Mike & Karen Ch. 20


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At this point, Mike had reached down and his huge hand had latched onto the back of Steven's skinny neck. Mike then began to pull up, lifting Steven off the floor. The first-year hands scrabbled to hold on to Janet, but he lost his grip because of all the lube smeared on her.

"Hey, ow-ow-ow-wow-WOW-WOWWWW!" Janet protested as her backside began to lift off the floor, since Steven was still inside her. He came out with a loud 'POP!' and Janet yelped in alarm and flopped on the floor, trembling and with eyes wide. Lisa winced and looked away, while Mona just muttered 'Dayum...' under her breath while frowning.

"Heyman, open the door," Mike ordered. The redhead squeaked and scrambled off her bed, scurrying over to the door and opening it before trying to hide behind it. Mike, still holding Steven by the neck, turned and tossed him through the door and into the hallway. The naked student gasped and whined in panic, trying desperately to cover himself while dashing down the hallway.

They could hear several girls shrieking in shock or laughing.

"Was that really necessary?" Karen asked, standing now and staring at Mike, her hands on her hips to indicate she was displeased.

"And what would've happened to him if it had been you he'd mouthed off to?" Mike pointed out, looking back at her levelly.

"... okay, you have a point there," Karen allowed, dropping her hands from her hips. "But what am I supposed to do with his clothes now? I don't want to touch them."

"Could we perhaps address the matter of my potentially prolapsed sphincter here, people?" Janet complained, still lying on the floor.

"Oh, you're fine," Karen said dismissively, waving in her friend's general direction. "You've bragged about taking DeBourne back there, and his manhood is bigger than that kid's neck."

"And why would you know that?" Janet almost hissed accusingly.

"I've walked in on the two of you several times," Karen replied, before beginning to count on her fingers. "I've seen him nude modelling for the art department, not to mention Mona... I had him fitted for a suit... I've seen him naked in one of my hot tubs back home before you impaled yourself on him, and-"

"All right, all right," Janet sighed loudly, rolling her eyes. "Doesn't change the fact that I nearly got turned inside-out here, y'know?"

"What brings you to my room, by the way?" Karen queried, going back to ignoring Janet. "I somehow doubt you were sizing up your sexual competition for her."

Janet just groaned and buried her face in her hands. Mona leaned in and patted her hair sympathetically.

"I came to see if you were joining us for the initial run-through of the H6 laser compactification experiment," Mike said. "It's tomorrow at thirteen-hundred in Lab 8D."

"I remember, and I am afraid I must decline," Karen said. "I have a prior engagement."

"Oh, right, your initial interview for the magazine," Mike said, nodding. "Fair enough, it's not crucial. It's just a background test. But I'll be sure to take thorough notes for you."

"I do appreciate that," she sighed. "To be honest, I find this rather irksome."

"Yeah, why would anyone wanna be the subject of a glam shoot in a high society magazine?" Lisa said, still hiding behind the door. "Talk about annoying and inconvenient."

"I've done them before, and if I could let you take my place, I happily would," Karen almost groused. "Thank you, sir, for the message and the offer. As penance for your interruption of the proceedings here, would you be so kind as to drop Remington off at her room?"

"What is it with you and penance?" Mike muttered, reaching down and scooping up a very naked Janet and tucking her under his arm. She just hung there, scowling with her arms folded. "You let me in, after all..."

He turned and stood in the doorway before his voice boomed up and down the hallway.


Every student and student rep in the entire place heard the voice and knew who it belonged to. They dutifully complied, knowing that if DeBourne wanted empty halls and complete privacy, there was some strangely ethical reason for it, and they were just better off not knowing. He heard multiple doors close firmly before turning and looking at the girls and nodding to them. He then went out into the hallway and headed off, Janet still tucked firmly under his massive arm.

Lisa closed the door and sighed, leaning against it. "Even for us, that was weird."

"I can't imagine Janet being happy about being carted around like a sack of potatoes, even by DeBourne," Mona mentioned.

"Eh, you get used to it," Lisa said. For a devout lesbian, she had spent an absurd amount of time being carried around by Mike, very often naked, the most recent occasion having been two weeks earlier when she was condemned to drink pickle brine in order to deal with a massive hangover and her resulting temper tantrum. "At least you get places quick."

