Midnight Ep. 026: HEcATe


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After his shopping spree at Wally World Dolan took Caprice and Clinton to dinner at a finer establishment known as Claw Daddy's, a seafood joint with a five-star rating as reward for a good day's work on Clinton's part. CC was along for the ride due to Dolan's insistence she hide out from Oliver Heavy Feather for at least another week or two. She agreed out of fear of her ex-boyfriend to share a room with Clinton at the Dive Inn, but that was based on meeting Clinton and feeling comfortable around the guy. Similar in size to Oliver wasn't in his favor, the fact he had been arrested on a domestic abuse charge seconded that notion. Yet his pleasant demeanor was more teddy bear than Grizzly, almost as hairy though.

Dinner going well she opened up, Clinton revealed much of his situation, kindred spirits under the circumstances. Dolan like his career choice was merely a peacekeeper. After a lengthy night of laughs and moments of gratitude Dolan called it and dropped the couple at the Dive Inn. Caprice let Clinton go on ahead to their room, carrying her bags in for her. Left alone with him she turned to Dolan and drew him into a warm kiss. He embraced it with greedy acceptance then ended their night on, "I'm not losing you Caprice."

"I hope not Sheriff. Day at a time?"

"Pick you two up at 8:00 AM. Clinton's going out to Harbinger Shoal's to cut down trees for Sanchez. I'll drop in during lunch tomorrow at the diner and..." She stole another kiss cutting him off. Three minutes of making out she parted ways. Door open, she paused.

"I'd invite you in for a nightcap if I had booze. Besides, the last time I was alone with two big strong me I got sandwiched in a good way." She winked. "Night Sheriff."

"Night CC! Dream sweet." He growled, "I used to tell Trudy that every night. Alexis too for that matter. Old tricks I suppose."

"You mean well." A blown kiss the blond walked away to find her hotel room. Clinton had propped the door open for fresh air so finding it was easy enough. Hands to both sides of the threshold Caprice looked in to find Clinton stretched out on his bed with the TV remote in use flipping channels on a less than eventful cable package. Not even a premium movie channel. "There's my roomie!"

"Yep! Come on in and get comfy."

Kicking her heels off and sending them in first CC unzipped the back of her purple dress then ventured in and found her own bed hard as a slab of stone. No bouncing on this crypt. "Well hell! So much for any good night's sleep."

"I like a firm bed."

"I like cozy bouncy. Don't read into that." She laughed. "So... roomie. Miss the wife?"

"Yes and no. Together three years now, but I realized I never truly knew Mindy. Her hooking up with the guy across the hall... hurt. Grant always seemed like a good guy; boy was I blind."

"Happens to the best of us Clinton... you got a nickname?"

"Mindy used to call me Poppa Bear."

"Ah! Well, I must be Goldilocks." She fanned a length of her long blond hair at him. "How about we just call you Bear? You look the part and Clinton just sounds... criminal. You don't strike me as criminal so... Bear it is."

"I don't even know if Clinton's my true name, Biles is but I was left in a fucking picnic basket on the steps of Drewberry Orphanage. Never had any birth certificate just some note I guess saying take care of last name Biles. That's really all they had to go on."

"That's sad. So how did you arrive at the first name Clinton?"

"They had an old hat they put a whole bunch of names in and drew out Clint. So, I hear! Clinton has strength all that matters. At least it wasn't Bruce or Lewis or something silly sounding."

"That it does. Ever wonder where you really come from?"

"Doesn't everybody? What kind of person leaves you in a picnic basket with a note written on a napkin? From what I hear it had chewing gum stuck to the note. Long before DNA and that napkin was trashed long ago. On my own and probably better off."

"Y'know... I was talking to my girl Naomi at the diner. I mentioned your name and she asked if you were related to a Norman Biles." Shutting the TV off in his hopeless search he sat up and started to take his new shirt off then paused.

"Mind if I get comfortable? Only clean shirt I got until Mister Sanchez gets me a paycheck."

"Nope! Just don't shed on me." She observed him remove his shirt revealing the hairiest chest she had ever seen on a man. "Damn Bear! Sure, your real name isn't Bigfoot?"

"That's his name." He pats his crotch, "Don't think badly of that. I'm not hitting on you."

"Bigfoot?" She feigned a blush while mumbling, "Pffft! Whatever!"

"That's what I don't get. Mindy loved my pecker, she always bragged about Bigfoot."

"She really called it Bigfoot?"

"Yeah, no lie! I think that's why I got into logging." He chuckled.

"Lumber and Jack go hand in hand." She laughed. "On a similar note, we got us a problem here."

"What's that?"

"I sleep in the nude."

"So do I."

"Can you keep Bigfoot there on his side of the forest?"

"Hey Goldilocks? Can you keep from eating my porridge?"

"Aww hell!" She busted up. It was good to laugh after a week like hers. "You and me..." She switched directions of her index fingers targeting practice, "...we're going to get along."

"You do your thing I'll do mine."

