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Just another Julia and Alan mis-communication story.
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Another Julia and Alan story, about 7 or 8 months after 'Reflections'. Communication is an art. One that we fail in so often.

Alan has the habit of going off half cocked, he proved that in 'Trust' and he knows he does, so possibly he overcompensated in 'Reflections'. Let's see what he cocks up this time.

I wasn't sure where to put this story. It is tenuously LW and as J&A's previous adventures were LW, I have put it there. They have both learned their lessons.

I have other adventures planned for them but not in LW. Let's see what next week brings.

Please remember this is fiction just like Romeo and Juliet.

I was looking down at my plate with the remains of dinner which had been a half pound Aberdeen Angus fillet steak. There were a few large hand cut chips, an onion ring and the odd cherry tomato leftover. I wanted to save some room for the Black Forest gateau that I had seen on the dessert menu. Plus, the odd pint of McEwan's 80/-. There was, of course, the bottle of Malbec that I had to finish off before I started on the beer.

I was in Glasgow to learn about the new laser milling machine that the company I work for, Barstow Engineering, had just purchased. How to operate it, service it and fix minor faults, for big faults the company would send someone down. I was there for two weeks because I also had to learn the prep for the workspace where it was going and help with the installation. In actual fact after several discussions with Mr Barstow and Mr Barstow junior, Philip, I still didn't know where we were going to put it in the factory. It was quite a large machine with specific power needs. I had a slot sorted but Mr Barstow for some reason wasn't keen. He was the boss. I think he had concerns about our factory's location. There have been a few closures and factory moves around us recently. Probably had something to do with the local road system, it was designed pre-war and maybe even pre first World War and wasn't suitable for large lorries.

The two design guys had come up with me to work out what it could do and how to use their ones and noughts to programme it. And that gave me a sort of an idea, that things that I was not aware of were going on. I would have to think about it some more.

I sat there and thought about what had been happening for the last couple of months, things had been a bit fraught at home. Over this time, there were secrets at work. And that bothered me, when I asked Julia, she'd slap me playfully on the arm and say. "You know, and you also know we can't talk about it outside the boardroom in case it gets out. Mum's the word." And she would tap the side of her nose and smile at me. One day I asked her outright what these meetings were about. "You know, it was your bloody idea. Anyway, Phillip is supposed to be keeping you updated. You really should come to the meetings."

That would probably explain all the questions and the chats Phillip and I had been having for the last few months. I thought he was interested in what we did, and he was learning stuff from me, that's good

I had been invited to several of the board room meetings but on the two occasions I managed to get there I was called away to sort out some machinery before they really got started. That was my job, head of maintenance for Barstow's Engineering, we did small proof of concept production runs. To get the programming right then passed the finished details to the customer who contracted companies to make millions of the items.

We were too small to make large production runs, but we were very adaptable at correcting mistakes in small runs. My wife, Julia did all sorts of admin stuff. Accounts, HR sort of stuff and a bit of project management.

I'd seen Carl, the owner of Centrix at our factory quite a lot recently. They did the designing and programming for some of our machines if it was too big for our small team. He had been to several of the meetings, Julia had been to all of them.

It was a Friday evening, and there wasn't time to make it home and back before we started work on Monday morning, so we decided I would stay in Glasgow over the weekend. I was knackered after a week of crawling around machinery and decided to have a night in. A decent steak, a couple of glasses of wine, then a couple of beers. And then probably catch up with an old movie on TCM.

This was probably the first time I'd had time to sit and ponder for a few weeks since this mayhem had started and then sitting here, it suddenly hit me. I'd worked out what it was, and a few months ago I'd suggested that instead of re-contracting Centrix for every job, why not have an overarching contract to cover every eventuality. A few months before that I'd also made a quip about being two companies, we might be better as one company, but that was just a ploy to get rid of a pain in my arse salesman and use Centrix's salesmen. It was a joke.

