Mick the Dick Ch. 12

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Mick & Carla tail Armacost.
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Part 12 of the 39 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 01/31/2005
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Around 4 o'clock I decided it was time to take off for the night. We had things to do, like catch Armacost sneaking over to David Schmidt's house to do his wife. Carla turned on the answering machine and locked up the office as I pulled my truck up to the front of the building. We drove downtown and I pulled into the same spot I used Tuesday when I followed Armacost home. It worked once, it should work again.

On the way, we stopped by a hamburger joint to pick up dinner. We were tucked away in the shadows of the buildings just waiting for Armacost to leave. Sure enough, just about 5:30, the black Lincoln pulled out of the garage. I had finished eating the burger but was still sucking away on my chocolate shake when Carla noticed Armacost's car.

"Mick, there he is."

"Yup! I see him."

I dropped the truck into drive and pulled out into traffic just a few cars behind the Lincoln. It was déjà vu as we made our way to the freeway. This time, I wanted a jump on Armacost. As we got to the bottom of the on-ramp, I had the opening next to me. I took the first, then the second, then the third lane. Armacost tried to do the same but got stuffed by a larger truck. He ended up behind me.

"And who says you can't follow from the front?"

"Who's that in the car with him?"

I hadn't noticed it until Armacost pulled in behind me. Holly was on the passenger side. "It looks like Holly."

"It sure does," Carla replied.

I was hoping she wouldn't recognize my truck. After all, how many red sport utilities are there? Just playing it safe, I went into the center lane and let Armacost drive past me. Holly never even glanced over. It looked like it worked. Even if she had noticed, I didn't think she'd be stupid enough to let on to her father that she knew me.

"I don't think the little ditz even noticed," Carla said with a smirk.

"Either that or she was smart enough not to react."

"Ooo. Getting a little defensive, are we?"

"No, not at all. I'm just not jumping to a conclusion like that." I try to never "assume" anything, especially when there's a woman involved. I made sure I didn't act defensive.

Playing it safe, or stupid, I got off at the first exit to Armacost's house. Yeah, it was a little risky, but considering Holly was with him, I didn't think there was much chance that he'd stop off somewhere with her. As I drove past the house, Armacost was already inside. The black Lincoln was parked just outside the garage. The Schmidt house, not to be confused with an outhouse, looked secure. The garage door was down, so I couldn't see how many cars were in the garage. Frankly, I hadn't done all of my homework. I didn't know what type of cars David or Stacy drove. I didn't even ask if Stacy worked. It made it hard to tell if anybody was home.

I drove past Schmidt's house and found a spot where I could keep an eye on both houses, yet could be relatively inconspicuous. Parked cars on a street like this are not too common, so I had to be a little further away than I'd have liked. I also stayed facing away, letting the dark windows do their job. If I'd have turned the truck around, facing Schmidt's and Armacost's houses, it increased the chance that someone driving up the road would see us.

About 7:00 o'clock, a silver colored Mercedes convertible came up the street and turned into Armacost's driveway. "There's Mrs. Armacost."

"So the Armacost household is accounted for." Carla said as if making a mental note.

I could see Teresa pull up to the garage as the door opened automatically. Once open, she pulled her car inside. There are two, two car garage doors to the Armacost garage. Only the one side opened, indicating to me that there were "his and hers" doors. The Lincoln was pulled up in front of the one that didn't open. From our angle, I couldn't see any other vehicles inside. I was still curious as to why Holly came home with her father tonight. Maybe it was coincidence or convenience. But then again, maybe she was doing her own snooping.

I was just finishing the last of my cold fries at just before 7:45, when a silver Land Rover came cruising up the street. It pulled into Schmidt's driveway and up to the garage. I couldn't see the garage door but through the window I saw a light come on in the garage as the sport ute drove up the driveway, so I guess they have an automatic opener.

"Damn! I couldn't see who was driving, could you?", I asked Carla.

"No. I couldn't tell."

