MILF and the Horny BBC


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She waited.

Finally, she heard the sound of the wheels again, getting closer. The sound stopped at the top of the stairs and she heard a faint 'swoosh' and click. She recognised the sound as a drag along suitcase handle being returned to its prime position. Then there were footsteps on the stairs. He was wearing soft shoes; sneakers with laces fashionably loose. She could see the stairs from her position and as he turned the corners she could see over-sized basketball-style boots below overly baggy sweat pants. He was indeed carrying a small suitcase in one hand, a drink in the other.

He ambled down the stairs, taking a lazy, non-anxious look as he descended. When he saw her, he stopped on the stairs and whistled through his teeth. He stood and stared, unembarrassed; cocky.

After a few seconds he slowly started down the stairs and, without really smiling, he walked (perhaps 'strutted'?) over to join her.

"Try anythin' once, I presume? Man! You look good enough to eat, bitch!"

She was taken aback not only by his words but by his confusion of an accent. He appeared to be speaking 'American' but there was a faint East London twang with some Jamaican thrown in for good measure.

"You is fuckin' one HOT, bitch! Mmmm Mmmm. DAMN!"

He looked around with comical wide eyes of the over-actor.

"Where's the fuckin' camera, bitch. This got ta be a mother-fuckin' set up. They don't fuckin' MAKE women like you without a fuckin' catch, bitch! You dig?"

Jilly was open-mouthed. This was an assault on her ears but she couldn't help but be quite charmed by his energy, his demeanour and his 'kind' words'.

"Stand up, bitch! I wanna see you and we need a hug so I knows you real, innit!"

After the slightest hesitation, she stood and was immediately grabbed in an over-familiar embrace. His hands slid up and down her back for a few seconds.

"Hmmm. You smell sweet, bitch!"

His left arm held her tight while his right hand descended to her latex/leather skirt. He lifted the hem and squeezed her naked, pert, perfect ass.

"Fuck, bitch. Nice tight white ass for Daddy!"

At this stage she had no intention of pointing out that she was at least ten years older than him and that perhaps 'Nephew' would be more appropriate.

Still in his embrace, she tried to regain some semblance of normality.

"Perhaps we can..."

His face was nestled into her hair. His left arm's grip still vice-like.

"Fuck, bitch. You is one sexy mother-fuckin' slut!"

With that, the middle finger of his wandering right hand slid in between her ass cheeks and he prodded the end into her anus.

"Hey, now...!"

He pulled away.

"Too far? Did I go too far, bitch? Man. I'm sorry. But do you always lube up your ass just in case?Ha ha ha. You is one sexy, hot, white MILF BITCH!"

He delivered the words to her but he was staring unashamedly at her cleavage, clearly on display in the powder blue mesh top.

"YES! You did go too far, young man. We are just meeting to discuss the possibility of taking this further. I didn't expect to be mauled within a nano-second of meeting you. Control yourself!"

There was a pause. His eyes had moved from her tits to her face. He stared and a smile started to appear on his lips.

"Man! You LOOK sexy as fuck and you SOUND as sexy as fuck too! Where the fuck you bin hidin' all my fucking life, bitch?"

Though she was trying to be annoyed, his performance was infectious and she couldn't help but smile and let out a small giggle.

"Let's sit, shall we?" Again, she wanted to try and regain some control, decorum and calm.

They sat, him constantly whistling and sucking through his teeth as he observed fresh things to admire about her and she, rolling her eyes at his lack of embarrassment at behaving as though he were at a meat market.

"So. Are you going somewhere?" She nodded towards the suitcase.

"What? Oh yeah. I'm staying in town, just round the corner. I booked a room an hour ago."

"Oh. Why? Have you got business in town?"

"You could say that!" With that he started to laugh a little too loudly and for too long; his laugh ending in a strangled sound at the back of his throat as if hacking up some phlegm.

"Kikch, kikch, kikch!"

Ignoring his guffawing, she pressed on with the reason for the meeting.

"So. Your advert was very eye-catching. Have you had much success using that approach?"

He finally stopped his strangled laughter and looked at her square in the eyes.

"Fuck yeah, bitch. I get a LOT of success. White bitches wanna try me. They wanna see if they can go the DISTANCE with the black dick. It used to be the men who had egos, ya know? Give 'em any challenge and their fuckin' ego make 'em go for it, you hear me? It's not just the men anymore. I guess it's fuckin E-QUALIT-EEE, you dig? Women got egos too and they wanna PROVE ther'selves. You put somethin' in an ad like, 'You think you can keep up, bitch?' and those slut whore bitches come running. So I get a LOT of success, bitch. A LOT of fuckin' success, believe me..."