Mona giggled, because Karen was the tallest at nearly six feet, and Lisa was not quite five feet and three inches, barely reaching DeBourne's sternum. Mike had pointed out to Lisa once that even Wolverine from Marvel Comics was taller than her, and she didn't know why, but that had irked her mightily.

"He is amazingly patient with us, y'know that, right?" Mona mused as she stood up. Without Janet getting fucked in the ass, there wasn't anything right now to sketch. True, she could've asked Karen to model for her, but Princess was busy getting ready for her own thing, and Mona respectfully gave her time and distance.

"It's my understanding that the largest males in most simian species tend to be very tolerant of shenanigans within their tribe," Karen answered unconcernedly. "At least until someone gets mouthy and out of line."

"What're you looking at me for?" Lisa said defensively. "I'm not the one always challenging him!"

"Are we his little tribe now?" Mona laughed. "Could be worse, I suppose. I've got a feeling li'l Steven has gotten the boot, for trying to steal bananas."

"And guess where he was tryin' to hide 'em?" Lisa quipped, making her friends break out laughing.


Blackwell Manor, present day...

"Well, hello, Glenda," Karen said as she walked with her husband into the foyer, having been asked by Alexa to meet her there. "I take it you were carting Alli around on some mission?"

"Well, 'carting' might be a somewhat rough term for it, ma'am, I'm always happy to do my bit," Glenda said pleasantly, nodding her head as the couple approached. "And she is so very excited about what she accomplished. The Bentley is out front, she insisted on bringing in her purchase herself."

Karen turned and looked up at her husband somewhat warily.

"Don't look at me," Mike said, shrugging. "I'm not the one who gave her a Blackwell expense card to spite your family."

"Hi!" Alexa chimed excitedly as she came in, holding a large crate. "Where's Alex?"

"Right here, don't get your nonexistent panties in a twist," Alex laughed as he emerged from another hall. "Y'find something?"

"Did I ever!" his wife gushed, her sapphire eyes dancing with delight, holding up her large box. "Help me here!"

Trilby and Valentina both happened by and paused, looking to see what was happening. They were well ahead of their daily schedule, and thought it might be okay to peek in on the action.

"So I had Glenda drive me down to the shelter," Alexa explained as she lowered the box to the floor. It had a carrying handle and breathing holes. Karen was wondering if her little sister had brought home a Tasmanian devil.

Or a velociraptor.

Alexa unhinged the lid while Alex braced the box. She reached inside and lifted out a ball of fur, cooing and hugging it close before turning it around and presenting it to everyone.

"Guys, say hello to Morgenmuffel."

It was a cat, of sorts. The animal hung rather limply in her arms, staring at them all. One of his eyes was green, the other was yellow, and had a squint to it. His spastic fur seemed to naturally stick out in all directions, and was a chaotic panoply of greys, browns, oranges, and blacks. One long tooth stuck outside of his mouth and glinted in the light.

The cat made a phlegmy, scratching sound as it tried to meow.

"Alli, he's wonderful," Karen breathed, smiling. "What led you to find him?"

Alexa hugged her new companion to herself as she beamed. "I just... I decided that I should get a rescue, and while I was walking around, I just looked inside one of the compartments and saw him. He just looked back at me, and I could tell he wanted me to give him a hug."

"He does indeed look huggable," Mike agreed.

"So they opened his compartment and they let me reach in and take him out," Alexa continued. "And he began purring immediately, and loudly. He snuggled into me and rubbed on my chin and I just burst into tears. I knew I had to bring him home."

"He does have a big purr on him," Alex said as Alexa handed the cat to him. Morgenmuffel didn't seem to mind a bit, lying in Alex's arms and still purring. "Oh, he's a big suck, isn't he?"

"That's what they said at the shelter, nicest fuzzball they ever had, but nobody wanted him because of his screwed-up looks," Alexa said, gently stroking Morgenmuffel's tail. "Their loss, he's the bestest kitty ever. And apparently he loves everybody."

"I'll go get his supplies outta the car," Alex said, handing the cat back to his wife before standing and heading out, followed by Glenda. "Gonna be interesting to see how he acclimates."

"Here, Kar, he really needs to know you," Alexa said gently before handing the furball to her older sister. Without hesitation, Karen began cradling him and stroking under his chin. Morgenmuffel responded by hugging her hand and continuing to purr loudly.