A few months ago we were at a BBQ round at Barstow's place, and I was chatting with Phillip. He was going to take over the company one day, he had been helping me out since one of the chaps that worked for me had gone to replace the salesman, who had quickly left. We got on very well. He'd been plying me with a range of beers, and I'd already had a warning from Julia about how much I was drinking. I was just a little tipsy and someone must have got me started on my hobby horse, underutilisation of our machinery. We had everything from manual lathes to the latest CAD milling machines doing runs of 100 to 1.000 items. And I was certain there was a way we could work with Centrix to get more use out of our machines and one good way was to arrange a permanent contract with them.

Then it struck me, that was it, and that would probably explain the shindig on the Friday I was due home, both companies were going to the Red Hart in town for a bit of a do. We were told it was because we had just completed a big contract where both companies had worked very well together to overcome some problems that the customer had given us. I bet that they were going to announce the contract then.

Right time for dessert, then phone home to Julia for our evening chat, before some 80/- and the telly. I was still a little pissed at her, but I was getting over it with our chats. She kept apologising. It still annoyed me, but it was water under the bridge. We couldn't go back and change it.

It was the Friday before I came away on the Sunday, she had gone to the Red Hart with Anne and Jane from the office to sort out some details of the do and have a few drinks. Things seemed to get out of hand, I was expecting her home about half seven or a tad later. We had a weekend of kinkiness and loving planned as I was going to be away for a while. We hadn't been apart for that long since I'd been in the Service.

She didn't get in till just after ten and she was in no state for anything. In fact, Jane had to bring her home in a taxi, and she threw up on the pavement as she got out. And we'd have to pick her car up from town tomorrow. Jane explained to me that they had bumped into some of the designers from Centrix and they had plied them with a few drinks, although Jane thought Julia didn't drink that much, but it seemed to go straight to her head and the Centrix people had to help them out.

It crossed my mind that she may have been drugged. But Jane and Anne were with her and the people from Centrix wouldn't be that stupid, they were all intelligent people. And the Centrix people had girls with them, so Jane told me, surely they wouldn't allow anything untoward to happen. I pushed that thought away. Perhaps it was just something she ate.

She didn't get up till nearly midday on Saturday and was still not in a fit state for anything.

Sunday morning, she wasn't much better. What a waste of a weekend.

As I was upstairs packing to catch the 4:00 o'clock flight from Bristol, she sidled up to me and gave me a kiss. Unfortunately, all I could think of was she doesn't smell of puke anymore.

"Come on sweetie we've got time for a quick one before you go. I'm sorry I don't know what happened, but I'll make it up to you when you get back."

"I'm not going to get any for two weeks and you want a quickie. I was looking forward to a weekend of loving and rest because the next two weeks are going to be full on, but no, I have to spend all my time going around clearing up your puke. I don't mind it's a husband's job, but why did it have to be this Friday. No, I don't want a quickie. I don't mind you going out. I don't mind you getting a little tipsy or even drunk occasionally, but why this weekend?"

She said grumpily. "I'm not going to get any for two weeks either."

Then I was underhand, I muttered under my breath. "It's a good job Shitheads not still around then."

That got me a withering look, I probably deserved it, but she didn't say anything. It was as if she deemed it wasn't worth an answer, she was more than likely right.

But she carried on. "How about a blowjob, I think I could manage one of those." Oh, it just gets better and better.

She took me to the airport. It was frosty in the car. We didn't look like a married couple who were going to be separated for a few weeks. We gave each other a peck on the cheek, and we both said. 'I love you'. I felt bad but she'd been snapping at me for the last couple of weeks about working late getting ready for the new machinery. But then she goes and gets pissed and ruins a weekend before I go away. OK, we're married, we make mistakes, I shouldn't be angry, but I can't help it, I am.

We try not to go to bed angry and here I am flying to the other end of the country angry, this does not bode well.

It was a very nice hotel in Glasgow, the amount of money we're paying for the machinery the company could afford to be generous. I did phone her as soon as I got to the room. I remembered to turn my phone back on and let her know everything was okay, I had calmed down a bit and we both apologised to each other.

