Mid Summers Night Seduction

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A young gay man home from college meets a mysterious boy.
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I was home from college over summer break. It was my first year and frankly, I was glad to be home. College wasn't what I thought it was going to be. From various stories I'd heard, or movies I'd seen over the course of my young life, I had this idea that college was an on going party with tons of drinking, drugs, and sex with random strangers.

It was supposed to be a time to let my gay flag fly, hook up with as many guys as I could, and learn what life was all about. Maybe that's what college is in a bigger university but not in my small town University. The dorms were only a few miles from where I grew up so I wasn't exactly away from my parents and they felt the need to drop in on me quite frequently. I suppose I could have lived at home while attending classes but what was the fun in that? I wanted to be out on my own, free to do whatever I wanted, and I wanted the privacy to do it.

My parents were aware that I was gay. Hell the entire town was. I'm not exactly the kind of guy that hides it well, and while my parents were somewhat accepting of my choices, they regarded my orientation as a sort of phase they hoped I'd soon grow out of. My father for one thought that I was extremely naive and I know that he expected college to help me mature somewhat. I guess in some ways I was naive. I was still a virgin (though I hoped to rectify that condition once I was out on my own) and I wasn't really all that familiar with the "gay life".

I'd never traveled that far from home. I'd never had any gay friends or even met another gay guy before, and I was honestly scared about what my first time would be like. I'd seen a few gay porn movies before, mostly just out of curiosity, and I had an affinity for Japanese, boy love manga. Yeah I know, sounds silly that I expected to gain any real experience by reading yaoi, but at the time, it was the only thing I had.

So there I was, starting college with an overly exaggerated idea of what the next year would be like, excited and nervous at the same time, on my own for the first time ever, and walking into the future with a school boys enthusiasm. I found my dorm room easy enough and went to work at once unpacking my things. The room was small, a lot smaller than what I was used to but I wasn't complaining. It was all part of the experience.

A few hours later I was introduced to my roommate. He was a moody, and somewhat grumpy young man with dark hair and a brooding expression that made me want to cower in the corner. He was the exact opposite of me and he wasn't happy about it. When he walked into the room and dumped his bags down on his bed I walked over and introduced myself. I offered him my hand and smiled a huge, welcoming smile. "I'm Devin." I said, almost too eagerly. My voice has always been high, a bit too effeminate, and I was a naturally happy and energetic person.

He looked at my hand, then at my face, rolled his eyes and muttered something about having a faggot for a roommate, and then sulked out of the room. I shrugged it off and went back to my side of the room. Bad first impression that led to a slew of other problems as the year progressed. My roomy didn't like me, and he wasn't shy about letting me know it either. I found out later that his name was Leland. We never did get along, though I tried, but I think that only made him like me less. Eventually I learned to give him his space and keep to myself.

I tried to remain upbeat for the first few weeks but over time my jovial personality proved to be somewhat problematic. Most people regarded me as an immature little fool. My jokes were juvenile, my sweet and unassuming personality made me a target, and my soft spoken, even tempered disposition made it easy for others to take advantage of me. In short, I was kind of a dork, and a joke around campus.

If there were any wild, drunken parties, I was not made privy to them. Not that I would have had the time or energy for such things anyway. The course work was much harder than I had expected. After attending classes and seminars I had labs and then spent most of my free time studying. I managed to sneak in a few hours of sleep here and there and usually ate on the run. Coffee, and lots of it, became my best friend.

By the time the semester was over I was worn out, irritable, depressed, and seriously considering whether or not to go back. I was never so happy to be home. The first day I ran to my room, threw myself on my bed, and bawled my eyes out. As I lay there I couldn't help but wonder about all my friends from high school. Where where they now? How was their first year of college? Would they still be my friends after all this time?

After I'd cried myself out I decided to make a few calls and try to reconnect with some of my old friends. I could really use a friend at this point and I hoped that talking to them might lift my spirits some. My hopes were quickly dashed though as I went through my address book, calling anyone I could think of.