"Goodness, you just love everyone, don't you?" Karen cooed, smiling down at him. "Well don't worry, I'll make sure that everyone knows you have run of the place, but I think you'd best speak with Theresa about where you're allowed to be in the kitchen."

"Eeeee, may I, Mrs. DeBourne?" Val squeaked, almost dancing back and forth from foot to foot as she waited her turn. Karen nodded and handed the cat over to Valentina, who looked like she was about to faint in delight. Trilby stood nearby, smiling and shaking her head.

"Well, his dance card is going to be full for a few days," Mike chuckled. "But since we happen to have the two of them here..."

"Oh, right," Karen agreed, turning to look at her two housekeepers. "Trilby, Miss Prospero, do you have a moment to answer a question or two?"

The girls both curtsied respectfully, even while Val was holding Morgenmuffel.

"Bien," Karen said while Mike and Alexa stood beside her. "As you are aware, we are having a housewarming later this spring, yes?"

The both nodded. Morgenmuffel kept on purring.

"There is going to be another housewarming after that," the bronze-haired woman explained. "Of a rather more... intimate or perhaps scandalous nature?"

"A naughty housewarming?" Trilby mused, smirking.

"Mrs. DeBourne," Valentina giggled. "Are you holding an orgy?"

"No, nothing quite as depraved as that, I think," Karen replied, holding up a staying hand. "Although with my little sister, Freja and Jeanie in the mix, you can never be certain."

She turned her head and fixed her sister with a look. Alexa quietly glanced at the ceiling.

"In any event," Karen continued, "I informed Tatyana that I would ask each staff member individually if they felt like participating in that little soiree. It may not be to everyone's taste, and those who opt out will have the full day off with a bonus."

"Is there a bonus for staying on and working this shindig?" Trilby asked.

"Of course."

"So I'll get paid for working or paid for not working?" the hippie girl mused. "So the big difference is whether I wanna work at this sexy party or not."

"That's the gist of it, yes."

Trilby looked at Valentina, who put up her hand, asking for permission to speak. Karen nodded.

"Ummm... if I do, can I at least have a little French maid outfit that's cuter and sexier than this thing?"

Karen looked up at Mike and smirked, while he chuckled. "Miss Prospero, if it's that big a deal for you, then we'll have a quality scandalous French maid outfit fabricated for you, and you can not only wear it that night, but during your regular days, as long as we have no visitors of note inbound, as determined by Tatyana. Do we have a deal?"

"Yes! I'm in!" squeaked the perky brunette, bouncing up and down excitedly, causing Morgenmuffel to mewl a protest at the sudden movement, clasping onto her forearm.

"Well, I can't let Bubbles have all the fun," Trilby sighed. "Sign me up. Do I get one of those outfits too?"

"If that's what you want," Mike said, nodding. "You'll be told more about your assignments that night, in the near future, once we know who we have to work with. Miss Prospero, give Alli back her cat, please, and then you're both dismissed."

"Oops!" Val said, giving the parcel back to Alexa. "Thank you, ma'am! Sir!"

She curtsied and hurried off, followed more casually by Trilby. There was still work to be done, after all. Alexa was already caressing her new bestie and whispering to him.

"Alli, why don't you show our new family member around, while Michael and I extend offers to the other staff?" Karen suggested. Alexa nodded eagerly and wandered off. Karen took her husband's hand and they began a casual stroll, seeking out their next likely volunteer.


"Are we keeping you busy enough?" Alex asked as he walked down the small flight of front steps with Glenda and up to the Bentley.

"It's early in my employment period, we're just settling into things," she replied, smiling at him. "And Mister Winson intimated to me during my interview that I would spend more time driving you and your aunt or the other staff members around than I did your parents, barring important social events. And I don't mind at all, because we seem like a big family here. It's a nice change from forced formality."

"I'm glad," Alex said as Glenda popped the trunk lid and he began pulling out the Morgenmuffel supplies. "I really like this crew we've assembled. Everyone seems at ease and everyone works well together."

She smiled and nodded. "I am enjoying the casual feel of it. Most wealthy families I've worked for in the past are much more... neurotic, I guess. And very pretentious."

"My apologies in advance if you ever have to cart around any of my Blackwell family members then," he chuckled. "Dad told me that he mentioned to you about Alexa and myself and you were totally cool with it. Thanks."