She thought she understood and, if she were being honest with herself, her own ego had now placed her in this bizarre position with this egotistical but strangely charming and engaging black man.

"...What I DON'T get is many 'returning customers', you dig? No long-term girlfriends, you hear what I'm sayin'? By the way, what's your name, bitch?"

"It''s Jilly. What's yours?"

"Call me Ray. And, bitch, that ain't short for Rapist! Ha ha ha ha!!"

He laughed raucously at his own joke, again his infectious laugh ended in a strangled hiccup at the back of his throat.

"Kikch, kikch, kikch!"

"So you're not married?" Jilly asked.

"I was once. She fuckin' upped and left. She said her pussy couldn't take it no mo'. Said I'd fucked her so hard she couldn't piss no mo', you dig? But fuck that bitch. She'd fuckin' let herself go, innit? I married a fuckin' beauty. She turned into a fuckin whale, ya know? Why do you bitches always get a man and then eat your own bodyweight in food every fuckin day?"


"I say you bitches. I don't mean you. You may be as old as the fuckin' hills, bitch - no offence - but I can see you take care o' yersel'. You are fuckin' hot. But I got tell you somethin', bitch. I've got a dick the size of a small country so I hope you stretch easy. When God gave out the fuckin' dicks, baby, he accidentally gave me a' elephant dick."

"I'm quite used to...large, erm...manhoods I can assure.."

Before she could finish speaking he stood up.

"Not like this one, you ain't!"

With that he dropped his jogging bottoms to his ankles. Clearly he had not bothered with underwear but Jilly was open-mouthed. The flaccid cock swayed heavily between his legs. The circumcised head was below his knee and she wondered how his cock would look once it was fully inflated. The length was impressive but the girth was mind-blowing. She guessed that she would struggle to get one hand all the way around and as for getting any of it inside her...

"No bitch sucks my dick. If I met a woman who had a mouth big enough to take it, she'd look as weird as fuck!! I mean, she'd look like Mick fuckin' Jagger and I don't want that fuckin' dinosaur suckin' on my dick!"

She wasn't listening. She was staring now as unashamedly as he'd stared at her tits.

"Some women can take some of it in their pussies. Not many will even attempt to take it in their ass. I don't mind. This is a curse I carry, bitch. So what I'M into is treating a woman rough like I said in my post. I know you can't take this meat, bitch. I know you can't. Look at you. Tiny fuckin' frame. There's no fuckin' way. So what I want is for you to TELL ME you can't take it while I throw you around a bit and get you to lick it and maybe try squeezin' some of it into your tiny pussy."

Jilly continued to stare at it. Transfixed. Then she raised her eyes to his.

"I've taken some big cocks in my time. Who knows? Maybe my maturity will find ways to satisfy you that you didn't know you'd enjoy?"

He stood, looking at her. He looked annoyed and she realised that his whole schtick was being in control. He wanted to dominate. He wanted her to be the victim. She changed tack.

"Can I...touch it...please?"

He said nothing but with the tiniest of movements ushered her toward him; beckoned her with his monster cock.

She stretched out a hand. Starting at the base (where he had shaved his pubic hair to nothing) her hand gently touched it. She traced the fingers down, trying to see if her fingers would meet. As she touched it, it twitched. The sleeping animal was awakening. She watched as it began its inexorable journey to full erection. She was relieved that it appeared not to grow too much further in length but the engorgement was breathtaking. The veins stood proud; dangerously even and she wondered if he felt light headed when it was fully erect as blood drained from his other vital organs. It was the most muscular of cocks. Her hand came underneath and she hefted it up, feeling the considerable weight in her hand.

"Oh my god. god! This is..."

There was a cough from behind him. He turned and she darted her head around his body. One of the Baristas was staring at his bare ass and, Jilly guessed, must have assumed she was giving head.

"Right. Out now or I'll call the Police."

Nonchalantly, Jilly's 'date' pulled up his sweatpants, not bothering to hurry. He had the air of a man who, simply by the size of his cock, had the right to do whatever he pleased, with whomever he wanted and wherever he desired.

Jilly used him as a human shield so that she could at least try to not be identified.

"Okay. We're just leaving. Sorry. We..."

