Mergers & Acquisitions Ch. 02


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Toni heard the line go dead.

She looked at the number printed on the paper. (555)Toni 2 Ron. Shaking her head she could only imagine how many strings he must’ve pulled in order to get it. She smiled and turned to leave. Passing the shredder she placed the paper into the tray and watched as all traces of the message disappeared. Now she truly was the sole bearer of the number.


The evening came and went without hearing her call. The torture of waiting was killing him. He’d promised himself this was one thing in life he wasn’t gonna force in order to obtain it. If it’s meant to be, she’ll call.

Three agonizing days had passed and no call. He couldn’t sleep, canceled numerous business engagements, unable to think clearly. The last thing he needed was to start making bad decisions now. His success and fortune had relied on sharp thinking, but the only thoughts he entertained were those of the beautiful dark-haired dream. If he didn’t get control soon, people were gonna start wondering what he was doing.

Laying in bed, it was Thursday, a little after eleven. He’d just finished talking to his mother when the phone began ringing. Diving off the bed, he moved to retrieve it as quickly as possible. Grabbing it from the dresser, he pressed talk and waited.

It felt as if an eternity was passing. He didn’t dare say anything for fear she’d change her mind and hang up. After a long silence, the sound of an angel speaking filled his ears.

“Hello?” her voice trembled on the other end. “Ron?”

“Hello. I’m so pleased you finally called.” He took his time making sure he didn’t make any mistakes. “How are you doing?”

“I’m ok… I think.” Toni was weighing if she should ask her question.

“I’ve really missed seeing and hearing you this week.” This was the longest other than his vacations he’d stayed away from the office. “How are things on your end?”

“F—fine. Things are going as usual…” Taking a deep breath, she decided to take the plunge. She’d had a hard time getting to sleep every night, each one taking longer than the last. Last night, she almost called but when she’d finally convinced herself to do so, it was three in the morning. “I need to talk to you.”

“You’ve got the floor. As a matter of fact, Toni, you’ve got forever.” Ron stood on eggshells in preparation of what she was about to say.

“What did you have in the way of a proposal Monday when you called?” She was extremely curious where this would lead.

“Hear this out completely before you make any decisions.” This was his now or never. His entire life could be made or broken in the next words he heard. “I’m going insane. I can’t sleep, eat, and as far as work goes, no chance in hell of doing anything productive. I’ve gotta see you to make you see I’m what you want. The deal is this: give me seventy two hours with you. No interruptions, no worries about anything, and if you don’t want me around, I’ll walk out of your life forever.”

Toni knew she wanted to experience the highs she’d felt that evening once more. Maybe it wouldn’t be anything like she remembered being only wishful thinking. If so it would cure her of her aches releasing her to resume her life. If not, she knew she’d never be happy again, depriving both she and her husband of her complete commitment.

“How could I possibly do that? I’m married.” Toni assumed he’d worked out the details previously. “My husband will need to hear from me assuring him I’m alright.”

“The longest you’ll have to go without calling is forty eight hours. You can tell him you’re going on a business trip. And so you won’t have to lie, I’ll cover for you at work.” Ron had every night without her to work out these details. “I’ll have you picked up after work by my driver and delivered to my plane. Once we’re in the air, the seventy two hours start. You have from work to my plane to unwind and loosen up, giving me full control of your mind, body and soul. You’ll get to dress in anything you wish with access to my credit card two days before we leave. Is that acceptable?”

Toni said nothing. She had thought of every possibility she could think of to get him out of her mind. It was no use. If she didn’t try this, she’d be useless to everyone. Digging deep for courage, she swallowed hard and gave him an answer.

“Ok. But it’s gotta be this weekend.” She wasn’t taking any chances since talking to her doctor. She’d said it was too early on Monday to know anything and would check her over Wednsday of next week. The second reason was that her husband was going out of town in the morning for a weekend seminar in California. He’d told her to take tomorrow off, go to the coast with her girlfriend and relax. He’d be out of pocket most of the weekend. “Is that to soon?”

“No. No. Nothing is too soon.” Ron’s heart skipped a beat at the prospect of seeing her that quickly. “Do you need my help in any way? Just say so and I’ll stop the world.”

Resigned to the knowledge that she was going to do this, she filled him in on her itinerary.

