Midnight Ep. 051: PAYDIRT


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"That would be my mother." Britney sighed!

"I'm sorry." Violet cocked a brow! "How's she doing?"

"Hauled to the sanitarium a few hours ago. Clooney-Toomes around Charleston."

"Oh, yeah? Rooming her up with Bugs and Daffy?"

"God, I hope not. She would do what Wiley Coyote could never accomplish." Brit giggled! "I'm not offended, Violet."

"Good! Let's hope she gets the help she needs."

"Me too." Brit found support from Mindy and CC patting her shoulders. ""Let's get this stuff and go to our new home. We can unpack things in the house."

"The one on FingerMe Road?" CC laughed. Ingermead Road! Vandal misfortune!

"Yes!" Britney beamed! "Home sweet home! We're going furniture shopping tomorrow after I sign papers."

"I'll be serving tables, but you bitches have fun." CC smirked! "Hey Violet? Is that surf shop still open over in Abingdale? What was that place called... oh yeah, Shehorse?"

"Last I checked. Looking for a new bikini?"

"A couple... the kind you might arrest me for wearing at the beach."

"And seduce you in the back of my cruiser over?" She laughed. "Let me know when you go shopping, I'll join you. I could use a nude... I mean new... bikini." Violet did have a rocking bod. "You can take pictures of me for Darcy. Maybe she'll call me more."

"It's a date."

Violet led the way toward the apartment with Mindy pointing out her habitat from outside. Taking the stairs, Mindy opened her apartment door which was left unlocked when she bolted out earlier in the day. No sign of Grant, but he did work from home and his car was in the lot. A quiet entry the ladies began carrying out the boxes Mindy had to abandon. Living across the hall Grant opened his door at the disturbance.

"Mindy?" He saw her through the door, Britney and CC outside loading up. He started to leave his apartment then was caught by surprise. Violet Murphy had been standing next to his door out of the peephole port. A hand centered into his chest halted him in his tracks.

"Please stay in your abode, Mister Ed." Edison!

"Why is she not behind bars? Look at my face." He pointed out the bruises and beginnings of a bad black eye. "Arrest her this instant."

"Keep yelling and it will be you I haul you in." Violet now stood in front of him, Mindy easing behind without a word to go down with her belongings. Once she had left the building Violet eased closer to Grant, right in his face. "No charges will stick. Go back into your squirrel hole and shut your nut. From this moment... THIS MOMENT... " She pointed at the floor, "... you no longer mutter her name, let alone go near Mindy Biles or you answer to me. I do carry a taser."

"This is police brutality."

"Guess who gets away with it." She wagged her brows then tapping a nail over his bruised chin. Swallowing under pressure Grant Edison stepped back and shut his door. Game over! Violet loved playing the bad cop. Heart of gold in reality.

Thirty minutes later the ladies were back on the road to Caretaker. Violet did text Darcy a picture of she and CC cheek to cheek razzing her. Darcy returned her text with a fuck you finger and a tongue extension. At least the women bonded again. They also invited Darcy to go shopping at Shehorse on Saturday. She would have to let them know. Yeah, probably not now that Darcy heard a call from Hannah about going to Harbinger Shoals, mention of a dead body found. Even Violet heard the call on her way out.

"Another time Babe."



Sheriff Dolan Roster made it to Harbinger Shoals, a splitting headache from his slow recovery he took his time in leaving his squad car. Just hearing moans coming from the bed of a brand-new Tacoma made his dick rise. "Goddammit! Still? How long does that shit torture a guy?" Tigress, the drug Opal Savage shared with him to make their night of sex that much more primal. Dolan was still suffering. He wanted to check out the inhabitants in the bed but prodded himself into doing his job. A dead body was no joke.

Walking toward the bridge which was still out of sight at the moment he noted the presence of a bright red Jaguar and caressed the paintjob. Like everyone else he loved a fancy car. Rounding some branches, he found Clinton Biles having a heated chat with Nodin Merrick over Clinton tying Lillian Bearpaw and Midnight Amador back up to the pillars. While their legs were not suspended the girls did sit on the ground with their legs wide, arms stretched up over their heads and bound tightly.

"Jesus, Sanchez!" Dolan hissed under his breath, his dick harder than ever at seeing the girls dirty yet glossy at the same time, band-aids adorning minor abrasions. That was part of Nodin's objections. Beside Nodin stood his daughter Crimson trying to calm him down. His earlier demeanor now long gone he was back to being an arrogant ass. Clinton Biles simply fidgeted and refused to let Nodin untie the girls.