The Barista waited before turning and going up the stairs.

"So bitch, where shall we go? I got my hotel room. I can check in now and we can go finish this right now."

"Jesus! We've just been caught in Starbucks having intimate relations and you're thinking about...Jesus. We have to get out through the main door and everyone will see us and...Oh my god..."

He was smirking and watching while she quickly put on her jacket, her tits bouncing in her tight top.

"I should never have agreed to...oh fuck. Oh fuck..."

"Relax, bitch. You've made his fuckin' day. He'll be talking about this with his friends for fuckin' MONTHS. You got nuthin' to feel bad about 'cause you is the sexiest mother-fuckin' woman I's seen for a long time, bitch. Just relax and follow me."

With that, he picked up his suitcase.

Jilly, quickly hunted in her handbag and found some sunglasses, pushing them onto her nose in the hope of disguising herself.

They both mounted the stairs and there was silence in the coffee shop as everyone stared. The suitcase man meandered as though nothing was amiss, Jilly stayed close behind, trying to use him to shield herself.

Finally they got out onto the street and Jilly walked quickly away; trying to distance herself from the nightmare she'd just endured.

"Where you goin'?"


She stopped and turned, her face softening slightly.

"Look. It was...erm...lovely to meet you and you are a very impressive specimen. But I...we...that was quite embarrassing and..."

"Do you know those people?"

"Well no, I..."

"Then who gives a fuck?"

"It's just's..."

"Just forget it. Tell you what, why don't you come to my hotel. It's the one on Shepherd Street round the corner, you know it?"

"I do know it but I'm just sort of..."

"Hey. I'm there tonight. After that..."

They stared at each other for a few moments.

"I really have to go and..."

"Hey lady, it's your choice. I ain't forcin' no bitches."

They stared at one another for the briefest of moments but they both drank one another in. His cock was clearly visible through his sweat pants; semi flaccid.

He turned and walked away, carrying his small suitcase with him.

She turned the other way and headed back to the precinct, desperate to get into her car and drive the short distance home but still squirmy and hot.

As she walked through the shopping centre, her mind returned to what she'd seen and her pussy give a jump. She felt fresh wetness between her un-pantied legs.

She looked in a couple of windows as she walked by and caught sight of her reflection. After the experience she'd just had, she was in no mood to admire herself and yet, even at this moment she had to admit to herself that she looked as sexy as any woman at any age. She was in the prime of her life. And hell, maybe her uncouth admirer was right. She had nothing to feel embarrassed about. Anyway, she hadn't been the one with her trousers around her ankles.

She smirked at the thought of the Barista's expression and her face broke into a warm smile as she pictured her admirer slowly packing his giant snake back into his sweatpants. Again, the thought of it caused more moisture to form between her legs. Her earlier trepidation had been replaced with...regret? Perhaps she shouldn't have been so hasty. Which hotel did he say he was staying at?

She absently got to the lifts - three of them - and pushed the button, noting that only one of the lifts went all the way to the deep basement where she had surreptitiously parked her car.

She stared at the smeared and dirty silver lift door; her reflection barely registering.

After a full minute, the door squeaked open reminding her of the never ending journey up from the basement a short while ago. She got in and pressed the button. After an age, the door painfully slid shut again. She absently watched the display.

'G' finally gave way to '-1' but she felt the lift slowing. It stopped. She waited, her eyes fixed on the display.

"Oh please don't tell me..."

At that moment the door slowly opened. In the doorway was a suitcase. She blinked, not understanding. She was about to step out when he appeared.


"Oh my god! You made me jump!"

"Did I scare ya, bitch? Did I?"

He got in, dragging the suitcase behind him.

"What are you doing here? I thought you..."

He jabbed the button several times.

"Bitch. I watched you walkin' away. Mmmmm mmmmm. Yo fuckin' ass; yo fuckin' legs. Yo just TOO hot, bitch. I wanted to give you another chance to get to know me."

The door was squealing closed. The lift started to move with a jolt.

"Yeah, bitch. I just had to..."

Ray was talking but seemed distracted. He was fiddling with a metal cover near to the lift buttons. Finally it flew open on its hinge and he deftly reached inside and pulled something out. The lift stopped, the lights dimmed but remained on.

"...oh fuck!" He said, comedically.


"It just came off in my hand, bitch!" He was laughing and not attempting to hide his glee or try to remedy the situation. A disembodied and disinterested voice came over the intercom.