She nodded pleasantly. "Love is love, Mister DeBourne."

"I'm glad you think so, but please just call me Alex."

"I'll make a deal with you," she said. "I'll call you Alex, but only if you call me Glenda, okay? You can reserve using my last name for formal occasions. Sound good?"

"I'll manage it somehow, Glenda!" he laughed.


Back on campus, 1987...

"So you said they're supposed to meet you here?" Lisa asked as she stood with her roomie in the foyer of the building that was their dorm. It was early March, and the weather had turned pleasantly mild for this time of year.

Karen nodded. "Some five minutes from now. Once they're here, we'll discuss where we want the various sets of pictures taken. Yes, I'll no doubt have to give them a few fluff photos, but I admit I'm looking forward to the lab shots, and demonstrating new, broadly normal careers for women of any standing."

Lisa nodded. "Women scientists who aren't mousy nerds who will never see a man's penis?"

Karen shook her head. "I was more thinking more about how women from my social stratum are not doomed to remain courtesans and debutantes, or at best sinecure corporate executives. Real jobs in the scientific fields, because we have brains that can conceive of numbers and theorems."

Her roomie giggled. "I dunno how you managed to make being obscenely wealthy always sound so dismal."

The bronze-haired girl shrugged. "It sounds silly to say, but women are born into wealthy families all the time and will never have any true agency over their lives, darling. And while a life of luxury sounds like fantastic compensation, I'll be the first to tell you that if I had to choose between all the wealth on earth, or living my dream of being a renowned physicist, I would always pick the latter. To quote the inestimable Jessye Norman, 'Pigeonholes are for pigeons.'"

"Guess you're lucky you don't have to choose then," Lisa quipped, patting her lover's behind and then sauntering off. "I'll catch up with you later, lemme know how it goes!"

"Of course I will," Karen said, waving at Lisa's retreating back. She smiled and shook her head. She wondered how ridiculous it must have sounded that she envied her friends once in a while. Ambition and hard work earned them their places here at the university, overcoming obstacles Karen had never faced. True, none of them were pioneers in their chosen fields- Mona was by no means the first woman animator, and women lawyers were commonplace these days. And social work and activism had been female domains for almost a century now.

Karen's social position would have assured her a place in the university as long as she was functionally literate. Yes, her grades were off the charts, they always had been. And of course she earned her place here based on merit. Still, it irked her somewhat that there was little to no uncertainty one way or the other about her placement.

Her mind flashed to DeBourne, and what things must have been like for him. Never had she met anyone so driven simply by existing. She'd been taught to excel in all things, to always push herself. She'd always had the means, resources, and freedom to do so.

But to be born into such uncertain circumstances, from such humble roots, and be driven by your very nature to learn and know as much as possible, it almost felt like a type of constraint she would have found maddening. Her whole life, she'd been presented with challenges, expected to overcome them, and done so handily. Most people would have cracked from the pressure.

She wondered what DeBourne would have been capable of if he'd been reared in her circumstances. The thought almost frightened her.

Who would she have been if she'd been brought up in his circumstances, poor, but free to do exactly as she chose?

The door opened and a gust of cool air rushed in, snapping her out of her indulgent reverie. Four people came in, all of them looking slightly out of breath and a little chilled. Two women and two men, all of whom had the air of tradespeople about them. They stopped upon seeing her.

"You must be Karen Gordon?" asked the woman who stood near the front of the group. "I'm Cheryl, we're the crew from Ville et Campagne."

"I am indeed, and it's my pleasure," Karen said, coming forward and shaking the woman's hand. She took no notice of them all staring at her. It wasn't like she wasn't used to it, after all, for she had been on campus for nearly two years now, and people still gawped at the sight of her. She shook the hands of the other visitors. "That means you're Peter, you're Anderson, and you're Beth, yes?"

"You know us?" asked the woman named Beth.

"I've seen your work in the magazine, you seem to work together frequently," Karen replied. "More than that, I was told to expect you four specifically when your office contacted me last week. Please, come and we'll find one of the study halls to chat in. The dorm rooms can be rather snug."

"I've been to your family's place before," mentioned the man named Anderson. "You choose to live here on campus when you could just commute from the Bridle Path?"