"Quiet down, Merrick, you're waking the... " Dolan paused, finishing that sentence meant disrespecting the dead. "Why are you out here when there's a dead body on the premises?" Crimson noting Dolan's tented slacks bulged her eyes and had to turn away. Dolan felt crappy over his obvious hardon but couldn't help it. Crimson's sweet ass was not helping, Dolan's eyes lowering to look it over.

"What am I to do about it?" Nodin growled, "My fellow elders are in there dealing justice as we argue. I am only here to respect the dignity of the Waterfall's. Their granddaughter... "

"Is quite happy, Mister Merrick." Dawn dared to share her thoughts. "Get past it. I'm NOT changing who I am for anyone." Crimson listening in found respect in Dawn standing up for herself. "It is my life to give, not yours. Whether you or the elders disagree with me or not, let it be known I, like Midnight, belong to Nick. This is where we want to be."

"Tied up like a... "

"Slave? Used like whores? Yes! That is what we are. This is what we will forever be." While Crimson Merrick understood her former classmate's decisions, she still felt wrong about it. She was just too independent. Now her sister Mikki, she fit this mold better. Which was probably why she was now in their father's bed at his commands. Tempted to use that knowledge on her father as a counterattack, Crimson simply turned away. Dolan was still a hefty influence on her decision.

"Come with me, Merrick." Dolan barked at the Santee mobster! "Leave the ladies be. Crimson? Stay out here if you don't mind." Before anyone could take a step, another entered the situation. Lakshmi Surve had abandoned Will Gullivant and his girl Veronica Redmane, spotting her future lover the man mountain that was Clinton Biles. Running at him squealing, the drug X-AP347 in her system thanks to Nick Sanchez, she leaped into Clinton's arms. Wrapping her limbs about his waist tightly, Will Gullivant's recent nut dripped onto Clinton's pants. Nodin rolled his eyes and shot a glance at Dolan.

"You are doing nothing about this brothel?"

"Why? Jealous it's not one of yours?" Dolan fought back, watching the gorgeous Hindi beauty smooching Clinton wherever her lips could find a spot. Holding her aloft Clinton growled, "KNOCK IT OFF!" Peeling her from him he held her by her wrists. "Don't make me tie you up with the ladies down there."

"You must!" She giggled! "I am yours, Mister Clinton." Now she sounded like Nova Khar-Issawi in her recognition. Someday they would be great friends. Brushing her off, Clinton turned her back to his chest and held her arms behind her. Eying Nodin and Dolan the girl shared a hint of lust. So not helping Dolan!

"Why are you not attending the gas station?" Dolan shook his head. "Biles?"

"Blame Nick."

"It always boils down to Sanchez." Clinton took the risk of releasing Lakshmi but regretted it the second his grip loosened. Lakshmi dropped to her knees and reached both hands up to marvel at Dolan's erection, and went so far as to palm Nodin's crotch, not as much fun she retraced her hand and went solely for Dolan.

"ENOUGH!" Clinton grabbed Lakshmi by her hair and drug her to her feet. "LET'S NOT!" Ignoring his post, he forcefully led Lakshmi to her car. Yeah, he fucked her up against it. He couldn't hold out any longer, the bitch was amazing.

Crimson remaining alone watched her father and Sheriff Roster head out over the bridge. Biting a nail, her attention turned to observing Clinton destroy Lakshmi. Both of his humongous hands were palming the girls face and feeding her mouth with four overly thick fingers to shut her up. A trip to her new car Crimson had to touch herself. This was just insane. Envisioning Jasmine Riviera the girl squealed right along with the grunts of Clinton and the cries of Veronica Redmane. Strange that only Dawn Bearpaw and Midnight Amador were the quiet ones. For now!


Reaching Nick Sanchez talking with the elders about the body, Dolan entered the conversation. "Fill me in Sanchez."

"Let's go inside."

Leading Dolan into the house, the elders mingled, questioning Samuel Bearpaw how he could let his daughter be treated in such a manner. Thankfully his father-in-law Newton stilled their rants with a swatting walking stick. Pulling Sam aside Newton walked him away for a private chat. Explaining that his daughter Wanita now knew about Lillian things grew tense. Both men came to an agreement to deal with Wanita together. Newton reminded Sam to be sure to give the anniversary gifts he had purchased to his wife to soften the blow. Worth a shot!

"So, the ground had a false roof into a crypt?" Dolan came downstairs with Nick to survey the environment. Shared flashlights shining down on bones Dolan sighed. "Been dead a good long while by the looks of it."

"Not long enough. A few years maybe by the looks. Deterioration disproves decades."

"You a coroner now?" Dolan winced!

"I know dead people. Career in the military, remember?"

