Michelle's Cruise Ch. 03


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After our toasts, Brett kissed Michelle with a long, lingering kiss on her lips. I ached to kiss my wife but instead kissed Kristen's soft, sweet lips.

Brett told us, "I made a reservation at my favorite restaurant, Bavettes. I know Michelle's never been there." Then he looked directly at me, "Robert, have you?"

I almost blurted out that this had been the first time I'd ever been in Chicago, much less a particular restaurant. Before I said it, I remembered that I was Kristen's guy-friend so had most likely been in Chicago before. I simply answered him, "No, I haven't had the pleasure yet."

I'd lost track of time, so have no idea how long it took us to get to Bavettes. I suppose it doesn't really matter. Brett and I both spent the time snuggling and kissing our women on the way. I'll admit that my attention was mostly on Michelle and how she was so clearly intoxicated, under Brett's charm. As I've said before, jealousy is like a powerful aphrodisiac to me and the extreme jealousy had been flowing ever since we'd arrived at their house last night. I was shocked to realize I was even relating to Brett's house as my wife's as well.

Once we stepped through the door of Bavette's, it was apparent why Brett thought so highly of it. It was different than anything I'd ever seen before. I don't even know how to describe it. It was dark, cozy and very romantic, with real candles burning on the tables for much of the light, along with the fantastic chandeliers spread around the room, but set very dim. The impeccably dressed host knew Brett by sight and seated us in one of the back booths where we'd have as much privacy as possible. The booth was scrumptious leather seating, totally different than any other restaurant I'd ever been in.

Brett asked me if I liked Scotch. Umm, I had no idea, never tasted it. "I love it," I told him. Both Michelle and Kristen enthusiastically agreed. He ordered the four of us a Macallan 18 year, double. I had absolutely no clue what that might be. I live in a completely different world! They arrived in large, amber colored, stem glasses that were undoubtedly expensive themselves. I may not have known what the drink itself was, but it was pretty clear what the "double" meant.

When the waiter brought our drinks, he asked Brett, "Would you like to order sir, or would you like menus?"

Britt answered, "I know what I want." Then he asked Michelle and Kristen if they'd like a menu. Obviously, he'd been he and Kristen had been because they both knew what they wanted Michelle asked to see a menu. I asked the waiter what kind of steaks they had?

"Sir, our Chicago ribeye is the very best steak in the City." That sounded good to me, so told him that's what I'd like. He went through the normal litany of salad, type of potato, type of vegetable and so on.

Kristen ordered the broiled salmon, Michelle the petite filet mignon, and Brett another Chicago ribeye. Then Brett shocked the hell out of me, he ordered an appetizer of roasted bone marrow. I about puked on the table right then and there! He added what sounded like salmon tartair or something like that. I never saw the menu to see exactly what it was.

While we waited for our food, I couldn't take my eyes off my beautiful wife and the sexy, obviously very expensive dress she was wearing. I tried to imagine her out with friends in such a dress at home and simply couldn't. I remembered the transparent blouse Michelle had worn to the Black Angus one time, but that had been completely different. She was embarrassed and it was more of a lark, a promise made in the heat of a moment. This dress is almost sexier and more revealing by the way it's so form-fitting and thin. It's also elegant, drawing attention to the natural beauty of my wife.

Our waiter brought our salads, bone marrow and salmon whatever. The roasted bone marrow came in eight small bite sized chunks and actually looked good, not like I'd imagined bone marrow might be. Actually, it was so far outside my realm of experience that I'd never even imagined it before. It was apparently finger food as Brett picked one up and then offered them to the rest of us. I didn't want to be rude, so took one and gingerly put it in my mouth. Brett was obviously enjoying himself at my expense, watching as I gingerly put it in my mouth, trying to not make a face. It wasn't bad, actually pretty good. Michelle tried the bone marrow as well, exclaiming how good it was. I wasn't going to go that far.

The salmon came in two rolls, each one sliced into four small parts. I'll admit I liked that much better than the bone marrow. I picked up one of the salmon slices and fed it to Kristen, who took my fingers in her mouth and very saucily licked them clean. I thought we were doing a masterful job of playing boyfriend/girlfriend. During the day, I'd come to like her very much. She wasn't at all like the professional women I've worked with over the years. I suppose they're probably a lot more fun away from their business work as well.

