Metis Academy Ch. 02: Greg's Story


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Greg gasped like a fish, and she giggled again. She knelt down to face him, and put her hands on his head. For a moment, Greg felt a cool, tingling sensation wash over his brain, and then, the effects of the ambient lust started to lessen. Greg rolled to a sitting position, leaning against the wall, and caught his breath as the tension slowly ebbed down. Even his cock eased to a less impossible tension, and Greg felt the cool tingling sweep over it, soothing away the pain, though not the sexual pressure.

"Fucking hell," Greg couldn't help but say when he could finally form words.

Pam grinned. "Yeah, I know. It's so bad in here, even some of us girls start feeling the effects if we don't actively resist. You boys have no idea how easy you have it thanks to the teachers. You know originally, the dorms were going to be co-ed, but I think they were afraid you boys would go into comas once our powers started kicking in. It was a good call."

Now that he could think again, Greg could hear several lustful cries, mostly from the lobby. He glanced in and his eyes widened as he saw several other boys in there. A group of girls were just hanging out, while several boys either gave them massages, grabbed them snacks, or refilled drinks. A few other boys were pushed up against the wall, bound there by magic, and were squirming and moaning like loons. All of their cocks were hideously swollen, teased beyond the brink to the point of absolute tension.

"Oh, don't mind them," said Pam. "It's the usual round of weekend servants. See, some of the more desperate boys can put their names into a drawing to see if they get to serve us girls in the lobby for a weekend. Usually if they do, they get a nice hard milking for their efforts, assuming the general consensus is that they did a good job." Pam giggled. "Of course, if a guy gets picked multiple times, we can't make it too easy, so we give them less and less shielding from the lust aura. See Steve over there? That guy's got some inhuman stamina. Third weekend in a row he's served, and we didn't even let him cum last weekend."

Greg looked away and held up the hardcopy of his story. "Can we please just do this?"

Pam smiled. "Of course!" she said, and stood. Greg noticed then that she was only wearing a thin pair of pink pajama pants and a tight tank top with no bra or panties. Greg's cock twitched, causing Pam to giggle.

Greg flushed and got up, following her to the stairwell. Greg swallowed and looked around. No girls were in the hallway to see him enter, but he new that didn't mean a thing. Every empowered female could sense exactly where his cock was, and they'd know the moment he set foot beyond the boundaries of the "no boys allowed" zone. Pam looked at him patiently, but motioned for him to follow.

Greg took a breath and stepped forward. He followed her up to the third floor, then a couple doors down to her room. Greg blinked as he heard a set of distinctly sexual moans coming from the room across the hall, one female, but another unmistakably male. Pam giggled. "Told you. Girls sneak boys in hear all the time, especially on weekends. Now get in here."

Greg followed her inside, noting with a small degree of envy how the girls' rooms not only had doors they could close, but doors with locks. Greg felt a nervous chill as he heard her secure the lock. Greg noticed her go to her computer, a small laptop, and position it to face the bed. She clicked open a sound recording program, and set it to start.

"Okay," she said. "We're good to go. Get on the bed and speak loudly and clearly."

"Okay," said Greg. He sat on the bed, reclining against the head board.

Pam then got on the bed and positioned herself cross legged between Greg's legs, forcing him to spread them wide. She grinned mischievously, and Greg swallowed nervously. He then held the paper up in front of him and began to read.

"My name is Greg Dowser a pre-university student by day, but by night, I become Dr. Psycho, master scientist! With my new hypno-ray, I shall finally get my revenge on the Phenomenal Five!"

Pam snorted with laughter, and Greg paused. "Is it bad?" he said.

"It's perfect. Just like a comic book! Keep going!"

Greg continued from there, describing the trap that he, as Dr. Psycho, would spring for the women, staging a museum heist to get their attention. As he did so, he felt Pam's hands grip his cock. Greg's voice caught for a moment, but he forced himself to go on as she held him. It was just as aggravating as before, being held like that. Especially now, he wanted nothing more than to thrust into her hand, but he knew she'd just follow his movements to prevent any friction.

When he got to the part where the Five busted into the museum, Phoenix taking point, Pam slowly began to stroke him. It was with a maddening pace, taking several seconds to do a single downward pull, and several more to go up. Greg's voice faltered just a bit, and Pam stopped with a giggle. "Try that line again, I'm not sure the microphone got it." She motioned to the laptop.

Greg cleared his throat and started the line over, managing not to falter as Pam resumed her stroking. When Greg got to the part where he had hypnotized the heroes, her stroking got slightly faster. And when he got to the part where he took Phoenix to his private quarters, she went just a little bit faster, her grip a bit firmer.

It wasn't much longer before Greg couldn't hold out any more. He fumbled his words, and his hips squirmed, until he thrust up into her hand.

