Mick the Dick Ch. 24

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Can Mick escape a 3-way?
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Part 24 of the 39 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 01/31/2005
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Chapter 24

We finished at Murphy's at around 5:30 and headed for my house. I pulled up in the driveway with a few minutes to spare. Holly wasn't there yet. I walked in, turned the alarm off and was immediately pounced upon.

"We have a couple of minutes, don't we?"

It was hard for me to answer Carla with her lips pressed tightly against mine. "Umph ugh err!"

Carla began unbuckling my belt and unfastening my pants when there was the sound of a car pulling up into my driveway. Carla just stopped dead in her tracks and stared into my eyes. She shook her head and walked back to the door.

"Oh, you've got to be fucking kidding me, right?"

As I was closing up my pants I walked to the door, "What?"

"She drives a Vette?"

"Oh, you didn't know? It's not hers!"

"Of course not. It's mommy's or daddy's. But it's still fucking hers."

"Come on Carla, please…"

"Alright, Pheury. I'll try to be nice. But I'm warning you, this isn't going to be easy."

Holly got out of the car and strutted up the walk. She was wearing a short red plaid skirt, a white silk blouse over a white tube top, and a pair of black patent leather high heels. She had her hair pulled back into a pony tail. "Oh this is not going to be good," I thought to myself.

I could hear Carla mumble under her breath, "I don't fucking believe this." She walked towards the kitchen shaking her head.

"Hi Mick.", Holly said as I opened the door for her. She gave me a quick little kiss.

"Hi, Holly. How are things?"

"They're doing much better. Mom said she'll be home Saturday afternoon."

"That's good."

"My father called me on the cell phone again. I still didn't answer it."


"Yeah. He's called a few times since he was released. I haven't talked to him. He's even left messages on the answering machine at home."

"Does he say anything?"

"Just that he's sorry and wants my mother to know he loves her and needs to talk to her."

"I guess he does. I'll bet his lawyers are begging him to try anything to keep from her wolves devouring them alive."

"I talked to Mr. Shaffer, one of mom's attorneys. I let him know she was okay, he said he knew. Apparently she has been in touch with them."

"That's normal, Holly. Like I said, she may not have known who's side you were on. And don't forget, she probably thought you may need some time alone too."

"I hadn't really thought of that."

Holly looked at me and whispered, "Where's Carla?" I just pointed towards the kitchen. Holly quietly snapped her fingers as she mouthed, "Shucks!"

We walked into the kitchen and I said, "Carla, you remember Holly, Mrs. Armacost's daughter."

Carla very genuinely smiled, "Of course I do. Hello Holly, how are you making out."

"Hi Carla. Much better. Thank you. Now that I know everything is okay with my mother."

"Can I get either of you ladies something to drink?", I asked.

Carla, not giving up her position in the food chain, said, "I'll take my usual." She kept looking Holly up and down. When Holly wasn't looking, Carla would just look at me and roll her eyes as she shook her head.

"With a beer?", I added.

"Sure.", Carla replied.

"I'll take a bourbon, straight, and a chaser.", Holly said.

Carla's eyes opened wide as if she couldn't believe that Holly would drink bourbon. I just smiled as I said, "I'll have them right up." I walked towards the bar. I fixed my bourbon first, killed it, and refilled the glass. I had a feeling I'd better have a head start on them. Then I poured theirs and carried them back into the kitchen, putting them on the counter. The girls were actually talking. No hair pulling, no clawing each others eyes out. I pulled three beers from the refrigerator and put them next to the other drinks.

"Whatcha talking 'bout girls?"

Carla looked at me and smiled, "Nothing much, sweetheart. Just you."

"Arrgghhhh!", I yelled as the knife was thrust into my back, puncturing my heart, one lung, and several other vital organs. I fell to the floor. Not a real knife of course. I just laid face down on the floor for a few seconds. The two of them just stood over top of me laughing. As long as they kept any jealousy aimed at me, this could turn out okay. I hoped I could accomplish this, but I didn't know it would be so soon. Women get along better when they have a man to pick on.

