Mental Manipulations Ch. 09


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They both stood there silently, looking stunned at me as I walked between them towards Becky. "You both can learn a lot from this woman. Even with all of the insults that you threw at her, she still considered you friends. Why, I don't know, but she did. In return, you try and take a man from her that you aren't even sure IS the same guy that she was talking about. You really are sad women."

I then reached over to the bar and picked up Becky's drink, put my arm around her and led her to where I was sitting. We sat down and ignored her now former friends and started talking.

"Oh my god!" she whispered. "I can't believe that you did that!"

"I'm sorry if that is going to cause you any problems," I replied. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the two bimbos sulking out of the bar quietly. "I just couldn't stand there and listen to them try and pull that kind of crap. You deserve better that that."

"Don't apologize!" she told me. "No one has EVER done anything like that for me before!"

Just then the bartender walked up and placed another round of drinks in front of me. "This is on me," she said. "That was one of the coolest things that I have ever had the pleasure to watch in person. You made it worth my time having to work tonight!"

I smiled and thanked her, and she replied, "No, thank YOU! On behalf of normal, curvy, average women everywhere!"

"I was wondering if I was going to hear from you again," Becky told me as the bartender walked away.

"I'm sorry," I said. "I've been pulling a lot of over-nighters in the last couple of weeks. Working, before you think anything else."

She smiled softly as she looked down. 'That's good to hear.' "That's ok," she replied. "I know that we both aren't looking for anything exclusive. You don't have to explain."

"No, I just want you to understand," I replied. "And for the record, I haven't been with anyone else since that last time that I saw you."

"Really?" she asked.


'Cool! At least I know that he's not THAT much of a man-whore!'

"Either have I," she replied.

"See, I'm really not a man-whore," I said, laughing.

She looked at me surprised for a second and then smiled and laughing. "I know. You're a very nice guy."

"No man has ever stood up for me like that before," she said. "Even my ex would laugh with those two when they made fun of me. Even if you were a man-whore, at least you know how to treat a woman."

"Well, that probably why a jerk like that is your ex, and not your still," I replied.

"Yeah, that's one reason," she said.

Becky kept looking at me like she wanted to say something to me, but didn't know how, so I focused in on her thoughts.

'I don't know if I can. He might think that I'm too much of a freak, or a slut,' she thought.

'He was nice enough to you last time,' I sent to her. 'You can trust him. Look at what he did to Beth and Ronnie.'

"Do you want to go back to my place?" she asked after a couple more seconds.

I smiled at her and said, "I thought you would never ask!"

"Well, you could have asked me back to your place, if you were getting impatient," she replied with a smirk.

"I could," I told her, "but I figured that you might be more comfortable at your place."

"Actually, I would," she replied. Are you on your bike?"

"No, I drove my truck tonight," I told her. "Would you like to ride with me?"

"Ride WITH you? I want to ride ON you!' "I would love to ride with you," she said, "but I have to be at school early tomorrow, so I'm going to need my car."

"School?" I asked her. "Are you a teacher?"

"Yes, I am," she replied. I wanted to ask her if she knew Roxy, but I knew that would raise more questions so I kept my mouth shut.

"Cool," I said, smiling at her. "But, tomorrow's Saturday."

"I know, but I coach the track team, and we have a big meet tomorrow."

"Oh, very cool."

"Let's go," she said finally, resting her hand on my thigh. "You can follow me."

I paid our tab and watched as Becky walked out, her ass swaying in her jeans, and then left the bar. As I walked out, Becky sat in her car, her window rolled down. "Do you remember where I live?" she asked.

"I do," I replied.

"Ok, see you there, slow poke!" she hollered as she gunned her engine and tore out onto the road.

I smiled to myself and got in to my truck. A few minutes later I pulled into her parking lot right behind her. "Slow poke, huh?" I asked as she got out of her car. Becky giggled and started running into her building, looking over her shoulder at me. I shook my head and ran after her, catching up to her before she reached her front door.

Still giggling, Becky fumbled with her keys, trying to unlock her door. "You're pretty quick for an old man!" she laughed as she opened her door.

"Old man?" I asked, grabbing her by the waist as I followed her into her condo. "You didn't think that I was such an old man the last time that I was here!"

Becky sighed as I pulled her towards me roughly. "Mmmmmm," she said. "Were you here before?"

"Oh, is that the game that you want to play?" I asked, releasing her.

"No," she replied, stepping up to me and kissing me. "I can think of MUCH better games to play!"

