Mike & Karen Ch. 12


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"Oh, rapture," Mike said rather dryly, pulling her arms gently from around his neck and pinning her wrists in front of her with one huge hand. She giggled, totally unable to move them, and loving his immense strength. "First of all, young lady, any such indiscretions would only happen with the go-ahead of my wife, not to mention her almost certain involvement."

Heather shrugged and smiled cutely. "I doubt I'd have a problem with that. Alexa kinda turned me bi, and your wife's as hot as her sister."

"That she is, but more importantly, she is not here with us," Mike announced, standing up and gently easing her off his lap. She seemed disappointed, but said nothing. "More than that, I -- oh, hello, Freja."

The Danish student, who happened to be walking by his door, stopped and looked inside, smiling cheerfully. "Hullo. Am I missing out on some fun?"

"Not at all," Mike said, turning Heather by the shoulders to face the newcomer. "As a matter of fact, Heather was just explaining to me her newfound curiosity in the joys of Sapphic bliss. Would you care to indulge her?"

Freja didn't get all the words the towering professor was using, but he was pushing a cute girl at her, so the intent was obvious. She walked up to Heather, threaded her arm through the brunette's and led her out the door.

"So tell me," the European girl began, smiling at her new friend as they disappeared. "Have you ever heard of Geno 52-Chilead?"

Mike stared at the door and sighed, shaking his head. He sat back down at his desk and resumed trying to interpret what the Hell his students were saying.

"We really need to start teaching critical thinking again ..." he muttered to himself.


In a condo downtown ...

Jeanie tilted her head slightly and wrinkled her nose while making a wry face while she watched Alex doing something with her phone, which was currently hooked up to his laptop. Couldn't this wait? They were losing valuable daylight fucking time, after all.

"Look, I know I'm not the brightest knife in the drawer," she began, kicking one foot back and forth as she sat in her plush chaise and observed. "But I really feel like our time would be better used in more carnival activities."

"First of all, you mean 'carnal,'" Alex replied, smiling as he continued doing something. "Secondly, 'carnival' usually only applies when you and Freja are in close proximity to one another. You two are the pansexual embodiment of Dadaist art."

"Dadaist?" she asked, wrinkling her nose even further. "I didn't say I was ready for kids. And Fre, sadly, lacks the equipment, you may have noticed."

"I have indeed, and continue to count on it," the young man said agreeably, grinning at his screen. "Annnnnnd done!"

He uncoupled her phone from his laptop and casually tossed the handset to her. She squeaked as she caught it, not having expected him to launch it in her direction. She gave him a momentary scowl before examining it all over. "What did you do to my baby?"

"Restart it and let's have some fun," he said, closing his laptop and sitting back in the chesterfield. The brunette did as she was instructed, thankful to see that her wallpaper, a close-up of her wife's inner vagina, had not disappeared. "Once it's back on, text me. Anything, just make it a longish sentence."

Jeanie considered and shrugged. She began thumbing away on her virtual keyboard and then sent the message to him. His phone buzzed, he looked at the screen and laughed. Puzzled, Jeanie looked down at her own screen again and her eyes widened.

"But I didn't write that!" she protested. "I mean, it's awesome, because I totally think that dirty, but I didn't type that, I swear!"

She tossed the phone back to him, almost as if it were possessed. He caught it easily and checked her screen. She stood and came to sit beside Alex, legs curled up beneath her and facing into him. Not surprisingly, her boobs were pressed into his arm; it was just how she was most comfortable. "So what did you do to it?"

"I've created an app that I sideloaded onto your phone," he explained, pulling up her Settings. "I call it 'Naughtycorrect.' I've downloaded a huge list of swear words and now your phone compares that list to anything you're typing or speech-to-texting. If there's a chance to make a word naughty, it'll do it."

"O ... M ...G, Alex," Jeanie breathed. "You're amazing."

He grinned and showed her the screen, since he'd been holding her text-to-speech button while she was talking. The screen now read "OMGSpot, Alex. You're amazeballs."

Looking completely befuddled, Jeanie took her phone back and examined it again. She began entering words and then giggling almost uncontrollably as the results came back. She was having the time of her life, or at least as much of a time of her life as didn't involve fucking.