Rob had taken a summer job at his fathers firm. Kelly and a few of her girl friends had rented a summer house on the beach and were spending the entire summer there. Marty had just gotten engaged and she and her fiance were pretty much attached at the hips. She was polite and friendly to me but it was clear that she didn't have the time to rekindle our friendship. Adam was visiting relatives and Kim had started a job as a life guard at a local resort.

Everyone had something great planned for the summer, everyone but me. Feeling dejected and alone, I threw on a pair of old swimming trunks and went outside to sit by our in ground pool. I dropped my feet into the water and just sat there, solemnly looking down into the water and wondering silently if I should just jump in and drown myself.

The next few days passed like this. I could tell my parents were worried about me. I definitely wasn't acting myself and they couldn't understand why I was so sad all the time. Mom thought that I missed being away at school to which I quickly corrected her. I hated it, I told her, and I never want to go back.

I began eating less and sleeping more and the only real joy I found was swimming or wading in our pool. The water felt nice against my bare skin and when I sunk to the floor of the pool, with the clear, cool, water well above my head, I felt a sense of serenity. There was nothing, absolutely nothing, that could touch me down there. I was the master of this underwater world. There was a strange sort of comfort in that. Being the master of nothing in general meant that nothing could hurt me, so I embraced this new found freedom and finally found some semblance of peace.

It was on a lazy Friday after noon that my parents informed me of their plan to leave for the weekend. They would be back sometime Monday morning so the entire weekend I would be left on my own. They asked if I wanted to come along with them, concerned that leaving me alone in my current funk might not be the healthiest of ideas, but I knew that they needed some time alone and I respected their privacy. Mom assured me that I would not be underfoot but still I declined, assuring her that I would be fine alone. She kissed me goodbye and dad gave me a strong bear hug that nearly crushed my rib cage. He was a big man so I definitely didn't get my small stature from him. I was more petite, like my mother.

Once they were gone I crashed on the sofa and watched some TV until I fell asleep. When I woke later, it was dark out, but still hot. I had neglected to turn the AC on but there was a nice breeze coming through the open windows so it wasn't too uncomfortable but still I needed to cool down. It was then that I decided to go for a late night dip in our pool.

I threw on my trunks then headed out back. The patio was illuminated by a string of lights that lined the privacy fence as well as lights on the edge of the pool itself which gave the water a bright, iridescent glow. It almost looked magical in the darkness that surrounded my tiny, glowing paradise.

I sat on the edge of the pool, letting my feet wade in the water for the longest time, just relaxing and enjoying the solitude of the night. I leaned my head back, closed my eyes, and let the cool breeze coming off the waters wash over me. It was an amazing feeling. I finally allowed myself to dip down into the water. I loved the feel of it as I submerged myself, letting the water rush over my head. I was once again deep within my underwater sanctuary, safe from the imposing world above me.

After about ten minutes or so I swam over to the edge of the pool and rested there for a bit. As I looked around at my surroundings I realized that this was the first time since being home that I was actually totally, and one hundred percent, alone. The darkness surrounding my house shielded me, plus I was fairly certain that most of my neighbors, if home, were in bed.

The houses to the right and directly behind us were owned by elderly couples who liked to get an early night. By eight or nine PM they were dead to the world. The house to the left whose yard was separated from ours by the privacy fence was owned by a middle aged couple. I thought I remembered my dad saying something about them having children but I didn't know their ages nor did I know how many they had. This family had moved in while I was away at school and I'd not had the pleasure of meeting them yet. By the look of things they were gone for the weekend anyway.

The house was dark, I couldn't tell if there were any cars in the garage because the door was closed but there were no cars in the driveway and so far I'd seen no sign of life at all. I'd have thought with several kids there would be noise coming from their side, lights on, or anything really that let me know that the house was occupied but so far all was quiet and had been all day.

This revelation that I was alone led me to an idea that I had never even considered before this night. It was never a thought that had even entered my mind. My parents, when home, often checked up on me while in the pool so the concept of privacy was foreign to me, but now, I had all the privacy I could stand. Without giving it another thought, I quickly stripped off my trucks and threw them up onto the stone floor of the patio.

