Mike & Karen Ch. 21


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"Hmmm, is that all you've missed about me, is my rhotacisms?" Karen asked, smiling slyly, her body edging closer to her friend's.

"Oh, not even close, lovey..." Jenny purred as they lapsed back into a very sensual embrace and their lips pressed together in a deep kiss. There was a burgeoning silence for several seconds, punctuated only by the wet sounds of Karen and Jenny's tongues finding one another and the two girls moaning gently.

Mona, Janet, and Lisa all just watched, rather at a loss as the reunited friends continued their deepening kiss, bodies pressed together and their hands wandering down to gently clasp one another's behind. Whatever Karen might have told them about Jenny, they hadn't really expected this.

Then again, this was Karen they were dealing with, so maybe they should have expected something exactly along these lines. They had no excuse.

"Mmmp," Jenny finally murmured, ending the kiss and stepping back slightly, turning to look at the other three girls in the room and blushing somewhat. "Forgive me, ladies," she said quietly, wiping at the corner of her mouth with her finger. "Kat has a way of bringing out the badly behaved girl in me, and she always has."

"Kat?" Janet asked, tilting her head slightly.

"Yes, darling," Jenny said, nodding and gesturing to Karen, who was now standing beside her and trying not to smile, like a girl who had just done something deliciously wrong. "Her name is Ekaterina, after all, hence, Kat."

Mona gave Karen a wry look. "Y'mean we should've been calling you Kat all this time?"

"You do and I'll mop the floor with you," Karen said in a firm tone, causing Mona to drop the query.

Jenny smiled. "I take it you three are allowed to call her 'Karen', is that it?"

Lisa shrugged. "She gets called Princess more than anything."

"I'm delighted to hear that, because that is exactly what we all called her back in school!" Jenny laughed, clasping her hands together. "But where are my manners? Forgive me, ladies! I am Jennifer Penrose."

She stood in front of Mona and took her hands in hers. "Mona Bresciani, yes? You're studying to be an animator."

Mona nodded, trying to not look surprised. "I... yes?"

"I'm sure you're every bit as good as Kat says you are," Jenny replied, pulling Mona into a hug. Mona's eyes widened for a split-second, but then she hugged back, loving how genuine and warm Jenny was. The blonde then turned to Janet, smiling slyly. "The lawyer, Janet Remington. Kat told me to talk to you only sparingly, or I'll have no morals left."

Janet favoured Karen with a sour look. "Thanks, Princess."

"Worry not, love, I would need to have morals before you could drive them from me!" Jenny laughed as she pulled Janet into a hug. The brunette laughed and hugged her back readily. This girl was already so much fun to be around.

Jenny now turned and smiled warmly. "Lisa Heyman, my dear girl. Activist, feminist, and champion of the downtrodden... can it be that you might make friends with a member of the stodgy elite, like myself?"

Lisa flushed slightly. "Do I... do I have to curtsy to you when we speak?"

Jenny tilted her head at Karen. "Do you when you talk to Kat?"

"Well, no," Lisa replied, frowning.

"Then I insist on no treatment you do not already give to her," Jenny announced, nodding regally. "Most certainly you do not need to curtsy."

"Oh, good, because I'm a total klutz and I'd just fall over constantly," Lisa said, causing the British girl to laugh gaily and pull her into a warm hug. Lisa tried not to notice how big Jenny's breasts were, squashed to her this way.

Oh, jeez, Lisa thought to herself. If I feel these tits on me much longer, I'm gonna need to visit the showers with the detachable heads...

"But I simply must find out more about all of you," Jenny exclaimed, stepping back to stand next to Karen and looking at them all joyously. "We should all go and have dinner somewhere, somewhere posh! Kat is buying!"

"Hey now," Karen said, giving her friend a look. "Me?"

"Well, you are my host, it is only proper," Jenny pointed out, winking at Karen. "And these three girls deserve great honours if they are going to be putting up with the two of us for the next week."

"Well, no argument there," Karen sighed, nodding. "Ladies, get dressed to go somewhere nice. Jenny and I will meet you in the foyer in fifteen. Off with you."

Janet and Mona both hugged Jenny again before hurrying out, followed quickly by Lisa, who grabbed her favourite dress out of the closet, along with her makeup kit and coat. She hugged both girls and then was gone, closing the door behind her, leaving Karen and Jenny along in the room.