I stood up, "What do you mean, nothing much?"

Carla just shrugged her shoulders as Holly continued to snicker, "What part didn't you understand?"

Holly chimed in, "Let me try. De nada."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, I get the message. Dogs fight better in packs." Oops! Did I make a reference to bitches. Don't back down now dummy.

Carla's mouth dropped open, obviously picking up in the insinuation, "Are you calling us bitches?"

"Uhh! Did I say bitches? I don't think I said that."

Holly, all of the sudden realizing what was said, "I think that's what you were implying. At least that's what it sounded like to me." Both of them looked at each other and smiled. Then all three of us laughed.

"I'd better fire up the grill.", I said as I picked up my beer and headed for the deck.

"One more comment like that, and we may be putting you on that grill."

I just chuckled to myself as I went outside. It was working. "You don't have to barbecue my ass to eat me.", I said to myself.

After firing up the grill, I went back inside. They were both laughing. "What's so funny?"

Carla said, "Speaking of bitches, I was just telling Holly about the afternoon you almost shot the dog that charged at you and you almost broke your neck trying to get back in the truck only to find out the dog was behind an electric fence."

"Yeah, that was real funny. How the hell was I supposed to know that there was an electric fence there. It wasn't marked. If I'd have shot the dog…"

"But then he complained to the police about it and they told the owner, who did happen to be a bitch, that it would be a good idea that she have the electric fence moved back about 25 feet so people would see that the dog was confined. She didn't like that idea because they'd have to dig up her lawn again. She called and bitched at Mick for… what was it Mick, about a week?"

"Yeah, something like that."

"Until the post office told her they wouldn't deliver her mail until she confined the dog better. The mailman sprayed her dog a couple of times with that stuff they carry. I guess she got tired of bathing the dog so she had the electric fence moved back to the house so the dog pretty much had to stay in the back yard."

Holly looked at me, smiled and said, "So you've had your share of problems with bitches, huh Mick?"

"Uh! Yeah, you might say that." I pulled three steaks from the refrigerator and started my ritual with preparing them. I make my own seasoning and marinade. The marinade is the simple part, put the seasoning in… you guessed it… bourbon. Next to being a private detective, I enjoy cooking. In my next life I'd like to come back as a TV chef, making millions off of my shows and cooking utensils. You say that's already been done? Oh, well. I guess I have to stick around a while.

Carla held up her empty beer can and shooter and shook them to show me they were empty. I shrugged my shoulders and asked, "Do you have a problem?"

"I'm empty.", Carla said with a smirk.

"That sounds like a personal problem. I'm the chef, not the bartender. You know where the bar and the beer are." Ahhh! The ultimate form of trust from a man, inviting a woman to help herself to his liquor.

"Come on Holly, I'll show you where he keeps the good stuff." Carla stopped as she got in front of me. She stared into my eyes for a couple of seconds, kissed me on the lips, and then whispered, "You are such a dick."

I just smiled back at her, "That's what I'm told."

As Holly went to walk past me, I grabbed her by her arm, "Wait a minute, didn't you see her pay a toll?"

"Huh? Oh!" Holly gave me a quick little kiss.

Carla just stared at me for a second over her shoulder as she continued towards the bar. I continued to run around the kitchen fixing the salad… yeah, I know what I said back around chapter nine, I don't like salad, but… baked potatoes, steamed vegetables, and wait until dessert.

Carla actually fixed me another bourbon, even though I had already refilled my shooter from the bottle I had for the marinade. Holly brought me a beer.

Carla came over behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist, "Do you need help with anything?"

"Nope. Not unless you have a psychiatry degree."

"Sorry, I can't help you there. Is it okay if we turn on some music?"

"Sure, go right ahead. You know where it is, right?" I like how it's "we" now.

"Yep. Come on Holly, let's find some tunes." The two girls went towards the "grand room", what some people call the family room. Being I live here by myself I prefer to call it what the home builders call it to make it sound fancy so you buy it.