I was suddenly in heaven. I had never felt so free in my life. The water was a very comfortable temperature, not too cold, but not really warm either. It felt amazing against my naked flesh, even a bit arousing. I'd never played with myself in the pool, maybe a couple times in the shower, but I suddenly had the urge to reach down and touch my penis.

Immediately it sprang to attention which, I'll admit, surprised me some. I'd always heard that it was impossible to get hard in an unheated pool but I suppose that the water was just the right temperature. Plus, I hadn't jerked off in a few days, so even the smallest bit of stimulation had caused me to become quite excited.

At that point I couldn't contain myself any longer. The more I stroked my penis, the more aroused I became. I leaned my back against the edge of the pool. I was half sitting and half crouching down in the shallow end, enough that the upper half of my body was visible from the belly button up, while my bottom half was completely hidden beneath the shimmering pool. I spread my legs wide and began to stroke myself faster and faster, becoming more forceful with every moment.

The water splashed up around me and I moaned loudly. The water made my organ slick and easy to work and the water swooshing around, slapping the head of my dick, intensified the pleasure of the experience. I kept pumping my cock. My breathing was hard and heavy by now. With my eyes closed, head dropped back so that my face was looking up to the dark sky, I gave myself over to the passion that was coursing through my young body.

There was nothing around me which mattered at this point. Not the fear of possibly waking my neighbors with the sounds of my passion, not the fear of my parents spontaneously cutting their weekend get away short and returning, nothing. I was totally, and one hundred percent, lost in the moment.

As the momentum of my stroking increased I became aware that I was close to cumming. Strangely enough, though I was totally into pleasuring myself, I was suddenly struck with an odd thought. I didn't want to cum in the water! I could just imagine the mess it could make, and I didn't want to explain to my dad what happened if it some how clogged the filtration system or something.

I stopped long enough to push myself up onto the patio, my legs still in the water, but the important parts now out of the pool. I resumed jerking off. It didn't take me long to build up the momentum again, I hadn't even lost my boner. I was really getting into it and it felt so great. Any other time I'd played with myself I'd had to use restraint and be quiet for fear of my parents hearing me. They wouldn't be upset with me, it was a perfectly natural thing to do, it was just a bit embarrassing thinking that my parents could hear me whacking it down the hall.

But having to censor myself all the time never allowed me to really get the full experience. I wasn't able to let myself go, give in to the emotions that it aroused, and really enjoy the act. It was different now though, there was nothing holding me back. I moaned again, even louder than the last time, uttered a few things like "Oh God" and "God Yes" and gasped some as I felt my climax drawing near.

My entire body tensed and I felt something that I can only describe as a sort of tickling sensation that started in the lower half of my abdomen and then erupted throughout my loins. It was the same kind of feeling you get when you take the first piss of the morning after you feel as though you've held it in all night. It was a sensational release that rocked my entire being and let me know that I was really, truly, alive.

With this phenomenal release came the hot, sticky, juices of my ejaculation. I could feel the eruption of fluids explode from within and spill over my hand, oozing down over my fingers. When it was over, I brought my hand to my mouth and tasted my own juices. This wasn't the first time I'd done that. I found early on that I loved the taste of my own semen and was eager to see if I would equally love the taste of another mans cum.

I leaned back on my arms and sighed a breath of satisfying relief. That was the most amazing thing I had ever felt to date. A cool breeze blew past me, my nipples were hard and the cool air only made them harder. I was panting heavily, still breathless from the effort I had expended, but I was slowly starting to come down from my sexual high.

While I was masturbating it felt as if my brain has just shut off completely. All I could do was feel, there was no thought process going on, no awareness of my surroundings. That awareness was starting to come back to me now. I was still alone and the houses surrounding me still looked dark and empty. That's why I was startled suddenly when I heard what sounded like the flick of a lighter coming from someplace within the darkness.

