Mike & Karen Ch. 23


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"Maybe," she said, fanning herself as she reined in her laughter finally. "But where the Hell did you find them all, DeBourne? There's no such thing as a collection of them available for sale. Nothing that dorky."

He shrugged. "After you insisted last week that you didn't have one, I got it in my head to prove it to you that you did, and you were just being a brat. My friends in AV and I have been recording old episodes Saturday mornings on one of their endless VCRs because we wanted them. So I just copied back and forth over a few VCRs for a day to splice them all on one tape."

Mona's eyes widened. "All that for nine minutes of cartoon clips?"

Mike shrugged again. "I needed your admission."

She sighed and shook her head, smiling. "I guess you got it. Can I keep that tape?"

"Of course," he said. "I made a few copies, just in case."

"Let's get outta there," said, standing up. "C'mon, walk me back to my dorm room."

Mike retrieved the tape and escorted his friend across campus to her dorm, and then to her room. She let him in, and he looked around. He'd been here a few times before, but he noted how different it was from Janet's, or the room that Gordon and Heyman shared. Mona's roomie was rarely around, preferring to spend her time at her boyfriend's.

To that end, the décor, such as it was, was mostly to Mona's tastes- the room was relatively free of clutter, with lots of fantasy, sci-fi and cartoon art adoring the walls. Mona's side of the room had a single-size bed, and then a desk and an easel. The room was clearly set up to give her enough space to work.

"I like your room," he mused, noticing some new art she hadn't shown him yet.

"Glad to hear it," she said as she closed the door and leaned back against it, smiling and biting her lip. "Because if I have my way, you'll be seein' a lot more of it, big boy."

"Oh?" he queried, looking over at her.

"Well," she said, standing up and then sauntering over to him. "You did win our bet, after all."

Mike thought about that for a moment. "Technically, there was no bet, you may recall."

"Oh, there was a bet all right," she corrected him. "Maybe you didn't know it, but there was."

"Hm, okay," he said amiably. "So what were the stakes in this bet I was unaware of?"

The black girl smiled up at him now. "If you lost, if you failed to prove that I had a favourite Road Runner Show bumper, then I got to fuck you."

He listened, looking down at her.

"But..." she continued, walking two fingers up his titan chest. "...if you won, and it turned out that I did indeed have a favourite Road Runner Show bumper, then you got to fuck me."

Mike raised his eyebrow in amusement. "So whatever the outcome, sex is being had."

"I'm a big believer in win-win," she quipped, trailing her hand down his massive form now and gently cupping his crotch in his jeans, caressing gently. "And I've seen this monster on more than a few occasions, so I've always wondered exactly what it'd be like to have it bruising my brainstem, y'know? Remington makes it sound wonderful, after all."

They stared into one another's eyes for some seconds.

"Whaddya say, big man?" she purred. "Ever been with a black girl before?"

"Not with an Italian surname, no," Mike said, his huge hand reaching up and taking Mona by the back of the neck, gripping her firmly but still gently. Her eyes went wide, and she shivered, drawing in a breath. She was instantly wet.

"We could..." she said in a quiet voice, still goggling up at him. "You'll break my bed if we lay on it, but we could put the mattress on the floor..."

"If I decide one is necessary at all," he replied, hooking his hand into the hem of her T-shirt and pulling it up and over her hand, making her gasp at his forcefulness. She'd felt the sheer, unstoppable power of his body before, but never like this. "I take it you've been talking to Remington."

"I've been curious for a long time, gotta admit," she breathed, letting him systematically strip her of her clothes. Her bra came off next, and she blushed furiously as her breasts were exposed. Her creamy brown skin was covered in goosebumps from her arousal, and her darker brown nipples were hard and pointed. Her breasts were slightly larger than Janet's, but nowhere near as ample as Karen's. "And Janet won't care if we're having sex. If anyone did, it'd be Lisa."

"What, she'd somehow be upset that we're knocking boots?" he laughed as he knelt and undid the button and zipper of her jeans. She shivered again as he knelt to continue stripping her. She couldn't get over how large he was, even though she'd seen him almost daily for nearly a year now. This felt new and different, like she was seeing him do it for the first time.

And he was just about as tall as her when he was kneeling and she was standing up!

