Mick the Dick Ch. 09

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Continuing adventures of a private detective.
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Part 9 of the 39 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 01/31/2005
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I pulled into my street and into my driveway. My headlights reflected off of a bright red Corvette sitting in the driveway. I killed the head lights and drifted up behind it. As I got closer, I could see Holly leaning up against the back of it. I put my truck in park, set the brake, and turned it off. Holly was staring at me, looking for a sign from me. Approval, disapproval, happy, anger. She wanted some sign, some type of vibe. But she didn't get it. I was a little of all of the above, but I didn't know what proportions. I was probably more confused than any of those, but I wasn't going to let her see that.

I got out of the truck and she just stood there leaning back against the car. "Surprised?"

"Yes. Shouldn't I be?"

"Well you did say, anytime."

"Yes I did."

"And this is anytime."

"Yes it is."

"I just need to talk to someone. Do you mind?"

"No. I don't mind. How long have you been here?"

"Since we left downtown. I came right here."

I walked over to her. She stood up from the car and wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. I quickly found myself kissing her back. We must have kissed for a couple of minutes. Her tank top was still soaked and left an impression on my shirt. Her blonde hair was still damp.

"Holly, I'm hungry. I haven't eaten dinner yet."

"Neither have I."

"Want to come inside and have something?"

An evil grin came across Holly's face. "Can we eat something first?"

I asked for that. I took her by the arm and walked up to the front door, unlocked it, opened it, deactivated the alarm, and asked Holly inside. I walked into the kitchen and turned on the light. I went over to the refrigerator, opened the door, and pulled out two bottles of beer. "Would you like one?"

"Yes, please. Thanks."

I looked at her wet tank top again. I knew she had to be cold. "I'll be right back.", I said as I walked out of the room. I went to my bedroom and took one of my shirts out of the closet and went back to the kitchen. "Why don't you go in there," I pointed to the powder room just outside the kitchen, "and put this on. We can throw your top in the dryer." I handed her the shirt.

"Do I look cold or something?"

"Yes you do." I smiled at her as she took the shirt and walked towards the door.

I opened the door to the freezer and pulled out two steaks. "Is steak okay?"

I heard her yell from inside the powder room, "Yes. That would be real nice. Are you sure it's no bother? I hate you going to any trouble."

"Yeah, I'm sure. Heck, I'll put it down as an expense on my bill to you anyway."

"I'm sure you will." We both laughed.

"By the way, there is a hair dryer in the cabinet under the sink, in case you want to dry your hair a little. There should be a brush in there somewhere."

"Oh! So I take it I'm not the first girl to come into your house already wet?" There was dead silence followed by a slight chuckle in her voice, "I mean... never mind."

"Never mind what?"

"Never mind my last comment."

"Okay. Consider it never minded." I acted like I didn't hear her, but I heard every word.

I walked out onto the back deck and fired up the grill. I set the flame to low and walked back inside while the rocks heated up. When I went back in to the kitchen, Holly was leaning against the counter. She had taken her jeans off too. What a nice pair of legs. This girl is really something.

"Are you okay?", I asked her.

"Yeah, my jeans are a little wet. Is it okay if we dry them too?" She was standing there wearing only my shirt with the sleeves rolled up and had only from the middle button down buttoned. I assumed she was wearing panties, being she didn't want them dried. She had her heels back on. She looked really good. Damn she's cute. I can't help saying it.

"Of course." I took her top and jeans from her and went to the laundry room. I tossed both into the dryer and set it on low heat for 20 minutes. "That should do it." I walked back out to the kitchen.

"My feet are killing me. I've had these on all day."

"Why don't you take them off?"

"I didn't know if you'd mind me walking around barefoot in your house."

"Why not, I do it all the time."

"Can you give me a hand?" Holly hopped up onto the counter and lifted her left leg out. I undid the ankle strap and slipped the shoe off her foot. Then I did the same for the right one. While I was still holding her foot, I rubbed it.

"Ooo, that feels good."


"Ooo, yeah. I'll give you an hour to stop, or else..."

"Or else, what?"

"Or else... or else... oh never mind, just don't stop."

Even her feet were pretty. She obviously had them professionally pedicured. Her nails were done in super shiny, fancy polish, kind of a bright metallic red with gold specks. It almost matched her Corvette. She was wearing a yellow gold toe ring on the second toe of her right foot. Most girls I knew that even bothered with toe rings could only afford silver. She was also wearing a yellow gold anklet on her right ankle. I knew what that meant for a married woman, but wasn't sure if the same applied to singles. And then, I wouldn't know if Holly knew. I played with the ring a little.

"You like it?", Holly asked.

"I like anything gold, except the ones you wear on the third finger of your left hand."

"Wedding rings?"

"Yeah, wedding rings."

"How come you're not married, Mick?"

"I was once. Back when I was a cop."

"What happened? If I'm not getting too personal."

