MetaMorph Ch. 04


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Eventually, at 6:30, he just picked up the book and looked at the address and put it into Google Maps, just to see where it was. It was a high-end apartment building in Westwood, right by the junction of the 405 and Santa Monica Boulevard. It would take him hour to get there, at this time of night. Just enough time to shower and be dressed and out the door. 'Woah, where had that thought come from?' he wondered.

So many thoughts went through Dan's mind. He had heard what Greg had to say, and there was a grain of truth in what he'd said. He did want to be the best he could be. That was, after all, 50% of the point of the entire exercise, the other 50% being the opportunity to push his fist into Greg's face and hear his nose snap.

But could he, should he, have sex with a hooker? That's what she was. High class escort or not, eventually it came down to her having sex for money, and that's what a hooker was. Dan had nothing against the sex trade; he understood that everyone had to make a living, there was a demand for it, and some women were very, very good at it. He understood the need for some guys, who weren't going to get it any other way and he understood that lots of these women provided a service, in shitty circumstances, hunted and preyed upon by pimps, and he honestly had nothing but respect for their choices and lives. But that was all from a distance. There was no question of him, Dan, actually using their services. That was for those who had no choice. He had June.

Or rather, he didn't. He realized that right now, he was squarely in the camp of those who he would expect to frequent such women. Also, thinking about being celibate for the past three months, he did know he needed it. He'd been jerking off almost nightly. But he also knew that it would make him no better than June if he did follow through. He would be cheating and that's not how he saw himself.

And then he picked up an Xbox 360 controller and tried to play some Bioshock and while he did it, he just got angry. He didn't know where it came from, but all the anger at June, at what she did, at how he hurt and how she just sat there, unscarred by the event, boiled over. And Dan got up, showered, put on a shirt and pants – the first time in weeks and they still didn't fit right – and left the apartment, with the address of...what was her name? Sandra? Programmed into his iPhone's mapping app.

He arrived dead on time, and then spent the next twenty minutes indulging in the popular LA past time of Hunt the Parking Space. Finding a roadside park around Westwood at this time of day was like finding rocking horse crap, and it took him a while to find one.

Eventually, he did and there he was, standing in front of the apartment door. She was on the 17th floor and there was a hell of a view out of the corridor windows. He just stood there outside the door, wondering if he even had the courage to knock.

But he did. And she answered. The apartment behind her was darkened, and she stood in the doorway, in a slim Japanese robe that was floor length. She was nicely made up, slim, 5'8" or so, with delicate features, well applied lipstick, shoulder length hair that was bound at the back and a welcoming smile.

"Now, you must be Dan," she said, with a definite southern drawl that made the hair on Dan's arms stand up. "C'mon in. Don't stand out there catching flies now honey."

Dan shut his mouth conspicuously and followed her in. The apartment was spacious, well appointed and very colorful. Each wall was a different primary color, and all the walls held either shelves or wall hangings. It gave the room a lived in feeling without feeling cluttered. If Sandra wasn't an escort, she'd make a hell of an interior decorator, thought Dan as he was guided to a lazy boy, positioned in front of a large flat screen TV.

"Would you like a drink Dan? Ah have some just made mint julep if you care for that?" she asked, smiling the whole time.

Dan nodded dumbly and as she busied herself making it, he looked around. The furniture was mismatched, but all held a theme remarkably well. It was all relatively new and just well put together. Dan looked over where Sandra was busying herself at the small bar. He could see her ass jiggling around under the robe and wondered what it looked like naked.

Sandra handed him his drink in a tall glass and then took one herself and then sat down opposite Dan, on the couch. She took a long sip, looking at him the whole time, a small smile playing on her mouth.

Dan tried not to catch her eye and made a show of looking around.

"Nice place," he eventually ventured.

She laughed – a very musical sound. "Oh Dan, you can do better than that," she said. "Is the nasty hooker making your uncomfortable?"

Dan went bright red and just took a long drag on his drink.

"Oh c'mon honey. We both know why you are here. Greg has filled me in - in all sorts of ways. What a scumbag that man is. He may be pretty but he's got the morals of a cat on ecstasy, " she said, disgustedly.

Dan couldn't help but laugh. "Yes, there is that," he agreed.

"There you go sugar. Relax a little. Now Dan, you need to look on this as education. You didn't come here to cheat or get your rocks off. Sure, we might end up getting physical, but that's not what this is about. This about you learning new things – putting new tools in your box, and learning how to use the tools you already have in new and better ways ok? There is no romance here. There is no emotion, beyond two people getting it on. Ah've no doubt that pretty wife of yours said the same thing when you confronted her, no? Ah'll bet it doesn't sound any more ok to you now than it did then, does it?"

