Midnight Ep. 029: anaTOMy


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"Wipe your face. Well, that's promising. You do know if Grandpa Waterfall knew you hit mom, he would part your hair with a tomahawk." TOM again at her own words. UGH! "I never tell on you Dad, but come on, people sense things. They may be aware of what you did to mom, but not to me."

"Like this Sanchez. He knew of my gambling." He licked his lips without thinking, her taste on his tongue. He had to look away and out the window. He still hadn't wiped his face off. It wasn't as if he was... yeah, daddy was turned on but hiding it well. She hadn't even noticed, her focus on traffic and rubbing her clit.

"Well, this job should pay off any debts you owe Nodin Merrick. Start fresh dad. For mom."

"I will do my best."

"Selby's Hardware is right up ahead."

"Yes. Daughter?"


"I'm not going to tell you how to live. I suspected there was more to Charleston than your job. I... Lillian... can you please stop touching yourself."

"Turning you on?" She laughed. "Don't think I don't see your inseam about to burst. I'm sure my palming your face added to that. Not sorry but it was disrespectful of me. Accept me, dad."

"I do. Favor?"


"When we get there and park. Can you maybe step out and leave me to take care of myself? If you will not apologize, neither will I."

"Go ahead and beat off. If you must know my past, know I have been around a lot of men in your... predicament. I won't go into detail."

"Look away then." He lifted his hips and unzipped his pants. Whipping out his dick a sturdy seven-inch he looked at her and began stroking. Forced to use both hands on the wheel her fingers left her pussy. Parking at a meter on the street she shut the truck off and turned in her seat to face him. "What part of look away... "

"Just shut up dad. Let's do this. I need one more good orgasm." Her right leg propped up between the center console and the back of his seat, her left stretched out over the floorboard she set out fucking herself again. Watching her father jerk off stimulated her thoughts. It wasn't as if she wanted him or anything this was just how Tom had trained her. Always show off! Her knuckles buried in pink with one hand, her clit briskly massaged she studied his penis.

"Your mother never finds out about this. I won't tell Sanchez either."

"I will hide nothing from Kami. Get busy old man or I'll beat you to the punch." She nudges his calf with her extended leg. "From mom, yes." He did his best but was losing his erection, this just felt wrong. Sensing his reluctance her foot left the floorboard and up into his lap. "Take my boot off." Those damned go go boots! An assist later he sat it aside, her foot free to taunt him. Toes touching his erection he nearly came without his hand.


"Cum on my toes."

"This is wrong." Sighing he turned on his left hip and began jerking off, her toes tickling his scrotum through his pants. No further words, only grunts and squeals. She squirted and he nutted on her ankle, her toes simply rubbed the cream from his urethra and foreskin.

"For you it might be. I was trained to tempt men. All men! Get over your stress and let's just order that lumber. Hand me my boot." A pass off she puts it back on. Climbing over her seat Sam eyes her bare ass up close in transit. Cum on his fingers, he shakes his head then slaps his daughter's ass. She grinned as she entered the backseat and opened the sliding back window. Her daisy dukes had survived the trip and were resting just beneath the windowsill. Stretching out she used her fingertips to snatch a belt loop and drag them upward. Sitting down in the seat she pulled her shorts up but left them undone as Nick had ordered her earlier.

"Zip up."

"You zip up." She chuckled. "I'm obeying Kami." She watched him stash his pecker and fasten up. Crawling back up front she moved into place behind the wheel then opened her driver's side door.

"Lillian... "He nearly apologized but bit his tongue. Change was what she wanted. So be it! "When we are done in the hardware, let us journey to the jewelry store just down the road. Might we find time to... look?"

Lillian Dawn Bearpaw appeared shocked, then offered a brilliant smile, 'For mom?"

"For... us!"

"I love you, Dad."

"I love you, daughter."

Bonding long overdue!


"You moving in?"

Caprice Comstock finally had a break and dropped right into the booth seat across from her new friend Melinda. Kicking off her heels under the table to massage her feet she noted her short medium build but deadly martial arts instructor on her phone texting. She had held that booth for two hours now but out of respect for her timely assist against Oliver Heavy Feather CC and Olan let it slide.

"Sorry! Just trying to get up the courage to fix my marriage. It's funny really... well not hilarious mind you, but I just don't know how to accomplish that. My friend and I... had a short fling, it was never meant to go anywhere but it started to. Mistakes were made on my part and my husbands. Mostly mine!"

