Midnight Ep. 046: CARdiac


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Doors closing on the big truck the boat rocked about on the unlevel landscape. Air brakes squealing Cyber figured out they turned right on the main road. "Heading toward the REZ I think. Right direction anyway. If I recall my map in the Jag, the next few towns are small until Caretaker. If this goes through there, I'll jump ship and swim for it on dry land. Maybe I can swipe a car and find a safe abandoned place to hole up in. I just had to pick the hYACHT Regency here, didn't I?" Smooth sailing for now.


"Someday I would like to own a boat that big." Calvin Heavy-Feather riding shotgun in Crimson Merrick's Camaro noted the transport team hauling the SIRENe from the boatyard entrance. Crimson was barely listening to the Santee bouncer from SanTease, the strip club owned by her father Nodin Merrick, and managed by her sister Mikaela! "I am shocked your father does not own a yacht." So close to Cyber without even knowing. A shame!

"Land lover! He does have a canoe for the river near the REZ. I'm sorry dad had to drag you out of bed Cal."

"I will live. It has been a while since I've been to Cordoba. Even more in a car. I only own my Harley, thanks to your father."

"Yep! Maybe I'll let you drive back. I didn't get much sleep coming home so late. I will admit this, I feel safer with you with me."

"I will let nothing happen to you Crimson."

"I know! I'm just glad... no offense... that we're not doing what daddy had you do to Mikki. That was deserved I guess, but still. I know you like my sister though, so at least it got you an inch closer to her."

"Nine inches, but who is counting?" He grinned.

"Right! You're that big?" She flared her eyes, "Do NOT show me."

"I had no intentions. Where are we going?"

"Back to Dr. Freak's house. Cyber left her Jaguar there. With your brother's fellow REZsistence guarding Airika's place I feel safe enough to make another visit. You will not believe that woman's decor. She's definitely a freak like her nickname."

"I recall from her night at SanTease. She is pretty hot for her age."

"Yeah, she is gorgeous. I just feel bad that all of this Cyber business fell into her lap by her letting me hang out at her home. At least dad is paying for her tires. So, not her fault, insurance or not."

"Your father has his moments of generosity. Few and far between unless it benefits him but I think he is fond of the woman. Perhaps, your future stepmother."

"You shut your mouth, Feather." She cringed, "Don't think I haven't considered that possibility. Airika is cool but I just, she's white. I can't believe daddy would associate outside the tribe."

"The times are changing. Are you aware of Oliver's new girl?"

"He and Caprice are finally over with?"

"It appears so. Newton Waterfall and the other elders forbid my brother to bother CC ever again. This new girl will be trouble."

"Who's the new bitch?"

"Sheriff Roster's daughter Alexis."

"SAY, WHAT? Oh, fuck! I bet the Sheriff has a case full of ammo with Ollie's name on every shell."

"He is not happy. I cannot blame him, but the girl spoke up, defended the REZsistence even though they abused her."

"That whole gangbang ritual?"

"Yes. I will say this, she is insatiable. The REZ police will have their hands full keeping her clothing on. To be honest I think they will give up trying, just to keep peace with her father."

"That's crazy."

"What of you Crimson Merrick? You seem very attached to this Cyber."

"Shows that much?"

"You glow thinking of him."

"Her! He's her. Not a transgender just a, yeah... "

"You are gay?"

"I'm bi. Shush again, Calvin Reginald Heavy-Feather." She giggled. "At least I'm not doing the whole inc... " She paused, better not admit her sister and her father's incest when Calvin's heart was with Mikaela.

"Incest? You do know of the night, hours before I took Mikki in the yard?"

"Her acting up at SanTease? Yeah, I know."

"The full extent? What your father made her do in front of everyone in the club? Yes, I sensed incest even then, if only in its infancy. Has it...?"

"From what I understand. I'm so sorry Calvin."

"I will win her hand someday."

"Hey! For the record, you have my blessing. I've always thought you were the cool brother."

"Thanks! I wish you luck with your girl as well."

"Cordoba shitty limits." She drove by the population sign. "I don't know what the future holds Cal. Cyber is cool, but once daddy gets his hands on her, that part scares me. You know he's going to use her." Calvin Heavy Feather realized he had no comfort to offer. Passing by the car dealership he noticed a shiny new white pickup truck leaving the lot, followed out by someone he knew.

"There is Joseph Redmane. Ah! Veronica in the truck, someone win the lottery?" He grinned at Veronica all over her boyfriend Will in the cab of the Tacoma. "She has not changed."

"Never will!" Glancing about on her own she spotted Opal in her red dress near the garage of the dealership but didn't quite connect the dots of identity, she looked so different without her hair extensions and black leather. Distracted briefly she didn't even notice the Jaguar up high, nor Opal's van now in full view in the Rural King parking lot, the vehicles once hiding it long gone. But again, the color of it was now white. Some detective Crimson was. Onward she drove.