A few minutes later the house was filled with the sound of the finest Nashville can produce. I have an unusual collection of music. Everything from classical to movie soundtracks. I like all music, which rules out rap and hip hop which fall under my definition of noise. Country, which is more like pop these days, is my favorite though. I like being able to understand the words to the song and not get pounded to death by a lot of bass that helps hide a lack of talent.

Surprisingly, Holly likes country as well. Of course we all know where Carla stands regarding music. There're two types of music for Carla, country and western. At least we would all agree on what to listen to.

I had taken the steaks out to the grill. I like cooking my steaks slow. And being I like them well done, but not burnt, it was going to take a little while. I had the potatoes "nuked" which cooks them all the way through, but then I wrap them in foil and put them on the back side of the grill, just to keep them warm. Everything else was set, including the kitchen counter. Yes, I do have a dining room, but I seldom use it. The rich folk refer to a dining room you don't use as the formal dining room. It's not for show that I don't use it, it's because the sink, garbage disposal, and dishwasher are closer to the kitchen counter and makes clean-up easier.

I stood by the grill keeping an eye on the steaks. Carla and Holly joined me on the deck. They watched and made jokes, mostly about me and my cooking. As long as they stay off of each other, I can deal with them picking on me.

"Mick, do you mind if Holly and I get in the hot tub for a little while before we eat? It's going to be a little while yet, right?"

"Sure, go right ahead. Let me take the cover off for you while you get into your swim suits."

"My suit is out in my car. Where should I change?", Holly asked.

"Come on, I'll walk out with you. We can change in Mick's bedroom.", Carla said as she started towards the door. "I'll bet she brought a bikini.", she whispered as she walked past me.

I removed the cover from the hot tub and turned the jets on. It was just cool enough that the water in the hot tub created a fog bank around it. I keep the water temperature at around 104 degrees. Yeah, I know, you shouldn't keep it warmer than 102. But I like to be a little different. After a good workout or a hard day, those couple of degrees seem to make a difference. And of course, when I have company in the tub, there is a tendency to splash around a little more which can cool off the water a little anyway.

It didn't take the girls long to change. Carla came out in a black racing style suit. Holly followed wearing a bright yellow thong bikini. As Carla walked past me she gave me a little, "Told you!"

I walked over to the side of the hot tub and helped each one of them in. Both of them had their hands filled with refills of their drinks. Carla slowly sunk into the steamy bubbling water never taking her eyes off me. I guess she was trying to catch me never taking my eyes off Holly. I have to admit, both of them looked delicious. Holly slid below the surface, going completely under for a few seconds, wetting her entire body.

"Ooo! This feels great, Mick.", Holly said once she surfaced.

"It feels so hot, Mick.", Carla said as she leaned over the side looking at the control panel. "It's on 104. That's where you usually keep it isn't it?"

"Yeah, usually."

"It just feels a little hotter than usual."

"It's just those two hot bodies in there that make it feel hotter." Oops! I better watch myself there. Carla gave me a little bit of a look. I didn't know if it was positive or negative.

"You ought to ask Carla to give you a back rub while you're in there, Holly. She is really good at making you relax your muscles." Carla had actually taken classes on massage in college, kind of a filler for some extra credits she needed.

"Really? I love back rubs."

"Turn around.", Carla said to her.

Carla started by rubbing Holly's neck and shoulders. When she caught my eye, she made motions like she was strangling Holly without Holly seeing what she was doing. It was kind of funny.

I went back over to the grill to take care of the steaks. I had to go back inside to get another beer. When I came out, Holly and Carla were facing each other. They were actually massaging each other. This was a little different.

"Hey, Mick! Can you get each of us another shot?", Carla asked.

"Sure. I'll be right back." Damn, I have to take advantage of this.

I went in and brought out the bottles of bourbon and tequila, went over to the tub, and filled their shooter glasses. I sat the bottles down next to the tub. "Here, just in case either of you need some more."