"Uh huh! I'm sure you laid to rest a fair number in your time."

"Why do you have a hard on? Why do you look beat up?"

"Thanks for noticing." He grumbled! "I hooked up with some crazy bitch over in Londale last night. Hot ass African American. She drugged me with something she called Tigress." Nick immediately connected his lover to Obsibian Opal Savage and frowned.

"Bathe in ice water that will fix your problem. I'll deal with the Tigress herself."

"Wait! You're telling me you know this Opal?"

"We served in the military together. I hired her; she's a bounty hunter now."

"Hired her for what?"

"Too many questions, Roster. Can we discuss that another day? I'll make her apologize to you. For now, is this discovery going to shut down my work out here? Another week, I'll be able to move in."

"Might be a delay in that. And no, I will not hide this."

"I didn't expect you to. Bearpaw mentioned the body didn't have a skull. I'm thinking the skull I found in that trunk from Albert's antique store might be the missing piece down there. Can we at least agree to keep the skull secret for now? I'd like to run separate tests from anyone investigating the crypt. Just in case." He was aware of his computer hacker Dyson's theories. Unconfirmed, of course! That part haunted Nick, should she be correct. "Let's protect Albert even if he didn't know about the skull." That part made sense to Dolan.

"Fair enough! I'll need to bring in a CSI unit from Charleston. Lock this place down until morning. They won't like it, but I'll post Koones and Grainger out here to stand guard tonight until CSI can arrive. Don't tamper with anything further."

"Agreed! I'll post Biles overnight too."

"If you can peel the gas station girl off of him."

"I'll handle that. Make your calls. If I disagree on anyone that they want to send out, I'll let you know."

"Excuse me?" Nick lifted his cell up and turned it on. "Shadow?"

"Right here, Boss."

"Fill Dolan in on Charleston law enforcement."

"Who is Shadow?"

"Afternoon, Sheriff! I'll be your conscience. CSI over in Charleston is pretty legit but we have two folks you might want to object to. They've been known to take bribes for falsifying information. Avoid a Lloyd Halifax and a Deidre Carpenter. I'll work my end in trying to detain them from this investigation."

"Who the fuck are you, Sanchez?"

"Your savior. Watch my back, I'll watch yours. I'm going up. Shadow? Keep in contact with Dolan here. Advise him without telling him how to do his job."

"At your disposal, Sheriff Roster. Oh! And I'm sorry for what Opie did to you. She's really not a bad person."

"Opie? Opal? Yeah, you can bet I'll be having a word with her before long."

"Careful or she might sign your body cast with a welding torch."

"She will NOT go there." Nick set Shadow straight. "Just focus on the situation at hand."

"Yes, Sir."

"This is fucking nuts." Dolan hissed as Nick patted the Sheriff on the shoulder.

"It's bound to get crazier."

"As if I didn't know that."

Nick headed upstairs to deal with the elders. Dolan made his calls from the bowels of Hell. Shadow simply stretched back in her seat and ate a cream cheese bagel. Wherever she was! Her monitors many, she had tabs on the universe.


"Riding the storm out. Waiting for the fallout."

Jamming to a classic radio station to REO Speedwagon Jasmine Riviera was feeling pretty good about her escape. Uncertain of her destination she simply drove along the coastline. She knew she wanted to reach out to Crimson Merrick again, but it scared her to do so. Now that she realized that maybe that note on the boat was not meant for her, she was in a panic but trying to clear her head with the music.

"I'm pretty sure I jumped to conclusions out there at the burn site. Man, I really thought Nick Sanchez knew where I was and brought me to the safety of that place. Set me up for a long-term, short-term residence. Now I feel like I'm right back to square one. All I want is forgiveness and to hang with my girl Crim. God, I hope she wants me like I want her."

Oncoming traffic she found a slew of bikers, the REZsistance returning from Cordoba. Calvin Heavy-Feather had hotwired Crimson's original car to get back home to the REZ. Lowering her ballcap Jasmine sank in the driver's seat to avoid any direct contact. Not that they knew what she looked like. However, many of those roughneck bikers did know who owned that ugly ass car. She sure didn't look like any Esteban Amador. The connection not immediate, she thought she was in the clear. Less than a mile further Esteban's engine started smoking and a deafening hiss sent the Buick into overheat mode.

"Oh, come on. Don't do this to me."

Forced to pull over on the shoulder she grabbed her two hostage cellphones and abandoned the car. Walking less than a half mile she heard motorcycles coming back. They had obviously checked out Esteban's car in its abandonment. Still distant enough that they might not spot her she raced across the road and into some trees. Realizing the ocean was her best bet she ran toward the beach when she discovered a really nice beach house.