After some seconds, the two turned and looked at each other, standing close. They could feel their hearts pounding, saw the look in one another's eyes.

"Your breath, it smells like roses," the blonde murmured, thrilled that her Kat still ate rose-scented pastilles. "How on earth do I keep my hands off you for the entire time that we're out?" Jenny asked quietly, feeling her fingers tremble. "Kat, it's... it's been three years, Australia is so far away, and I've never stopped... I've never stopped loving you."

Karen stepped closer still, so that their faces were inches apart, her golden-amber eyes shining. "I've never stopped loving you," she breathed. "I don't know if I even could if I tried."

Her hand gently cupped Jenny's cheek, and the blonde shivered, her eyes glassy.

"And tonight..." Karen said softly. "... tonight, I'll show you exactly how much I've missed you, and how much I still love you."

They kissed one another then, and the past three years apart just melted away as they found themselves in each other.


Blackwell Manor, the following morning, present day...

The entire staff was lined up on the landing, bidding a formal (if only temporary) farewell to their employers, not to mention one of their own.

"Now don't forget, Tril," Valentina said, holding her co-worker (and hostage bestie) by the hands. "Y'gotta get right up under Lady Thunderhawk's boobs with the shammy duster, because she can get buildup under there quickly. And in Mr. DeBourne's and Ms. Blackwell's suite, there's the-"

"I remember, Bubbles, we've been over this like six times already," Trilby sighed, smiling wanly. "I promise, I've got you covered."

"Eeeee, I'm gonna have fun, but it'll be great to get back to you!" Val squealed as she gave the hippie girl a squishy hug. Trilby's eyes widened somewhat, but she returned the gesture, knowing the hug was unlikely to end until she did. She also somehow managed to keep from snaking her hands down and clasping Valentina's pert, wiggling butt.

"There's no particular instructions that are out of the ordinary, so we'll just keep in touch," Mike said to Tatyana, whom he towered over. He was glad that the disparity in their size didn't seem to bother her. "Just inform us of any visitors and progress on Jordan's cottage. I think it means even more to my wife than it does to him."

The seneschal nodded dutifully. "I promise you, sir, upon your return, everything will be as you left it, if not somehow better."

"What more could a man ask for?" Mike laughed.

"Okay, so here's his list," Alexa said, showing Theresa the menu she'd prepared for her cat, Morgenmuffel. "It's sorta based on the food he seemed to like at the shelter, but I'm trying to put some weight on him, so tuna and pork belly mixed into his melange is a good start, not to mention the omega-3's are good for putting a shine on his coat."

"I'll try to put a few kilotons on him in your absence, dear," the chef said cheerfully before looking at Alex. "And for your boys, sir? Blurgle and Grundle?"

Alex considered. "Just give 'em a tablespoon of finely minced veggie table scraps once a day, and maybe some peanut butter. If you think they deserve a treat, drop it on the floor and scrape it up first."

"Gross, Alex," Alexa giggled. "Why would you do that to them?"

He shrugged. "They're hermit crabs, they probably don't even have taste buds."

"I promise you, my dear, I shall keep an eye open for your new owl friend, Annwyl," Jordan assured Karen, nodding as he kept his hands on her shoulders. "I shall send pictures and video, now that you have shown me how to use one of those infernal cellphone devices."

"I hope so, Jordan, I am so excited to know that Ty's line has continued," Karen said, smiling. "It means so much to me after all these years."

"Let's go, lords and ladies," Glenda called out from the curb, where she was standing in front of the Maybach at the driver's door. Dressed in her smart but form-fitting dark grey suit, and her little cap worn over her honey-blonde hair, she looked every bit the dynamic chauffeuse that fit the family's image and style. "California has this thing called earthquakes; you never quite know if it'll be there when you arrive."

Everyone laughed and said their final goodbyes before the family headed down the white stone steps toward the waiting car. Glenda opened the doors for the ladies, allowing Karen and Alexa to get in first, which had been her instructions from Mr. DeBourne: at all times, the girls first. She then allowed Mike and Alex in, closing their doors before bringing Val around to ride shotgun, up front with her.

"Mio Dio," Val breathed as she slipped into the incredibly cosseting passenger's seat. "I've been carted around in a few limos before with some employers, but nothing this posh. This seat is like butter."

"I've been waiting to try this bad boy out, and now I have the opportunity," Glenda said to her co-worker before turning her head to speak to her passengers. "We're on our way. Do you want me to put the screen down, sir? Ma'am?"