“I’m taking tomorrow off and will be free from ten in the morning.”

“That’s great. I’ll send my driver to pick you up.” Ron sounded as happy as a child receiving a new bicycle. The difference in being, this one could respond. “His name is Timothy. He’ll have full instructions to take you anywhere and allow you anything you desire. Do not worry about price. I mean it.”

“Alright. But you’ve obviously never allowed a woman to shop till she drops, have you?” Toni teasingly asked. “It’s been said you never give a woman a blank check.”

“Well, whoever came up with that line didn’t have the pleasure of seeing you.” Ron knew she couldn’t cost him enough even if she spent every dime he had. “What time would you like to meet tomorrow?”

“Make it five. Oh, and instead of at the airport, I’ll meet you at your house.” Toni decided she’d lay out some boundaries. “Do you think you’ll be able to handle little old me?”

She’s doing it again. Ron wondered if he’d be able to take a weekend of fun and games with the gorgeous tease. If not, he’d die one happy man. “I certainly hope so.”

“Ok then. I’ll see you around five. Bye...”

This time, it was he listening to the death of their phone call. Flipping the phone onto his pillow, he jumped to his feet, threw open his door, and yelled.

“Yes! There Is A God!”


Toni was picked up by a charming young man who answered to the name Timothy. He was smitten immediately upon seeing her. He’d heard so much about her from both Ron and Bobby but nothing they’d said readied him for how stunning she was. Both men praised her, saying nothing lewd or crude about her. Though he’d never heard Ron speak of any woman this way, Bobby was a different story. Toni, obviously had made quite an impression on the boy. Seeing her beauty for himself, he understood exactly where they were coming from.

She was wearing her blue jean dress with the hem stopping about six inches above her knee. Sleeveless, with a modest neckline, it fit her awesome figure perfectly. Cinched tightly around her waist, the matching belt caused the dress to be form, fitting showing off her wonderful assets. Adorning her beautiful legs, peaking from beneath the hem, she wore only a pair of three inch loose fitting sandals. Though very sexy, there was nothing slutty about her manner of dress. She may be capable of being one in the bedroom, but in the real world, all you’ll get is elegance. She’d pulled her dark hair into a bow, letting it hang down her back. She looked stunning.

Timothy opened the door, helping the tall goddess into the back. He’d been driving for Mr. Ron for five years and this was by far his most beautiful passenger. Once he was assured she was comfortable, he returned to the front, entered, and pulled away from her house.

“What’s your pleasure, Miss Toni?” Timothy knew he was spending the day graced with perfection. “Mr. Ron says to take you anywhere you wanna go. Should we start at the Galleria?”

“Sure, Timothy, that would be wonderful.” Toni had dreamed of a shopping excursion in this type of establishment but didn’t dare with their prices. He’d insisted on the best. Let’s see if he’s willing to pay for it.

Pulling to the entrance, the doorman opened her door. Timothy informed her he’d be waiting in the garage. He handed her a beacon call button and instructed her on how to use it.

“When you need me, just push the button and I’ll be there.”

“You don’t want to join me?” Toni asked him, hoping for some company. “I sure could use a good eye.”

“Well, normally I’m not allowed. But seeing you asked me, sure why not?” He was beaming at the opportunity to accompany the pretty lady. “You just wait here and I’ll be right back.”

He took off with a squeal of the tires wanting his time away from the princess to be short as possible. Parking the car, he quickly ran back to join her. The two of them had a great time all afternoon. She’d show him an outfit and he’d always tell her yes, no matter what it looked like.

“Mr. Timothy. You haven’t given me a single no. Would there be any particular reason for this?” Toni stood with her hands on her hips and a sly look of inquisition across her face.

“I’m sorry, Miss Toni. It’s just that it doesn’t matter what you wear. You’ll always look good.” He wasn’t lying she did look good. “I’m afraid I’m not the sort of help you need.”

“Ohhh… Thank you Timothy. You are so sweet.” Smiling, she kissed him gently on the cheek and returned to her shopping. She spent till three o’clock making her choices, picking out what she wanted. Finally finished, she asked him to take her back to her house so she could get ready. Obliging her request, he hurriedly did so.

She exited the car with only two of the many bags she’d purchased. Turning to Timothy, she gave him her instructions.