The waiter hadn't lied about the steak. I don't know if it was the best in Chicago because my experience was limited to this one restaurant. But it was certainly better than anything I'd ever had before. Michelle said the same about her filet mignon. It was a very enjoyable dinner. The food, other than the bone marrow, was simply outstanding and the company we were with couldn't have been better. The only thing I could think that could have made it better was Michelle by my side, or at least to know where I stood with her.

We talked about inconsequential things, nothing about our work. Brett inquired about me, my home life and so on. I made up the story as went along, being sure to file away the details I was telling him in my mind in case I needed to remember them again.

After dinner, we drove to a club Brett said was his favorite. He told us that it caters to people a bit more mature than the 20's crowds When we walked in, I could tell why; the music was much softer, slower and much more pleasant than I'd heard in my vast repertoire of bar experience (about three bars total). I had no idea what the music was since it wasn't country or square dance music, but I liked it. The tables were lit with small flickering, flameless candles, and the room lighting was soft and low, very romantic. It was easy to see why Brett liked it.

Nearly everyone there seemed to be couples, probably in their thirties or older. This definitely wasn't a "pick-up" bar.

We ordered drinks, mine was a Singapore Sling and I don't recall the others. They weren't just wine, though. I was curious as to how much Michelle had gotten used to drinking alcohol since she'd been with Brett. I was already starting to feel a bit tipsy, after the drink in the limo, then that double vodka in the restaurant. Thank goodness for a good meal.

We found a table and sat listening to the music for a few minutes. Brett and Michelle sat snuggled as close as you can on two chairs with his hand rubbing the inside of her thigh. I simply held Kristen's hand and took a few slow sips of my drink. The dance floor was fairly small, maybe twenty feet square and there were five or six couples dancing, all tight against each other.

After sitting a few minutes, I asked Kristen if she'd like to dance. When she nodded affirmatively, I took her hand and led her onto the dance floor. Her arms went around my neck and her cheek tight against mine as we shuffled around the floor. This close to her, I could definitely smell her perfume and told her how much I liked it. "Mmm, thank you," she said. Then she lightly brushed her lips against mine and we snuggled tighter together.

She whispered in my ear, "Do you think we've convinced Brett that we're lovers yet?"

I couldn't help but tease a little, "I don't know. I think he's still a little skeptical."

"Well maybe we'd better try a little harder," she giggled. She closed her eyes and kissed me for real, definitely as lovers would kiss. I felt her tongue slithering through my open lips, exploring my mouth. I kissed her back, just as ardently until we both had to take a breath. When we broke apart, Kristen commented, "Mmm, I liked that."

I agreed, "So did I, but I think we'll probably need to practice a little more to get it right."

She laughed and snuggled her cheek tightly against mine.

I glanced at Brett and my wife and they were just getting up from the table, not paying us even a little bit of attention. Kristen moved her lips back to mine. This time it felt like the practicing was over and we really were lovers. She opened her mouth and I felt her tongue tickling my lips so I responded along with her and in only a couple seconds were locked in a passionate kiss. Kristen's soft, sweet lips were working with mine, her arms wrapped tightly around my neck. This woman definitely knew how to kiss! I was enjoying myself immensely with our pelvic areas pressed tightly to each other.

She finally broke away, and whispered once again, "Do you think that'll convince him?"

"It's a start, but we still have to keep working on it, maybe improving our technique a little."

I looked for Brett and Michelle once again. They were on the dance floor, in each other's arms. What I saw shook me to the bone, Michelle's arms were extended straight over Brett's shoulders, his on her hips. Their eyes were locked on each other and Michelle had this little smile I've seen so many times when she's enjoying herself immensely.

Kristen and I danced together cheek to cheek but my eyes were glued onto my wife and her lover. I watched as their lips came closer together and finally touched, growing into much more than a simple passionate kiss. Michelle's arms closed around his neck pulling him tighter to her and they literally melted into each other's arms. My jealousy almost exploded as I watched their passionate kiss, probing each other's mouth with their tongues. It was literally torture watching my wife and Brett kiss so fervently when I needed to kiss her so badly! I'm almost ashamed to admit that as I was dancing with Kristen, kissing and snuggling her, my hard-on was much more because of the sexy scene unfolding on the other side of the dance floor.

