Mermaid Sisters Pt. 01

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Shipwrecked survivor meets three mermaids on an island.
5k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/11/2015
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This is my first story that I've been working on for a while and hopefully I'll have the second part out soon if all goes well. Comments and reviews are welcome.


The sun shone on the pristine white sandy beach as the gentle waves carried a lifeboat gently to the shore. The sole occupant was awoken when the keel of the boat touched land. Tom had lost track how long he was adrift at sea, nor did he have the faintest idea where he had ended up. All he knew was that by some miracle he was alive. He could only recall the storm that struck the ship he was travelling in and how amidst the chaos as the ship started to flood and sink, he had made it onto a lifeboat before it detached and sent him tumbling in it to the thrashing sea. Tom had watched frantically as the ocean seemed to swallow the ship and try as he might he could see no survivors in the water. As the lifeboat was rocked about in the stormy sea, a rogue wave had struck the boat and threw Tom off balance, and a strike to the head on the lifeboat floor knocked him unconscious.

He pressed gingerly then on the bump on the head, recalling what had happened as he looked blearily around him. He was in a cove of an island, with clear blue waters, a soft sandy beach that led to a lush green jungle ahead of him. All was quiet save for the gentle waves rolling back and forth and the gentle breeze rustling the palm trees. For one moment Tom could appreciate this tropical paradise before he started to think about his immediate concerns. He quickly took stock of what the lifeboat had to offer, and he managed to find the survival kit and rations in the storage space, and he wolfed down a number of the survival biscuits and drank from three cans of water before he was fully sated. After catching his breath from his first meal in god knows how long, he decided to set to work. He slowly clambered off the side of the boat and landed on to the cool waters. Tying a rope to the front of the boat, Tom took the other end of the rope and tried to pull the lifeboat further onto the beach. It took him some time before he was satisfied that there was no danger of the lifeboat drifting away, and tied his end of the rope to the nearest palm tree. Making sure that his stores were secure, he took a swiss army knife he found in the lifeboat and decided to set off into the jungle to explore the seemingly uninhabited island further.

The jungle wasn't that thick and he looked back every once in awhile to orient himself. As he walked further and further he started to realise how big this place was. The overhead canopy shielded him from the sun, but Tom started to get thirsty and almost decided to turn back when he heard the soft sound of running water ahead. Tom pressed forwards and as he got closer and closer to the source of the sound which became more clear he found himself emerging from the jungle to a small brook that was fed by a small waterfall ahead towards the right. He got on his knees and sipped the water tentatively before starting to gulp mouthfuls of the clean, clear freshwater, better than the canned water from the lifeboat. Tom splashed some of the water on his face and neck, cooling himself from the heat and sweat.

It was then that he heard something. At first all he could hear was the waterfall that fed the brook, though a formation of large rocks blocked his view of the bottom of the waterfall. But Tom could hear the unmistakable sound of splashing not made by the waterfall before he heard the sound of human voices, specifically of women. He walked gingerly towards the sound and as he stood behind the rocks he could hear them without a doubt. Tom clambered on to the rocks and peered over it to see what was on the other side. And what he saw was the most beautiful sight in his life.

There were three women, bathing and playing under the waterfall. But all three of them were some of the most beautiful women Tom had ever seen, even more beautiful than the women he had seen in the magazines, than any celebrity or supermodel. All three had amazing bodies, with fair skin, thin waists that led to wide sexy hips and flat, well toned stomachs, but the best part had to be their breasts. Each of them had large full breasts, well-rounded and perky, with pink nipples fully erect for all to see. The farthest one, a redhead, was standing under the waterfall letting the water run down across her body, while the two others, a brunette and a blonde, where a little closer and splashing each other with water, giggling and squealing joyously in their melodious voices. All three had long hair that hung all the way to their waists.

Just as Tom decided that these women seemed friendly enough and was about to ask them for help, the blonde one suddenly dove forward into the water. Rather than a pair of beautiful sexy legs as Tom expected, where her hips were supposed to meet with her legs instead was an unmistakable blue fish tail. Tom watched awestruck as the brunette swam sideways to avoid the blonde mermaid and revealed her orange fish tail. He could then see the green fish tail of the redhead emerge from the water as she turned to look at the other two.

