Michelle's Fantasy


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Okay? She'd just asked me if I thought she looked okay! That certainly wasn't the word I'd have used! I cleared my throat and looked into her eyes, "Yeah, I think you look okay! You look incredibly okay! You look, I don't even know what to say, you're ravishing!"

"One last touch, I think," going back to her dressing table spraying some perfume on her wrists and behind her ears. Then she unsnapped the blouse top snaps and sprayed it between her breasts and re-snapped it. I love that perfume, it alone makes me go wild when she wears it.

When she was finally ready, she came over to me, kissed me lightly, "I don't want to mess up my lipstick." Then she smiled at me and added, just for my benefit I was sure, "Until later."

She told me she was meeting Shaun at seven. "And part of the evening, we're going to be with another friend, Amber." Well, at least I now had a name. I wondered who 'Amber' was though. I can't think of any of her friends named Amber and why would they be meeting another girl?.

As she was leaving, she suggested that I call Jacqui, see if she wanted to go out somewhere. "Maybe it'll take your mind off what I'm doing tonight."

Watching my totally beautiful, sexy wife on her way to meet a guy, "What makes you think I want to take my mind off of what you're doing? Tonight's what I've been dreaming about for the last several months!"

Right before she closed the door, she said, "Just call her, please."


After Michelle had left, my cock was raging hard! She was finally out on a date, which was obviously going to end up in someone's bed, Shaun's bed! I suspected that Shaun was likely going to have the night of his life with my wife!

I put my night-dreaming aside for a minute and texted Jacqui, "Hi, wanna go out after work?" I know that Saturday nights are usually busy for her and she can't talk on the phone, so I didn't want to bother her. Text messaging is much more convenient sometimes.

It was about ten minutes later when I got her response back, "Love to, have a great idea for an evening, pick me up here at 9:30. Dress nice."

I wondered what her great idea was. When I went back in our bedroom to get ready, I noticed a package of birth control pills with several missing sitting very conspicuously on Michelle's vanity. It seems that she wanted to make it very clear to me what she intended tonight! I couldn't help but wonder how many times she'd already been with Shaun.

I shaved, slathered on some nice after shave Michelle had bought me, donned a nice pair of slacks and my best satiny shirt. A little later I was waiting outside the store's back door promptly at 9:30. Jacqui was ravishing when she walked out the door wearing a short mini-dress with a very sexy, low neckline, beautiful as always. I didn't know how one guy could be so lucky as to have two such wonderful, beautiful women in his life!

She wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me to her and kissing me, briefly touching my tongue with hers, then pulling away, "MMMM, We need to remember that for later!" Then she suggested we take her car, handing me her keys and asked, "Can we stop and grab something to eat at Burger King? I'm ravished!"

"Sure, sounds good to me, but where are we going?"

"Tell you later, but let's eat first."

After consuming our gourmet burgers, we were back in the car when she suggested, "Let's run over to Umatilla." Umatilla is a little town in Oregon right across the Columbia River, about forty miles away. The Columbia flows between Pasco and Kennewick, then makes a big swing to the South, becoming the border between Washington and Oregon.

"OK, but what's there?"

"There's a new club that I've been curious about, the 'Honey Bunnz Hideout'."

I looked at her with a bit of a quizzical look on my face, "I've heard of it, but isn't it a strip club?"

She got a little red in the face, "Well technically it's an exotic dance club. But I suppose you could describe it as a strip club."

"Why do you want to go there? Bit of a hankering for a sexy girl?" I teased her a little bit.

She looked back at me, "Just something I've been curious about. I've always kind of wanted to see what they were like. Do you want to go or not?"

"Oh, I'd love to! Just a little surprised that you do. Lead on my love."

We rode on in a bit of silence, until Jacqui asked me, "Where's Michelle tonight?"

"She told me she has a date. This is the first time she's gone out like this since she left Mike." Then I told her about Michelle getting ready for her date.

"Wow, she must be planning something really special! You don't know where she's going? Do you know the guy?"

"Nope, she told me his name was Shaun, but other than that, as Sergeant Schultz used to say on 'Hogan's Heroes', I know noothingg!"