So here I was sitting having dinner in the hotel restaurant on my own, the two designers decided I was a miserable old bugger and went out to enjoy the city. They were probably correct. I was waiting for my dessert, I had a quiet evening planned. Just me a few beers and some old films on the hotel system to watch, and a call to Julia.

I was sat facing the entrance and I noticed a kerfuffle at the restaurant entrance, the Maitre'd was telling someone that they couldn't come in, then I saw Julia push her way past the Maitre'd and walk towards me, she was pulling a small suitcase and wearing a mackintosh.

She looked immaculate and she had a huge smile on her face.

Julia turning up in Glasgow wearing a mackintosh; the irony was not lost on me.

The Maitre'd was following her. "Madam, you cannot come in here without a reservation."

She stopped by me and said to him, "I am talking to my Husband."

"Then Madam, I insist I take your coat."


"Madam, I insist I take your coat, or you will have to leave."

One of my fellow patrons interjected. "Oh Jacques, leave the poor lady alone."

With that, Julia turned to face the Maitre'd, undid the belt, then the top button of the mackintosh. The Maitre'd went red and spluttered. "No madam, please stop."

I stepped in. "Jacques, would you be so kind as to serve my dessert in the lounge?"

"Certainly Sir." He looked relieved.

Julia spoke up. "Would it be possible to have a sandwich, I've been on the go since seven this morning and all I've had was a dried up airline sandwich and a bag of crisps?"

Jacques nodded his head and left. I took her hand and we made our way to the lounge.

We found ourselves a quiet corner, I managed to order her a drink, I had a couple of questions going around in my head, but I bet I knew the answers anyway. Firstly, I would love to know what made Jacques go so red and splutter. But again, I had an idea my wife was playing to one of my fantasies. Perhaps I wouldn't be watching much television tonight after all.

We hadn't been sitting there long when a waiter brought my dessert and a steak sandwich for Julia. Julia asked the waiter if he would be so kind as to ask Jacques to pop over and see us when he had time.

Julia looked at me and said. "Excuse me sweetheart but I'm starving and this smells and looks good."

I just waved my hand at her and as she tucked into her sandwich, I started on my Black Forest gateau. Meanwhile, I cast glances at her, she was looking good, her hair just the way I like it, makeup looking fantastic as if she was going to a party.

It didn't take Jacques long to turn up, he looked a tad worried. Julia saw him coming and quickly finished off the mouthful she had. When he got to us Julia said. "Jacques, I'm sorry for that, I didn't mean to embarrass you. But I have a very serious job to do. I won't do it again. Would you do me the honour of taking a glass of wine with us tomorrow?"

Jacques, his manners perfect, replied. "There is no need Madam, but we do have standards and I'm afraid you pushed them to the limit. Please do not do that again." Jacques was going red, he was looking her in the eyes. She hadn't done up the top button of her Mackintosh, and from his elevated position he was probably seeing more than he was comfortable with. I don't think Julia had realised what she was doing. Jacques asked if the food was okay, it was, and he left.

I have one immediate question. "You told Jacques you had a job to do, what's that?"

"Why you, you silly fool,"

"I don't get it?"

She smiled at me as she said. "Trust me, you will."

I was going to ask how she found me, but I suppose it was obvious, she knew which hotel I was in, and she could track my phone.

Good job I didn't go out with the other lads.

We got to the room. She opened the door and pushed me inside and closed the door behind herself, she placed herself in front of it. Then she finished undoing the buttons and the belt of her Mackintosh, she slowly lowered it off her shoulders. I could see the top of her breasts, then the middle then the nipples, then she dropped it completely onto the floor.

She was wearing my favourite under bust black PVC corset which lifted her breasts magnificently. No wonder Jacques was embarrassed.

Something flashed across my mind. "You didn't come all the way..."

She held a hand up. "No I changed in the hotel toilet, I didn't want the airline Hostess's hitting on me dressed like this." She laughed.

I'm not going to go into the details, let's just say we made love, we had sex and sometimes just plain fucked that weekend. We'd never tried outdoor bondage before, and I'm not sure we will again, just that bit too risky. She made up for last weekend, more than enough.