Dan gulped and nodded.

"Yes. Ah've no doubt it doesn't. See, honey, women are different from men. They can separate out sex and love way more than a man can. A woman can love sex with one man, and completely give her heart to another one. We are capable of that. Men, well, lovely creatures that they are, don't seem to be able to. Sex and love and intimacy are all tied together. Ah've watched women get banged senseless, loving it, while holding their husbands hands and looking into his eyes with love and gratitude, and they see nothing wrong with it. Men could never do that. We are just different creatures honey. We are wired differently."

Dan felt he had to say something. "So, what you are saying is that I'd be incapable of divorcing having sex with you with love? Is that right?"

"Well now honey, Ah think you'd do fine now I've pointed it out. Ah was just trying to get you to understand that when your wife says that her having sex with that shallow but lovely specimen of manhood, Greg Hamilton, is nothing to do with you and how she feels about you, she's telling you the god's honest truth, from her perspective."

"I didn't realize I was here for a psyche analysis session. I hadn't realized it was all my fault for not understanding," said Dan, coldly. He was starting to get a little pissed off.

"Oh sweety, don't get angry and posture so. It doesn't become you. Greg has been singing your praises – so balanced and unflappable he says. Please don't disappoint me by getting upset. Ah'm just trying to give you some background. Ah didn't mean to upset you." She smiled at Dan again, and made sure her posture was as non-threatening as she could.

"Ah know. Here you are in a known whores boudoir, wondering what you are doing here, and now she's analyzing your marriage and pointing out that women are wired differently. Not at all how you thought this evening would go eh?"

Dan couldn't help but nod at that, and he took another drink.

"Well look, my time is paid for. We can do whatever you want. Play canasta if you want. Ah'd rather like to help you, to be honest. Greg explained to me that you are rebuilding yourself, so if and when you go back to your wife, you are what you think you should be, is that right, sugar?"

Dan was about to nod and then said, "Well, not quite that simple."

"Oh yes, you want to clean Greg's clock as well. He mentioned that. Good luck with that honey – Ah know a few people who'd cheer if you managed that. But Ah can't help with that. Ah can only help with more bed related issues. Or, if you doing it right, kitchen, lounge, bathroom, office, car and wherever issues." Sandra gave her little laugh again at the end of that statement and it made Dan's pants twitch.

"Be clear Dan. Ah am not here to seduce you. Ah am not here to make you cheat emotionally in any way whatsoever. Ah am here to put you through your paces and judge what needs work. That's it. Our relationship will never be more than that, and Ah think you'll be happier for it. This is work, Dan, not play. Although it sure looks like it. Now, come here," said Sandra, putting down her drink. As she did, her robe fell open just a little. Dan could see two pert breasts peeking out, and one of Sandra's long smooth legs peeked out from where the robe joined. It was artfully done and Dan didn't even realize it was a set move.

Dan got up and realized he had the beginnings of an erection, all the more apparent since his pants didn't fit that well and as such tented out far more than regular jeans would have.

"Oh my," said Sandra, her accent coming on thick, "is that for me? Oh Ah think we'll have no problems in me getting the hands on experience Ah need to make a judgment."

Dan was not impressed with himself. Here he was, in a slut's apartment, with a rapidly expanding hardon, and he didn't even really want to be here. For a second, he empathized with June and her situation. But then, the moment he did, his erection wilted.

Sandra saw it and said, "Aww...never mind. Ah'll kiss it better." Then she looked up at Dan and saw the expression on his face and she said, seriously, "You thought of her, didn't you?"

Dan nodded miserably, still standing in front of her.

"It's ok honey. In fact, it tells me you are one of the decent ones. Most guys would just have jumped on me by now. The fact that you are finding it difficult to perform just means you really are in love with her. She is special to you, no matter what she's done. It's ok."

She patted the spot next to her on the couch and guided Dan to sit down next to her. She thought for a moment and said, "Dan, what a woman wants most is a Man, with a capital A. A man who loves her, who wants her, who is thinking of her, who wants her to be happy. You are such a man. Ah want to help you, so you can love her more. Make her even happier. Ah know that's a crappy excuse for getting it on, but that really is the root here. Now, Ah want you to close your eyes, and imagine her. Imagine her in front of you. Can you do that for me?"