"Hey!" she said. "Speak clearly now! And keep still!"

"I can't r-read like this if you're touching me," Greg said.

"Aw, but you don't want me to stop touching you, do you?" Her hand slowed to a near-stop.

Greg bit his lip to hold back a moan of frustration. Of course he didn't, if she stopped now, he'd go crazy, but if she kept going, there was no way he could keep this up. "N-no... please keep... stroking me..."

Pam smiled and resumed her pace, but Greg immediately bucked into her hands by reflex. "Hey, none of that now! That's cheating!" Pam pointed at him, and Greg felt something seize him by the hips, some sort of invisible set of tethers that somehow felt like them were gripping him from the inside, rooting his hips and ass to the bed. Greg grit his teeth to try and compose himself, but Pam's hands moved just a little bit faster now. "Well," she said. "Keep going."

Somehow, over the course of an hour, Greg managed to stutter and gasp out his story. Pam made him repeat lines for a better recording, even as she started doing other things with her hands, tickling his balls and cock head, drumming her fingers up and down his shaft, each tap of her fingertip giving him a tiny jolt of pleasure. She laughed often as he read, a cute giggle that was starting to drive Greg crazy almost as much as her hands. When it was done, Greg nearly threw the papers to the floor as he gripped the edges of the bed and moaned.

"Y-y-you like?" said Greg, a hopeful gleam in his eye.

"I did!" said Pam, and her hands switched back to the steady stroking. "You've a good imagination, Dr. Greg. Your style could use some polish, but it did give me a good laugh!"

"Y-yeah?" gasped Greg. "But...?"

Pam gave him a sly smirk. "But, I'm afraid it didn't get me wet."

"So no... release...?" Greg panted.

"I'm afraid not, Dr. Greg. Besides, bad guys shouldn't be rewarded for praying on poor, innocent superheroes!" Nonetheless, her slow strokes continued, and Greg shuddered as he nearly edged again, his eyes closing tight and his mouth twisting into a grimace as he fought to keep control of himself. Pam smirked, watching his expressions, so comically serious. "But like I said, the story was fun, and I appreciate that you went through the trouble. So, despite your stubbornness, I think you're not a lost cause. So, I will give you a treat."

Greg suddenly felt a warm, silky wetness envelope his penis head, at once familiar, yet new. His eyes snapped open and looked down, and he realized Pam had taken him into her mouth. Her actual, physical, mouth! He felt time almost slow for a moment as the realization hit him. And then the pleasure struck him like a wave, and his cock clenched hard at the screaming edge of an orgasm she would not let him have.

Pam slowly lowered her mouth on him, her tongue softly caressing the sensitive underside of the shaft as she sucked him in, dragging her lips torturously slow down his shaft, until they touched the root of him. Then she held him there, letting him marinate in her mouth. Greg couldn't even draw breath to moan or cry out. Even with his hips magically secured, the rest of his body writhed and thrashed as her mouth bathed his overly teased cock in wet, sexual fire. She had to be adding to the effect with magic, either that, or she'd used her magic to make him more sensitive. Either way, Greg thought he was going to black out. But, of course, he didn't. The magic would not allow any form of relief.

And then, after what felt like a too-quick eternity, she slowly slid back up, sucking hard, and dragging her lips and tongue heavily along the sensitive skin. She let the edge of her teeth very gently scrape along the sensitive cock head, a sensation Greg had never felt before, and it made a lightning bolt of pleasure lance through his cock. She held his cock head between her lips for just a moment more, then finally pulled off with a soft pop.

She had given him a single suck that lasted thirty seconds. Greg felt like he'd just spent twelve hours as the human dildo in the National Cowgirl Marathon. It took him a couple minutes to finally calm down from the fierce edging he'd just experienced. He finally took a huge breath and said, "Wh-what... what...?"

Pam smiled patiently. "That was a blow job."

"But... is that... is that it...?"

Pam let out a short laugh. "Wow. Ungrateful much? I just gave you your first blow job ever."

Greg looked at her confused. "I've... I've had blow jobs... I mean..."

"Uh-uh. I could see it in your head, you've only felt psychic ones. Sex Magic blow jobs. I just gave you your very first real one. How'd it feel?"

"Pretty good... but..."

"But...?" Pam cocked an eyebrow at him with a dangerously inquisitive look.

Greg swallowed hard before boldly stating. "Too short?"

Pam laughed. "Oh, you're adorable, you know that?" She poked his cock with a finger tip, causing a magic jolt to run through his organ, making him jump. His cock, still not quite off the plateau, flexed rapidly in another failed attempt to cum. Greg shuddered and shook and Pam laughed again. "Don't push your luck. When a girl actually goes so far as to put your penis in her mouth, you should treat it like a gift from God. Not too many girls will lower themselves to doing it anymore, you know. They'd rather just use their magic. Well, unless they have an oral fetish." She paused and looked at him. "It's special, is what I'm saying."