"Probably just annoyed about having to share piggyback rides to get anywhere quickly," Mona said as he pulled her jeans down, exposing her panties. He had to be able to see the wet spot that she could feel. Her skin felt like it was on fire from blushing.

He slid her panties down and she somehow managed to step out of them. She could feel her eyes on him, and her heart was pounding in her chest. She'd shaved her pussy once she'd resolved to fuck DeBourne and kept it that way, although she wasn't sure why she'd felt the need, he probably didn't care. Janet, after all, just kept herself trimmed, while Lisa shaved, thanks to Karen.

"Nice," Mike mused, nodding as he held her in place by the arms and examined her, looking intently at her pussy. "You've decided to start shaving."

Mona swallowed and nodded. "Princess is convinced it'll be a trend in the near future."

"Gordon would know, since she'll set the trend," he chuckled before standing up and holding his arms out. "Care to reciprocate?"

Mona blinked and then nodded hastily. What was the big deal? I mean, they'd seen each other naked on more than a few occasions, right? And while she wasn't as promiscuous as Janet, nor as brazenly aloof and confident about nudity as Karen (which just made sense), she was proud of her body, and she kept in very good shape with her dancing classes of jazz, tap, and ballet. She was looking forward to being good enough to be selected to perform in the university's performances before long.

Mike let her take hold of his T-shirt, a battered old thing that advertised the group Steppenwolf, and bent forward so that she could pull it off, which she did with some difficulty, negotiating it over his massive chest and shoulders. It snapped free and he stood up again, rotating his shoulders and looking down at her.

"Jesus," she breathed, looking at the rippling muscles of his chest. "Arnold Schwarzenegger, eat your heart out. How the Hell did you get so big?"

Mike shrugged. "It's an allergic reaction."

She gave him a wry look. "An allergy?"

"Yeah," he said, grinning and then clenching his fists and flexing his shoulders, trapezoids and arms in a 'most muscular' pose. "Every time I get close to weights, I just start swelling up like crazy."

Mona burst out laughing, forgetting she was completely naked in front of this lunatic man. "God, I need to kiss you to shut you up, obviously," she said before taking him by the cheeks and drawing him down to her, planting her lips against his in a long kiss.

She kept kissing him while she unbuckled his belt and then undid his worn jeans. Finally, she broke the kiss and began planting kisses down his chest and rippling abdomen to arrive at his hips. She wiggled the jeans down over his massive thighs with some effort, and he stepped out of them. She'd always noticed that he wore boxers, but considering how big his dick was, tighty-whities were probably really uncomfortable for him.

Here goes, she said to herself, drawing in a breath. Not like you haven't seen it before...

She pulled down the black boxers and almost sighed in relief that he wasn't erect yet, because his limp cock was still huge. It wasn't fair that he was also a grower. Mike was stepping out of his boxers and kicking them aside while she stared, reaching up slowly to put her hand on him.

Jesus, it's like trying to put your fingers around a pop can...

Mona began stroking along its length, getting a feel for it. Her hand reached the huge, circumcised tip, and she shuddered, thinking about this massive knob penetrating her. How on earth was this not going to shatter her hips from the inside?

Well, she'd brought him here with the intention of having sex, and he'd seen him fucking Janet more than a few times, so it was physically possible, just... scary to consider.

She leaned in and began kissing along the length of his cock, feeling how soft and heavy it was in her hand. Her free hand gently cupped his balls, fondling them, getting a feel for him. She opened her eyes and looked up at him, smiling slyly before resuming kissing him again. His skin tasted good, not overly salty like some guys, and he was decidedly hygienic.

"You're moving quicker than Remington did," he chuckled, sensing her hesitation. "She was really intimidated."

Mona looked up at him almost in shock, her hand still stroking along his length. "Get the fuck out. Janet the slut was intimidated?"

Mike nodded. "She would've still been staring and trying to psyche herself up at this point."

She looked back at his cock, feeling a surge of desire, and even pride after what he'd told her. She was moving quicker than Janet?

"I'm not gettin' this all in my mouth," she said finally, still stroking. "But I'll bet I can get the best part of halfway."

"Be my guest," he said simply. "That's better than ninety percent of the girls who've tried."

"Only you could make having a horse dick sound like a burden, DeBourne," she sighed before resolving herself to what came next.


Elsewhere in the dorm...

Janet poked her head through the door and looked around. "Li?"