We arrived at the Honey Bunzz a little after eleven O'clock. We walked through the door and I paid my twenty dollar cover charge. Apparently sexy ladies didn't have to pay the fee. I thought it was sexual discrimination! The hostess escorted us to a small table a couple rows back from the stage. All the closer tables had already been taken. I ordered a glass of wine for me and soda for Jacqui (five dollars each!). Neither of us tend to drink alcohol at all, so anything stronger for me was out of the question and Jacqui had volunteered to drive home afterward.

I was surprised as I'd driven past this club before on the way to Portland and it always looked pretty seedy from the outside. Inside though, it was really nice. The chairs were comfortable, armless (I found out why later!). The club was decorated well and lit pretty dimly. The stage was illuminated with nice soft, romantic lighting; almost like a flickering fireplace. The lights were very nice to showcase the attributes of the girls dancing and set a very sexy mood.

The stage was set in the middle of the room, with a narrow walkway to get to it. Then it was round, maybe six or eight feet in diameter with a section protruding out on one side for the pole. The way it was situated nearly in the center of the room, chairs and tables were all the way around, so the girls were facing people no matter which way they faced. It was only about six inches or so higher than the main floor, so it was much more intimate than I would've expected something like this to be. It seemed like almost every dance was a lap dance. When we arrived, there was a fairly young, cute girl dancing around the pole that caught my attention right away. As we watched, she gradually removed her clothes and guys were clamoring for her attention, throwing dollar bills and larger in front of her, along with the mandatory wolf whistles and catcalls. There were probably fifty or sixty people there, mostly men, but some sexily dressed girls like Jacqui in the audience as well (not as pretty as either her or Michelle though). This place was a horny guy's dream come true. I had never been anywhere like this!

Well, actually I remembered I had once before, although not nearly as nice. When Michelle and I were in Kodiak when I was in the Coast Guard, we didn't have a phone. She needed to call her dad, so we walked downtown and the only pay phone we could find was in a nightclub. As we walked in, there was a girl dancing on the stage. Michelle made her call and when we turned back around to the stage, the girl was naked! We were both country kids and literally shocked speechless! Neither of us had ever seen anything like that before then.

This club however was totally different than the one we had visited long ago. The décor was much nicer and the girls prettier. I noticed several very scantily clad girls wandering around the club talking to guys, sometimes taking money from a guy and giving him a private lap dance with a bit of touching and grinding right there on the floor. That was why the chairs didn't have any arms; so the girls could straddle the guy, sitting on his lap, grinding her pelvis into his! I asked Jacqui if maybe we should ask a girl to come over and give us (as in ME) a dance. She didn't say anything, but the look she gave me suggested that it might possibly not be a good idea for me to do that. I didn't understand why not, it was her idea to be here. Girls! Totally illogical!

Then I understood. "Oh, I get it, you want the lap dance!"

She scowled at me, fisted my arm gently and told me very firmly, "NO, I DO NOT!"

We sat at our table drinking our wine and soda, watching the pretty girls on stage and in the crowd. I couldn't help but comment on the size of some of the bare boobs and other female parts on display, getting some cute giggles from Jacqui. I even got brave and asked Jacqui if she wanted to try a little strip dancing on the stage sometime. I got a very quick and formal response, "No, but thank you for asking." I don't think her 'thanks for asking' was particularly sincere!

After we had been there a little over an hour and had drank several of those five dollar glasses, I was getting a pretty good hard-on from all the titillation (I love that word!) going on. The announcer once again introduced the next girl coming on stage, "And now ladies and gentlemen, our featured first time amateur for the night, I'm pretty sure you'll all like her, please give a big applause to Amber! Oh by the way, Amber has asked that you please keep your money in your pockets."

With that, there was a huge round of cat-calls and applause. Hearing that name reminded me that Michelle had told me earlier that she and Shaun were meeting an 'Amber' tonight. What a coincidence.

Then, a soft slow music started and out strolled Amber. "Oh my God," I thought! This was Michelle; MY MICHELLE! Wearing Jacqui's gold dress that I bought her in Virginia City, looking scared to death! I looked at the stunning woman on stage, thinking that I had to be seeing things. When I accepted that it really was Michelle, I looked at Jacqui, realizing that she must have known all about this and likely even helped plan it! She smiled back at me, gave me a little peck on the cheek and whispered in my ear, "Just watch and enjoy!"