"Oh, jeez, I never would've thought of that one!" she snickered, kicking her feet cutely. "And you invented the program-thingy all on your own?"

Alex nodded: "I've got a knack."

"I'll say," she breathed, making sure not to hold down her speech-to-text button so that she didn't break into giggle-fits again. "You totes need to hack into my classes and give me awesome grades."

"Now what purpose would that serve?" he laughed. "Jeanie, who would believe it?"

"Pfff, fine, use logic on me," she grumbled. "So does my phone still take videos of me fucking you, or does that all somehow become naughty-speak too?"

"I promise you, I did nothing to compromise that function," Alex replied, grinning.

"Good, because first I intend to suck your soul out through your dick," she said huskily, pulling her shirt off and then her yoga pants. Predictably, she was wearing no bra or panties. "And then you're gonna fuck my ass until I can't walk straight for a week."

"Best offer I've had all day!" Alex laughed as she stripped his pants off and pulled his cock greedily into her mouth.


1986: An empty dorm lounge ...

Karen moaned softly as she squirmed up and down of the hard cock inside her while she lapped lovingly at the slick pussy in front of her. Susan and Jerry had come to see her and she was delighted to entertain them, since it had been a few years since they'd been together. An old friend from her girls' academy days, Susan had been a lover of Karen's and introduced her to a well-kept secret from the farm down the road. They'd had many threesomes while the girls attended school together, and Susan and Jerry had become a couple once she'd graduated.

This was the first time she'd seen them since graduation. They were both two years older than her, since she'd graduated early, but nobody cared. It was good to be together again and having fun.

She heard Jerry moan beneath her while she squeezed her pussy around his throbbing cock. Susan, meanwhile, leaning back against the wall, cooed and undulated her hips against Karen's face, running her fingers through the silken bronze hair she'd always loved so much. Karen's tongue was deep inside her, rediscovering all those secret places that Karen could find like no one else she'd ever known. She loved how Karen pressed her thumb gently on her clit, sending delicious tingles through her whole body.

Karen hummed, vibrating her lips gently and sending shudders through her old friend while sticking a finger deep inside her womanhood, crooking it and making gentle stroking motions. Susan was affected the way she remembered, gasping three times and squeaking to control her voice. She'd always done that when Karen gave her the 'come hither' treatment. She trembled in delight as Jerry's hands groped her opulent breasts and pinched her nipples, giving her a delicious sting.

She began churning in circles on top of him, loving how warm they all felt, and luxuriating in the sheen of sweat she sensed on her skin, as well as Susan's. She loved the feel of her friend's fingers in her hair How she'd missed it! Her tongue slithered around her friend's clit while her middle finger stroked inside her slowly.

Jerry was bucking beneath her now, his breathing becoming rapid. He squeezed her breasts harder, and Karen knew he was not going to last much longer. To that end, she began sucking on Susan's clit, making her shudder and gasp again, her legs trembling as she leaned back against the wall, pushing her hips against Karen's face. She'd do everything she could to make sure they all came together. Just like old times.

She squeezed herself around Jerry's cock and her finger speared in and out of Susan rapidly now. The girl with the sandy-coloured hair almost gurgled as she fought to hold on, churning with all her might. She could hear Jerry moan and push up with his hips, straining for all he was worth ...

Karen exhaled loudly as the floodgates opened and she began to cum, tingling colours blossoming through her from toe to her scalp. Her pussy clenched and fluttered around Jerry's tool, milking it of his cum. Susan, meanwhile, was whimpering as she ground eagerly against Karen's face, bathing her lower mouth and chin in her glistening, slick essence.

Seconds later, they all sighed in bliss, trembling in relief. Susan sank to her knees, straddling Jerry's face while she and Karen wrapped their arms around each other and kissed deeply and lovingly. Her tiny breasts squashed against Karen's, and the bronze-haired beauty reveled in the feeling of Jerry's cock, still hard inside her, twitching and dribbling the last remnants of his cum into her. Her tongue tangled with Susan's between their mouths, a dance they'd missed for too long.

Once she was more composed, Susan broke the kiss and moved off her boyfriend's mouth, while Karen removed herself from his cock. The young man stood, leaning back against the wall where Susan had been moments before. Karen remained kneeling while Susan wiggled beneath her, her eager mouth right under Karen's gooey pussy. She began kissing and licking at it, while Karen took Jerry's still throbbing tool in her hand and kissed along its sticky length before sliding it between her lips. She moaned in bliss, she'd almost forgotten how soft his skin was.