Lisa, who was sitting on her bed, trying to do some stretches Karen had shown her, paused and looked over at the door. "Hey, Janet. C'mon in."

"Just for a sec," Janet said as she hurried in and closed the door behind herself, looking mischievous and holding a camcorder in her hand. "I actually came to see if you wanted to join me on a little expedition."

"What kind?" the redhead asked, slipping her feet off the side of her bed and letting them dangle. She was the shortest of the four friends, The Four Inseparables, and her feet didn't quite touch the floor, much to her discontent. "It's not a quest for dick, is it?"

"Not directly," Janet said, smirking. "But a little bird in the AV club told me that DeBourne finished his videotape yesterday, and you know how much he hates waiting when he's on a mission."

Lisa's eyes widened, and then she grinned. "He must've shown her by now, then, right?"

Janet nodded. "And we both know what the stakes were, even if Mona never said them out loud. I'll bet they're back in her room now."

"Well, what're we waiting for?" Lisa exclaimed, almost launching herself off the bed before sliding into her slippers. She was wearing track pants and a tank top, but she didn't care to try and get more dressed, they might be pressed for time, after all. "We've got a sexy party to crash!"

Both girls were giggling as they hurried out of the dorm room and down the hall. As they reached the stairs, they were greeted by Karen, who was just coming back from a class. She paused upon seeing them, and their excited, giddy smirks.

"Hullo," she said, raising an eyebrow. "And where are you two nutty funsters off to?"

"Gonna go and disrupt a perverted party in Mona's room, we hope!" Lisa giggled as they hurried by her and down the stairs she'd just come up.

Karen squeezed her eyes shut as she struggled to rid her mind of the image deposited within by her brat of a roomie. Seconds passed before she sighed and hung her head in despair. She turned and headed back downstairs, knowing no good could come of this.


Mike was standing still in the middle of the room, still naked, while Mona was kneeling in front of him, her pretty mouth stretched wide around his erection as she bobbed back and forth, sucking on it. He was so tall that she was standing up straight on her knees on a folded pillow, her free hand clutching his hip to steady her.

True to her word, Mona had managed to get about half of his length and girth into her mouth and throat, which was considerably better than just about anyone else who had tried. His cock glistened with the wetness from her mouth, and she moaned around it as she felt her pussy tingling, desperate to be fucked by this giant tool.

"You're doin' good, M," he breathed, his huge hands on the back of her head, helping steady her, as well as encouraging her to keep going. "Really good."

She moaned again in response, not at all able to answer. Her jaw was stretched, and she knew she'd need to stop soon and fuck him, because she was starting to get tired. But she'd sucked him well enough that he had a genuine hard-on, and she'd soon be rewarded by-

"Ha, yes!" Janet crowed as she burst in, followed by Lisa, both of them laughing at their intrusion. Mona paused mid-bob, her lips still wrapped around Mike's shaft, and he felt her shoulders sag, felt her moan in despair around him. Mona had hoped to make it through this little escapade without being interrupted, but that plainly wasn't happening.

Karen followed her two friends in, shaking her head and looking unimpressed. She dutifully shut the door once she was inside, making sure that anyone passing by in the hallway didn't see Mona disgracing herself. Lisa was still cackling, while Janet already had her camcorder out and was kneeling down to capture video evidence of this moment.

"Holy shit, M!" the brunette said, filming away. "You're doin' better than me with that thing. How can you even breathe?"

Mona looked like she wanted to protest, but she'd intentionally intruded on Janet's sex sessions enough times that she really had no moral ground to stand on when expressing indignation. They were all best friends, and it came with the territory, wrecking one another's private moments.

She slid her mouth back and popped it off Mike's cock, leaving the huge erection standing out for everyone to see. She wiped at her mouth and sat aside, sighing in despair. She'd been so close to getting laid...

"God, you straight girls are so gross!" Lisa laughed giddily, pointing at Mike's still-throbbing dick, which seemed to be the center of attention. "I mean, seriously, why would you want that in your mouth?"

The overexcited redhead knelt down next to Mike, laughing and staring at his hard-on, opposite from the supine Mona, and Janet, who had now turned the camera toward Lisa, where the action was. Karen just watched from near the door, knowing a fiasco was imminent, but determined to not be left out entirely, even if she deftly avoided the consequences.