I couldn't help it, I was totally flabbergasted! My wife was on a stage! IN A STRIP CLUB! Wearing practically nothing! It finally dawned on me what Michelle had meant when she said they were meeting Amber tonight.

The little metallic gold dress came about to her mid-thigh. The material was thin and barely covered her nipples with maybe half an inch to spare. The back was open, plunging down to just slightly reveal a hint of her butt crack. The front was held tight by tiny, nearly invisible elastic straps around her back, with the metallic gold straps hanging loosely across her back. In short, it was SEXY! I'd bought it for Jacqui in Virginia City, Nevada when she was pretending to be my 'escort' for the weekend.

So, I watched. My heart was beating fast, about to pound a hole in my chest. I loved Michelle showing her beautiful body off to people and she knew it. But this? This was over the top of anything I'd ever imagined! I honestly didn't know whether to get up and run for the door or stay to see what happens. I knew that if I had a chance, I'd tell her NO, not to do this! But then I realized something - I didn't have any control, I never had an opportunity to tell her no, I couldn't make her stop, there wasn't a thing I could do about my wife dancing nearly naked and maybe even doing a striptease show in front of hundreds of horny men! Well, maybe fifty or so anyway. This was something she'd done totally on her own and aside from how sexy she was, that fact alone set my libido on fire!

Just like the night in Kodiak when she'd made love with my friend Alec, or that night with Mike, there wasn't any way that I could look away. I didn't know what she might be going to do, maybe she was just planning to dance in that sexy dress? That itself was putting herself on display far more than she ever had before. But I kinda doubted that, Jacqui called this 'exotic dancing,' but in reality it was a S T R I P club! I didn't think that girls on that stage intended to stay in the clothes they started in. OK, enough of my musings, back to Michelle's little routine.

Michelle slinked out onto the stage, looking every bit the sexy, gorgeous minx I knew she could be. She started out looking very scared, which made her seem even more innocent and sexy. She walked down that narrow walkway to the stage, really nothing more than a slightly raised platform. When she got there, she stopped and started dancing. My beautiful wife danced and gyrated her hips to the music while she caressed herself with her hands. Her face gradually transformed from a frightened grimace with her eyes half hidden to her shiny lips curling into a half smile. By the time her hands began a slow trip to her hips, the tip of Michelle's tongue had just peeked out and wet her lower lip in anticipation...She danced slowly, rubbing her hands down her hips and back up her stomach, teasing her breasts, her face gradually showing how turned on she was becoming. She looked out into the crowd and turned around, perhaps just realizing that with people on all sides, there was nothing she could hide. She rubbed her hands on her rear, pulling the hem of her dress up until it was just about to show her bum before letting it fall back in place. Then she turned back around, ever so slowly and pushed her top down exposing a bare nipple, then the other, cupping her breasts in her hands, pinching her nipples as they became more and more pronounced with her arousal. Her eyes were closed and her initial look of fear had been totally replaced with one of lust.

So much for my thought a few minutes ago that she was just going to dance without exposing anything more! I took a deep breath, this was MY WIFE dancing and baring herself to fifty horny guys and girls, almost making love with the crowd!

In spite of my fears and misgivings from a few minutes ago, I was totally absorbed in her, very much enjoying her exhibitionism. If this had been another girl, it would have been the sexiest dance I'd ever seen. But this wasn't another girl, this was my wife! That compounded the sexiness by a factor of about a hundred! My cock had hardened under my slacks and was threatening to explode. I honestly didn't know how much more of this I could take!

Turning slowly around, with the crowd on all sides, Michelle slipped her dress down to her hips, then down her legs to the floor. She stepped away from it, wearing nothing but her gold heels and a tiny, slinky, matching gold bikini panty. It was shiny gold, held together around her hips by thin straps, tied into a bow.

I looked at Jacqui again a little questioning expression on my face. She whispered in my ear, "I found the panties for her."

When Jacqui wore the dress that night in Reno, we hadn't bought any matching panties. Jacqui had in fact gone to a square dance wearing that dress - and nothing else!