"What are you trying to do, Pheury, get us drunk so you can take advantage of us?", Carla asked.

"Yeah, Mick. Or are you hoping we take advantage of each other?", Holly asked as she grabbed Carla's boobs. Carla didn't pull away or anything, which totally surprised me. Instead, she grabbed one of Holly's tits with one hand and put her other around her shoulders, pulling her close. Both of them kissed each other hard. My dick went to rock hard in an instant. Both of them began laughing hysterically as they pulled apart from each other.

"Did that get your dick hard, Pheury?", Carla asked as she winked at me.

"Naa! It takes more than that to get me excited.", I answered back with a little arrogance.

"Oh really? Come here Holly." Holly slid through the water and met Carla in the middle of the hot tub. They were both kneeling. They both wrapped their arms around each other in a tight embrace. They began kissing each other. They made sure I could see their tongues fighting with each other. Now my dick was really getting hard. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. They were running their hands over each other's body. But then they stopped.

"How's your dick now, Pheury?", Carla asked.

"Ahh! It's getting there."

"Sorry, Mick. But that's as far as we go.", Carla added.

"Yeah! Sorry Mick. We don't go any further. Kissing and all isn't sex. We aren't lesbians.", Holly said.

"I'm glad to hear that. You sure had me going."

Carla, still laughing, "We thought we would."

"Well, it worked. You almost made me screw up the steaks."

"Well, we don't want to do that now, do we?", Carla said.

I went back to the grill. The steaks were just about done. I turned the grill off and removed the steaks, placing them on a plate. Then I took the potatoes and put them on the plate. I carried them inside and put one on each plate on the counter. I went back out on the deck. Both girls were sitting in the tub, no playing with each other, no kissing, no touching, just talking. I thought to myself, "They must be fucking with me."

"Umm! Ladies! Dinner is served."

Carla looked over at me, "Okay. We'll be right there."

They helped each other out of the tub. Carla handed Holly a towel and they each dried off. I had noticed neither had taken robes out with them. I went to the one closet in the hallway and pulled out two terry robes I keep there for just this reason. When I returned, both girls were standing by the grill trying to warm up.

"Here, put these on before you catch a cold."

"Ooo! Brrr! Thanks Mick.", Carla said.

Holly slipped into the robe, "Thank you, Mick. It gets cold real quick."

"Yes it does.", I said as I admired both of their hard nipples protruding through their swim suits.

The three of us walked inside. Holly said that she'd be right back and headed for the bathroom. Once she was out of hearing range, Carla came over close to me, "Mick, I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me out there."

"Sorry? For what?"

"You know what. I don't do that. I feel terrible. It must be the booze."

"Don't blame it on the booze. You didn't do anything wrong. You were just fooling around."

"Yeah, but…"

"No but. It was okay. It wasn't like you licked each other or anything. You didn't even touch each other's pussies. Don't worry about it. I thought it was funny."

"Did it actually get you hard?"

"Yeah. A little."

"Do you know something. It got me excited too. Not the same as when I do it with you, but it was different. That was the first time I kissed a girl like that."

"Did you say something to Holly?"

"No. Not really. I think it was out of the ordinary for her too. She felt a little uncomfortable at first."

"Okay, so there's no problem."

"Are you sure? I don't want you to think I've turned lezbo or anything."

"No! I don't think that."

"Okay, as long as you're sure."

Holly came back into the kitchen and it was Carla's turn to. With 4 bathrooms in this place, why take turns? As with Carla, as soon as she was out of hearing range, Holly came close to me.

"Mick, I'm sorry about what happened out side. You know, in the tub."

"Not you too?"


"Carla just finished explaining that the two of you were just fooling around and that neither of you are lesbians."

"That's right, but…"

"Don't worry about it. It was fun watching the two of you do that. If you enjoyed it, go for it."

"No, Mick. I'm not going to go for it. I'm not a lesbian or bi or anything like that."

"For crying out loud, Holly. You didn't do anything wrong. Don't worry about it. We'll talk about it after dinner. Let's eat."

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