my breasts and pinch the nipples, which sprang to attention under her touch. Inevitably the sensations were too much to resist, and I screamed in pleasure as I came once gain, showering her mouth with my fluids.

When I was a little more composed, I saw that the front of her robe was open, and that she had nothing on underneath.

"Let me pay you back," I said as I reached for her.

"You owe me one for later. In the meantime, it's late morning and I'm going for a swim. Put on this robe and come with me."

"Where is Monsieur Paul?" I asked.

"He's working, but we'll see him later. Not everyone can afford to sleep in so late."

I took off the jewelry I was still wearing. She led me down several decks to the yacht's swim platform, which was about three feet above the water. Dropping her robe, she dove naked into the bay and began to splash water at me. Although there were dozens of other yachts moored in the bay, she seemed unconcerned about being observed. So I also doffed my robe and dove in after her. We splashed around together like schoolgirls for a while, swam a lap around the yacht, and then remounted the swim ladder to retrieve our robes. When we climbed to the top deck, a breakfast was laid out on a small table set between two lounge chairs. As she ate, Susan spread open her robe and laid out on the lounge so that the whole of her nakedness was exposed to the morning sun.

"Spread a little of this sunscreen on me, will you?" she asked.

Of course this meant that I caressed her firm breasts, flat stomach, and between her thighs. However, she did not let this get "out of hand," and she did the same for me. We then lay tanning for perhaps an hour, dozing and chatting. Until we heard, "Here's a lovely couple of chickens."

It was Ron, who was standing over us looking down at our exposed bodies. I attempted to cover myself with the robe, but Susan laughed at my modesty. She did not make any motion to cover herself, but rather stood up and pressed herself again him to give him a deep kiss on the lips.

He sat down next to me and kissed me on the cheeks.

"Bonjour Mademoiselle. I hear you had a fun evening. Don't let me spoil your morning, but I need to borrow Susan for a few minutes. Stay where you are."

She and Ron descended below. She returned about fifteen minutes later looking rather flushed.

"I just love to be fucked in the morning. It's so much better than at night because you are wide awake and can see everything."

From this I gathered that she and Ron had had what we French call avite fait and Americans a "quickie."

"Remember what I said about owing me one for later? Ron has put me in the mood, and we ladies are so much more long-lasting. Would you mind accompanying me to my cabin?"

This request was in no way onerous, so we were soon once again in Susan's cabin and in a state of complete nakedness.

"Get on the bed on your back, and I'll get over you," she ordered.

No sooner said than done, and we were quickly in a nice 69. I could detect the remains of Ron's semen in her cunt, and the lips seemed red and swollen. Her clit was engorged, and I was soon engaged in running my tongue around it while I probed her passage with my fingers. For her part, she supported herself on her elbows while spreading my ass cheeks apart with her hands and burying her face in my crotch. We were working well, when I heard a cabin door open. Suddenly, I felt someone get onto the bed with us.

It was Paul. He straddled Susan's legs, with my head between them. and applied the head of his erect cock to her asshole, and then leaned into her until the entire length was buried within. He must have had some oil or other lubrication because Susan appeared to show no pain at this intrusion. After a few moments, he began to thrust in and out of her rear passage. I had a clear view of the underside of his cock as it pistoned in and out, his balls flopping against the back of her cunt. This was all very exciting as I continue to alternately apply fingers and mouth to her cunt and she in turn alternated little screams of pleasure with licks and sucking to my sopping slit.

After some time, Paul increased his tempo until he was slamming into her. Then at the moment of climax, he pulled out and spurted his cum onto my face and into my gasping mouth. This was so exciting and novel that I came immediately and pressed my cum-soaked face into Susan's cunt, bringing her over the edge as well.

Susan collapsed onto me, while I heard Paul get up and leave the room.

Some minutes later, she rolled off and sat up to face me. "That was out of this world. How was it for you? Were you shocked?"

I replied, "I don't think I've ever cum so hard. Seeing a man's cock fucking from underneath is amazing. But ... that was your brother ... your brother was fucking you ... in the ass ... I don't know if I'm shocked or not, since I have no brothers ...." I trailed off in confusion.

Susan broke in, "Let's get cleaned up and go on deck, and I'll tell you a little family history."

We went into the shower and soaped each other, sharing some kisses and caresses in the process.

She asked me, "By the way, have you ever been fucked in the ass?"

I replied "Once I had a boyfriend in Paris who did it to me a couple of times. The first time it hurt a lot, but later I didn't mind too much since he would reach around and bring me off with his hands while he was doing it. How about you? Do you like it as much as it seemed?"

"Oh yeah. We do it a lot, and I reach back and play with myself at the same time. I get really strong orgasms that way. Some times I put my vibrator in my pussy while we're doing it. Paul says he can really feel it while he's inside me, but then he cums too fast."