Obsibian Opal Savage, blame the medical oversight, dared to enter the garage just as the Jaguar was brought down, tires replaced. Cell pinging, she looked it over as she approached the mechanic, two REZsistance boys noting her arrival. Lifting their cells to call Nodin Merrick the phones became overly hot and hard to hold. Hot potato in their possession the lithium batteries within caught fire and they dropped them to the concrete. A mechanic ran over with a fire extinguisher to put them out. Bewildered, they looked up just as they spotted the Jaguar screeching its new tires out of the service center.

"Why did you let that woman drive off in the car?" Derrick Singing Sparrow asked the mechanic.

"She owned the car. Felicity Mann! She showed me ID. The tires were paid for with the tow last night. Didn't even bother to let me invoice her the bill."

"Crap!" Juno Fedder the second REZsistence biker chimed in running for his bike. To his shock he found both bikes laying on their sides. "CRAAAAAAAP!" Bikes were heavy as fuck. Yep! No keeping up with that woman.

Laughing as she tore down the highway in the Jag, Opal Savage accepted a call from ShadowBitch. "How did you like that ID manipulator function? Aren't you glad you have me on your sweet ass, Tigress?"

"Holographic ID! You do good work Shadow. Thanks for the backup."

"Torched their cells. Are you abandoning me and Black Box?" The name of her van.

"You said I wouldn't believe what the doc was doing. I figured I'd up the ante and take the mountain to Mohammed. Return the car out front of her house then drop in and say hi."

"Bold move. You sure? There's like seven bikers over at her house right now watching the show. Want me to drive Black Box there for an easy extraction?"

"Show? No, hang back in the White Wagon." Alternate nickname now that the exterior was pale.

"Find out on your own. Just don't get your dress shot up. Yep! Following you with every camera you pass. You look sexy in a Jag."

"I'd look better in that red 65 Mustang."

"Joey Redmane, mechanic from the Santee Rez. Married! Works for Nicky."

"I gathered that."

"The boy is William Gullivant, his father Niles is heading up Nicky's remodeling job. Oh! By the way that Bill guy you ripped apart at the hotel?"

"Sexy man? What about him? Is he pressing assault charges that you can erase?"

"Sure, you want to know?"

"Hit me, Bitch."

"He's the Sheriff of Caretaker. Friends with Nicky."

"Well, now! Nick knows everyone it seems. So, Bill is the PoPo."

"Sheriff Dolan Roster. I'm shocked you didn't rifle through his wallet for an ID while he was asleep."

"Didn't see the need to. My bad! The Major is going to reprimand me for that one. I left Bill in bad shape." She omitted her use of the drug T16R355, even though Dyson knew of her supplement orders for it from Eugene Holley. "That rundown hotel have cameras?"

"No! But Black Box does. I scanned him when he looked it over before your naked ass lured him upstairs. By the way, I printed a poster of you standing all sexy up there. It's on my bedroom wall."

"Enjoy it while you're still breathing." She chuckled. "Getting close to the Doc's. Back me up, I know she has active cams everywhere. For a doctor she's got some tech."

"You'll see why shortly." Dyson giggled. "I just invested in her stocks. She's more than any ER doctor. Don't be distracted by her, like the bikers are right now. You could get lucky and walk in on the pool party while their pants are down. Trust me Obie Opie! I'm recording this cunt. Big fan! I'm even tipping her big money right now."

"Tipping? She a camgirl?"

"Bigtime! Financials say she made a cool two million last year alone. Bitch is crazy! Hurry and see for yourself. Just watch that red dress I want to buy that fresh off your bod."

"And the Doc's the freak here? Come on, I know you watch me play any chance you can get."

"You're the camgirl of my screams." Dyson giggled. "Signing out. I can ignite their cells like the dropped jaws back at Cordoba Motors. Those guys are still working on lifting their Harley's. Watch your 360, like I'm watching!" Click!

"I hate to say it but I'm liking ShadowBitch more and more."


Ten minutes ahead of Opal, Crimson Merrick arrived with Calvin. Parking on the street she and he left the Camaro and noted the cluster of bikes. Loud metal music blaring and bikers riled up like an uprising Calvin winced at Crimson. "This cannot bode well."

"God, I hope that bitch isn't gangbanging the tribe."

"I would not put that past her. The door is locked." He tested the knob.

"Hold up." Stepping around him she typed the correct sequence for the alarm code, recalling the password. A click on the door it was easily opened. "She hasn't changed it yet. After a break-in I would." Entering the residence Calvin got his own look at the paintings and statues of her home. "Was I joking about her pad?"

"You were not."

"Pools this way! Oh, you have to be fucking kidding me. That clit dick can rise up out of the water?" Closing in on the glass pool doors Calvin bulged his eyes at what he was seeing. Blushing over the fact Crimson herself had straddled that Seahorse cock in the pool for her own pleasure she was just blown away by Airika's toys. Ten feet up over the water Doctor Airika Ferrec was butt ass naked and riding the seahorse cock like a rodeo star. The only support she had was the toy itself up inside her cunt.