I sat straight up and began to look around me. There was no one that I could see but I was certain I'd heard what I heard. My heart began racing as I scrambled to find my trucks.

"Hello?" I called out. "Is someone there?"

No answer.

I Was starting to get a little annoyed. "You know, spying on people isn't cool!"

Still no answer.

"Fuck this." I mumbled to myself as I yanked my trunks up again. I was standing now and looking towards the house. The light that I had left on in the kitchen was still glowing but the rest of the house was dark. My parents weren't home, I knew that for sure. They would have announced themselves by now, plus neither of them smoked so I couldn't imagine either of them having any use for a lighter.

I headed for the patio door that lead into the kitchen but hesitated as I turned and looked towards the privacy fence that separated our yard from the neighbors. That's when I noticed the red glow of a cigarette between the gaps in the wood fence. I can't even explain what I felt in that moment. My brain was starting to imagine all sorts of things. Was there some crazy old man over there that gets off on watching young guys? Were the new neighbors some kind of perverts?

I was beginning to panic as I inched closer and closer to the patio door and the safety of my house. I couldn't tell you how frightened I was in that moment. Here I was, barely nineteen, alone, and I wasn't exactly what you would call masculine, in fact I was rather small and short. If anyone wanted to take advantage of me I wouldn't have been able to put up much of a fight, but as scared as I was, I realized that I was also starting to get a little pissed.

My instincts told me to run inside and barricade myself in my room until my parents came home, but my feelings of being spied on and humiliated just wouldn't allow me to let it go. Before I could stop myself I suddenly blurted out the first thing that came into my head. "Who the hell do you think you are man!" I practically screamed at the fence. "You get some sort of sick enjoyment from watching people jerk off? I ought to call the fucking cops!"

"Oh, cool your jets dude." The voice from the other side of the fence sounded young, but definitely male. "I was just sitting here having a smoke when you started playing with yourself. I wasn't watching you but I couldn't really say anything either. You were way to into it."

"Oh..." I could feel my ears burning with embarrassment now. I felt like an asshole but I wasn't going to let him think he'd bested me. "You still should have said something you know. I thought I was alone."

He didn't reply right away and I thought maybe he'd finished his cigarette and then just went back into his house but a few seconds later I heard the latch on the gate being lifted and the door slowly being pushed open. A moment later I saw him, standing on his side of the property still, but leaning one shoulder against the side of the fence. He was young alright, but not a kid, at least not from my perspective. He looked around the same age as me, maybe slightly younger. He was taller than me, slender but with a good build, and he had shoulder length black hair, a huge contrast to my lite brown, almost blond hair.

He had the cigarette he'd been smoking between his right index and middle fingers and his hand was resting against his hip. He was just standing there, looking at me, and again my heart began to race. He was fucking hot as hell!

"Well, you really seemed to be enjoying yourself." He said with a slight smirk. "I didn't want to interrupt you."

I had to turn my head away as he spoke. I could feel his eyes on me, sizing me up. He seemed particularly drawn to my bare chest, and the more his eyes scanned over me, the more I felt my dick getting hard again.

He flicked his smoke away into his yard then took a step towards me. He was inside the fence now with his back against the wood. One leg crossed over the other at the ankles. He was wearing cut off black shorts and a black tank top. I glanced up and for the first time noticed that he was also wearing black eye liner and his finger nails were black as well. He smiled when he noticed me looking him over. It wasn't a friendly or welcoming smile, more like a sly, knowing smile. He was clearly enjoying my unease of the situation.

"I'm Aric, with an A." He said in a soft, slow, seductive voice.

All I could do was nod in his direction.

"You got a name?" He asked me, raising an eye brow.

I hesitated a moment then managed to stammer, "D...Devin."

"Nice to meet you Devin." He said in that same slow tone.

"Yeah, you too." Was all I could manage to say.

He chuckled somewhat then pushed himself away from the fence. "Well, I just thought we should introduce ourselves. I won't keep you any longer, you probably want to shower or something." He gave me a quick grin then turned and walked back to his side of the yard, disappearing into the darkness.