"Gross gross gross!" Lisa chanted, bouncing on her knees and still looking at Mike's cock, inches from her. "They're messy, they're sloppy, they're unreliable, and they have icky boys attached to them! I declare penises to be gross and useless!"

Mike frowned down at her, clearly not amused by her proclamation.

"Excuse you," he said, reaching down and taking hold of the head and pulling it away from her. Before she knew what was happening, he let go, and his iron-hard erection snapped back and whacked Lisa across the bridge of her nose with a loud THWAPP!!!

"OWWWW!!!" Lisa yelped in shock as she was knocked backward onto her ass and then rolled onto her side, holding her nose. "WHAT THE HELL, DEBOURNE?!" she howled while Janet burst out laughing, followed quickly by Mona, who no doubt felt slightly avenged for being interrupted now.

And despite her roomie's distress at having been brained by a giant dick, even Karen was laughing, trying but failing miserably to conceal it behind her hand, her golden-amber eyes shining with mirth. Had DeBourne really just done that?

Janet had sunk to her knees and one hand, body shuddering as she laughed, trying desperately to keep the camcorder steady and hoping she caught this moment for posterity. Mona was holding her belly and kicking her feet, her nudity forgotten as she wheezed with laughter. Mike just stood in the middle of the room, towering over everyone, looking decidedly unimpressed. One hand was on a hip, the other stroking his massive cock in a bid to keep it erect, in case he and Mona somehow got back to business.

"Augh," Lisa groused, slowly sitting up but still holding her nose, her eyes watering. "What didja do that for, you big jerk?!"

"Well, you did say he was gross and his wing-wong was useless, Li," Janet pointed out, the camera pointed at the distraught redhead while keeping the still massive erection in the picture. "Y'kinda got off lucky, considering who you're baiting by being such a brat."

"Shuddup, Remgindon," Lisa blurted, snuffling slightly now that Mike had loosened her sinuses with that uncalled-for blow. "I didn't deserve dat!"

"Just to give you perspective, babe, he hasn't cock-slapped me or Janet before, so you must've really ticked him off," Mona replied, sitting up finally, leaning back on one hand and her one knee bent, watching comfortably. "Who'd've thought an obstreperous and uppity lesbian could elicit that response from a giant alpha male?"

"Gnnnnfff," Lisa said, wobbling as she pushed herself unsteadily to her feet with one hand, the other still holding her nose. "I don'd thingkt I can do math adymore..."

"Well, you stunk at it to begin with, so nobody'll notice," Janet laughed. "Princess, y'might wanna get her back to your room and check her for a concussion."

"Or before Onan the Barbarian here decides to finish the job," Karen sighed, going over to Lisa and taking her by the arm to steady her. She appeared to be about to leave, but she paused and looked up at Mike. "Was that really necessary? Picking on someone smaller than you?"

"Hey, she started it," Mike reasoned, shrugging. "It's not like someone put a gun to her head and ordered her to start commenting on my manhood."

"DeBourne," Karen sighed wearily, making sure Lisa was braced on her shoulder. "Nobody has that much free time available..."

Mike raised an eyebrow while Mona and Janet's eyes went wide.

"Owwww..." Lisa mumbled again as Karen led her out of the room, shutting the door behind herself. Silence reigned for several seconds after the pair had gone. Janet even forgot to stop recording.

"Did... did Princess just compliment Mike on the size of his dick?" Mona asked somewhat incredulously.

"Can't say as I blame 'er, even if it was totally unexpected," Janet answered. "How 'bout you, Mongo?" she asked, panning the camera up to Mike's face. "Were you expecting that?"

"Not in a million years," Mike admitted, shaking his shaggy lion's mane of blond hair. "If you'd asked me to choose between that and me having sex with Heyman as the more likely option, I'd've said the latter."

"Well, duh," Janet grunted, while Mona smiled and shook her head. Boys could be so thick sometimes, especially the keepers. "If y'keep scrambling her brains like that, you'll probably get your wish, big boy."

"I don't wish to sleep with Heyman," Mike said firmly, leaving little doubt to the truth of the statement. "Forgetting that I like her the way she is, I'd tear her right in half, if I'm honest."

Both girls burst into giggle fits, Janet's so uncontrollable that she had to pause in filming. Mike just stood there patiently, waiting for them to finish. He was waiting some minutes before they'd finally calmed themselves.