Having cleaned ourselves, we put on the robes and went back up to the deck, to find Paul and Ron waiting for us with an open bottle of champagne.

While I sipped my wine, Paul undertook to sketch out the following story.

"You know that Susan and I are bother and sister. Ron is our first cousin. Our grandfather was a naval officer during the war, and when he returned, he started a shipping company with money he had won playing poker. He married and had two sons. One of these is our father, and the other is Ron's. Ron's parents died in a plane crash and our parents adopted Ron, who grew up with us."

"We had a very protective family, and seldom associated with other kids. When we were teenagers, we made a pact to always love and protect and support each other. I was Susan's first lover, and Ron was her second."

Susan broke in, "You know, these are the only two men I've ever had sex with."

Paul continued, "Grandfather died ten years ago, and our father retired shortly afterwards, leaving the company to our care. It's now a much bigger affair. I studied business in school and Ron is an engineer. So we share the management duties. Susan is an equal shareholder."

"Now when he retired, father gave us some papers that he had from grandfather. And one of these was a memoir. He had written that during the war, he had been stationed in St. Martin and had had an affair with a French girl there. He had been reassigned before the end of the war, but after his discharge, he had attempted to find her again. However, he discovered that she had died in childbirth, and he could not discover what had become of the baby."

"When we read this, we decided to see if the application of money would be sufficient to resolve the mystery, to see if we had some unknown cousins somewhere. Some donations to various charities and an orphanage led us to that baby, who was your mother."

I could scarcely contain myself. "So I do have a family other than Grandmother! What does that make us? cousins? half-cousins?"

Paul smiled, "Something like that. Your mother and our father were half-brother and half-sister, so we're something like quarters. Let's just say cousins since we share one grandparent."

He continued, "Other than satisfying our curiosity, we had no plans to get in touch. But then circumstances intervened, so we did a little more research on you. We've followed your progress in Paris, and then prevailed upon our friend Madame René to offer you the job in the boutique. She has made very complimentary reports about you since then."

I was astonished. Where was this leading? "You've been ... spying on me ... how ... why?"

Rather than replying directly, Paul took out a document from a slim briefcase, and passed it over to me. "Please scan this document, and then we'll answer your questions."

I started to read. After a few moments, I exclaimed, "This is acontrat de mariage. For me! But the husband is not named!"

Paul took back the document, and then said, "Yes, it's for you, what we Americans call a prenuptial agreement. If you agree to the terms, you get one million dollars immediately, yours to keep no matter what happens afterwards. Then you must become pregnant in the manner that we chose. Once you are three months pregnant, you will be married. After the baby is born alive, you get another million dollars. If you chose to get a divorce anytime thereafter, you will get five million dollars, but you will give up any claims on the child."

I was dumbfounded. "I still don't understand. Who is the husband? Get pregnant how?"

Paul went on. "Ron and I love our sister like a wife, and we wanted to father children with her. But she has a malformed uterus and can never have them. But she does produce fertile eggs. So we have a number of frozen embryos in storage, and we need a surrogate mother to bear our children. Since we discovered that you are in fact a relative, we want to offer you the chance to be that surrogate. We want this child to be our heir and thus legitimate. So you will need to be married to either Ron or me at the time of the delivery. You will get to chose which of us you prefer."

Ron spoke up for the first time, "Both Paul and I would be honored to have you as a wife, and I believe Susan already loves you like a sister. No matter which of us you chose, I think you can be very happy. Once you have Susan's child, you are free to have children of your own."

I didn't know what to say, other than, "I can't take all of this in. Let me go home and think it over."

They agreed, saying, "Please keep this a secret among us. If any of this leaks out to the press or the scandal magazines, we will assume that it was you who leaked, and we will never see you again."

Susan and I went back to her cabin. My clothes were lying on the bed neatly pressed. Susan watched as I shed the robe and dressed myself. Then she came to me, kissed me deeply, and hugged me. "Please consider well what we propose. I would love to have you share our lives as sister and lover, and I swear that the children you bear will always have my love and attention."

I kissed her back, and made ready to leave. She handed me the black gown that I had worn the night before, now neatly pressed, as well as a small box. Here are souvenirs of your first time with us. I opened the box to find the jewelry. "This is too much. I can't take such expensive presents."

Susan smiled, "Consider this a bribe. But even if you decide not to join us, it will give me pleasure to know that you have these to remember us by. Of course, you can always sell them. But don't take too long to make up your mind."

I have to admit that it took me only one night to decide that I would accept. So when the chauffeur appeared at the door of our villa the next afternoon, I was happy to accompany him to the dock, and thence out to "Rosupal".

The three Barrons were there to meet me, and greeted me with kisses and hugs. Susan especially appeared happy to see me, and had tears in her eyes as we kissed.