She then stepped away from me and brought me to her living room. "Do you want to have a drink?" she asked.

"Sure. Whatever you're having."

She went into her kitchen as I sat on her sofa, returning a couple of minutes later with a beer and a glass of wine.

"So, what kinds of games WOULD you like to play?" I asked her as she sat next to me.

Laughing softly, she said, "I don't know if I can tell you that!"

'Oh god! I would probably scare him off if he really knew!'

'Try him,' I sent to her. 'He's probably very open-minded. You might even find out that he has some ideas, too!'

"Are you afraid to tell me?" I asked. "Or afraid of your own ideas?"

'Both?' she wondered to herself.

"I don't know if I WANT to tell you," she said, looking me in the eyes.

"Ok," I replied. "I'm just thinking, you never know what I may like to play, too."

"What kind of games do YOU want to play?" she asked in return.

"You first," I told her. "You brought it up."

She laughed, and thought, 'Jerk! You WOULD have to bring that up!'

"I'll tell you one, but if you laugh or run away, I will never talk to you again," she said softly.

"You have my word," I told her. "I'm not that kind of man."

She looked at me for a second, and said, "I believe you."

"When I was a girl, I had a fantasy about a friend of my fathers'," she told me. "You kind of remind of him, but you're even more of what I like."

"I would love to play where I seduce him, and he teaches me what to do. Forcefully, because I'm hesitant, and a bit inexperienced."

"Kind of a rape role-play?" I asked.

Becky looked at me wide-eyed. 'Holy crap! Should I tell him that one too?'

"No, I'm just not sure of what to do, and I need to be forced, like having my head pulled down into your lap," she explained.

"I would be afraid that using your tongue on me 'down there' would be gross, or wondering if your big ... thing, would fit in my mouth, in in my little kitty... and you might have use a little force to prove to me that it would." 'Or maybe in my ass, if you're into that...'

I smiled at her, thinking about what she said, and DIDN'T say, and then replied, "Interesting!"

'Interesting?' she thought. 'That's it? Interesting?'

"I like it!" I said. Becky looked at me, her eyes wide for a second.

"Really?" she asked. "You would do that? You don't think that I'm a freak, or a perv or anything?"

"Not at all!" I told her, laughing softly. "I think it's sexy!"

"And being a perv isn't necessarily a BAD thing," I added.

She looked at me silently again for a couple more seconds, finished her glass of wine, and then asked, "Talking about that made me real horny. Do you want to play tonight?"

"I would love to," I told her. "What do you want me to do?"

"Well, I think that you should go out for a few minutes and let me get changed, and I'll text you when I'm ready. You just knock on the door, and I'll kind of lead you, I guess," she said.

"Ooohh," I replied. "Gonna dress up for me, too?"

"Well, I don't really think that a naïve' 18-year-old girl would be dressed like this," she said. "Do you?"

"No, of course not," I said, laughing.

"Ok then," she replied. "I'm going to get ready. You finish your beer, and then go out into the hall. I'll text you when I'm ready, and you just knock on my door. Just remember, you're my father's friend, and you're here to pick something up."

'God, I can't believe he's actually going to do this with me! I hope I can go through with it!'

"Sounds good," I told her. I watched her walk up the stairs to her room and then finished my beer.

A couple of minutes later I was standing in her hallway, hoping that I didn't see any of her neighbors. It would be kind of difficult trying to explain why I was just standing outside Becky's condo.

A few minutes later I was starting to wonder if she was having second thoughts when my phone buzzed. "I'm ready," her message read. Dutifully, I knocked on her door, and a couple of seconds later it opened slowly.

To my very pleasant surprise, Becky stood there holding the door dressed like a proverbial cheerleader, in a cheer sweater and short skirt, her hair tied up in pigtails. She also had on ankle socks and the simple, plain girls' sneakers that I found sexy when I was a kid. In her outfit, combined with the way she did her make-up, she almost looked like a teen-ager.

"Oh, hi Mr. Smith!" she said as she looked at me.

"Hi Becky," I replied, not knowing what I was supposed to say. "Umm, is your dad home?"

"Oh, no," she said. "He had to go out of town with my mom for the weekend. He didn't call you?"

"No, he didn't," I replied. "I was supposed to, umm, pick something up from him tonight."

"Oh, well I can try to call him if you want," she replied.

"Sure, that would be good," I told her.

Becky picked up her phone and pretended to make her phone call. "He's not answering," she said as she put her phone down.