“Be back at five o’clock to pick me up.” She waited for his confirmation.

“But, Miss Toni, didn’t you tell—” She’d cut him off in mid-statement.

“Shh… Shh…Don’t worry. I’m sure he’ll be just fine.” She touched his hand to assure him everything was alright. “Ok, don’t forget?”

Like he’d ever forget.

He drove away, wondering how his boss was going to take her late arrival. He hated tardiness, feeling it was none other than a lack of responsibility. “Sure hope he doesn’t get mad at the pretty lady.”

He was smitten as the others. He’d only met her earlier that day and already was under her spell. He began contemplating his story to take responsibility for their tardiness to insure she received no ill will from his boss. He wanted him to keep this one.

Toni ascended the stairs to make ready her appointment in less than two hours. She knew she’d told him five but had no intentions of being on time. Besides, she hadn’t played by his rules thus far. Why start now? Keeping him off guard was her only way to maintain some sort of control. She went about doing the little things she considered normal, but were the details that made her more than attractive.

The touch of perfume in the bend of her leg, the sweet smell of her hair, the way she wore her makeup, and every piece of clothing smoothed to perfection. These things set her apart from the others. She finished dressing, checked the clock, and congratulated herself for being on time. It had taken her just two hours and twenty minutes. Hurrying down the stairs, she put on her coat, closing it tightly around her. Exiting the door, she found Timothy waiting patiently for her arrival. Upon seeing her exit, he ran to her aid. Getting his first look of the beautiful woman dressed to impress, he stopped dead in his tracks.

“Oh my God, Miss Toni. Oh My God.” He hadn’t even seen her dress and was freaking over her face, hair, legs and heels. Opening her door he again helped her into the car. Once situated, they drove away.

The ride was quiet with Toni extremely nervous. She was taking the time to make sure this was what she really wanted. Once she started, there would be no backing out. Within twenty minutes, the now familiar gates of the estate came into view. Though she’d only seen them once, under the circumstances she’d never forget them. It was a moment that changed her life. Whether for better or worse was still out to the jury. Entering the gates, Timothy called forward, letting them know of their arrival. It was ten minutes to six.

Toni hurriedly exited the car before Timothy had the chance to get out. Throwing him a kiss, she smiled, telling him thanks and scurried up the steps to the entrance. Reaching the door, she entered instead of ringing the bell, surprising the butler. Putting a finger over her lips, she instructed him to keep quiet.

“Shhh.. No, No.” shaking her head defying his action, she was talking about the radio sitting on the table. He’d been instructed to announce her arrival but she’d thrown a monkey wrench into the mix. Whispering, she asked. “Where is he?”

Understanding she’d planned something special, he agreed to be a co conspirator. He gave her the information she’d requested.

“He’s in the study, miss.” He turned pointing to a large set of doors. “Right through those doors.”

“I’m going into the main room over by the piano.” Toni gave him strict instructions. “Give me five minutes and then find a reason for him to come in. Make sure we’re not disturbed.”

“Sure, Miss. Should I take your coat?” He’d never been part of anything like this since coming to work seven years ago. The excitement was thrilling.

“No that’s alright. Thank you anyways.” Toni smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. It made his day.

“Thank you, Miss!” He was falling in love with her just as the others had. What a wonderful woman.

Toni made her way over to the piano. Moving in front of the fireplace, she looked around, remembering she’d been seduced in this very location one week earlier. This time it would be different. She was working on her terms. Choosing her spot, she stood and waited.

Five minutes were up when she heard the door open. She could hear Ron and the delightful gentleman she’d conspired with talking. Unable to make out everything they were saying, the only thing she understood was, “Ok, Ok, I’ll go check it out. You just make sure and beep me when she arrives.”

He was walking backwards away from the door when it closed. A little confused on why he needed to check the piano at this moment, he turned towards it and proceeded forward. He’d closed to within fifty feet when he spotted her standing with her back to him. Now he was confused. No one had told him she’d arrived. What was going on? Continuing slowly towards her he inquired.

“Toni?” He knew it was her, he just didn’t want to startle her. “You ok?”

When Toni heard him, she went into action. Standing with her feet spread a good two feet apart, she continued to face away from his approaching form. Reaching up she removed the pin holding her hair, shaking it loose. It fell down her back, cascading in dark and shiny waves. She untied the belt holding her body captive beneath the coat and let the outward covering fall slowly down her body to the floor. The next sight Ron saw left him weak in the knees.