Dan nodded and shut his eyes. He could see her. In his favorite peach dress, the one that had the plunging back. He breathed and he could smell her. He could hear her laugh. He could see her smile at him. He smiled himself.

"Good. I can see that you do. Now, Ah want you to imagine that Ah am her. Ah am June. Tell me what you'd do."

"I'd... I'd kiss her. Slowly at first, then hard, then down her neck, like she likes."

"Then do that Dan. Show me what you'd do." Sandra's voice was low and almost hypnotic. Dan opened his eyes, looked at Sandra, and did as he was bid. He kissed her and she kissed right back. Immediately he was struck by how soft Sandra's lips were compared to June. Kissing June was more like a competition, where as Sandra just melted into his lips.

Then he kissed down her neck and he felt her breathing increase.

After a couple of minutes of that, she pulled him off, and then took one of his hands and put it inside her robe, on her breast. "Feel that Dan? Feel that heartbeat? That's your doing. It should be twice as slow as that."

Dan looked down at his hand on her breast, so warm and then back up at Sandra.

"Lets go into the bedroom," she said.

They went.

Dan performed. He was required to wear a condom, which was fine. He wouldn't have done anything without one. It did become apparent that he was the active participant early on. Sandra didn't offer anything in the way of services; no blowjob or hand manipulation, – she just sat there, or lay there, - and took whatever he had to offer. He did everything he could think of, every trick, position and tempo. She was unbelievably wet, although he did wonder if there was some hooker trick to that – some kind of pre-lubrication. Either way though, he didn't much care. He performed. His new body allowed lots of positions previously un-attemptable and he was happy to try them.

He was pretty sure he made her cum at least three times, once when eating her, and twice while fucking her – once when he was manipulating her clit when doing her from behind, and once when he stuck his finger in her ass while she was sitting on his dick, bent over.

When they were done, he sat there, breathing heavily. He might have been doing endurance training, but the activity he'd just partaken in still got him winded. He was also sweating up a storm, and he was embarrassed to be wetting her sheets as the sweat dripped off him.

He rolled over to say something to Sandra, but she put her finger on his lips and just said, "shush. The sheets can be washed. Just lie here and recover."

They lay there for fifteen minutes while his heartbeat slowly went back to normal and his skin lost some of its heat.

Eventually Sandra got up and went into the bathroom. Dan heard a shower start up. Ten minutes later Sandra exited the bathroom and said, "All yours sugar. Go get clean. Then we talk."

Dan walked in to the bathroom, and as men have ever done since the beginning of time when in a strange bathroom, he looked around for towels, soap and something to wash his body with, investigating all the bottles of mysterious colored goo for what he needed.

After a hot shower, that felt So Good – the water pressure in the apartment was top notch – Dan got out, toweled off and got dressed again. He went back out into the main living room to find Sandra, now ensconced in a voluminous bathrobe.

She smiled at him and gestured for him to sit down. "Now, sugar, don't you feel better for that?" she said.

Dan was very confused internally. He was guilty, but not guilty at the same time. There was guilt but it wasn't over whelming. Sandra looked at him and the smile kept going.

"Confusing, aint it sugar? Guilty, but not guilty. Look, you needed that. Ah could tell. You have to look at what we did as though we just played racket ball. It meant as much, but both of us got to win."

Dan snorted at that. "Yeah, but itwasn'tracket ball, was it? I just broke my wedding vows."

"Well, you can look at it that way. Ah think you'll find that contract was already broken and therefore invalid, but yes, it can be looked at that way. Ah prefer to think of it that you got what you needed out, and also gave me what Ah needed to be able to help you."

Dan looked away from her and said quietly, "Yeah, Don Juan, that's me."

"Oh Ah think you'd be surprised there honey," said Sandra. "So, do you want my verdict? The conclusions Ah've come to based on your performance?"

"Sure," said Dan, resignedly. It couldn't be worse than how he'd performed the first time he'd gotten into the ring for a sparring session. At least he'd sold a script now. He could cling to that.

"Overall Dan, you are pretty good. Definitely better than the average. You aren't in it just for your...ah, jollies. You get off, but you are considerate and you want the lady to have her moments too. You spend a lot of time on oral and just touching. You'll do whatever you can to get her off before attending to your own needs. You have an earnestness about you that is endearing. To be honest, Ah'm quite impressed. You care about position, you don't lean on the ladies hair and there is no slapping with the exception of a little ass slap, which is fine.

Your size is more than adequate - larger than normal but not so large as to be painful. Most women will never tell you this, but for most women, anything over eight inches is painful. Depending on the position, a larger penis will hit the entrance to the womb and that, let me tell you, hurts. Particularly if you are being pounded by a large man. You are fine though. Filling without being painful."