I quickly started the truck and made a U-turn hoping to see if there were any other cars in the garage and hopefully see if it was David driving the car. Carla slid around in the seat so she could help look. As I drove past, the garage door was already closing, but Carla got a look at a black convertible parked next to the Land Rover.

"It looked like a Cadillac, but I'm not totally sure. It was something like that."

"Good work schweetheart."

The good thing is that Schmidt's house only has a two car garage, and both slots were taken. Chances are, both of the Schmidts were home. On my previous cruises past the house I hadn't noticed any cars parked outside.

"He didn't waste any time closing the door did he?"

"Nope. I love a good safety conscious person... except when I'm trying to see what they're doing."

"Safety conscious or paranoid?"

I made another U-turn once I was out of sight of the two houses and went back to my spot. It was just getting dark and I didn't want to miss any action. And from the amount of action, I could have missed it if I'd blinked too slow.

At just about 9:15, the one garage door on Armacost's house opened. With the help of my trusty binoculars I watched Benjamin Armacost, a trash bag in hand, walk out and disappear around the back corner of the house. A few seconds later he reappeared and got in his Lincoln.

"Ah hah! Wonder where he's going," Carla said as I reached around and started the truck, never taking my eyes off Armoacost. I had no sooner started the truck when I turned it back off once again. Armacost had pulled his car into the garage.


As I waited for the garage door to close, Benjamin shocked me once again by walking out of the garage. He seemed to look around, almost as if he thought he was being watched. I saw the glow of a small flame, "a match or a lighter", as he stared towards the Schmidt's house. After lighting what appeared to be a cigar, he began a slow walk down the driveway towards the street. When he got down to the sidewalk, he stopped and looked around some more, paying special attention to the Schmidt house. He stood at the end of the driveway smoking his cigar for what must have been about twenty minutes and then he began his slow trek back up the driveway to the house. He stood outside the garage and finished the cigar, before flipping the butt over towards the Schmidt's property.

It was around 9:45 when he went back inside and closed the garage door. Carla and I stuck around until 10:15, just to make sure nobody snuck out of either house to play the old Romeo and Juliet gig outside the other's bedroom window.

It was a little before 11 when we were in the vicinity of Murphy's, so we decided to drop in for a quick nightcap. For a Thursday night, Murph had a good crowd on hand. Must have been a good ball game or something on. I found a parking spot around back.

As we went in, I noticed the normal crowd was sitting at the bar. It seemed like all of those who stop in a night or two decided to make Thursday one of those nights this week. We worked our way through the crowd to the back of the bar, exchanging handshakes and hugs with some along the way. Of course, Carla received a significant number of hugs more than me, probably being that the male to female ratio was around 10 to 1.

As I got to the end, Murph whistled and handed a stool over the bar to me. My space was still open. Charlie, another of the regulars, moved his bar stool a little to the left so I could put mine against the wall at the very end of the bar.

"Thanks Charlie."

"Don't mention it, Mick."

I looked at Carla, "Ma'am, your seat awaits." I motioned for her to take the stool.

"That's okay, you can have it."

"No. Go ahead. I'll stand." I grabbed Carla by both arms and lifted her up onto the stool.

"Well, if you insist."

Mick brought over our usuals; my bourbon with a beer chaser and Carla's tequila, straight up.

"So, do you think he was trying to see if David was home, or what?", Carla inquired.

"I was trying to see if they have some type of signal. A light left on, something."

"You still think it's her though."

"Yeah, unfortunately I do."

Murph came over with a shot of tequila and put it in front of Carla. "This one's on the three gentlemen at the middle of the bar." Murph looked at me, "I hope you don't mind, Mick."

"Mind? Why would I mind? That's one less I have to buy her."

Carla gave me a shot to the ribs with her elbow.

"Do that again and it might be your last one." I gave her a little kiss on the cheek.

Carla leaned over to see who they were. Naturally, I gave a casual glance that direction. She picked up her shot and lifted it as a little toast. The three "gentlemen" looked like they were barely out of high school. But then again, they were probably closer to Carla's age then I wanted to admit. They chuckled to each other and gave her a toast back. Carla drank the shot in one gulp.