"I'm getting a signal that lift no GM29 at the ParkHouse shopping centre has stopped, is that correct?"

"Yeah, mother-fucker. There are two of us here. We okay though. How long till you come down and get us moving?"

"Sorry sir, please refrain from using bad language. Any abuse, verbal or otherwise, will have to be reported and it certainly won't help you get assistance any faster I can assure you!"

Ray made a face at Jilly the way a naughty pupil makes faces behind a teacher's back.

"Sorry man. It's just that we've got somewhere we needs to be and this elevators can get awful fuckin' hot, you dig?"

"Sir, please don't swear again or I'll put you to the back of the queue. In answer to your question, we should have someone there within the hour and we'll hopefully have you out in ninety minutes. We guarantee to have you out in two hours!"

Jilly watched Ray who was laughing silently.

"Two fuckin' hours? You make sure you get your big ass down here fast, mother-fucker cause..."

"I'm sorry, I'm terminating the call. I will call again in ten minutes when you have hopefully calmed down. After that, I will call an engineer. Goodbye!"

The line went dead after an audible click.

"Why did you do that? We're going to be stuck in this lift for..."

The penny finally dropped for Jilly. She stared at Ray as he leered back.

"Two fuckin' hours, bitch. You won't come to my hotel? Well, we can really get to know each other right here, you dig?"

He came for her, pressing her into the corner of the lift; his hands everywhere.

"Man! Yer fuckin' body's HOT, bitch!"

His hand came to her pussy and he immediately jabbed his middle finger into her.

"Oooh!! Fuckin' wet already! And no fuckin' underwear? You's one fucking horny, dirty bitch!"

His mouth was on her but she turned her head away, not wanting to seem too easy at such an early stage.

The course, stubble on his face scratched her face and neck as kissed and nibbled at her lips, faces and neck.

She began to close her eyes as he expertly kissed her neck, starting to lose herself to the lust that had been building since she'd seen his giant cock. Suddenly, her eyes snapped open as she spotted a tiny camera in the corner.


"I can't wait, bitch. I gotta feel you and I gotta get you slid onto my meat asap!"

His middle finger was pressing at her clitoris, sending her body into an early spasm.

"But....ugghh....oooh yeah...the cam...the camera."

"This ain't the fuckin' time to make a porno, bitch!"

"Not yours. Uuuhhh, oh fuck...THAT ONE!!"

As she spat out the words, she shoved him and pointed.

He was confused but followed the line of her arm.

He spotted the camera and paused, staring; thinking.

"No one's watching us, bitch. It don't even work!!"

"Listen, buster..." Jilly said, sounding braver than she felt.

"...there'll be no MILF pussy for you unless we deal with that."

He stared at her before looking around, first at his case, then his shoes before his eyes alighted on Jilly.

"Take your fuckin' sweater off, bitch!!"

"But the camera..."

"It's FOR the fuckin' camera, bitch."

After the briefest of pauses she grabbed the hem and lifted it above her head. Her perfect tits jiggled as the holster effect of the material released them.

"Oh man! You are fuckin' perfection, bitch!!"

The look he gave her was pure lust but, as he stared at her breasts, he reached out and grabbed her jumper. He turned and, found an edge to the metal surrounding the camera. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a dangerous-looking pen knife. He flicked out a blade and prized the edge out and quickly hung her sweater on it

"Careful!! That's expensive!!"

He ignored her and gathered the material, making sure it was now covering the camera.

A disembodied voice suddenly sprang into life from the intercom.

"This is the control room. Please note that an engineer has now been summoned and will be with you within a few minutes...."

They both stared at each other, Ray, for the first time, looking deflated as he assessed what to do.

"...however, if you remove the cover from the camera, I can delay his arrival for a further 30 minutes!"

Jilly was wide-eyed!, amazed at such blatant, perverted behaviour from someone who should be looking out for their 'customers'. Unsurprisingly, Ray was smiling. A smile that soon became a full-blown laugh ending in his customary strangled noise.

"Kikch, kikch, kikch!"

He reached up and roughly pulled down the sweater, causing it to rip against the jagged edge of the metal.


Ray ignored her and looked at the camera and made an 'O' sign with his fingers as if to say, 'Okay'.

He threw the sweater into the corner and came for Jilly.

"C'mon, bitch. We got a show to put on!"

With that he grabbed her and deftly moved behind her, clasping her huge tits in his hands, tweaking the nipples roughly and showing them to the camera.