"I found out she was fucking some other guy. A queer fireman."

"You don't like firemen?"

"No, I like firemen. This one is really a fag."

"Oh! Why did she..."

"I don't think she knew. He was married at the time too."

"Oh no! What did his wife do?"

"She divorced him. Took him for all he was worth, and then some. She took the house, the better of the cars, which happened to be his new, fancy, full sized, extended cab, diesel pick-up, and the two kids..."

"Oh, man. I always hate when kids are involved."

"Yeah, me too. At least I was happy we never had any. I guess it is better for them to get away from him now then to find out he was gay later."

"Is he like, flaming or just feminine?"

"Oh, he's flaming. He ended up in the hospital for a week after he hit on one of his lieutenants or chief or somebody like that."

"I don't mean to laugh, but..."

"Yeah, me too. I kind of wish I'd have done that to him, but I had too much to lose. I wasn't going to go to jail because of her. I thought about killing him, but decided it would have been better to kill her once than have to kill a different guy every month."

"You have a good point. Wait a minute, you didn't really kill her, did you?"

I just smiled at her as I went back outside and threw the steaks on the grill. Holly followed me.

"Mick, you didn't kill her, right?"

"Of course I didn't kill her. I wanted to, but what he did to her was much better. Once everybody found out about him, she was the biggest fool in town. Well, except to the people who thought she was a fool for marrying me."

"Oh, I don't think any body would think she was a fool for marrying you."

I walked over to the pantry and pulled out two potatoes and put them on the rack for doing them in the microwave. "I hope you're not into salad and all that kind of stuff."

"No, not really. I mean, I eat salad, when it's there, or for lunch once in a while. But, a steak and potato are fine."

"Good, I don't eat enough salad to keep it around. It goes bad before I can eat it all."

I walked back over to her and raised her other foot up and began to massage it. "I don't want to show favoritism."

Holly grabbed my shirt collar and pulled me closer to her. She wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me closer to her. Forgetting that my .45 was still tucked away in the small of my back, I could feel her freeze when she touched it. Knowing what she did, "Oops." I pulled away from her and reached under the tail of my shirt and slid my gun out from my waistband.

"Is that what I think it is?", Holly asked.

"I'm sorry.", I said as I walked over and stuck it on top of the refrigerator.

"I didn't know you carry a gun."

"Of course I do." I walked back over and placed her arms back around me as I did the same to her.

"Why do you carry a gun?"

"To protect myself."

"From who?"

"Anybody who may want to hurt me."


"Holly, I used to be a cop, remember. There are a lot of people that I put in jail over the years. And even now, there are all kinds of husbands and wives, company thieves, and probably even lawyers who would like to see me dead. I'm just not taking any chances. Besides, I do play bodyguard once in a while too."

"I've never dated someone who carries a gun."

Was that a hint that we were dating or what? It sounded like it to me too.

"So, anyway, what is so important that you came by here to talk to me?"

She kissed me and pulled me tight against her. That was when I remembered the steaks. "Hold that thought. I better check the steaks."

Holly let go of me, with some reluctance. I walked out on the deck and over to the grill. Luckily, I had the flame on low. I flipped the steaks over and closed the lid. I just stood there for a moment thinking about what I was doing. The cool evening air was like a cold shower for me.

I walked back inside and over to the microwave. I punched up the memory setting for 2 baked potatoes and hit the start button. Then I went back over to Holly.

"Do we have a couple minutes now?" She wrapped her arms around me again.

"I think so." I put mine around her once again. We kissed. Holly spread her legs and moved forward on the edge of the counter until her crotch was against mine. As we kissed, she rolled her pelvis so her panty clad pussy rubbed against my hardening cock. The cold shower I took a few minutes ago wore off fast.

"Holly, you know this isn't right."

"What's wrong with it?"

"I'm old enough to be your father."

"So? Why are you so hung up on your age? I'm not."

"It's not that I'm hung up on my age. It's just that... well... I don't know."

"Mick, I don't care about age. Age is just a number."

"Holly, there's 25 years age difference between us. That's a quarter of a century. When I'm 65, you'll be 40. When you're ready to retire at 60, I'll be 85, or more likely dead."

"As long as you and I are healthy, who cares. And for god's sake, I'm not asking you to marry me. At least not yet." She winked at me. "Besides, I'm going to retire by the time I'm 45, so you'll still only be 70."

"You're determined to make me fu... mess up those steaks aren't you?"

"Ah huh.", Holly whispered into my ear.

"I... ahh... better go check on them."

Holly broke her hold on me. I quickly walked back out to the grill. "What the fuck am I doing?", I asked myself. This goes way beyond ethics. It wouldn't be the first time I'd have had sex with one of my clients, but this could really be a screwed up mess. Here I am a little more than double her age, and I do mean a little more, her and her mother are clients of mine, investigating her father for cheating on her mother. "Yucky!" There's that damn technical term again.