Mermaids! They were mermaids! Tom watched in shock, as he couldn't believe his eyes. Here they were, straight from the fantasy stories that he had read as a child, unmistakably real. Their tails from hip to the tip of the main fin was longer than their upper body, and the scales glistened under the sun. Pectoral fins flanked the sides of where their thighs would have been, and further down where a pair of smaller fins led to their main caudal fin. It was then that a rock he was stepping on came loose and tumbled into the water with a clear splash. All three mermaids quickly turned and looked in his direction, and as Tom fell into the water the back of his head struck the a rock at the bottom of the brook. As he emerged face up to the surface, vision and consciousness slowly fading, the last thing he saw was of one the mermaids looking down on him, though he could not see her face as the sun shone directly above and behind her head. Then all was black.

When Tom came to he could tell he was in a small cave, and as he raised his head he could see the light shining from the entrance ahead a couple of meters away as well as the sound of a waterfall. Tom guessed he must be behind the waterfall. Another source of light was from above; a round hole in the ceiling that opened up to the sky shone some light down on him. As he propped himself up on the smooth stone floor, he suddenly remembered the three mermaids. Or had he? Had he imagined it all?

As his vision adjusted and he began to wonder how he ended up inside the cave he then saw something emerge from the water a few in front of him. As Tom pushed himself back only a few feet before finding his back against the cave wall, he could see that it was that heads of the three mermaids that he had seen earlier. The middle one, the redhead, started to speak, but Tom could not understand what she was saying. When he didn't reply, the mermaid seemed to be confused and spoke softly to those beside her. Tom decided to try and say something.

"Um, hello? I-I'm sorry to have startled you. I didn't mean to disturb you or anything. I'm a survivor from a shipwreck and I was just trying to find help."

It was then that the mermaids looked back at him then and to Tom's surprise the redhead replied slowly in English, with a hint of an accent Tom couldn't identify.

"You are alone, yes?"

Tom quickly stammered, "Y-y-yes! Yes, it's just me!"

"You have no reason to fear, Man. We do not perceive you as a threat, nor do we mean you any harm."

"Then can you help me? I'm just so lost right now and-"

"Ah, but in fact it is you who can help us, Man. For it seems fate has brought you to us."

It was then that the three mermaids rose from the water to reveal the rest of their body, and he sat awestruck once again by their beauty. He could see the water as it dripped and slid off their skin, sliding across their shapely breasts, down their flat bellies and along their hips. They moved forward and as they reached the edge of the water they pushed themselves onto the smooth stone floor and he could clearly see behind them their fish tails, the scales gleaming like jewels and the wide, semi-transparent fins at the end. They each propped themselves up with their arms straightened, their breasts dangled lusciously, water flowing along their flesh and dripping to the floor from the tips of their nipples which barely touched the floor.

"W-w-what do you mean help you? What am I supposed to help with?" Tom said.

The three mermaids crawled closer by their hands and as they got closer Tom could start to see their faces clearly and it became clearly apparent that the three were in fact sisters, all of them had porcelain breathtaking faces, rosy cheeks, full and pink lips, and cute nubbin noses. Each of their eye colors were different though, the brunette had sea green eyes, the blonde had lavender purple eyes, and the redhead had soft baby blue eyes.

"No mortal man has set foot on this island, nor has any man laid eyes on our kind except by our own choosing", the blonde mermaid said.

"Y-your kind?" Tom said, "You are mermaids, right?"

"We are known by men by many names: siren, sirena, merfolk, merpeople; while the actual name of our kind is unpronounceable by human speech, mermaid does apply."

"We have always kept to ourselves and maintained our distance to Man, bearing only witness to the foolhardy actions of men at sea and by the shore."

"And our kind only comes in contact with Man only for certain...occasions," the blonde mermaid somehow emphasized the last word saucily, with a little smirk in her lips as all three mermaids had by then crawled all the way to Tom's feet, their eyes never leaving him.