"Join the party. I spent six years putting up with Ollie back there." She nods out the front window at where his bike was sitting not long ago. "When we met, I danced at a nightclub on the Rez called SanTease. Hella money but Ollie and his biker club the REZistance grew on me. Adventure after living the hell I did growing up. Sad thing is I went from one hell right into another hot skillet. Ollie's a bad boy... I'm talking baaaaaaaaaad! Missed a lot of sheep counting because of him." She giggled recalling bad drinking, drug usage, crimes going unpunished because of his ties to Nodin Merrick. You name it, Ollie did it. "Honestly? I probably should count my chickens more than sheep. I know things I really shouldn't and I'm still alive. Not sure why."

"That sounds terrifying."

"It was... is." She flinched at the realization.

"I love your tattoos. Where did you get them?"

"Rez! There's a shop out of a garage called Indian Ink. Go figure, it couldn't be Native American Ink, right? They bitch about equality and all that but get away with derogatory comments."

"Just like the African American's getting away with the N word yet call everyone else racist. It's a sad world we live in when we have to watch our native tongues, but they don't."

"I know, right?" Caprice unbuttons her uniform to show off her upper body tats. From shoulders to the artwork surrounding her breasts at the sides and beneath. "Hope I'm not offending you flashing the girls. Only way to get a good look at..."

"The girls are beautiful." Melinda smirked. "You're fine."

"Of course, I'm fine! Porn star Baby." She laughed. "We won't even go there. Ollie and his crew... liked to film me in action. Pretty sure they sold me overseas for cash."

"I'm sitting with a movie star. And the award goes too..." Melinda dropped her jaw and grabbed her napkin, "Can I get your autograph?"

"HA! Sure thing." Caprice signs the napkin as CC with two slashes to make the C's look like tits with nipples. "How about a cheesy selfie together?" She scooted over and made Melinda come to her. Seated side by side CC tugged one shoulder of her uniform over her upper arm and lifted her chest cleavage. Cheek to cheek laughing CC snapped a photo. "There! My claim to fame."

"You are so much fun Caprice. Once I fix things... IF... I fix things with my husband; I'd love to hang out sometime. I could really use a... friend."

"Sounds like a plan. Aww hell! Olan's looking at my fallout. Better button up the bouquet."

"There are customers here still."

"I've done worse in here." She laughed. "Week ago, me and my girl Midnight..." TMI! She shut up. Nick might not approve of her blabbing. Not only that but Olan didn't know about the pie social that day along with Veronica Redmane. "Let's just say... the pie was on the house." She chuckled and made a smearing motion over her chest before buttoning up.

"Golly! That's risqué. I love it. If we're going there, the reason I started seeing my... well... was seeing... I broke it off with him... was because my hubby just wasn't into exploring a wilder side. He gets shy and I don't know... standoffish?" Teary a bit Melinda opens up further, "All I ever wanted was him to be more outgoing. Show me off... appreciate that I'm his. God... I've so fucked up in trying to do that." Feeling empathy CC hugs, her from the side.

"Just breath Bruce Leanne." That made Melinda chuckle and dab her eyes with CC's autograph. "Hey! You're smudging my good name. Bleeding mascara with the ink."

"I'm such a baby."

"Yeah? Well, no breast feeding while I'm holding you to my chest. No kids in this future. Bet on that!"

"I'm not into kids either. Thankfully my husband doesn't press that issue."

"Hey? You said you had to go to see the Sheriff." It dawned on Caprice.

"Yes. I really should get going before it gets any later. Thank you for being here for me."

"No, thank you for being here for me. Good luck!"

"Right! I'll need it." Melinda grabs her things. "Oh, can you recommend a good hotel for the night? In case I need to stay in town a few days."

"Sure! The Dive Inn on the outskirts, right on the beach even. I'm staying there with my guy Clinton." Eyes flare at the mention of the hotel situation.

"You have a boyfriend?"

"No... we just hang out. Gotta say though... Big Boy is... a Big Boy!" A wink led to sharing a penis measurement between divided index fingers, "Long story and I do mean long!" Humor over she sighs, "Even longer now that I know Oliver's circling me. Good thing I'm in good with Sheriff Roster." Melinda looked pale all of a sudden.

"I see."

"You, okay?"

"Yes. Diabetic! My blood sugar is all over the place. I'll be fine."

"Oh! You want the selfie?" She poised her cell, "Need a number."

"Yes." Numbers exchanged Melinda smiled but took her leave. Outside in her car she hugged her steering wheel. "Do I even know my husband anymore? Oh my god! How can I compete with her? She's gorgeous. Why am I even here? I should just go back home. Damn you, Clinton."