The toy was attached to a large hydraulic arm that lifted her up out of the swimming pool and jerked her body about like a mechanical bull. Should she fall off of it the water was an easy cushion. Big natural breasts whipping in circles, nipples two-inch projectiles, Calvin was hard before they even opened the glass door. All seven REZsistence bikers had their dicks out jerking up a storm. Crimson opted to let Calvin take the lead, fearing so many dicks. Of course, not one of them would rape Crimson for fear of her father. Regardless! She was horny though. Dang it!

"Heavy Feather!" Ethan Squirrel in Tree noted his leader's brother. Catching onto the newcomer's arrival many of them put their erections away due to Crimson.

"HEY! GET THOSE FUCKERS BACK OUT! WE CUM TOGETHER!" Airika yelled between moans as she humped that huge dildo. Seeing Crimson she smiled, "Hi, Baby!"

"What the fuck Airika?" Crimson moved closer as bikers backed away, a couple of them daring to pull their peckers back out as Airika demanded. "I didn't know... " She leaned over the water to see the bottom with the hydraulic robot arms working directly out of the giant painted vagina. "How are you riding that thing?"

"Balance, Baby! Big buck fuck." She smirked. "You should try it."

"She's making money off of us." Lester Hot Sun told Calvin, pointing at a laptop on a table which was tapped into her surveillance cameras. "Crazy squaw has made twelve grand in thirty minutes riding that thing. Merrick is going to have a heart attack messing with this woman."

"Maybe he will. At least my cousin will be free." Sasha Summerhill, his maid and house whore. She loved her job, that was all that Calvin was concerned with. "Twelve grand. Not bad!"

"Thirteen!" Sid Running Creek chimed in, babysitting the laptop while beating off in a lawn chair. "She just rolled over."

"I thought you were all here to guard her from the intruder."

"We are! Bodyguards! Nice body to be guarding." He chuckled. "Blame her! She wanted to show off. I hope she orders us pizza after she's done. Changing tires, I worked up an appetite."

"Where did you find Hummer tires?"

"Off of another Hummer." He laughed. "Don't worry no one saw us lift them."

"And you got them here on your bikes?"

"Uhhh? No!" Sid shut up fast. "Uber!"

"You are slow in the head, Running Geek." Creek!

"I paid the guy good."

"You had better hope so." Sid put his dick away dry, he knew he fucked up.

Maybe they all had!


Music shut down via an override by ShadowBitch, out of the house stepped Opal Savage. Twin silencers in her possession pointed at the bikers. Sadly, in her upraised arms her stretchy red dress lifted on her hips, and everyone saw her cunt and the shiny piercings that decorated her vagina. Tigress was feeling frisky.

"LADY!" Meant for Crimson! "FREAK! You neglected to invite the life of the party."

Airika had an orgasm at just that moment.


Fifteen grand and rising. Guns did that!


After a rough ride on a dirt road Jasmine Riviera aka Cybercock felt the boat being backed in as guided by noisy assistants. The boat trailer easing out from under it the final jolt was left to swaying. "Ow!" Hearing activity around the boat she remained hidden with the cat Gilligan held firmly, purring up a frenzy at its new friend's attentiveness. A few mumbles out of the men followed by a hammer nailing something to the side of the boat she held her breath, and Gilligan for dear life. Then hearing a smaller truck's CB communication with the larger tractor all went silent after fifteen minutes. Allotting twenty to be certain Cyber emerged from the cabin below to see daylight. Releasing the cat, it remained close but did climb up on the boat's ledge and circle it.

"Where the hell am I?"

To her left was a lengthy field of grass, tree lines along the dirt road. A burnt down house left in ashes and timbers to her back. Hell indeed!

"Oooo! Port-A-Potty!" That was what the smaller truck had left behind. Climbing down Jasmine hit that potty house with a vengeance. "Clean even! Brand new it looks like. At least it's sanitary. No teepee though! Sucks to be me." Shaking off her urine she pulled her pants up and left the confinement. Noticing unopened crates, she ventured to look at them. "Water bottles. Nice!" Seeing Gilligan pawing at one crate she realized that there was food inside. "I'm not breaking a nail trying to pry the lids off of these, Puddytat. Let me find something I can use. I'm pretty certain someone is going to... " She noted a piece of paper nailed to the boat at the rear, right next to the christened name of SIRENe. Leaving it tacked up she did read the letter.

"You deserve a second chance. Don't make me regret my decision." Signed, N.S. "Shouldn't that be P.S.? Oh, fuck! N.S... Nick Sanchez! Did he know I was hiding on the boat? Moved me out here in the middle of nowhere? How? Why?"

She had to pee again.

Heart pounding!

"This is my graveyard."

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