"Maybe I can bluff the owners of this crazy nice crib to hide me out until the bikers go by." Convinced it was her best shot she raced to the side door and rang the doorbell repeatedly. Noticing a camera Jasmine hid her face. No answer from the residents she picked the lock. Silent alarm immediately detecting her she thought she was in the clear at least. Hearing bikes outside, her heart stopped. "Oh, fuck!"

Doors automatically locking all around her Jasmine freaked out, circling the dining area uncertain what her next move was. "What did I just do?" She couldn't escape the house and even if she did, the REZsistance was surrounding her. "I have to hide." Running into the bedroom she looked over and saw a set of accordion doors, glass easily seen though. Bikers peering in spotted her and called out to Calvin Heavy-Feather. Unable to get inside they simply stared at her and attempted to draw her out. "How do they know who I am? Did Crimson sell me out?" She had no idea that Crimson had made peace with Opal Savage.

"Relax Cyber, they can't get in. Bulletproof glass."

"HOLY SHIT!" Jasmine peered around for a voice. "Who?"

"Not your friend, not your enemy. Just sit down and remain calm. Help is on the way."

"Help? Who? The police?"

"Heaven's no! You're beyond them Sweetie. Welcome to Nicky's borrowed palace."

"Nick Sanchez?"

"Major Nick Sanchez! Get comfy, he will be there shortly."

"NONONONONO! This can't be happening."

"Beer in the fridge if you want one. Don't eat his food though."


Oh, yes!


Nick Sanchez was tired of hearing complaints out of the elders. Walking away from them, the elders followed him as Nick marched over the bridge. Kami noticed Midnight and Lillian Dawn trying to use their outstretched toes to tease one another's cunts. The idle time out here alone brought their adrenaline back into play. Hearing moans from every direction only escalated the drugs in their bodies. Spotting Nick, the girls increased their attempts. His cell ringing, he paused on the bridge and checked on the caller. Answering it he listened intently.

"Guess what the cat dragged in?" Dyson shared video of his home. Spotting Jasmine pacing the floor, then the REZsistance outside trying to get in Nick growled. "ETA fifteen minutes. Keep her safe."

"Gotcha Chief!"

Hanging up Nick spotted Lukas Porcupine at the taco bags on the bed of the Raptor. Grumpy over having to move it all he took out his pocketknife and stepped to Bearpaw. Severing her bonds, he brought her to her feet. The elders had hopes that he was coming to his senses. With Darcy Grainger arriving, Nick knew he had backup. "Bearpaw? Take the Raptor back to the REZ with you. You're spending the night with Lukas. Make him a man." Eyes bulging, she swallowed and sighed, "Yes, Kami."

Moving to Midnight he now sliced her bonds and yanked her up by her hair. "Go home with Will and Veronica tonight. I'll come get you in the morning." He shoved her toward the new truck then waited until she climbed into the bed with them. Oh, she was laid by William, right in front of V.

"Where's Dolan?" Darcy Grainger approached Nick after telling Biles and Lakshmi to get a room.

"Basement of the house. See to it everyone goes home. Quarantine the property."

"You're leaving?"

"Pressing business." He walked off toward Biles. Seeing him on the way Clinton pulled out of Lakshmi and manhandled her into her driver's seat. "Send her home. You're on guard duty out here overnight. Back up Grainger. Koones is on his way. No one gets over that bridge but Caretaker PD. Understood?"

"On it!" Nick pointing at Lakshmi she pouted.

"GO HOME!" Nodding she resisted her hormones and started her car. Clinton told her he needed a raincheck on their date in his hotel room. Backing up and turning around Lakshmi Surve obeyed even if she cried all of the way home. Toys would definitely be used, especially when Clinton called her late at night.

Making his rounds Nick saw Crimson Merrick ducking in her car seat. "Wipe your fingers you're driving me home."

"What?" She sat up straight and licked her fingertips, wiping them on her clothing. "Your home? Why?"

"Reunion time. Drive!"

The elders had no clue what was going on, but Newton Waterfall did find the tacos. They did eat well. The REZ RYDER bus returned to take the worker's home. Niles, Sam, and Joe were asked to leave by Darcy. Shift over!

Crimson Merrick was feeling uneasy driving alone with Nick. She knew her father was not going to be happy about this. Stuck with his brothers Nodin had no choice but to let his daughter go. Within thirty minutes Harbinger Shoals was at peace.

"It's just you and me Steeltoe." Clinton Biles stood guard, peering down at the gator. He tossed the beast a bag of tacos out of friendship. Buddy cops! Well, soon enough.