It was so strange to hear something so clinical about such an intimate act in a sweet southern accent, but Dan listened attentively. He'd already done the deed now; he needed to get something out of it.

"You have your tricks there too. The fingers in the ass and the clit grabbing come to mind. The oral was well done too.

So now the things that need work. The most basic one is that of control and tempo. See, you are good at the basic act Dan. You can position yourself appropriately, pound away, and so on, and it's good. But you aren't controlling the whole act. You are almost an island unto yourself. What you aren't doing is listening to what the woman's body is telling you about what is happening, what she likes and then controlling the situation with that in mind. What you are doing is good, no question, but it's not being done in response to her reactions. You are varying your technique, but sometimes what you are varying to is making it all worse for her. There's a fine line between brinkmanship on the part of her orgasm, and plain just not knowing what you are doing and frustrating her constantly by accident."

Dan frowned and looked down.

"Now don't look like that. Ah didn't mean to imply you were fumbling around in the dark there Dan. Your technique is good. We just need to refine its usage. You know how to use the spade all right. Now you have to know where and how hard to dig yes? The good thing about this is that we aren't going to be introducing a bunch of new tricks into your repository, which would undoubtedly generate questions that Ah'm sure you wouldn't want to answer – or perhaps you would. Ah guess it depends on how much you want to punish her. What we are going to do is refine use of what you already know. Oh, we might add a few new tricks here and there, but nothing that doesn't come out of the book that Greg gave you – if asked, you can point at the book and smile and say you read a lot."

Dan laughed at that. Then frowned again, as he realized he was being asked to lie again. He'd have to think about that later.

"Ah think, Dan, that you have the makings of a first class lover. We need to tweak a few things, and get you listening to her body, and you'll be on your way. Now, it's late and you need to go because Ah need to sleep. Ah have a long day tomorrow with dreary clients from Germany who think the height of Americana is to see the Hollywood sign. Ah want you to go read a couple of book passages for me, and start thinking about reading body language. Remember though, every woman is different. Now, off you go. Sleep well and Ah'll see you at the same time next week, ok?"

Sandra stood up and gesture for Dan to go. He got up and walked to the door, where she gave him a small piece of paper. "One thing before you go. Ah've sampled both of you and let me be clear on this. Your wife wasn't getting any superior loving from Greg. Believe me when Ah tell you that. Trust me when Ah tell you Ah have the experience to tell, and if she loves you, then she loves what you do for her. Greg was just...different. But in no universe is he better in bed. At all. Ah'd say you have him beat there, and that's with no coaching at all. Know that Dan. Now, Greg has these books. He can lend them to you. Read the passages marked and think about how you'd use that information. Go and drive safe Dan."

And so Dan was left standing outside the door of her apartment, wondering what the hell he'd just done and also wondering what else he had to learn.

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AnonymousAnonymous15 days ago

LW writers need to get through the thick skulls that it's women who have trouble separating love from sex, not men. Other than dad, well written except for the fact that you made a cheater out of your MC. No moral ground to stand on now.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I found this chapter to be rather well done. The escorts analysis if, in my mind rather accurate. I have a friend who used to a high-end escort, and she pointed out to me that the area men need help most is tuning into and accurately reading the woman's physical responses to what he is doing. Ge THAT, coupled with good techniques, is a serious force multiplier that will put you miles ahead of the other guys. She'll definitely want to have you back for more because she is satisfied on so many more levels.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Worst story I’ve ever read. Now we have TWO cheating assholes. Why should I give a rat’s ass about either cheater. Off to find a decent author.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Interesting how the hooker with a heart of gold basically inverts the male and female dynamic regarding sex and love. Lol.

Still a good story. The use of the taped conversation with Megan, the long email, and his time with Sandra are creative and useful plot devices that provide some insights the MC would never get in a straight up conversation.

Personally after his short confrontation with his wife, and her hurtful (yet honest) outburst, I would have said, get lean and fit and then pummel Greg, but after the four months, show up, present yourself to your wife, maybe spend a weekend in bed and then cut her loose.

But now angling towards reconciliation with this chapter. Still need a lot of work. Will be Interesting to see if author and pull off the reconciliation.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Im VERY glad he's having sex with another woman too. It's not about 'getting equal' but I don't think two people can come back from one's cheating without the other having a release as well. Maybe the better word is balance?

Great series Im super invested. 5 starz homie

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