She caught the plane back first thing Monday morning, the two designer chaps had seen us around, and gently took the mickey out of me for being so knackered on Monday morning.

It was quite hectic for the next week. Things went well and I learned a lot and I was feeling confident about operating the machine and fixing any of the small stuff. I felt comfortable with the supplier that we could work together to fix everything, but a major mechanical failure.

But now it was time to go home. I wondered if I could get home in time for a little personal action with Julia before the party in the Red Hart, or perhaps she'd booked a room. That would be good.

I've been here for two weeks. Okay Julia visited me last first weekend and what a weekend that was, one not to be forgotten. But always the constant little nagging doubt, guilty sex from a mistake the previous Friday when she came in drunk, maybe.

No push that thought away.

We hadn't been apart this long since I'd been in the RAF, and I was missing the intimacy. Phone sex did nothing for us. The planned Company shindig tonight along with Centrix would be good to catch up with what was happening. I kept in contact with Chris and Adam at work by phone, but it's not the same as just chatting. We were told the party was for finishing a large contract together, but I think that there was something else going on. I just had to make sure I made it back in time. Julia was insistent on that. There had been lots of meetings over the last couple of months, as I've said before I was always invited but I just didn't get time to go. That was the problem with doing small production runs. You're constantly changing the machinery. Chris and I had got quite good at it and the new apprentice Adam was catching up, he was a good lad.

And as Philip was going to be at the party, I could ask him what he was supposed to be keeping me informed of. He'd been back at university and on work experience at a different factory the last few months. Isn't communication a wonderful thing?

So that was it, I had worked it out a couple of weeks ago, it was the new permanent contract with each other. I felt quite smug, but then I realised I shouldn't, it was just a natural progression, and it would have happened even if I hadn't mentioned it.

I was sitting in the hotel, everything packed and ready for the trip home. I turned on the telly for the news but was more interested in the weather, shit, pretty much the whole of the South Coast was covered in a fog bank. I was due to leave Glasgow Airport for Bristol on the 1330 flight, but according to the forecast there's going to be heavy fog all day. Bugger. I considered hiring a car and driving, but that would be an 8 hour drive even if there were no holdups in Manchester and Birmingham. Most places will be hectic on a Friday afternoon.

Anyway, I'll worry about that later. There was nothing I could do about the weather. I phoned Julia and we had a chat about this evening's event and the state of the weather. She told me she would text me if anything changed, but to hurry as she had something wet and warm for me.

I turned up at the factory for a final briefing, and an interesting chat with one of the managers. I had to pick up some documentation for the new machine that had been delivered whilst I was here, it was now sitting in the factory waiting to be installed. They offered to take me out to lunch before my flight home. I knew this lot by now, even in my service days I hadn't tried deep fried Mars bars. I wasn't going to start now. Anyway, I hate flying, so eating too much was not a good idea.

I made it to the airport in plenty of time. As I walked up flight annunciator boards had a long list of cancellations on them, although my flight was just listed as delayed. I booked in and the booking clerk informed me my flight had been delayed, because they had too many aeroplanes in the wrong place, but I was due to leave and take off at about 3:00 o'clock. I did some quick sums in my head. Which meant if everything went to plan, I would be home at 5:00 o'clock, which would give Julia and I about an hour for a little intimacy before we went to the hotel for the party. I was well aware that anything to do with the weather on our little island could seriously muck up anybody's travel plans.

Despite having been a technician in the RAF, I hated flying, it's too much knowledge and a control thing. I spent a nervous few hours watching aeroplanes not move. Knowing all the safety precautions these people take and it is the safest way to travel, statistically. It's probably because I know how they work. And when it does go wrong, it goes wrong big time. I didn't even have a beer or any food. But right on time my flight was called. As I stood in the queue to board, I sent Julia a text saying we were boarding, then I turned my phone off. I'm a bit particular about that, not even flight mode. I know it's all been tested and it's safe. But I still turned it off.

We were a little late airborne and a bit later down due to other aircraft traffic, not the fog. Thank goodness for Autoland aeroplanes. Most flights that day were cancelled completely due to the weather.