I'd watched them fucking by the pool earlier in the day, and listened the night before, but this dance, this kiss, was far more erotic...and more frightening than anything I'd witnessed before. I think the fact that Brett had no idea Michelle's husband was watching, that he was so uninhibited added to the eroticism immeasurably. I still didn't have any clue what Michelle's plans were, whether she intended to accept his offer or come home to me was also adding to my sexual tension. I've said several times before that the potential to lose her added to my reveling in her sexual adventures. The fear had never been greater than at that moment, and I was hard as an iron spike. I know that reading this you're thinking I'm totally a crazy, demented person. Who am I to argue when the facts are so clearly obvious!

The song mercifully ended and another began. The four of us continued to dance, snuggle and kiss. Kristen had noticed me several times glancing at my wife and Brett. "You like watching her with him, don't you?"

"Why, what makes you say that?"

She ground her hips against my erection, saying, "It's fairly obvious, isn't it?"

I laughed a little, replying, "Maybe that's for you."

"Well, I hope so, at least a little bit."

I closed my eyes and kissed her, our lips melting together. I didn't want to admit that my erection did mostly have to do with watching my wife and Brett, but Kristen was a sexy, enjoyable woman in her own right. She'd definitely been adding to my enjoyment of the evening.

I looked back over at Brett and Michelle. My wife had turned her back to him and had snuggled up tight to his chest, her cheek leaning in against his. Brett's hands were right under my wife's breasts with Michelle's hands over his. I was sure Michelle was looking directly at me as she pulled his hands up over her breasts and encouraged him to caress her.

I couldn't help but think back to a little over two years ago when Michelle had never gone out in public without a bra or allowed more than a kiss on the cheek in public. Now, she's wearing a dress that shows every tiny detail of her body and encouraging another man to fondle her with probably every eye in the club on her.

After three or four dances with Kristen, I whispered that I needed to talk to Michelle. Kristen suggested, "Let's go sit and rest. Maybe they will too and you can ask Brett's permission to dance with her." I thought that would feel kind of weird, asking another man for permission to dance with my own wife!

Kristen was right. Shortly after we sat down, Brett and Michelle did so as well. We sat and visited, drinking our drinks while I got up my courage to ask Michelle to dance. Shortly after, Michelle got up to go to the restroom. Kristen excused herself as well to show Michelle where to find the restroom. I wondered what they'd be saying to each other. Michelle still had to be dying of curiosity how I came to be Kristen's date for the weekend.

While they were gone, I told Brett, "You're a lucky man. Your girlfriend is a beautiful woman."

He didn't disagree. "She is, isn't she! She's the best thing that's ever happened to me."

"It's pretty obvious how she feels about you. Are you planning to marry her?"

He nodded, "I am. There are some... complications, but those get worked out."

Umm yeah, I thought, there certainly are some complications, such as the fact that she's my wife! But I'll admit, his confidence scared the shit out of me... and sent a surge of adrenaline charged eroticism through me! I had to be careful to not show those emotions that were running through my head.

He asked me, "How about you, I see you're wearing a wedding ring but you're with Kristen. Are you married?"

I laughed kind of nervously. I hoped he wasn't getting suspicious about me. "No, I was but it didn't work out. We split up a couple years ago, but I've never had the heart to take the ring off."

"I understand. I was married but when my wife died three years ago, it took a long time to get over. Meeting Michelle has been the best thing that's ever happened to me I think. I've never been with anyone like her." I almost felt guilty, wanting to take his woman away from him, but then I thought, What the hell am I thinking, that's exactly what he's trying to do to me!

Now seemed like as good a time as any. "Would you mind if I danced once with her?"

He laughed a little, "No, not at all, not as long as you're not planning on taking her away from me."

That's exactly what I was planning! I laughed a little, "I've seen her with you, I'm pretty sure I couldn't take her away from you with all the dances in the world."

"Feel free to ask her when she gets back. It's up to her."