"It's no big deal," I said. I looked around the room and saw that she left the wine glass and beer bottle where they were. "Becky, have you been drinking tonight?"

She looked over to the table and said, "Crap! Ummm ..." 'Nice pick up!'

"Don't lie to me Becky," I told her. "You've been drinking, and you weren't alone either."

"Yes," she replied softly, looking down. She was playing the guilty teen-ager very well. She was making me wonder if she caught one of her daughters in this situation.

"Who else was here?" I pressed.

"My boyfriend Billy," she said, keeping her voice soft and still looking at her shoes.

"Is that the skinny kid I saw leaving as I pulled up?"

'He's playing this pretty well!' she thought. "Yes sir."

"Oh god! Please don't tell my parents!" she cried. "My dad will kill both of us! I'll be grounded forever! Please!"

"I don't know if I can do that, Becky," I replied, sounding stern. "Your father is one of my best friends. I wouldn't like it very much if he withheld something like that from me."

"Please! I'll do anything!" she cried. "Oh god! This night has been such a disaster!"

"Becky, look at me," I told her. "I'm not going to talk to the top of your head."

She hesitated for a second and then raised her head. I saw that she actually had tears starting to run down her pretty face. "Yes sir," she said, sniffling. "I'm sorry."

"Now, what do you mean, this night's been a disaster?" I asked her.

"Oh god!" she cried. "I ... I can't tell you! I'm so embarrassed!"

"Becky, if you want me to help you, you have to tell me. You have nothing to be embarrassed about."

'Yes! He said 'help!' perfect!' "Yes, I do!" she replied, sniffling again. "I don't know if I can tell you!" 'We need to sit down!'

"Ok, Becky, you have two options," I said, placing my hands on her shoulders and holding her firmly. "Either we sit down and you tell me what's going on, or I leave and I tell your father what I saw."

"No!" she exclaimed. "You can't tell daddy!"

"Then you have to talk to me," I told her.

Becky looked at me and then sighed. I enjoyed the view of her breasts rising and falling under her cheerleader sweater with her deep breath, and she replied, "Ok. Let's sit down."

I watched her ass sway under her short skirt as we walked to the couch, and we sat down. Her skirt slid up her legs, showing her firm, creamy thighs, and I looked at her. 'This is going better than I hoped it would!' she thought. 'He's pretty good at this! He's even looking at me like a horny older guy!'

"Ok, sweetheart, talk to me," I told her as I reached out for her hands.

She took another deep breath and sighed. "Oh god! Ok, here goes."

"I asked Billy to come over tonight after my parents left. He's been pressuring me to be alone with him, and I thought tonight would be the perfect time. I thought that a couple of glasses of wine would help me, but it didn't."

"Help you with what?" I asked after she hesitated. "And look at me."

'I'd rather look at that nice bulge in your jeans!'

"What has he been pressuring you about?" I continued, knowing where she was going with this game.

"Oh god! He ... he wants me to have ... sex with him," she replied, sobbing again.

"And the sex was bad?" I asked.

"No," she cried. "I ... I couldn't. I chickened out!"

"Ok, so then what happened?"

"Oh god!" she cried out louder. "He ... he broke up with me!"

"He said that he was pissed off because he knew I had ... sex, with his friend Jimmy before I started going out with him, and I should have it with him too, if I really loved him!"

"I told him that Jimmy got me real drunk, and I didn't know what I was doing, but he didn't care!" she continued. "He got mad at me, and called me a ... he called me a whore!"

"Billy is an asshole," I told her. "If he really loved you, he wouldn't have been pressuring you. He would be willing to wait for you, until you're ready."

"I never did that with any girl, or woman, that I've ever been with," I said.

"Really?" she asked, looking at me and sniffling.

"Really," I replied. "If she's worth having, she's worth waiting for."

'Ok, here goes. Let's see how well he picks up my hints.' "I wanted to," she said. "But I'm scared. Like I said, Jimmy got me really drunk, and ..."

"And he raped you," I finished after she stopped.

Becky just nodded her head. "Did you mean it when you said that you would help me?" she asked, looking me in the eyes.

"Of course, sweetheart," I replied. "I'll do whatever I can to help you!"

"Oh god, yes!" she exclaimed, launching herself at me and kissing me. 'Put up a fight! Please put up a fight!'

'Where is she going with this? Why does she want me to put up a fight?' "Whoa! Becky, what are you doing?" I asked as I reluctantly pushed her away. She DID feel very good, pressed up against me like that, being aggressive.

