Merry Little Christmas


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Saturday morning Josie went shopping for her clothes for the party. I asked her to stay home with me and we'd spend the day just being together. She asked me how it would look if she missed the party. I told her it would look like her husband meant something to her. She told me I was being silly and left.

She got home late in the afternoon and started getting ready. I sat watching TV and holding Papi. Just before seven she came out wearing a slinky red cocktail dress that made my mouth water. The hem of the skirt came just below her stocking tops and when she walked you could see the garters. The back was open and you could not see a bra strap. She was wearing a pair of six inch pumps with a ribbon that tied around her ankle. I wanted to cry. I had promised myself that I wouldn't beg, but as she was putting her cash in her little red clutch I asked one last time; "Please can't you just this once choose me over him? Just stay home tonight and let's work on us. You look so damned good and it kills me knowing I am not the reason you're wearing that."

I couldn't decode the look she gave me; it looked like a cross between pity and desire. "I can't miss this party babe. But if you wait up for me, you can take all of this off of me, and I promise tomorrow will all be just about us." She blew me a kiss and went out the door.

"At least this time I won't have to swim." I said as she left. I sat there for a few minutes feeling sorry for myself. "Enough bitch!" I told myself. "She made her choice; it wasn't you, so let's get moving."

I walked out of the front door to go get my Four Runner. I took three steps out and realized Josie hadn't left the driveway yet. She was on her cell phone with somebody. Most likely it was lover boy. Fuck him too. I casually walked off of the porch and across the lawn heading for the SUV. She finally backed out of the driveway and headed the other direction. Leave it to her to not notice that I walked out after her. Hell she didn't even notice the empty garage.

I retrieved the Toyota and backed it into my drive way. I went inside and wrote two e-mails. One was to Arthur Eastwood:

Mr. Eastwood,

You once told me that your biggest fear was a marriage being destroyed

because of your business. One has, not that I blame you at all, or have

any plan of suing you or dragging your company through the mud. I just

wanted to alert you. I don't even care if you do anything about it. My wife

Josie has been in a sexual relationship with Derrick Miller since as far as I

can tell, since you hired him. I just wanted you to know, I don't want you

feeling badly over this. It was their choice not yours.


Martin Fischer

I sent it and then wrote another and sent it to my cell phone to be sent later. I then loaded all of my things I had packed into the Toyota. I was loading Papi when Bob and Mel drove by. I hoped they hadn't noticed, or if they had they wouldn't say anything to Josie. I wonder if Bob knew it was an employee only party. Probably not since I was the only non-employee not invited. I took one last look around and then put the DVD and pictures on the kitchen table with a note saying; "Just in case you are asking, Why?"

I pulled out of the drive and headed down the street for the last time.

Josie's tale.

I can't get into this party. Derrick is upset with me, Mel just lit into my ass, I have a nagging feeling that I missed something important, and I need to repair my relationship with my husband. On top of all of that, my cousin's husband Aaron had been trying to get a hold of me all afternoon. He said in his last message that his phone was giving him issues and he'd keep trying me.

I told Derrick earlier that I would not be getting together with him after the party. I told him that I planned to go home and make up for a lot of wasted time with my husband. He was pissed off, especially since he was leaving for Colorado tomorrow morning to go to work for his father at a bank in Stonemoore.

Derrick and I had been a couple in college. We'd had a wild sexual relationship, often spending entire weekends in bed. When we graduated, he moved out east to New York to try to become a major player in the financial world. I stuck closer to home.

I moved to Santa Fe and got a job in the financing department of a company that manufactures rail freight cars. After a few years, a job opened up at a brokerage house in town and I was accepted for the job.

The girls in the office decided to throw me a going away party. I had noticed this biker looking guy at work. I knew from friends that he worked in the maintenance department, and his name was Marty, but nobody seemed to know much about him.

"He keeps to himself." I was told. Several said he was a member of a biker gang, but no one knew for sure. My friend Holly knew his best friend and she was going to invite him and tell him to bring Marty along.