Caprice sighed, "Let's hope Melinda takes her momma off of Dolan's hands." Say what? CC presumed Melinda was Shantel Bigelow's daughter. All the confusion over husband issues had gone right over the blonde's head.

Mindy Biles started her car and in her mixed emotions nearly pulled out in front of an oncoming vehicle. Hearing a lengthy blare of the other cars horn she braked dramatically until it moved on. The woman in the other vehicle flipped her off in passing.

Britney Saunders had enough on her mind without having a fender bender. Body work would have ruined her week.


"I'm sooooooooo sexy!"

Alexis Roster flaunted her perfect tiny body like a runway model gone wild. Her hot pink bikini was hiding next to nothing, especially with leaving her hip lace untied on one side. Only in coiling and tugging at the string kept her pussy concealed. The string going down her butt crack assisted in stabilizing it. Passing by shop window after shop window she admired herself each time. Seeing men walking about in the reflections all checking her out she just couldn't resist teasing. "I really should just take my bikini off. Daddy can't arrest me if he's letting Midnight Amador get away with streaking. No fair!"

Hearing a motorcycle roaring up the street she noticed the rider's refection going past her. He too was checking her out. "Oooo! Biker boy!" She whispered with mischief. "You like my ass, don't you?" She bent forward and shook her booty. "Ha! Who doesn't?" Watching him head up the street, stopping at an outdoor ice cream burger joint she bit her lower lip. Looking at the twenty-dollar bill that her grandfather Albert gave her she dropped her untether string and took off running toward the Dairy Queen style restaurant called Thick and Creamy. Her bikini top was fighting hard not to lose those dancing 36C's. Of course, men looked, but stayed clear knowing she was the Sheriff's daughter.

Reaching the picnic area provided by the establishment she stepped right up next to the biker and acted as if looking up at the menu above the twin windows. "Hmmm? What do I want? Thick and creamy, oh, so dreamy." Peering down at her from his 6'4 height Oliver Heavy Feather sneered. "Do I want a cone or a cup?" She whipped that untied string around like a whip, each time her pussy patch revealed her bikini area clean down to her clit. Letting go of her untied hip lace, her patch drooped to reveal her pubes. Hands moving up to her bikini top and pinching at her cups, tugging them out enough that he could see areola. "I'm just sooo undecided." She was wet as hell knowing he was looking. "Oh! Hi!" She finally looked up at him. "Am I cutting in line?"

Stepping back to check out her ass Oliver grunted. "Line looks pretty even to me."

Jaw drooping, she busted up laughing, "Are you staring at my butt?" She on purpose turned to face him as if hiding her ass but then allowing him her pubic reveal. The guy behind the counter was now leaning over it to see her butt. The girl working with him bi shared in his window seat.

"Looks that way. Coming undone there." Oliver pointed at her pubes.

"Am I?" She ignored the untied side and searched her other hip instead. Pinching it the second lace slipped loose and she lost her patch in a forward lap over her cunt. Labia could be seen. "Oops!" She refrained from tying it.

"ALEXIS ROSTER!" A feminine voice startled her. Oliver simply stepping around her to place an order. The female employee now staring at his shirtless physique with interest. Hot day no shirt, his bodybuilder status was dramatically sweaty.

"Hi, Wilhelmina." The woman who owned the fabric store that gave Midnight Amador her curtains as a dress was standing in line behind them.

"Behave yourself before I call your father."

"Go right ahead. The rules are about to change around here so get used to it." She razzed her with a threatening tongue. "If Midnight can streak, I can streak." Wilhelmina clammed up with a scowl, recalling Midnight herself, only she was dressed at the time. However, her sheer curtains were probably her best clue as to the girl's future. Sighing Wilhelmina pointed at Oliver without a word as he turned waiting on his food to seek amusement. She was feisty but knew Oliver's reputation so sulked away to make a call. A truck horn blaring Wilhelmina got distracted in favor of waving at Dawn and Samuel Bearpaw driving by. Giving up on Alexis, Wilhelmina decided to mind her own business.

"Bold statement. Things changing around here." Oliver spoke to Alexis.

"Starting right now!" Little Miss Roster took her bikini off entirely and stood naked before the world. "I like your bike." Wiggling away toward it, Alexis ignored the possibility he might get pissed. Crawling up into the seat she laid back and spread her legs without even looking to see if he was angry. Leaning back, arms over her head she tied her bikini parcels to the back rest as if a flag. Her chest heaved skyward in her stretch. Once tethered and free she absorbed the sun.