"You said that you would help me," she pleaded. "I want help!"

"Becky, we can't do this!" I replied. "I'm too old for you!"

'Yes! Perfect!' "But that's the help that I need!" she cried. "I need a man to show me what to do! Not some boy!"

"Tell me, is Jimmy the only boy that you've been with?" I asked her.

'Boy? Yes.' "Yes, Jimmy's the only boy that I've had ... sex with," she replied.

"Please?" she kept pleading, looking at me with wide, puppy-dog eyes. "You said that you would do whatever you can! And I said that I would do ANYTHING if you didn't tell my daddy! This is kind of a win-win for both of us!"

If I didn't know any better, and I didn't, I would have sworn she actually had done this for real.

"You want me to have sex with you?" I asked. "You want me to teach you what to do with a man?"

"Yes!" she replied, suddenly bubbly and bouncing in her seat. "Please? I promise, I'll do anything that you want! Anything that you tell me to do!"

I looked at her silently for a second, and then she reached a hand out and placed it on my thigh, inches below my bulging crotch. "Please?"

"When was the last time that a cute 18-year-old girl asked you to have sex with her?" she asked in a soft, sultry voice. "Willing to do ANYTHING that you want?"

"Willing to be a total slut for you?"

"You drive a hard bargain!" I told her.

"I know," she said softly, sliding her hand higher.

"Oh my!" she gasped as she slid her hand over my hard cock. "Did I do that to you?"

"You know that you did," I told her.

She giggled and said, "Good!" as she softly squeezed me. "That feels so big!"

'Damn! I guess I wasn't as drunk or horny as I thought last time! He really IS big!'

I wrapped my fingers around her wrist and removed her hand from my cock, which she was expertly squeezing and massaging. "That can wait," I told her. "First, I need to ask you a few questions so I know where to start."

"Ok," she replied, looking disappointed.

"Ok, now, tell me everything that you've done sexually," I told her.

"Jimmy was the first boy that I was with," she said, looking at my crotch. "He just took my clothes off and made me put his ... thing in my mouth. Then he put it inside me."

"So he made you give him a blow job, and then he made love to you?"

"He didn't make love to me," she said. "He ... he fucked me."

"It was over real fast," she continued. "It hurt for a second, and then it was over. I barely felt ANYthing."

"Ok. What did you do with Billy?"

"Just stuff with my hand, and my mouth," she said, trying to look embarrassed. "He said that I wasn't very good with my mouth."

"So no one has even gone down on you?" I asked.

"Both of them said that it was gross," she replied, not answering my question. "Billy used his fingers on my ... down there, but that's it."

I smiled to myself, reading into her answers. "Well that's just wrong," I told her. "If someone's going to want you to do it to them, then they should return the feelings."

"You do that?" she asked, attempting wide-eyed innocence.

"Yes, I do," I told her. "I love doing it, in fact."

"Would you do that to me?" she asked softly.

"Would I do what to you?" I replied.

"Would you ... kiss me, down there?"

"Becky, I want you to tell me what you want," I told her. "If you can't say the words, then you don't deserve the actions."

'He wants to play tough! Nice!' "I want you to ... I want you to kiss my ... my pussy!" she said, struggling to get out that last word.

"You just want me to kiss it?" I pressed her.

'Nice! Play hard to get!' She took a deep breath, and then said, "Mr. Smith, I want you to ... eat my pussy. Please, eat my pussy!"

"Very good, Becky," I smiled at her. I could see her hard nipples poking against her sweater, and I slid closer to her.

I reached a hand up and slid my thumb softly across her face to the back of her head. I then pulled her towards me and kissed her, making her moan into my mouth. The kiss quickly intensified and she wrapped her arms around me, holding me tightly.

I soon reached my other hand up to her sweater and brushed my hand across her breast. Becky gasped, breaking our kiss as I gently cupped it, squeezing it softly.

She pulled me back to her and kissed me again, and I then slid my hand under her sweater. She gasped again and kissed me harder, moaning louder when my fingertips brushed across her hard nipple.

"Oh gosh!" she moaned when I gently pinched her nipple and pulled on it. 'God damn! He's got me so fucking hot, I want to just screw the role-playing and jump him right now! Shit!'

"Hearing" that, I decided to drag out the teasing her even longer.

"Becky, I'm going to take your sweater off now," I told her. She just looked at me and nodded as I grabbed on to the bottom of her sweater and slowly pulled it up and over her head.