As luck would have it, Marty had to come into the office to repair a copier and Holly asked him to the party. I was so excited. When I got to the party I saw his friend and sat next to him waiting for Marty to show. Jarred told me that he was in the bathroom, and would be back shortly. After a few minutes Jarred said, "Or not." When I asked what he meant, he said Marty signaled that he was leaving. I caught him outside just as he was getting on his bike to leave. I talked him back inside and we ended up dating, and then married.

After some time I got promoted at the brokerage and had to start traveling for my job. Once a month we went east for a week at a time. Two days spent in Chicago and the rest of the week in New York My boss took Marty and I to dinner and explained that he and his wife always went on these trips and he allayed Marty's concerns.

Then in September the scope of the meeting changed. Mel, who always traveled with us back east, stayed in Chicago to handle the meeting there, while Arthur and I went on to New York to meet with a man Arthur planned to hire. I was surprised when in the board room I was introduced to Derrick Miller. There was an instant spark between us. After the day's meetings we got together for our own meeting.

The sex was just as wonderful as I had remembered. We spent every night that week naked and sweaty. When Friday came and we had to leave I felt something I hadn't felt all week. I felt guilt over cheating on my husband. Sadly my guilt was accompanied by a feeling of loss, over having to leave Derrick again.

Derrick arrived in Santa Fe three weeks later. I told myself that nothing further would happen. When it came time for the October trip back east, Arthur decided that since Derrick had closer ties to New York, he'd go in Arthur's place.

Mel had a fit and reminded me that I was a married woman. I told her nothing was going to happen, and then she told me how she'd kept quiet after the last trip, but wouldn't lie for me anymore. So this trip, Derrick and I were sneakier than last time. We also decided that the one week a month wasn't enough so we decided to get together any lunch break we could and we'd have "meetings" every Wednesday evening.

When we got back from New York, Marty snuck up on me as I was putting my un-used undies away. He mentioned running into Arthur and all I heard was an accusation. I know he didn't say it that way, but guilt and fear of being caught had made me paranoid. I said something I instantly regretted, and he stormed out. He rode his bike to Red River and got injured riding home the next day. After that, the sex with Derrick lost most of its appeal. He still did things to me that I couldn't bring myself to ask Marty to do to me. I don't know why I couldn't ask him, I know he'd cut off his arm if I asked him to. I was also reminded of how arrogant Derrick really was.

While Marty was in the hospital I was doing my best to be the perfect wife. I decided that I was through with our liaisons and was going to be 100% loyal to Marty. I was by Marty's bedside that first night when my cell phone rang. Derrick and I had planned on getting together that night and I hadn't called it off yet. Derrick's number showed on the caller ID so I answered it.

"Hey baby, I am waiting for you and I am very very horny!"

"I can't tonight."

"Why not? You have to come Jo. We have plans."

"No, I'm at Mercy with Marty."

"Well I'll come and pick you up and he can drive home alone. I know you want me and you can give him a buyable excuse."

"No, they're keeping him overnight."

"What are they adding a brain? Maybe he'll hook up with a nice nurse then you can divorce him and marry me like we've always been meant to."

"He almost died today you insensitive asshole."

"So he says. He probably knows you have a real man and is trying for sympathy. So how'd he manage to nearly die?"

"I don't know, he was on his bike on the highway this morning and something almost cut the top of his head off."

"See? He won't even notice you're gone. You could come to my place and we could enjoy each other all night long and even into tomorrow."

"No, I'm staying here tonight with him."

"Come on. Come to my place and I'll curl your toes all night. You know you want me."


"Fine I'll come to you. I am five minutes away."

"You're where?"

"Almost at Mercy. I'll be up there in a few minutes to pick you up."


"Come on. He'll never know, and I'll have you back at his bedside in six hours, freshly fucked."

"Damn it I said no."

"I'm here, so I can come up there or we can meet in the coffee shop. Be harder to fuck there but we'll work something out."

"Fine, I'll meet you in the coffee shop in ten."

"I know you can't wait."


I met him in the hospital coffee shop and we spent an hour talking. I told him I didn't want to do this anymore. He begged and pleaded. When he saw I wasn't budging, he threatened to go to Arthur and Marty. I felt trapped and pissed off. I didn't want to lose Marty over this arrogant prick.