Oliver grabbing his food smirked and let her lay there touching herself. Instead of complaining Ollie sat down at a picnic table to devour his late lunch. Close enough to hear her moan as she finger fucked herself Oliver heard. "You know you want this." Bitch was crazy! Sadly, she reminded him of Caprice Comstock back in the day. Both cute blondes even if CC was taller and had bigger boobs.

"Roster, huh?" Ollie sipped his Coke. "Time to get even."

Cumming on her fingers Alexis sampled herself licking her middle finger as if a cone. Milky gestures toward Ollie she crawled carefully off of his bike and teased him by climbing up and laying on the table to bring her creamy fingertip to his lips. "Soft serve?"

"You are the Sheriff's daughter?"

"Don't remind me."

Grinning Oliver sucked on her prodding finger making her squeal and kick her legs at the knee.

"Take me for a ride."

"Ever been to the Rez?"

"Nope! I'm game."

So was Oliver! Wolfing down his burger he left his trash on the table and walked back to his bike. She rolled to her feet and followed him like a lost puppy. Starting it with a kick until it roared Oliver looked behind him at the rest of his seat.

"Hop on Little Squaw."


Alexis knew how to hop on things.


"Spaghetti here I come."

Clinton Biles made his way over the bridge at Harbinger Shoals in search of sustenance, Nick having moved his 4Runner back out of the way of progress and along the road from its initial drive over earlier. Nick Sanchez had offered him lunch that he had in a cooler setting in his 4Runner. Reaching the vehicle, he peered through the front door window and searched but no cooler. Peering left over the seats he realized the hatchback was lifted up. "Hmmm? Doubt Nick would leave that open. Someone hijack his lunch?"

Walking toward the back he turned to look inside and jumped out of his skin. "HOLY FUCK!" Within the bed lay Veronica Redmane totally naked and masturbating. To her left was an old treasure chest, to her right a small cooler.

"Hello." She flared her eyes at being busted.

"Who the hell are you?"

"I'm Veronica. You're that sexy lumberjack." Her foot reached out toward his hairy abs, toes barely touching his waistline. "Lunch break?" She removed her fingers and pointed at her cunt. "I'm delicious."

"Shit! What is it with this place? Crazy bitches everywhere I go." Clinton declined; he lost his appetite for spaghetti. Walking away grumbling he changed his mind. V not expecting his return bubbled up and pried her pussy wide with a joyous expectation. Eying it Clinton reached over her leg and grabbed the cooler. Left his dessert behind!

"Quit teasing me!"

Poor V! (Vagina!)



Nick Sanchez waved his arms stopping the boys tour of the lawn's furthest reaches, just before it became impossible to mow. The tree and brush line were becoming too thick as it led into deeper forest and the far ends of the creek's ravine. Shutting off his riding mower Lukas sat waiting on Nick to catch up.

"I do something wrong Nick?"

"No! You're doing great. I just wanted to have a talk with you away from prying ears."

"About the ghosts?"

"Let's discuss those. You made a believer out of me Lukas. How do you communicate with them?"

"I don't really. They talk to me but it's more as if in my head." He taps his temple. "Like I see words more than hear."

"And you saw Tom... in your head?"

"No! I saw silver." He blushed, "Lillian's silver in the bum."

"Pretty sure Tom's been there." Nick laughed. "So how did you arrive at Tom as a name? That song you sang to her."

"Song on the wind. Whistling in my head. I sang along."

"And the Tom?"

"Drumbeats like the Santee do at festivals... I hear it a lot. Tom! Tom! Tom! Tom! Tom! Tom! Tom! Tom!" He sounded out the drums from memory. Kind of cute actually. "Is Tom her friend?"

"Something like that."

"Is Tom your friend?"

"I would hope he would consider me one. He died not long ago. I think he might have followed Dawn home."

"Home not here. Home on Rez."

"Well, can you keep a secret?"

"We friends?" Lukas lifts a fist to bump. Nick taps it.

"Until the end of time."

"Awesome! I like you, Nick. You bad, but good."

"Only way to be Buddy. Balance!"

"I mow your yard all the time?"

"Hired! I told you, you could. I'll pay you money that's yours... nobody else touches it. Understood?"

"I can buy comic books. Lillian buys me comic books. I love Lillian."

"She is pretty lovable, isn't she?" Nick sighed. No emotion, only spoken for the boy's behalf. Lillian was only a slave but, there was a balance even there. Midnight Amador was his darker side, Dawn his lighter side. While Lillian was in Charleston working, he had Midnight to entertain him. Just as he molded both women, he himself was evolving. Dark! Light! Grey Area!