"Only if you two need to gossip, we can always use the comm," Karen said pleasantly. She and Mike were sitting in the farther back seats, facing the front, while Alex and Alexa faced them. Alex was dutifully taking a bottle of champagne out of the chiller, along with some glasses, since Glenda had put them there earlier.

"And Glenda?" Mike added, getting her attention. "No rush, take your time. After all, we'll be gaining three hours when we get into Napa."

"Yes, sir. We'll be in touch!" Glenda said before activating the privacy screen. Once it was up, she sighed happily and pulled around in the circular driveway. "That was really nice of them."

"Well, whatever it is they did, I'm sure you're right..." Val replied, shrugging. "... what did they do?"

"Mr. DeBourne is letting me drive the big car and enjoy it, saying they're in no hurry to get to the airport. If I wanted to get there, it could happen in twenty minutes. If they're not in a rush, we'll take an hour, which'll let me get a feel for her."

"Huh, I should've brought some mineral water with me, then," Val mused.

"Open the top of the island between us, hun," Glenda said as she pulled onto the Bridle Path, patting the soft leather with her hand. Val did as instructed, and was rewarded with finding a few bottles of sparkling water. She squeaked happily and opened one for herself and another for Glenda.

"That's a good look on you, by the way," the chauffeuse mentioned, referring to Val's attire. The brown-haired girl was wearing all black clothing, the pants having a slimming effect that made her legs look longer, and a black cashmere sweater that fit snugly over her bust. Black pumps encased her feet and she was carrying a smart-looking attaché case. Around her neck, she'd retained her black lace choker with the glittering stone, a subtle sign of her station. The rest of the clothes she's bought earlier with her mistress were in a suitcase in the trunk.

"Oh, uh, thanks," she said, blushing a little. "Mrs. DeBourne certainly has an eye, doesn't she?"

"That's become apparent recently," Glenda said, winking at her co-worker. "Congratulations on your promotion, by the way..."

Now Val really blushed. "It's not... it's not like that, y'know that, right?"

"Honey, relax, I'm teasing," Glenda cooed. "Everyone has it figured out, and nobody cares. If you're happy, we're happy."

"The important thing is if they're happy," Valentina said.

Glenda almost snickered. "Val, let me tell you a great truth about our employers: if Karen and Michael DeBourne are unhappy about something, you'll know it."

Val couldn't help but giggle.


"Champagne in a fully decked-out limousine, on my way to an airport where my family's privately owned business jet is taking me to California on a moment's notice," Alexa sighed as Alex filled her crystal champagne flute. He smirked when he noticed that Glenda had grabbed a few bottles of Krug Clos. Thankfully, his mother was less uptight about these issues nowadays. "I am the world's worst proletarian."

"Where did you even get a notion to try and become one?" Karen asked, looking at her younger sister and sipping her bubbly. Hmmm, Krug Clos. Nice. "You certainly didn't from mom."

Alexa shook her head. "I have no idea how she pulled it off, Kar. She was such an activist and this bohemian hippie-type, but she was so elegant and posh when it suited her, y'know? She could fight for people's rights in a baroque ballgown and no one would've thought it was weird."

"Well, I get that from her," the older sister pointed out. "I'm assuming your Doctor Kropotkin leanings are the result of peer pressure."

"Hey now," Alexa protested, making a wry face. "I was always the trendsetter, thank you, and above peer pressure."

"Then we're back to square one," Karen pointed out. "So explain your proletarian sympathies. I can explain mine; look at my giant peasant husband."

"I can't, this is all still new to me," the blonde goddess sighed, sipping her absurdly expensive glass of champagne and trying to regret enjoying the taste but failing miserably. "I have a suite of rooms, I have a boudoir, I own cars, wineries, a jet..."

"Better not tell her about the yacht," Mike whispered to Karen.

Alexa's eyes flicked over to her brother-in-law and she seemed shocked. "A fucking yacht?!"

"Thank you, Hagrid," Karen said dryly to her husband. "Now we'll have to smear jam on her nose to calm her down."

"I thought you didn't know anything about Harry Potter," Alexa said suspiciously, looking at her sister.

"No, you assumed that I didn't, that's a different thing," Karen replied. "A terminal flaw in the millennial psyche, thinking nothing interesting happened before 1982, and nobody had a brain."

