Mike's Navy: Night Train to Halifax

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Young Mike Claymore series, #1
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Mike's Navy: a novel in five parts

Part 1: Night Train to Halifax

Another Young Mike Claymore Novel#1

Copy write 2014

Welcome to the world of Michael Claymore. For those who are fans of Mike's from his mystery novels what we have here is a series about his life prior to the mystery series. We will discover what makes him tick, so to speak.

I envision this prequel series in the following way: the young Mike Claymore series...

book one: Night Train to Halifax

book two: Mike Meets Marlene

book three: A Wedding, Christmas & New Year

book four: A Femme Fatale

book five: Changes

book six (Mike's experiences with the prisons and

book seven police in Ontario as well as more trucking)

book eight (Mike and family move to British Columbia)

For those unfamiliar with Mike Claymore please proceed... BUT a word of caution. Mike's novels are very explicit meaning they push the bounds of eroticism. If you are the least squeamish about nudism or sexual intercourse you would be advised to seek reading elsewhere. And now I turn you over to Mike... enjoy!

Chapter 1

Mike Joins the Navy: late May, 1983

Mike Claymore, son of the late Duncan Shaun Claymore, Indian agent to the Mohawk at Hochelega, south of Montreal and the late Mohawk clans woman, Mary Morris or shaman 'She who waits' has turned 18 today. His sister, Nancy, urges him to reconsider but he has his mind set on a course of action and will not be deterred.

"You can't tell me what to do, squaw. Be quiet!" Mike would never have tolerated anyone else talking to his sister in this manner, but he's out of sorts and impatient to be gone.

Everyone has tried to advise him against leaving but his mind's set and his heart's heavy with sorrow over the recent attendance of the funeral of his parents in the Ontario graveyard at Brantford. He feels abandoned by God, by his own native spirit leaders and by all who are close.

Now he's eighteen and free to go where he will. He's decided that will be the armed forces and he favors the Navy. He can lose himself among other youth as a modern warrior and so live with pride. It's his way.

In Hochelega many are on the move to the Brantford area and the Six Nations Reserve. He knows Nancy's considering that move and he wants no part in it. They can go where they want and he'll do as he pleases. His brother Terry's gone to New York city to work the high steel and his younger sister Caitlin will follow Nancy. He's a man now and can make his own decisions.

As the eldest child of their parents Nancy feels it's her responsibility to look after the rest but Terry's already defied her so she continues her efforts with Mike.

"Silver Heels, you know our ways. Amongst our people the women hold the power to crown a chief and equally, to dehorn him. We're a matriarchal society and the people's wisdom resides within us. I sense your needs ..."

"You know nothing of my needs! I'll do what I want, so stop your noise!" Mike gets up from the breakfast table and lets the door bang shut behind him. He hears her mumbling to Caitlin but pays no mind. His heart is set on getting to the recruitment center in Montreal on time. He heads up the road to the post office.

"Silver Heels! Over here!"

He sees Dan and raises his arm in acknowledgement as he trudges up to his car. He says, "Are they giving you a rough time at home, too?" He grunts as he settles into the seat beside his buddy. "That sister of mine ..."

"Of course", Dan smirks and shrugs as he guns the engine of his 69 Dodge Dart. Dolly Parton fills the air with "Nine to Five" as they fly down the highway for Montreal city.

Mike asks, "Where you going to leave this heap when we take the train?"

Dan grins, "They aint a gonna take us today, ya know? I doubt they even accept us. What the hell we got they gonna want?"

Mike considers, "Youth, that's what we got. We're no old farts, you know! We got young minds and fast reflexes! That's what they need, too. I'll tell em. We'll ship out today. You wait and see." He smiles and nods to a teenage native girl as they pass her by.

Dan just shakes his head and taps his horn at the girl as he slows down. "Who's that?" He leers back over his shoulder.

"Don't know."

"We can't leave then, that's one we haven't screwed yet." He grins, "Hmm, I'd love to get into that, oh yeah." He turns the car around.

Meanwhile Mike's shaking his head and rolling his eyes up in his head. "What ya gonna do when we're at sea for six months? There's no pussy out there, ya know."

"I heard they're recruiting a lot of females right now."

"Well, maybe you can talk this one into joining with us," Mike chuckles as Dan pulls across from the girl in question.