"What occasions do you mean?" Tom asked as he stared at each one of the mermaids, eyes wandering from their swaying, ripe breasts to their faces. He noted that their arms were well toned, like those of an athletic swimmer, doubtlessly due to their aquatic nature, and there seemed to be small webbings between each of their long slender fingers that were splayed out, likely to assist them in swimming. He hadn't noticed it before but each of their ears, previously hidden under their lustrous hair, seemed to have small fins protrude from the edges out, giving them an elfin look.

"It would seem that further explanations is needed," the redhead said who had moved the closest to Tom's right. He didn't dare move even as both their skin almost touched and he could feel the water dripping from her splashing on his right arm and sides, and her enticing breasts mere inches from his arm, "our kind are all female, and while our lifespan may extend many years more than mortal men, we still have certain needs to fulfill."

"Every once in awhile some of our kind would venture closer to the domains of Man. Usually these would be isolated instances so as not to provoke or cause unwanted attention, though rare sightings of us seem have made us creatures of fantasy and legend in the eyes of Men. Unfortunately our earliest sisters were unfamiliar with the limitations of Men in our environment, resulting in unfortunate drownings and a bad reputation of our kind. But mostly we rescue men who are lost at sea, and we take what we need from them and return them back to their people."

"Take? What do you take from these men?" Tom asked, but by then the redhead's face was an inch from his. He could feel her warm breath in his face as he stared mesmerized into her soft blue eyes.

"Why, their essence," the mermaid said matter-of-factly before she pressed her lips onto his. Tom was surprised at first but then started to kiss back, and what seemed like an eternity their lips were locked in passion, their tongues intertwined and tasting each other hungrily. Even as their lips finally parted, him panting and yearning for more as a million questions formed inside his mind, the redhead smiled lovingly and as if knowing what was in his mind began to explain.

"Our kind do not produce males, we are exclusively female. And as much as we try to distance ourselves from the affairs of man, we still need someone to mate with. We mermaids are the breeders of the sea. Our main purpose has been to breed and produce young. We willingly provide ourselves to those that need our womb and are able to give birth to most sea creatures, short of whales of course, which you can imagine pose a significant challenge for us," she said with a giggle as she placed a hand towards her toned belly, "We can help the fish folk by carrying their eggs inside of us and having the males inseminate these eggs. The eggs in our wombs mature and hatch far faster than normal. This applies to almost every other creature in the sea. But there comes a time when we do yearn to produce offspring of our own."

The redhead mermaid then placed a hand on his chest, her cool touch giving him goosebumps. "As robust and able as our wombs are in being able to create new life to other sea creatures, it takes a considerable amount of effort and quantity in order for a Man to impregnate one of us, and we do not get as many chances to find men easily as before. I would not impose of you to do so against your will, but we would be grateful if you would help us."

Tom could not believe his ears, "Let me get this straight, you want me to impregnate each one of you, correct?"

"Yes," the redhead replied with a yearning, almost pleading look in her eyes, "In return we will provide for you whatever you may need during your time here with us, and once you have successfully fertilized our wombs with your seed we will reward you handsomely and return you safely to your world."

"We ask that you give us your seed whenever, wherever and however you please. It may take some time for success to be guaranteed, and we will ensure your health and vitality so that you may continue to give us your seed. I understand that if it is too much to ask then we would still bring you to the nearest human dwelling."

Tom looked at them, and he could see the genuine look in their eyes as if he was the most valuable thing before them. He smiled and said, "What idiot could refuse such an offer?"

The redhead smiled ecstatically, revealing perfect teeth though somewhat longer and sharper incisors, "Then our bodies, and our love, is yours. Please, tell us young man, what is your name?"

"Tom! My name is Tom."

"Well then Tom, my name is Emily, and these are my sisters," she gestured to the brunette, "Elaina", and the blonde, "and Elyon." The two other mermaid sisters had crept closer to Tom, and both had the same adoring look as Emily.