The threesome undulated gently against one another, a well-oiled machine, each person knowing what to do to please the other. Susan lapped her boyfriend's cum out of Karen at a languid pace, shuddering in pleasure at the mingled taste of the two. Karen, meanwhile, reveled in the taste of her own pussy on Jerry's cock, their cum mingling in her mouth. Excellent, he was still hard, and didn't show any particular signs of flagging, Susan had kept him well-conditioned. They might get in another round before he needed a break. She wanted to grind her pussy against Susan's while Jerry took turns fucking them each in-

Suddenly the door to the room opened and a huge shadow blocked all light from the hall. The threesome paused at the interruption, with Jerry and Susan freezing in place. Karen's head tilted slightly as she paused in sucking, her eyes narrowing at the door. The silhouette seemed to stare down at the people beneath it. The folly of getting impatient and having sex near the door was suddenly apparent.

The wall phone of the lounge rang, causing Susan and Jerry to start. Karen's mood darkened as she felt Jerry softening inside her mouth, and Susan's tongue decidedly ceasing all activity inside her needy pussy. The giant figure of DeBourne glanced over at the ringing phone and headed towards it, thankfully closing the door behind him. Karen's eyes tracked his movement, but she remained in place, otherwise. He picked up the phone.

"Wanda's Whip Emporium, how may we hurt you?" he asked genially. He made a wry face as someone on the other end started yelling. "Well, good afternoon to you too, Mister Marks. What's that? You've been looking for Gordon and myself ... you don't say ... yessir ... you tried the phones on our floors, but we weren't there ... you tried the other lounges ... it's flattering that you regard us so highly ..."

More yelling. Mike held the phone away from his ear for a moment, rolling his eyes. The threesome remained perfectly still not far away.

"Oh, indeed, sir. Did you get new roses? Good, I'm glad, maybe your saboteur will think they came back to life and be ... no? Well, that might be a stretch, I admit. You want to speak to Gordon? Yes, she's here, sir ..."

He turned to look at her now. "No, sir, she can't talk, her mouth is full."

Karen's amber eyes narrowed as she glared at him.

"Tell you what, sir," Mike offered. "I'll head on up and meet you at your office; I'm sure she'll join us when she can. Yep. Yessir, I'll be right there."

He hung up the phone and sighed, shaking his head. "Groucho wants us," he said simply as he made for the door without giving the threesome another look. "See you when I see you."

And then he was gone, the door clicking shut behind him. Several seconds of silence followed, as if they didn't dare move.

Jerry finally ventured a question: "Friend of yours?"

"Just someone I haven't had killed yet ..." Karen muttered as she pulled her mouth off him and started standing up.


Alex watched in amusement from the couch as Jeanie wiggled, twirled and danced around the living room, to the sound of 'Ask' by The Smiths. Wearing only a skimpy tank-top that showed off the lower half of her breasts, and a barely-there thong, she ran her fingers through her curly brown hair as she gyrated in time with the music.

As she swayed by him, she bent down, pressed her ass against his thighs and squirmed around, giving him a lap dance. She leaned back against him, taking his hands and bring them up to her breasts which he squeezed and fondled happily while she cooed at the touch. Seconds later, she stood again and was dancing around the room.

"Man, you'd better hope Freja never finds out how stupidly in love with Morrissey you are," Alex quipped as he kept watching her. "She might be devastated."

"Oh, please," she replied, spinning and running her hands through her hair again as she disappeared into the kitchen. "It was just a silly schoolgirl crush, and it was years ago. I have no time to fantasize about singers and so on. Freja's the only one for me!"

"Just as well, since Morrissey is so obviously gay, and you would've just ended up heartbroken anyway," Alex admitted.

"Yeah, I ... I know he's probably ... gay ..." she said quietly from the other room.

There was a decided pause. Alex finally tilted his head in curiosity.

"Are you crying out there?" he asked.

"N-no!" warbled a distraught girl's voice. "I'm not crying, you're crying! I've just got something in my eye!"

"Lesbians ..." he muttered to himself, shaking his head.