"Would you like a ride? We're going into the city?" he calls across in front of Mike and out the far window. She shrugs and calls back something in French. She has a stunning smile and waves to them. "Aw shit," says Dan.

He pulls into a driveway to turn around as she comes up to the car. He mutters, "Just turning around, babe. See ya."

But Mike raises his hand for Dan to stop. "Hi," he says.

"Silver heels, what's the point. She's a frog," he throws up his hands knowing neither of them speak French.

Mike reaches and turns down Eddie Rabbit's "I Love a Rainy Night" so he can hear her. "Ou allez-vous?"

He takes a chance, "Ah, I'm Mike." He taps his chest.

She laughs, "I'm Marie. Hi Mike. I guess you don't parle la lange." she grins and says, "speak the language. French, I mean."

Mike asks, "Okay, so what did you ask me? I know it was a question."

"I asked where you are going?"

"Oh, into town to the recruiting center. We're gonna be sailors..." he hesitates, "but we have time to take you for a ride first, if you'd like."

There's merriment in her eyes, "I don't think so. After all, there're two of you guys and I'm all alone." She lowers her eyes and studies the ground.

Dan lightly taps on the gas pedal and says, "That's your problem, babe." He starts to back out. Mike hangs out the window smiling at her and winks. She giggles and waves as they pull away. Mike blows her a kiss.

He pulls back into the car and turns up the radio. "Do you really want to hurt me?" comes from the speaker with the voice of Culture Club. Dan shakes his head up and down with the music and sings, "oh yeah." Mike laughs and they're headed into the city again.

Later they cross a bridge and Mike asks, "Are you sure you know where we're going? What's that island down there?"

"That's Boucherville Island. We just came through Boucherville. Didn't you notice? We'll be in Montreal East in just a few minutes."

"Okay, okay, I guess you know where you're going. I was just checking." He grins like he knew where they were all the time. "How much farther to the recruiter?"

"It's not that far now. It won't be long. Did you want to stop to eat or anything?"

"No, no, I don't think so." Mike let's his open stretched hand float on the breeze outside the side window of the car. He thinks about Marie and wishes they had taken longer to check her out. He thinks he might have struck up a friendship there then grudgingly admits to himself how silly that would be if he's leaving.

He broods over the memory of his awkward break with Grace two nights ago. He should've said something before things got so hot but she felt so good and she satisfied his needs perfectly. He'd kept putting off saying anything and then it was too late. They were consumed with passion.

He feels an erection growing in his lap thinking about that night. She wanted to do it so much because he was now eighteen. She had hopes of it meaning much more to them. Then he had dashed her hopes by telling her goodbye. He felt it was cruel but couldn't think of any other way to handle it.

"Hey, do you want to watch for a parking place? It's not far now." Mike cheers up as Dan makes this declaration. City traffic is light so Mike spots a parking place very quickly and Dan guides the car into place.

Mike volunteers, "I got the meter, bud." He digs for coins as they exit the car. "Can you see? Are there many in there?"

Dan ignores him and goes right up to the glass door with the fancy blue on blue navy poster on it. Mike rushes to catch up with him.

He hitches his jeans, dashes across the sidewalk and enters the shop on Dan's heels running his hand through his long black wavy hair. He cuts a striking figure as a tall lanky youth with quick, bright eyes and clear brow. The recruiter sees a poster child and rubs her hands in anticipation.

Dan's in the lead so he speaks first to the man behind the counter. "Hey, is this where we sign up for the navy? My bud and I," he nods to Mike, "we want to sign on to see the world." He favors them with a broad smile. The recruiter smiles to herself and lets the counter agents take them but she watches with interest.

"Yes, this is the place, my man. I'm Gary Whittier and who might you be?" He might be a year their elder but clean shorn and most civilized to their inexperienced eyes. They'd classify him as a dandy.

"I'm Daniel George and this is my buddy, Michael Claymore. We want to join your team." He proffers a bright smile as he slaps Mike on the shoulder. Mike moves his head up and down.

"Very well. If you're at least eighteen years old and have a minimum of a high school diploma we can sign you on today."

Mike grins and says, "See, I told you we could ship out today." Dan looks thoughtfully tense and Mike remembers that he didn't matriculate this year. Dan was going to have to repeat the last year of high school. "You offer free education," Mike glances at Gary, "Don't you?"