Alexa leaned back in her seat and took another sip of her distressingly delicious champagne. "Good thing you told Glenda to take it slow, I'm gonna want a few glasses of this stuff..."


Back at the Manor...

Tatyana addressed the stuff, who were all standing in a line in the foyer. "So, we possibly have a week, but five days at a minimum. What can each of you do to make this place even more perfect than when our employers left?"

Andrea shrugged. "I could continue to OCD rig my new pipes in the basements. It won't make a difference up here, but it'll cut down on the amount of time I spend futzing with things, so there's an efficiency."

Dave spoke next. "The ground is soft enough in plot six that Tunde and I can get the wooden forms into place and start getting the gardens around Mr. Winson's cottage readied. We're also installing new charcoal filters in the vents out of a certain greenhouse."

Several of the staff members chuckled at that statement.

Tatyana looked at the young cyberguru next. "Mr. Jaffe?"

Ari considered. "I send nightly reports to Mr. and Mrs. DeBourne about the security links, so I'm not likely to surprise them with anything. But if I pull off any optimizations, I'll let you know."

Marie spoke next. "The Zéphirine Drouhin roses are starting to grow, and I can begin shaping them for climbing on the trellises that David and Tunde are building. Madame DeBourne's irises are coming into a healthy bloom, so I shall have vases with cuttings placed around before they return."

Tatyana now glanced at her chef. Theresa smiled. "And I'm phasing out the winter menu items and herbs in favour of a spring selection. Maybe we can welcome them back with a special spread? Until then, I suggest you all help me in disposing of the winter stock, and what's left can be composted. Hopefully Mr. Morgenmuffel will have gained some weight upon Miss Blackwell's return."

"And the Brothers Cruncheon?"

Theresa sighed. "I'll go start smearing peanut butter on the floor, per the young master's instructions."

More laughing.

Trilby was last to speak, and she shrugged. "Bubbles'n I had this place pretty spotless before they took off, so I'm pretty sure I can keep it that way. I dunno how to improve on spotless."

"With the possible exception of Andrea, this sounds like a very easy week," Tatyana mused, her hands folded in front of her, as was her habit. She was wearing her customary two-tone grey skirt suit. "Enjoy yourselves, but do not become lax, because even in their absence, you never know when we might have a visitor to impress. Dismissed."

The staff members all went their various ways, and Tatyana began wandering the main level casually, looking for something. It was in a smaller reading room that she found Jordan comfortably ensconced in a plush antique chair, reading an old book and listening to quiet music.

"Do not stand, sir, please," she said, holding up a hand as Jordan made to rise upon seeing her. "It is not necessary. You are part of the family, we both know it."

"As you will, my dear," Jordan said, relaxing back into his chair. "I hope you can forgive my abrupt disappearance once they had departed, these old bones need to sit after a long day."

Tatyana smiled. "It has been a long day for you already, sir, getting them ready like that. But it speaks well of their character that they are willing to just drop pretty much everything to go and help their friends personally."

Jordan nodded. "They have always been that way, and I do not see it changing as the generations progress. I wish I still had it in me to be quite so helpful these days."

"Mrs. DeBourne mentioned that you have put on weight since Theresa began feeding you," Tatyana pointed out. "Before long, you will need to be exercising to get all the fat off."

"I have always been on the thinner side, my dear. I doubt even Ms. Martin's excellent food will do more than hide my bones."

"Might I offer an objective observation, Mr. Winson?"

Jordan nodded.

"We are all very thankful that you are a part of this family, sir, even if you're not a blood relative of these remarkable people."

He smiled. "That makes all of us, Ms. Orlova."

"And we all think that what they are doing for you, giving you that splendid little cottage to call your own, is so very generous. But... since the staff has been hired and you have stepped back from instructing me about what I am to do here, well... for lack of better words, you just seem to be rattling around."

Jordan said nothing.

"And when you move into your marvellous little cottage, I fear you might just rattle around there, too," she continued. "And based on what I know of you, via observation and what I have been told, this would not suit you, even in trying to enjoy your golden years. Some people are just not meant to sit contentedly in a rocking chair."

"While I appreciate the concern and the sentiment, my dear, I find it unlikely that I could be employed at my age," Jordan said. "And there is precious little for me to do here, I fear. At least, from a productive point of view."

The seneschal shrugged. "Come the season, you will have whatever gardens you wish. Mrs. DeBourne mentioned to me that you had something of a green thumb. And while I am not positing that this would be enough, it is a start."