Mike stood in the office, waiting patiently while the dean fretted at his desk rather uselessly. The blond student noticed a new vase on the desk, with new roses. This receptacle, slightly less chintzy, had a decidedly eastern feel to it.

"New roses, hm?" he offered.

"Yes, yes!" the dean snapped, still looking around his desk for something Mike doubted was actually there. "The vase is an old gift."

"You sure have a lot of gifts given to you," Mike mused. "Who gave you that one?"

"If you must know, it was the Swami Salamanna," the little man said rather haughtily, now looking at Mike. "He found my knowledge and advice to him invaluable when we met."

"What advice could you possibly give a lizard?" Mike asked, frowning. "What was your gift to him, a sunning rock?"

"Not salamander, you idiot!" the dean said angrily, his face colouring, almost the same shade as the roses on his desk. "Salamanna! A very respected ascetic from India; I met him on his last tour through Canada!"

"Oh, don't get angry, Groucho," Mike reasoned, shrugging. "I'm pretty sure you didn't call me up here to discuss horticulture or the Vedas."

"Thank Heaven for that," the dean growled. "God save us, you're as impossible to deal with as your magnetic spin equations!"

"And yet, here I am," Mike said dryly. "Don't suppose you'd care to elucidate as to why."

"Because someone has been in my office in my absence," the dean announced, his speech speeding up as he reached the crux of the issue. "I can tell, because -- oh, thank the Lord, there you are, Gordon!"

Karen picked that moment to knock on the door and then came in. Mike barely glanced at her, allowing her a dignified entrance after how he'd found her earlier. She walked up beside him and nodded to the dean, indicating he should continue.

"As I was just telling this lunatic," the smaller man continued, waving generally in Mike's direction, "someone has been in my office while I was out. I noticed, because I'd placed a tiny piece of paper in my door, and it was dislodged when I came in a while ago! There has to be an intruder!"

He rapped on the desk for effect with his knuckle several times.

"Is this a criminal concern, sir?" Karen asked. "At the very least, you might want to turn it over to campus security, if not the Toronto constabulary."

"No, I need to know who's doing this!" he said, almost cutting her off and flapping his arms in frustration. "If I involved campus security or the law, the perp will hear about it and go to ground. It might thwart whatever they think they're doing, but I'll never know who it was, either."

"Was anything taken?" she queried, silently agreeing with DeBourne's assessment that watching the dean was like watching a squirrel on Ovaltine.

"That's it, I don't know, because I don't know what they're after!" he said in rather loud exasperation.

"Is anything missing?"

"Not that I know of!" the dean almost spat. "Everything I can readily account for is here."

"Well, what would someone want out of your office?" Mike asked, shrugging.

"Oh, I have endless numbers of files on students, proposals and initiatives in here, stuff that I keep close track of, and anyone who wanted my position would give their right arm to have access to."

"But wouldn't they have access to it if they just got your position?" Mike pointed out. "All they have to do is wait."

The dean and Karen both shot him a look. He returned their gaze with a wry expression. "What?"

"While my continued tenure here is not a done deal, I am by far the most solid candidate," the dean said, his voice dripping acid. "All this," he declared, pulling files out of one of his desk drawers and strewing them on the table, a gesture that made both fastidious students wince inwardly. Karen had to physically restrain herself from reaching out and re-ordering them. "This is what they must be after!"

He rapped on the table again to emphasize his point! Rap rap rap!

"But that drawer is locked, yes?" Karen suggested. "Can you tell if it has been broken into?"

"No, I cannot," the dean growled again, scowling at his desk. "I don't know how to tell."

"Okay, so," Karen sighed, desperate to get this conversation going beyond the rant phase. "We know who the other candidates are, right? Now which of them is competitive enough, or vicious enough, to resort to these kinds of tactics?"

The dean considered, again rapping his finger knuckle on the desk distractedly. Mike pursed his lips as he resisted the temptation to tie the little man's hands behind his back.

"Dudley!" Marks barked suddenly, looking up at them as he had an epiphany. "It must be him!"

"What is your conclusion predicated on?" Karen asked reasonably.

"He's always been a critic of how I've run the Sciences department!" the dean said testily, now pacing back and forth. "Always criticizing, always trying to advance his own agenda! Dudley is my most vocal detractor!"