"Hmmm?" Hopping up she went over to her duffle bags and dug inside finding her dildo. In her digging Clinton admired her back and the tattoos which were revealed now that her dress was unzipped down to her lower back. Gritting his teeth he chanted, "Mindy! Mindy! Mindy!" to counterattack CC's hot body. Turning on a single foot she wagged her dildo at him. "You keep Bigfoot over there, I'll keep Bigtoe over here."

"No problem." He grunted standing up and unzipping his jeans. Bending to drop his pants and boxers for freedom she bulged her eyes at his hairy ass. Flaring her eyes she chanted, "Dolan! Dolan! Dolan!" Fair trade! Hopping back on his bed he turned the lamp off on his side and lay on his back.

"OH FUCK!" Caprice had to turn away in thought, tossing her toy on her bed. "He wasn't joking. Bigfoot... foot long. This was a bad idea Dolan. Now I want that thing." Taking a deep breath, she slipped out of her dress. Zero underwear beneath Clinton saw her ridiculously perfect shape and saw Bigfoot rearing his ugly head. Not quite a foot long but mighty close at 10 inches purple. Hurrying to close the hotel room door now that they were both naked, she locked up then turned to face Clinton expecting him to be checking her out. Instead, she saw only his back half, having rolled on to his side. "Going into hibernation this early in the year Bear?"


"I'll try to keep it down. Usually a screamer." She laughed. Turning out her own lamp the room was pitch black. "Ha! Black Bear." She huffed settling in to touch herself. "This is such a bad idea." Was it? Was it really? "I need to vent some frustration." Dildo sliding inside her CC fucked herself, glancing to her right time and time again. Moaning softly, she sighed and broke into a song. Clinton joined her laughing, recognizing the song from Disney's Jungle Book.

"Bear Necessities? Really?"

"Just having fun with ya Bear. You're a jungle out there."

"Night Goldilocks!"

"Night Bear!"

The bear cave was just not the same without him.


"Think you're out of woods, don't you?"

Nick took the double dongs from Midnight Amador's hands and threw them over his shoulder. "Just because I said your gold plug is worth more than Bearpaw is, doesn't mean you are. You chose to be nothing so nothing you remain. That plug and where it resides belongs to me. I determine your worth at any given time. You let Bearpaw win earlier. Don't even bother to deny that. You wanted to lose." He gripped her hair and drug her toward him up on to her knees to face him eye to eye. Gathering saliva with a rasp he spat in her face.

"Full moon tonight. Was it a full moon the night you got raped?"

"Yes." She trembled with a whimper.

"Ah! You wanted a repeat performance. To picture me as your taker. It's all about you now, isn't it?"

"No Kami!" She pled, her guilt showing, it changed her tune quickly, "Forgive me! I often fantasize about that night. I have ever since it happened. I did not see his face only heard his voice barking orders, taking me coldly, making me do his bidding. You..."

"I'm NOT him! Time for a new fantasy. Let's purge you of that night." Treating her rougher than he ever had he drug her from the table by her arm. "WALK!" On her feet but under the mercy of his grip amid her hair he led her to the beach side door, opening it for a rush of cool air coming off the ocean, the waves sounding turbulent tonight. "I SAID WALK!" She stumbled a bit moving from the wood deck into the sand below. In the darkness Midnight smiled.

Taking her out into the open with the full moon brightly above them he stopped cold allowing her to straighten up in posture. Moving behind her his hands switched places. Right hand back in her hair tugging her neckline back, his left hand clutching her throat like a vice choking her. "Look up at the moon. They say the full moon brings out the beast in us all. Wolves baying as they search for prey but respecting the moon for lighting it's path. You were prey that night three years ago. Helpless! Defenseless! Question I have is this... who was truly the prey that night? You obviously wanted that to happen, or you wouldn't be fantasizing after all this time. You begged every night thereafter for him to strike again. Lost in his majesty. Am I wrong?"

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!" She lost her mind.

"Sounded like a wolf howling there. It's time you realized the Alpha. It wasn't that man that fateful night. That was him making his rounds. You were left behind and forgotten. All you had left was his impression on your soul. Mark of the beast! Just so you know... it marks us all." Pausing a moment Nick had a strange flash in his mind and peered back at his friend Marcus Jericho's beach house. Mark... us? It couldn't be. Could it? Naaa! Ponder that later.

Sensing his hesitation Midnight mumbled, "Kami?"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Introductions needed to be made. Dick mighty in proportion Nick Sanchez first ripped the gold buttplug from her ass then brought it around her to stuff the tainted cork into her mouth as if a baby's pacifier. The taste unpleasant she still sucked upon it. Ramming his cock up inside her asshole he took her in a bestial manner. Her brain exploding with her first true encounter sexually with her Master, she came hard without being told. This pissed him off even more.

Kicking her feet out from under her he toppled her face forward into the sand, pressing her head in as if burying his treasure. She couldn't breathe, only moan as if giving her life to him. Maybe she should have worn the Kanji saying End. Slave Kanji while fitting her future... if she survived this night... there would be no other fantasy of the past. Only of the here and now, future uncertain. That was up to she whom she lived for.