He wanted her? Well here she was.

Dropping to his knees, he fumbled for what to say.

“Holy Shit! Oh My God!” He may have enjoyed the other night, but the sight before him only she could stage. “You’re a dream.”

Toni stood with a white pullover top nearly nonexistent in its transparency. Long sleeves covering her arms, it hugged her back, displaying the lines and dimples of its exquisite form. Cinched tightly around her tiny waist, her red plaid skirt chose that location to launch its downward fall over her shapely hips, coming to an abrupt stop six inches below her tight ass. The skirt rekindled old memories from his schooldays, but the body beneath it was in no way that of a schoolgirl. It belonged to a woman. Her long, shapely legs protruded a mile from beneath the skirt, stopping only when adorned with the four inch white heels she was wearing on her sexy feet. She was the wet dream you only dared to imagine.

Sure she had his attention, she glanced at him coyly over her shoulder. She lifted her finger to her mouth where the tip of her tongue sensually peaked from between her slightly parted full lips. Gently licking around her fingertip, she pushed it into her mouth and sucked teasingly on the lucky digit.

Ron was about to lose it. She must have gotten some help in setting this up. He had no idea she’d won over the entire staff, taking his allies. Groaning in agony over the sex kitten before him, he knew she ruled him. The only person to ever accomplish the feat. No doubt as to who was in charge, he had no intentions of fighting it. This was who he wanted.

Seeing the agony in his expression, she turned to face him. Her tanned body could be seen through the transparency of the material, casting a dark shadow through the white covering disrupted only by the creamy whiteness of her bikini tan-lines. Her dark nipples could be seen from where he knelt fifteen feet away. Playing her part with precision, she tugged gently at her skirt raising it just enough to expose the lace atop her stockings. Placing one leg out to the side, she gave him a look at how shapely they really were. With her hands on her hips, she smiled coyly, giving him an invite.

“So... Was there some place in particular you wanted to take me?” The loaded question was left open, limited only to the bounds of his imagination. With her sexy body presented before him she teasingly informed him. “I’m ready.”

Running his hands down his face he confirmed his earlier statement in his mind. “There definitely is a God.”

Seeing him kneel before her solidified her knowledge she had the power. She’d planned this moment in every dream she’d had during her agonizing time awaiting her consensual meeting. She wanted to make sure she left an indelible mark so if she did choose to walk away from everything, he’d remember what he couldn’t have after having taken it deceitfully. If she chose to continue…

“Well, do you think you’d ever forget an image such as this?”

She motioned, wagging her finger for him to approach. Needing no real prodding, he moved towards the sexy woman still on his knees. When he was close enough to see the fine details of her plaid skirt, he stopped dead from her next action.

Toni, who’d been supporting the arm with a finger to her lips with the other draped across her mid section just below her breasts, dropped her arm straight down. Taking the hem of her skirt in the middle of the front, she lifted it, displaying her little present she’d worn beneath her outfit. The tiniest piece of silk disguised as a panty caused his heart to flutter. The size of the covering couldn’t have been over three inches high and an exaggerated two across. The straps holding it up were only thin pieces of string no thicker than a strand of spaghetti. It didn’t even cover the minimal tan-lines that her small bikini bottom had left.

She could see his discomfort tenting the front of his pants. She held her pose while he drank in the incredible sight. She still had her finger between her lips still sucking and toying with the tip. She was definitely getting her point across. Then, as suddenly as she started, she bent over and retrieved her coat, acting as nothing had happened. Scurrying past him, she turned once she was sure he couldn’t reach her.

“I’m famished. Let’s go eat.” Smiling with her impish smile, she watched as he fell forward pretending to pass out. Acting as if she hadn’t noticed, she put her hands on her hips. “Well, are you coming or do I eat alone?”

Finished with her ploy for now, she turned and headed for the door, putting her coat back on. Looking back once more, she inquired again.

“Well, are you?”

Her words she’d spoken over the phone were haunting him. “Do you think you can handle little old me?” He was starting to have serious doubts. With a smile tattooed across his face, he shook his head side to side remembering his revelation the other night. “Yep… I believe I’ve created a monster…”