"Yes, in almost all the trades you can think of. What did you have in mind?" You can be anything from a deck hand to a truck driver, a cook to a doctor. We offer education to all those that qualify. During basic training on the east coast you can decide where you'd like to fit in and we take it from there." He puts two sets of documents on the counter.

"Do you have a birth certificate or a drivers license to start with?" he nods, "and a copy of your senior matriculation, if possible."

Mike flashes a letter, "Will a letter from the school be enough? I don't have the diploma with me."

Gary glances down the "To whom it may concern" letter and nods, "We will need a copy of your diploma later but this is fine. Do you have a drivers license?"

"No, but I got my birth certificate. Will that do?" Meanwhile Dan tosses his drivers license on the counter and buts in, "I don't have anything from school with me. I'll bring it in later."

Gary nods and tells them, "Okay, I need you to fill out these forms." He details how he needs it done and gives them each a pen. They move down the counter to make room for another young couple who have just come in.

Gary urges, "Can you take that over to those booths. We have them set up for doing paperwork. You'll be more comfortable there."

They crowd in together in one booth. Quickly they write as much information as they can readily remember then get out a wallet to fill in numbers and dates, etc. They chatter back and forth as they work but are eventually done. It's almost noon so they go back to the counter.

"Where's Gary?" Dan asks the woman at the counter. She's on the phone and nods his way entreating him to be patient. She puts a hand over the receiver and whispers, "Just leave it on the end of the counter there." Mike smiles and nods as he complies but Dan glares at her.

Mike nudges him and says, "Just leave it and we'll go for lunch. Come on."

Dan complains, "I want to speak to Gary again. I'm not sure how to fill in part of my history." Mike shudders as Dan keeps bugging the lady on the phone. Its obvious that there's no one else here right now.

The lady hangs up the phone and says, "Okay, its noon and the counter agents have gone out for lunch but if those forms you were working on are ready, I'll review them." She stands to pick up the forms, " You can hang around or go out for lunch, whatever you like. By the way, I'm Virginia and I'm the recruiter for this location."

Virginia's sweet, blonde, blue eyed and about twenty. She has a radiant smile and stands nearly Mike's height at six feet. He judges her to be about five foot, ten and a half inches. Mike is captivated as she returns to her desk further back from the counter. He sees her marker on her desk. 'MS V. Houston - Recruiter', it announces.

"Let's go," urges Dan then calls, "We'll be back after lunch." Mike waves to her and she flashes a quick smile before dropping her eyes to the paperwork.

They stand on the street and view the area, "What do you think? Do you see anything?" They look up and down the street. Mike points, "There's a Tim Hortons." but Dan sees a bistro around the corner.

"Chez Helene. Sounds good to me. Let's go."

They duck around the corner and step down a step into a dimly lit dining room. The tables are full and French patter fills the air but as they watch a couple leaves so they catch the now emptied small table in a corner.

A harried waitress calls, "Ce est correct, vous pouvez prendre cette table." She works her way to them. "Que desirez-vous?"

Mike takes the lead, "Do you have a special.. une speciale? For lunch? Un dejeuer speciale?" He grins and shrugs.

She grins, "English, eh? How about meatloaf? It's 25% off just over the lunch time but it smells really good. I think I might have it later. Its two fifty with coffee or tea, pop is extra. That's not a bad deal?"

Dan asks, "Can we get a menu?" He hesitates, "In English, too."

"We don't have them in English. I have to run. When you decide call me over. I'll drop a menu off." She dashes away and shortly drops menus on their table.

Mike catches her eye and he says, "Meatloaf and water, please." She nods and is gone. Dan ponders over the menu. He mutters, "I guess I'll have the same and a coke. Where is she?" He looks around for the waitress.

He catches her eye at the counter and she waves as she talks with another customer. She comes in a minute with Mike's water and Dan places his order. Of course, Mike's order arrives first so he takes his time to enjoy it when Dan gets his. They pay on separate bills but Mike leaves the tip.

Outside they head back to the office and arrive to be greeted by Gary. "There's my men. Glad to see you back."

Mike nods and Dan says, "Thought we skipped out on you, did ya?" He laughs. Gary laughs with him but says not, that he's just kidding.