After an early dinner, I spoke up, "There remains the decision as to which of you I ought to marry. Rather than flipping a coin, I propose we decide in a more sensual fashion. I want both of you to fuck me at the same time, and the one who lasts the longest can be the husband."

Both Ron and Paul laughed at this proposal, and Susan exclaimed, "What a great idea. I think you'll make a wonderful Madame Barron. What part do I get to play in this?"

"You can be the audience, but if you need to participate, you can't touch either of them. That might cause one or the other to cum first."

So we all went to Susan's bedroom, stripped, and I saw Ron's naked body for the first time. He is taller than Paul and has the lean body of a runner, while Paul is stockier. Ron's cock seemed thicker than Paul's as well. Susan got me ready by burying her face between my thighs and licking around my clit until I was about to cum. She then oiled her fingers with some sweet-smelling ointment, which she applied to my asshole, slipping first one, then two fingers deep into my rear.

Watching this, both Ron and Paul were erect and stroking their cocks lightly. Ron lay down on the bed and I straddled him, then positioned his cock at the opening of my cunt and slowly pushed down until he was fully inside me. Leaning forward, I kissed him on the lips while lifting my ass to give Paul access to my rear. I felt him mount behind me, then the knob of his cock against my asshole. I tried to relax as much as possible as he pushed the head inside, and then leaned into me as his full length pushed into my depths. This was a new sensation for me, and not at all displeasing.

We then started to move in an erotic dance, which took a few moments to establish itself. Ron had his hands on my hips, and was able to steady them while he thrust upwards into me. Paul's hands were on my shoulders as he thrust forwards and back. Susan in the meantime had joined us on the bed, kissing my face and playing with my breasts as they flopped and dangled downwards. It only took a few minutes of this stimulation until I came strongly feeling my fluids gush out onto Ron's cock. Time seemed to stand still as the three of us gyrated in our sexual coupling. I came several more times before at last, Ron succumbed, shooting strongly into the depths of my cunt.

Paul grunted in satisfaction, but continued to fuck my ass for several more minutes before he too made a final thrust into me, holding my hips while his semen shot out into the depths of my rectum. Both men remained still until their cocks softened and fell out of me. I could feel their cum and my fluids flowing out of my openings and down the insides of my thighs.

Susan exclaimed, "Now that was intense! You've made me jealous already. How many times did you cum?"

"I think three or four, but after a while it was almost a continuous orgasm. I guess you'll need to try it next."

There were many similar repetitions and combinations over the next two months. In order to be able to accept the fertilization procedure, I had to stop using the pill, and neither Ron nor Paul would fuck my cunt. But I was content with Susan's attention there and both Ron and Paul were happy to pay their attention to my asshole. Of course, I had to share them with Susan, who became enamored with the double penetration that I had demonstrated.

After the two month wait, I found myself at an exclusive fertility clinic in New York, where two embryos were implanted in my uterus. I was told that it was rare for an embryo to take the first time, and that it might be several months before I became pregnant. But luck was with me, and both embryos took, so that I was pregnant with twins. However, they would not really be twins, since one was Ron's and the other Paul's. We had agreed not to try to discover who was the father of any of them.

Once I was firmly pregnant, Paul and I were married in a big society New York wedding, with the Archbishop presiding. I had insisted on a Catholic wedding. Susan was the bridesmaid, and Ron "gave me away."

I had an easy pregnancy, and both men were happy to satisfy me sexually up until my eighth month. The delivery was also relatively easy, and I delivered via a normal vaginal birth. The babies were a girl and a boy, whom we named Ron and Mireille (after my mother).

By then, I was truly in love with both Ron and Paul, who treated me like royalty. Susan and I were like sisters, albeit incestuous ones, so I have never felt the need to exercise my divorce option. Susan acts like the perfect aunt to "our" children, and Ron is a doting uncle. Thereafter, I've had two more children of my own, also a son and daughter. Since both Ron and Paul fucked me about the same amount, I have no idea who the real father of each is and we've agreed to never try to find out.

It's time to close out my tale. I'm now thirty years old, occupied with my children and my three lovers, rich, pampered, content. I'm told I'm still beautiful, and indeed my pregnancies have not damaged my body too much. I spend most of my time with the children and Susan in St. Martin, living on the boat, while the men fly down on weekends from New York. We're all still very much in love, and that's what's most important in the world.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

nice story

retiredrustyretiredrustyabout 16 years ago
Loving Story

This sounds like a love story from some famous author. I guess I am becoming some sort of romantic, but can this be on the order of one of the romantic novelists of the last century. Well done, plese continue, very erotic, very loving.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Quickly went down hill

I thoroughly enjoyed the first half of the story, except the first few sex scenes were boring and mechanical. That rapidly changed with the bizarre second half and what seemed to be a change in writing style. 2 / 5.

Mentor de LyonMentor de Lyonalmost 18 years ago
Tres beau !

Love your work.

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