"I see," said Greg. He genuinely hadn't thought of it that way before.

Pam sighed and poked his penis again, causing Greg to gasp and shudder in another sharp edging. He gave Pam a half-glare, half-confused look. "Wh-what was that for?"

Pam said, "For a smart boy, you're awfully dense." Greg just looked at her confused. Pam rolled her eyes and tapped his penis again. This time Greg cried out and thrashed, the edging lasting almost twice as long as the pleasure pulse she gave him took a slow, idling burn down his length.

"I just told you a real, physical blow job is special. And this was your first, so it's extra special."

Greg, trying desperately to keep his brain from stalling, gasped out, "I-I-I don't... know what..." then somehow it donned him. "Thank you! Thank you so much, Pam!"

Pam blinked and watched him try to compose himself. "Almost," she said, and gave him another tap. Greg moaned loudly as the pleasure pulse went even slower, stretching out the fierce edging even longer. Pam patiently waited for him to catch his breath.

"Th-thank you... M-mistress Pam..."

Pam paused with her finger perilously close to Greg's cock, poised to strike. Greg's eyes flicked from her finger to her face rapidly, fair and lust in his eyes. Then, Pam grinned and pulled her hand away, instead reaching up to pat him on the head. "There you go. You're a bit slow, but you can learn."

"Learn?" said Greg. "So, wait, you really want to be my Mistress?"

Pam grinned. "There's those smarts! Yes. I want you to be my official boy slave."

"Really?" said Greg. "I didn't know you were interested in me that way."

"I didn't know you were a Phenomenal Five fan," she said. "But I have found you intriguing. Like I said, other girls thought you were boring. But I always thought you'd be a good challenge."

Greg blinked at that, giving her a nervous look. If this was her idea of taking on a challenge...

Pam laughed. "Oh, I've got all sorts of things in store for you. That is, if you accept my offer."

"Do I really have a choice?"

"Yes, actually," she said. "You do. You can say no, and I'll just treat you like I would any of the other boys here. Say yes, though, and you'll have my protection, in so far as I can give it."

"Really?" he said.

"Yes. Us girls are starting to do this unofficial policy. Make a boy your official slave, and the other girls will back off, at least a little. Plus, I can vouch for you if you get caught doing minor offenses. Such as, I dunno, going into a girl's room? And I can even waive a few of your lesser punishments."

Greg's eyes widened. "R-really? You'd do that?"

Pam's grin turned sly. "Oh, yes. Mind you, you might still be punished for plenty of things. But for most things, I'll be allowed to personally handle your punishments. It'll be a bit nicer coming from me, I assure you." She pointed at his cock, causing him to flinch, but she didn't actually touch him this time. "Of course, you are going to have to earn every reprieve I give you, and learn to not be so stubborn."

Greg looked at her warily. "Um... can I... think about it for a bit...?"

Pam chuckled and reached forward. Greg flinched as she grasped his genitals, one hand holding his cock, the other his balls. However, she didn't stroke him, or channel any magic through them. Yet. "Sure," she said with a smirk. "I got all day."

Greg flushed under her smiling gaze as he tried to think it over. His hips were still locked in place, and thus, could not thrust to gain any friction from her grip. And even though she wasn't stimulating him, he was still quite sensitive and tense from the edgings she'd just given him. He squirmed as she held him; the non-stimulating hold was taunting him even worse than before, keeping him so perilously close to the edge.

Considering that, and considering the benefits she'd just described, and even considering she was, in fact, a very cute fellow geek... well... what choice was there, really? Pam smiled widely, already knowing his answer as he thought it, and her sly gaze informing him of this. "Right answer," she said and she began to stroke him once more. "Now, tell me another story. This time of Phoenix dominating you. And if that one makes me wet, you might still get to have an orgasm this month after all."

Greg's mind whirled as he tried to think of a new fantasy on the spot, much less verbalize it. Pam giggled as she read his mental struggle. "Take your time," she said. "I've got all day, and some things just can't be rushed." She winked and squeezed Greg's tender balls softly. Greg shuddered and nodded, knowing better than to disappoint his new Mistress.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Time to start shooting

This kind of nonsense would drive anyone sane to murder-suicide

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
master piece

continue this master piece

chifighterchifighterover 8 years ago
nice but it is missing my favorite

It is a nice story and the sex magic is dark but fun and I see you could turn this into a wonderful story if you added some romance but that is just for me I'm not saying you have to brighten it up

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

please would you make more stories about this academy it was an amazing read and i find myself just craving more

ValensGirlValensGirlover 10 years ago

Awwyes, comic book nerd girl dommes! :D

And God, the edging and frustration of the boys was so hot. So hot. Well done.

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