The three "youngsters" looked at each other, chuckled some more, and motioned for Murph to come to them.

A couple minutes later, Murph came back to us and put 2 more shots down in front of Carla. He looked at Carla, "You have admirers. These are on them." Murph looked at me, "They asked who you were, I told them her boss. Was that okay?"

"Sure, as long as they're buying. Do you know who they are?"

"A couple of the college kids I think."

"That figures."

"Oh leave them alone, they think they're being nice," Carla said to me over her shoulder.

The one stood up and walked our way. As he turned the corner of the bar, I moved to the space between Charlie and Carla. When he got to me, he tapped me on the shoulder, "Excuse me, Pops. Can I get in here for a minute."

I looked at him square in the eyes. "No!"

"I want to talk to the lady."

"You have a big mouth. She can hear you from there. And by the way, my name isn't Pops."

Carla spun around on her stool, "Hi, thanks for the drinks."

"You're most welcome. My friends and I were just leaving to go back to my place for some pizza and watch a movie. Would you like to join us?"

I couldn't help myself, "Isn't it past your bed time? Don't you have to get up for school in the morning?"

"I wasn't talking to you," he said.

I shot Carla a look, pretty much saying not to mess with him. She just smiled at me, "Well I don't know. What movie?"

"Whatever one you want to see. We have a bunch of them."

"I am kind of hungry," Carla said looking at me.

"What do you like on your pizza, a lot of sausage I'll bet."

"I don't think so. Thanks again for the drinks."

"Hey look, I bought those drinks for you, the least you can do is come over my place for some pizza with us." He placed his right hand on Carla's right knee.

Strike one! I forgot to mention. Carla is a third degree black belt in two different disciplines of martial arts. One of which she has studied since she was eight.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." I warned him.

"Well you're not me. Who are you her father?" Oops, another comment about my age. Strike two!

Carla brought her elbow down onto his hand, just below his wrist. He let out a scream, grabbed his wrist, and yanked it out from under the vise Carla had made. I stepped out from my slot right in front of him. "Oh, excuse me. You did want to get here, didn't you?"

He spun towards me and grabbed my left arm with both of his hands. Strike three! You're out! Considering I'm right handed, that was a bad move. "Murph! Call 911 for an ambulance."

I clamped my right hand over his hands and twisted to my right, flinging him into the wall behind Carla, head first. His two friends were rapidly making their way in our direction. As they turned the corner at the end of the bar, they both ran into Murph. Ah! The cavalry has arrived.

I don't think I described Murph to you. He's about 6 feet 2 inches tall, weighs about 260 pounds, wears a size 38 inch pants and a size 54 jacket. His upper arms are quite literally twice the size of my thighs.

"Gentlemen! Your friend slipped and fell. Don't make the same mistake," Murph belted out in his lowest meanest growl.

Both of them came to a screeching halt when they realized death was inches from their faces. I reached down and picked up the one on the floor behind Carla by his collar. He felt like a rag doll at first. I shook him to make sure he was awake. Actually, I wanted to make sure he was alive. "Now, first, I want you to apologize to this lady."

"For what?!?"

"First, for making a nuisance of yourself. Second, for the obscene and offensive comment you made about what she likes on her pizza. And third, and most importantly, for touching her."

"I'm... I'm sorry!", he said quietly.

"No, no, no! I want you to say it and mean it."

"I do mean it. I'm sorry."

"Okay, and now I want you to apologize to me."

"Fuck you! For what?"

"For making inappropriate comments about my age and not addressing me by my correct name. And then for making improper advances towards my girlfriend."

Carla looked at me, "Girlfriend?!?" She looked at Murph, who had also picked up on my slip of the tongue. "Murph, you're my witness. He called me his girlfriend."

"I heard him. That's as close to a proposal as you'll get from Mick Pheury." Murph said with a laugh.