Emily wasted no time and kissed Tom again, while Elaina to his left took his hand in hers and placed it on one of her well-endowed chest. Her breasts were extremely soft, and his fingers seemed to sink into them like marshmallows. Elaina moaned softly as Tom began to fondle and grope on her tits. Emily had wasted no time and kissed Tom again with even more passion than before, all the while Tom grasped on to her breasts as well, which felt incredibly soft and was like kneading into the lightest of dough.

Meanwhile Elyon pressed herself on Tom between her two sisters and unbuttoned his shirt before proceeding to lick his chest while pressing her generously large breasts on him. As she moved lower and lower, licking and kissing his skin and softly stimulating his nipples with her fingers, Tom could feel her wet tongue and warm tits which seemed to arouse every part of his skin that she touched.

Finally Elyon reached Tom's waist and she looked up mischievously as she slowly began to pull Tom's shorts off. Both Emily and Elaina turned around hungrily to see what Tom had to offer for them, and they were not disappointed.

During the entire time Tom had been incredibly aroused by the mermaid sisters, and it was a huge relief then when his member was released from the constraints of his shorts, for he was already at his limits and felt ready to burst. And so when it suddenly sprung upright all three sisters stared in awe. His thick cock stood over a foot tall though with a slight curve, throbbing and with pre-cum oozing out of the end.

"The oceans have blessed us," Elaina gasped as she tentatively touched the shaft. Tom moaned as more pre-cum leaked out.

Elyon moved closer and ran her tongue slowly from the base of his shaft to the tip, sending a shiver up his spine.

Emily and Elaina pressed their breasts on either side of Tom's thick shaft, smothering it in between them. His cock felt hot between them and they could feel it throbbing more as they nuzzled their tits. Elyon held the upper part of his cock, her hand barely able to enclose the width, licking the tip of Tom's cock teasingly.

It was too much for Tom. He came then, his cock jerking and bucking between Emily and Elaina's breasts, releasing one load after the other. Elyon tried to catch as much as she could with her mouth and breasts while her sisters' breasts and faces below were covered with the rest. At last he stopped, his cock throbbing as excess cum dripped down from the end.

Tom watched as the three mermaids licked his cum off each other's breasts and faces and kissed each other while moaning sensually at the taste of his essence.

Tom couldn't help but get more aroused at the sight. Elaina looked down and smiled, "It seems he's ready for more."

Elyon then lowered herself and took the head of Tom's cock in her mouth, licking the underside with her tongue, and started to lower herself slowly down his thick shaft. He watched as she reached halfway through and could feel the head going deeper down her throat. Drool had started to leak out of her mouth as Elyon salivated so much whilst licking and tasting his thick member with her tongue as it went deeper inside her mouth. She was barely able to hold back from gagging as she almost reached the base and could feel her throat filled with his cock, the walls squeezing and massaging the entire length. Tom was ready to burst, and the moment her lips finally reached the base, he came. She could feel his essence as it travelled the entire length of his cock as it bucked inside of her, sending torrents of his thick cum directly into her stomach. As she slowly pulled back Tom kept cumming inside of her, the walls of her mouth and throat squeezing the shaft, milking him for every drop of his thick seed. She sucked on the head a bit further as it finally emerged from her mouth, trying to coax as much as she could before finally letting go. Elyon pulled her head back, tasting his essence in her mouth before swallowing it all. She could feel her insides filled with his cum as she panted for breath, a satisfied look on her face.

Her two sisters had watched the entire process that had made them hornier and hornier. Fortunately for them his cock was still very much erect, slick with her saliva and his cum, throbbing with energy.

"Mmm, I'd like to have a taste of that as well," moaned Elaina, as she took position in front of Tom's cock, facing away from him. She wrapped the lower part of his cock between her large breasts, squeezing them together with her hands as she began licking his shaft slowly. Tom moaned in pleasure, feeling more and more aroused and his balls seemed to fill once again with fresh cum as a reward. Elaina couldn't wait anymore and took his cock inside her mouth. He felt her warm mouth swallowing his member as her tongue licked his flesh, sending waves of pleasure to Tom's mind. Elaina proceeded to give him a blowjob and breastjob at the same time, moving her head up and down as her tongue expertly worked over his entire length while her breasts massaged the rest of his length between them.