The steaks were done. I turned off the grill, slid both steaks onto the flipper, and carried them inside. I had already laid out the plates, so all I had to do is slide one onto each plate. I pulled the potatoes out of the microwave and put one on each plate and carried the plates over to the counter.

Holly Slid off the counter, "Do you need a hand with anything?"

"Yeah, why don't you grab the butter and two more bottles of beer out of the fridge."

"Got it." Holly walked over to the refrigerator and took the butter dish and pulled two bottles out. I slid two of the stools around and put them in front of the plates. Holly came over and sat down. "Wow! I didn't expect this kind of meal tonight. Thank you." She leaned over and kissed me.

"Don't mention it. Anyway, back to this problem you have."

We ate like two starving animals. It was a good thing the steaks were boneless because we'd have eaten them too.

"Mick, I have a confession to make. I think I'm falling for an older man."

"Oh, oh! Do I know this guy?"

Holly snickered but continued as if I hadn't said anything. "I didn't want it to happen. I wasn't trying to find someone or anything."

"Why do you think you're falling in love with this older man?"

"I'm good with first impressions. I knew it when I walked in your office. I take it you don't believe in love at first sight?"

"No, I don't. Lust, maybe. But not love."

"Well, after dinner maybe we can find out if it is lust or love."

"Holly... Never mind."

I couldn't believe this. I've gone almost 20 years without the "L" word being mentioned to me. And now, twice in two days, both times by girls young enough to kill me in bed. If it were only lust, I'd have had no problem. Holly is one of the cutest, most attractive girls in this city. Even tonight at the sports bar, I could see envy on the faces of the other guys in the bar. If it was just a quick roll in the hay, oh well. But this is more than that.

Holly just sat and looked at me. "I fucked it up, didn't I?"

"Fucked what up?"

"Damn it! Every time I think I could be falling for some guy, I fuck it up by telling him too soon. Shit! I did it again." She started to cry.

"Holly, you haven't fucked up anything. Just don't rush things. Is that really what you wanted to talk about?"

"Yeah! Well sort of. I wanted to talk to you about it, but not come right out and tell you... if you know what I mean."

"I think I do. Holly, really. You don't know me well enough to be in love with me. Not yet."

"Let me tell you a little story. When I was a little girl, I had one of those mother-daughter talks. My mother told me that when I fell in love, I'd know it. A few years later, after I started dating, she and I had another of those talks. Once again she told me that when it happens, I'd know it. Mick, I've been waiting for it to happen. Every time I thought that was it, I was wrong."

"So what makes this the right one?"

"When I walked in your office I had a feeling I've never had. I felt so good that I actually felt sick. I was giddy, I had the shakes. Last night, I wanted to see you so bad. I actually fingered myself trying to relieve some tension. I've never felt like that."

"You mean you've never masturbated?"

"Sure I've masturbated, but I've never felt like I had to. Then tonight, when I saw you walk in the sports bar, I wanted to fuck you right there in the lobby. I'm not a slut, Mick. I can count the number of guys I've let fuck me on one hand. Honestly. I don't know what's come over me. When I kissed you, it was like that first time in high school, I shook all over."

"You were cold."

"No I wasn't. Mick, it was being with you. When my father came over, I wanted to introduce you to him like we were on a date."

"I'm glad you didn't."

"So am I. But that's the way I felt. I was going home and felt this need to see you. I need to be with you. Mick, I've never felt this way. I was sitting in the car waiting for you and wondered if you were coming home. The more time that passed, the more anxious I got. I almost cried waiting for you."

"You were hungry too."

"Mick, I'm being serious. It wasn't cold, it wasn't hungry."

"But Holly, I have that effect on all women." I laughed, trying to make her laugh. It didn't work.

"Oh, Mick!" She started to cry again. "You think I'm foolish, don't you? You think I'm just a kid."

I didn't want to, but I just couldn't let her cry. I stood up and hugged her. She hugged me like she was never letting go. "Don't cry Holly, don't cry. I don't think you are a kid. Really. I'm not worth it."

"Oh yes you are, Mick Pheury."

I didn't know exactly how vulnerable she was. Then again, I also didn't know if this could have been some sort of trap. She may just be a good actress, but somehow I didn't think that was the case. Had she just shown up at my house and asked me to fuck her, I'd have had no reservations. But this whole episode was scaring me. Not that I didn't trust her. My every instinct was saying she was telling me the truth. Just what I need, another 20 some year old with the hots for me. "When it rains, it pours."

"What was that?", Holly asked.

"Nothing. Nothing at all."

I continued to hug her until she calmed down, rocking her as if trying to put her to sleep. She looked up at me with her big blue eyes, "I don't care how it sounds or looks. Mick, make love to me. Please."

For the first time in my life, I felt obligated to fuck somebody's brains out. I mean, this was a mission of mercy. This was the first time that I had a woman beg me to make love to her. Not even my wife had ever done that.

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