Virginia goes to the end of the counter and calls Mike over. She has his forms in hand. "Do you have a recent medical?" Mike nods in the affirmative. "I'll need that. How soon will you be ready to go to work for us?"

Mike shrugs with a boyish grin, "Today?"

"Are you serious?" Mike nods. "Who's your doctor? I need you to sign another form for him and I can have you on a train Wednesday to the coast. There's a new basic training course starting next week and I think I can get you on it. How's that sound?"

Mike grins from ear to ear, "Can I kiss you?" She laughs and hands him another form to sign.

"That's for your doctor and this form makes you ours. Be sure before you sign that last one." She pushes a contract towards him. Mike signs both. "I'll get your tickets done up. Should have them in less than an hour." She has a broad smile for him. "Now you can kiss me."

Quickly she backs away joking, "Just kidding! I'm kidding you. I couldn't get away with that, I'm an NCO. That's a non-commissioned officer, by the way. I'm a Master Seaman." She notes his puzzled look. "Like a sergeant in the army, you know?"

Mike sighs, "Does that mean I can't date you?" He puts on a real long face, "Doggone."

"It's not allowed aboard ship... or on a base... I'm not sure in civvies in town. What've you got in mind?" She giggles.

"I don't have a license or a car and I live out of town so I guess all I can offer is a walk in the park in the afternoon."

She thinks on it, "I bet it'd be fun. When are we going?"

"What time is my train on Wednesday?"

"It's the overnighter from Quebec City. You catch the six PM train here to Quebec and change to the overnighter but you don't have to leave the train, they change the car to the eastbound run and convert the seats. You'll be in Halifax by sun up and again they switch your car for day liner seats the rest of the way. Usually there are quite a few new recruits on it from all across Canada."

"Can you get off Wednesday? I could meet you here at noon or even earlier, if you'd like" She considers his words as he walks his fingers up and down her arm with a boyish grin.

"Actually, I'm off Wednesday so I'm free as early as you want." she rolls her eyes at him. "Don't you have a girl friend?"

"I did have but I told her farewell the other day. What about you, you must have scads of guys hanging around or one very special guy?"

"I recently accepted this post so I haven't met that many interesting men yet." she reconsiders, "a few but mostly flakes." They quietly chuckle together.

"If you give me your phone number I'll call you when I know what time I'll get into town. How's that sound?"

She sighs, "I was going to suggest you give me your number so I could call you and find out what time you'll be here."

"Why don't we exchange numbers and then we can both call if we want?" He nods his head pointing at the form he has already put his phone number on earlier. She takes a business card and jots her number on the back of it.

She suggests, "I better see your friend now. Please send him down here. I'll have your tickets later."

Mike goes to Dan and says, "She'll see you now. I'm going over to Tim Hortons for a coffee. You'll know where I am if I'm not back when you're done."

Mike is back in an hour and Dan's waiting for him. He looks glum slouched in a chair waiting. Mike greets him, "Have you been done long? Why didn't you come over and join me?"

"Let's get out of here." Dan gets up to leave.

"Hold on, I have to see Virginia again. Be right with you." He heads over to the counter and waits for her to notice him.

When she does she joins him to give him his tickets. She shakes his hand and says, "I'll see you Wednesday. Don't you forget."

"I'll call you later. Bye for now." He takes his leave and joins Dan on the way out the door. They head across to his car and climb in. Dan starts it right away but Mike notices his quiet so he asks, "How'd you make out, buddy?

"Bah! Come back next year when you have your high school done. She didn't suggest GED so I asked her and she said it was only available for those who've been in the work force for ten years and need it for promotion. If you have a job for ten years what do you need GED for. Damn!"

"That's too bad, Dan. I was hoping we might join together."

"She's just a skirt! What's she know? I'll go back and Gary'll get me in. How about you? What excuse did she hit you with?"

Mike doesn't know what to say. He admits quietly, "I'm in, Dan. She signed me up and gave me the tickets for the train to Cornwallis this Wednesday. I'm going for the basic training course next week but I'll be in the barracks Thursday night on the coast."

"What! Oh shit Mike! I want to go with you. Damn!" he strikes the steering wheel in frustration. He becomes moodily silent for the rest of the trip home. As they get into Hochelega he asks slyly, "I guess you won't want that Grace anymore, eh?"

"We broke up the other night." He nods, "I guess she's fair game now, bud."