It was obvious that Michelle was really enjoying herself. She had opened her eyes and looked around the room, catching my eyes for a brief moment, smiling at me. I smiled back to her, letting her know it was okay and I was enjoying her show. She looked around and seemed to lock eyes with a good looking guy sitting only a couple feet from where she was dancing at the front of the stage. He reminded me a little of George Strait, with a cowboy hat, western shirt and blue jeans. It seemed pretty obvious that this was the boyfriend she was out with.

My wife watched this guy, focusing her gaze on him, rubbing her hands over those sexy panties. As close as the chairs and tables were to the stage, it was almost like she was doing a personal dance just for him. Michelle's eyes were on him as she was rubbing her hands over her panties creating a bit of a camel toe where she was pushing her panties in between her lips. She continued to gyrate, the lust becoming more and more evident on her face. She was thrusting her hips and breathing deeper, her eyes and face showing her lust with her mouth in that now familiar 'O' expression, as she brought herself closer and closer to a climax right in front of us. She finally started to shudder and moan, audibly groaning until her face exploded in ecstasy and she orgasmed, nearly causing her knees to buckle under her! I sat there, my mouth gaping open, incredulously watching my wife and groaning, trying to not embarrass myself inside my pants.

She continued to look directly at the same man as she slowly slipped her hands down her hips and grasped the strings around her hips tying her panties together. She started to pull the end on each side, gradually pulling the knots loose. I could see her silently mouth some words directly to the man she was looking at. I'd seen those words on her lips before, "I want you." The grin on his face was about a mile wide.

As the knots finally came loose, the back of her panties fell away between her legs, leaving her holding the front in place with the strings. She spread her legs just a little apart, still looking into the eyes of the same guy with that dazzling smile on her face and released the strings! I finally realized the significance of her shaving earlier in the evening. Her pussy lips were totally bare, completely exposing her as she rubbed her fingers over her smooth pussy lips, once again emitting low moaning noises. I was having a harder and harder time realizing that this beautiful, wanton, stunning creature on the stage was actually my wife! The woman I loved, who until recently wouldn't go braless and didn't like displays of affection in public. She's an indispensable professional legal secretary in a prestigious law firm. This goddess stood in front of a crowd of men, totally nude, except her high heels, exposing her most private femininity for all to witness!

I lost track of the music, no idea if it was still playing or not. My eyes were fixated on Michelle; my sexy wife who meant the whole world to me who was currently dancing on a stage, IN A STRIP CLUB, revealing her most intimate sexuality to this crowd of people, so turned on she'd given herself an orgasm, something that in all our years of marriage, I'd never seen her do to herself!

I remembered that night when Michelle stripped for me and Mike in our living room. I thought I was going crazy that night, but it was nothing compared to the effect she was having on me at this moment! Even then, she hadn't brought herself to an orgasm, she left that to Mike to do for her. From the lusty look on my wife's face and her eyes on this guy, I wasn't sure if she even realized anyone else was in the room as she continued to rub inside her pussy lips. I sure as hell did though! Fifty pairs of eyes fixated on my wife's naked and aroused body! Not a soul was making a sound, the entire audience absorbing her eroticism. There weren't any of the catcalls from the earlier performances, this was something this club likely had rarely seen, this beautiful woman making love with herself and now spreading her legs even more, her fingers spreading and teasing herself, revealing her most cherished treasure

My emotions were so mixed. I was excited and enjoying Michelle showing herself immensely! I knew I'd become a bit of a voyeur over the past year, but this little performance was in excess of anything I'd ever imagined she might do! At the same time, I was also so jealous and envious of everyone else here, especially her boyfriend she was fixated on a few feet from where she was standing, watching what had been so privately ours for so long,

Finally, almost mercifully, I heard the music that I hadn't been hearing at all stop. I didn't know if I wanted this to end or to go on forever. At last, the announcer came back on and said, "That was Amber folks, how about that performance! Give her a big hand."

The crowd slowly started clapping, getting louder and louder. The guy she was watching stood, clapping, followed by others at his table, then more until the entire audience was standing and clapping. No hoots, no hollers, no cat calls. Apparently everyone understood that this had been more than that, that this girl was something special.