I smiled at him in gratitude, "Thanks."

While we were waiting for the ladies to return, he asked me how I'd met Kristen, and I gave him the story we'd agreed on, that we'd met while I was working on her St Louis building. I talked a little about how wonderful I thought Kristen was and surprised myself. I wasn't exaggerating. I did think she was a pretty wonderful woman. I thought that if we'd met in other circumstances, we could have become very close, even actual lovers. Of course, I realized that under different circumstances, I'd never have been brave enough to go on a date with anyone like her.

When the ladies returned and sat down, I asked, "Michelle, may I have this dance?"

She looked over at Brett, silently asking his permission. He understood and told her, "Fine, go ahead. Just no hanky-panky." We both laughed.

When we were on the dance floor, still close enough for Brett to hear, Michelle told me, "My man's a little possessive. I didn't know if he'd want me dancing with some stranger."

This was the first time I'd touched my wife since May tenth, almost two-and-a-half months ago. I wanted to crush her to me, kiss her like she'd never been kissed in her life. I felt the skin on her back. It felt softer than I remembered. I resisted the urge to run my hand up and down her back to relish the feel of her, kiss her neck, wrap my hands around her wonderful breasts. I desperately wanted to feel her nipples against my chest. I had to remember, we were strangers and this was just a polite, single dance. For her part, Michelle simply held my hand loosely and rested her other on my shoulder. My hand and shoulder burned from her touch. I wanted so much more, but I knew that in front of Brett, there couldn't be more. Michelle smiled at me, her only acknowledgment of any familiarity.

I laughed a little and we very inconspicuously danced our way to the other side of the floor. When I was certain we were far enough, I told her, "You and Brett look like a couple in love."

"We are a couple in love. He's a wonderful man and I do love him, very much."

I was certain that Brett was still watching us. Even though we were far enough away that he couldn't hear, the dance floor wasn't large enough to be out of his sight. I didn't want to let myself shake or my face give away how I was feeling right then. In spite of the fear welling up inside me, I continued to smile as if I was simply enjoying a simple dance with a beautiful woman. Michelle's face wasn't showing any emotion either. Was she trying as hard as I was to not give away true feelings? Or were there simply no emotions there to show? I was nearly dying inside.

I had no idea what to say to my own wife after she told me how much she's in love with another man. She went on, something that shook me to my core, "He's asked me to marry him, to stay with him."

I backed away slightly, looking into her eyes, still desperately trying to maintain my look of detached friendliness. "And what did you tell him?"

She also was looking into my eyes, "I haven't told him anything yet, but he knows what I'm going to say. He knows I'm going to tell him yes."

I felt like I'd lost everything at that moment. The tears were so close to brimming into my eyes. I knew I'd fight for my woman, but I had no idea how. How do I fight the kind of charm and wealth Brett has? How do I offer Michelle anywhere close to the lifestyle she's come to know she can have with him? It took me a moment to realize what she'd actually said. She hadn't said she would tell him that, only that Brett knows that's what she's going to say. "Is that what you're going to tell him?"

Her face actually did smile at me, "I'm going to tell him..." It seemed to me that she paused an eternity, My heart completely stopped during that pause. It was probably only a second or two, but the entire rest of my life was in those seconds. I was deathly afraid of her next words.

She repeated, "I'm going to tell him that I'm already married to the most wonderful man ever. I'll tell Brett the truth, that I do love him, but I can never leave my husband."

I stopped breathing, not sure if I'd heard her correctly. When I felt her hand tighten in mine and she pulled me closer to her body, enough that I could feel, but Brett wouldn't be able to see, I realized I'd heard her correctly. She was still my wife! Oh, how I longed at that moment to crush her to me, feel her body against mine. Instead, we continued to dance and politely smile and even emit a couple small laughs as if something humorous had been said, instead of the most beautiful words in the English language. Before the music ended, she asked me, "Did you find the notes?"

I smiled at her, "They're what kept me sane the whole time."

She giggled at that, a real giggle this time. "Pervert," she said.

I laughed at that one too. Damn right I was a pervert, but I was a pervert that was getting his wife back, and it was the most glorious feeling I ever remembered having!