Marty kept saying I was choosing Derrick over him, he didn't know how close he was. I knew he didn't like me working with Derrick, and I thought he was personifying the job with Derrick's name. Besides, the last time he caught a girl cheating on him, he put his own life at risk to get away from her. He hadn't left me yet so I didn't think he knew.

I was excited when Marty wanted to come to the Christmas party with me. When I told everyone that he was coming Derrick threatened me again. So, I lied and told Marty that the party was employee only. When I told Derrick I had taken care of it he was happy and told me this was also his going away party.

When Marty went to out annual concert without me, it hit home just how badly I was screwing up my marriage. Of course he had to take the one woman he knows I can't stand. Teri with her wiggly ass and shapely legs. I just know she wants to get her hands on my Marty. Of course now I was going to have to crack down on this little thing.

Tonight when I get ready to leave for the party, he was practically begging me to stay with him. There was something else though. Something I missed. I left to meet several co workers at the Slammer Saloon for drinks before the party. I told Derrick that I wasn't going to meet him after the party. He just got that arrogant look about him and said that he'd have me there before the night was out. I walked away from him and sat with a couple of other friends.

We got to the party and Arthur asked why Marty hadn't come. I told him that Marty wasn't feeling well after his head injury. It wasn't a total lie since Marty had been having issues. I was going to press him about going to a doctor on Monday to see if we could get that under control. I know he was missing a lot of work. I didn't contemplate this long before Mel and Bob showed up. Mel ushered me to a side hall and began reaming my ass.

"I hope he's worth throwing your life away over. You know I Bob and I think of you and Marty as our children. Bob doesn't know, but it's not too long before he figures out what's going on here. You might not think much of Marty but I know you don't pay attention to him enough. Did you know he never really got to grieve over the loss of your baby? He stayed stoic and strong and made sure you got all the support you needed with out ever seeking comfort for himself."

"I knew Derrick was trouble from the moment I met him. I saw the look you gave him. But I never thought you'd give up on Marty like this. You need to pull your head out of your ass while you still have a husband."

With that she left. I went back to my table where I sat most of the night thinking about Marty, and that nagging suspicion that I had missed something. Someone was saying something to me. I looked up to see that smarmy bastard Derrick. Just as I was about to tell him to fuck off, I saw Holly from the rail car company.

Ignoring him I asked her "What brings you to the party?"

"I'm dating a guy who works here with you."

Derrick started to say something about me and my hubby when Holly cut him off cold. "You might want to keep you mouth shut about Marty. He's tied in with the Sons of Silence, and it would be nothing for him to kick your preppy ass. Now scoot along so I can talk to my girl here."

Derrick skulked away and Holly turned back to me. "So what's Marty doing now?"

"Sitting at home I imagine."

"No I mean employment wise. I saw him have his meeting yesterday with the department heads; usually that's an exit interview. I wanted to say hi, but he was too quick leaving the building. I made it out in time to see him climb into an old TravelAll with some shady looking characters."

I was stunned. Exit interview? I didn't know anything about Marty quitting his job. A chill ran down my spine as I finally remembered what he said when I walked out of the door tonight. "At least this time I won't have to swim." He was planning on leaving me. I wanted to be home right then, but Arthur began making his usual speeches. The executives are expected to stay for this part.

Thomas Snyder came up to me and asked me, "Does your husband bank downtown?"

"No. We bank over by the mall. Why?"

"Well, I just saw him going into the bank downtown yesterday, and he looked funny. Some guys were with him and they looked creepy. Might have been nothing."

Marty didn't bank downtown but I did. For the past six years, I had skimmed money off of Marty's paycheck and played the market with it. I had made a tidy chink of change and put it into an interest bearing account in Marty's name. I planned to give it to him on out next anniversary so he could quit the rail car company and work on his cars all the time. I kept the pass books hidden so there was no way he knew about that money.

Bob approached me and ha a funny look on his face. "Josie did you and Marty buy a little SUV of some sort?"

"No we didn't. Why?"

"Well, I feel kind of funny mentioning it. Mel seems to think I looked at the wrong house. But I could have sworn that I saw an SUV backed into your driveway tonight and Marty loading it. I'm sure Mel's right. You guys are ok aren't you?"