Hovering over her upraised ass, his feet firmly planted he slammed down into her cavity with a savagery that even he worried he might not come back from. He had wanted this woman since the first day he set eyes on her in the diner. Grooming her, luring her into his world while knowing this was where she belonged. Her training only beginning, she was cumming along nicely. Using her faults against her only made her stronger. Yes, he thrived on making her fear him, with fear comes respect. With respect comes fulfillment. Eat shit Whore! She would be. The taste in her mouth a subtle hint.

Rearing her head up from the sand he let her capture a breath then fed her to the nutrients once more. Cumming in her ass with the force of an Atlantic hurricane she screamed through her clenched lips. Music to his ears. All that Jazz! Moon River? Her cunt thought so, even without his dick's occupancy. Her ass was sufficient. Go with the flow Midnight, go with the flow.

For over an hour he destroyed her anus filling her with Kami cream until his dick glistened in the moonlight upon departure, his cum so white it glowed in the dark. Standing up straight teetering in step over her he dared to lift a leg and plant his foot on her ass to kick her over on to her side. Laying deathly still but breathing Midnight awaited what came next. Watching him peer at the stars above Nick Sanchez roared at the top of his lungs.


That alone made Midnight cum. Again, without permission. She got away with that one. After settling his frenzy down, he bent forward and again grabbed her by her raven black wilderness and drug her along in a knee to the ground glide. It hurt like Heaven! Hauling her along to a tree line bordering the Jericho property Nick had prepped ahead for this eventuality. Finding the chosen spot, he sat her up against a tree trunk. Behind the tree he found a well-placed chain and collar. Not a dog collar but an actual metal weighted iron collar with bolts in it to surround two sections about her neck. Locking her in he connected the chain with a padlock to a hook welded into the collar. Showing her the locks key, he hurled it away.

"Mine!" He huffed into her face. Tapping the buttplug with a finger he let her absorb the meaning. Walking away into the moonlight Nick Sanchez needed a fresh beer. Tonight, he celebrated.

Alone with the crashing surf Midnight Amador touched herself the remaining hours of the night. Call of the wild! Her only vision was of Kami. The chill of the night representing the chill of losing him. For Kami...

...she was as good as gold.

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RieShRieShalmost 2 years ago

Afternoon Boby, this is Sanchez (no not Nick). Here's my opinion on the matter.

She's already tough in her own way taking everything that Nick has thrown at her so far. She's that much closer to her ultimate goal of being who she really is deep down inside, a slave. No more hiding her true self that solidified in her that night. She wants and needs to be treated like she has so far and eventually even worse. To her that's what true love looks like, for her to focus on whatever Nick requires from her. You will see as the story evolves.

SZENSEISZENSEIalmost 2 years agoAuthor

Your interpretation of mistreated is not Midnight's. Her version of toughening up is doing exactly what she has been doing. She WANTS to be like this Boby. Yes, her rape really happened. That night, alone and helpless, defenseless might have been frightening, traumatizing to some fragile minds. Midnight however is not as fragile as many other victims. In her case it became a fantasy to be a slave, the opportunity just never came up in a town like Caretaker until Nick arrived. No, her rapist was not Esteban. While her rapist's identity has not been revealed the hint of who that was is out there already. As a matter of fact, you yourself just in a sly way revealed whom he is. LOL! I'll let you figure that out on your own Buddy.

I know you want Midnight to find love and perhaps she will. But it will be on Nick's decision, not her own. She has no possessions of her own anymore, she's given herself 100% to Nick, to do and use her anyway he wishes. BDSM is a very dark and cruel reality Boby. Yet Midnight thrives in it rather than fears it. It's been said in the story thus far that her rape changed her life in ways that most rape victims would not agree with. Midnight fell in love with the loss of control, the ability to speak up, to make her own decisions. Now, in those few years between the rape and Nick's entering her life she had no choice but to make decisions on her own. She seldom liked doing that, so her routine was pretty stale, work, give money to her mother, sleep, do chores, and stay in her room. Her mother was her only light of day and now, even that has been extinguished. So... NICK! There is nothing else.

Please try your best to understand her Boby. She knows what she is doing. It's MIDNIGHT'S HOUR! Perhaps, the only thing she can call her own.

You keep me on my toes Buddy. LOL!


DevilbobyDevilbobyalmost 2 years ago

I still think Midnight is being mistreated now more than ever, she needs to toughen up. Did the rape really happen? Or is that her fantasy? If it did was it her father? More questions than answers Zen Mark of a good story.

SZENSEISZENSEIalmost 2 years agoAuthor

Hello readers, by now you have more than likely noticed a mistake I made. The old title for this chapter was MOONLIGHT. We changed the title to HEcATe but I slipped up and did not adjust the title in the story part. I have an EDIT in waiting for the mods to fix that. I swore I fixed that the first time but obviously not. LOL!

Sorry for the confusion.


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