"Mick Pheury??? You're Mick Pheury? The private detective?" The youngster asked as he slid away from the wall. "I'm sorry Mister Pheury. I didn't know... I'm... I'm sorry." As he grasped his right hand, the one I think Carla shattered the bones in, he turned to Carla, "Ma'am, I'm sorry."

"And now, apologize to all of these great patrons of this fine establishment." This was coming off too good not to take advantage of it. I let go of him.

"I'm sorry! I must have had too much to drink!"

He squeezed past me as Murph lowered the draw bridge he put up between me and his friends. The three of them walked out to the laughter of the regulars in the joint.

"Murph, thanks," I said as I straightened my clothes.

"Don't mention it. I only did it to keep from having to fix everything you would have broken."

"Damn, Pheury," Carla said, "I thought you threw him through the wall."

"Not even close. I just wanted to defend my lady's honor."

"Girlfriend, now your lady? Next thing, you'll be down on one knee in front of me."

"You had to ruin the moment didn't you?"

"I'm only kidding with you, Mick. I'm just joking."

Carla sat back down on her stool. Chuck hadn't even budged from his seat. I took my place at the bar between them. Carla leaned towards me and kissed me. "Thanks, Mick."

"Anytime, anyplace."

"Here Pheury. These are on me," Murph said as he placed another round in front of us.

"I should be buying, Murph. You probably saved my life tonight. If those two would have gotten ahold of me..."

"Yeah, they'd have been like my killer German Shepherd, they'd have licked you to death."

We all laughed at that one.

"By the way Murph, is the kitchen still open?"

"Only for munchie kind of food. The cook went home at ten."

"How about some nachos?"

"We can do that." Murph yelled over to one of the waitresses to fix an order of nachos.

A few minutes later Murph brought over the nachos. We cleaned the plate in what seemed to be seconds. Of course, Chuck helped. As a matter of fact, so did Murph.

The bad part was that this was exceptionally fine nachos. You can tell when Murph has had a steak special that didn't go as well as planned. He usually piles up beef strips on the nachos. It ends up being more like fajitas. It must have had two pounds of beef on it.

Carla caught my attention and just smiled, "It's after midnight."


"So, that boss of mine, you know the way he is. I have to get home and get some sleep."

"Oh, just tell him to go to hell. Threaten to quit. That will do it."

"Oh, yeah, right. He'd hire this ditzy little blonde bimbo he knows. She'd work for him." Carla laughed.

"Carla, I've warned you about talking about our clients like that."

"Oh, that's right. She is a client isn't she? I keep forgetting." I could tell she was sincere.

"You really are jealous of Holly, aren't you?"

"Jealous? Ha! What do I have to be jealous of. Unless you start calling HER your girlfriend."

"How do you know I haven't?" I just gave her my most evil grin.

"Ooo! Pheury! If you ever... If I ever hear you... Ooo!"

I got her that time. Of course, I probably got myself too. Oh well!

We finished our drinks. I settled the tab with Murph. I patted Chuck on his bald head. Then we left saying our farewells on the way out.

When we got to my truck, I opened the door for Carla. She slid up and into the seat. I closed the door and walked around to my side and got in. I started the truck and Carla leaned across and kissed me.

"I'm sorry if I pissed you off about Holly."

"You didn't piss me off. I don't know why you don't like her. She's a client. That's all."

"I don't know Mick. You wouldn't understand. It's a woman thing. I can tell by the way she looks at you and the way she says your name."

"Carla, you only saw her once."

"That was enough. That's all it takes. A woman can tell what another woman is thinking."

"Carla, she's not my type. I'm not her type."

"Bullshit! You may not think she's your type, but I bet she can make you think she is."

"Don't worry your pretty little head off about her."

I pulled out of the parking spot and Carla put her seatbelt on, but slid the shoulder strap under her arm as she leaned across and put her head on my shoulder.

As I pulled out from the alley onto the road I noticed a car pull out from across the street from Murphy's. The way the headlights opened when the lights came on, I knew it could only be one car; a Corvette.

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