"I don't believe we're having problems Bob. I'm sure you were mistaken about what house you saw."

"Maybe you're right. That guy's garage did look to be empty. I know yours isn't."

Something he said set off alarm bells in my head. There were only three garages on our street. Ours, Bob's and Thom's two blocks up. Thom's garage couldn't be seen into from the street. I tried to remember everything from earlier. Damn it I had been walking around in a fog and now I can't recall seeing his car in the garage. Or his bike.

As I was trying to recall something else, Stephan Tyler, a junior account administrator came over to me. "Josie, doesn't you husband deal a lot with classic Corvettes?"

"Yes he does. He restores them and sells them. Why do you ask?"

Well, I bought a really cherry 71 Stingray from the Statler brothers today and I wanted him to tell me if I got ripped off or not. I have a pic on my cell." He paused as he called the photo up. "See?"

My heart stopped. I knew that car very well. Marty had owned it since we got married. It was the one he never would sell. In a panic I turned on my cell. I tried Marty's cell and it went straight to voice mail. Then I tried our land line. No answer there either. Finally I called Corey.

"Hey JoJo, how's tricks sweetie?"

"Corey," I said trying to fight off the panic, "I need you and Bill to go check on Marty for me."

I heard him talk to Bill and then they were headed next door. For a few minutes they knocked. "He's either not answering the door or he isn't here JoJo."

"Go to the garage door and hit the code 5623. Tell me what vehicle is missing."

I heard the garage door rumbling up and I heard one of them gasp. "JoJo, your garage is empty hon. His tools are gone the cars are gone." I didn't hear another word he said. I had to get home now. I hoped he was just playing a mean prank to get back at me for not spending time with him recently. Then it dawned on me what he had said when I left this evening. "At least this tine I won't have to swim." He was gone. I knew it. I just didn't want to break down in front of all of my co-workers. I started for the coat check when Derrick approached. "So you're leaving my party early huh? Shall we go have some fun?"

I wasn't really even listening to him. I saw a new e-mail icon on my phone and opened it.


For my entire life I have wanted to be chosen first. Never happened in

school, nor in my later teen years. Then I met you. You chose me. I was

happier than any person should be allowed to be. I just knew the other

shoe would drop sooner or later. For weeks I have tried to be your first

choice again. Tonight was the ultimate failure for me. I guess on the

bright side, you and Derrick can be happy together and not worry about

what I'm doing. You made your choice, it wasn't me. I made a choice too,

I chose to not be around to see my failure. By time you read this I should be

at least 200 miles away from you. I wish you all the best Josie. I love you

even if you don't love me. Take care.

I'll Love You Always


In a fog I realized that I had retrieved my coat. He couldn't really be gone. He wouldn't leave me. He doesn't know about Derrick and me. We were too careful. I stepped out the front door and realized Derrick was tagging along. I was about to tell Derrick to get away from me when I heard the car flying up the street.


Silver Bells, Silver Bells,

It's Christmas time in the city.

Ring a ling,

Hear them Ring.

Soon it will be Christmas Day.

As the first refrains of Silver bells wafts over to my ears, I see movement from the door below. At first I don't look, it's too early for them. Figuring it's better to be safe than sorry, I look through the optics. It is them. I send a signal and I immediately hear the car come screeching up the street. When the car speeds up I trigger the flash bulb below me. It instantly draws their attention to the street.

The car, an old jalopy destined for the scrap yard in Durango Colorado Monday, flies by and the passenger fires a blank out the window. As he does, I add five more ounces of pressure with my right index finger. I hear a click, followed by a "Phewt" sound. At the very same instant I see the back of Derrick's head explode. As his body falls Josie lets out a scream. As her scream reaches my ears, I center the crosshairs on her left breast.


Authors note.

I know some will blast me for lacking an ending. But here's the deal. Marty will make an appearance in my up coming story "Missing." Then we will hear what happened after Mr. Miller bit the dust. I invite you readers to send me your take on what happens next. I will then use an idea based on the majority when Marty tells his tale. Comments are welcome and I will answer any private feedback that includes an e-mail addy.