Military Matters Ch. 05

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Can love survive when the couple are parted again?
11.2k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 12/04/2021
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I was awake first on the Sunday morning, the first rays of the early morning sun streaming in through the window. Rolling onto my side, I spent a couple of minutes just staring at the man laying asleep next to me. After everything that had happened, I could hardly believe I was here with him and that he loved me.

"Morning sexy." Danny's eyes eventually flickered open and he gave me that silly grin of his that made me shiver.

"Morning." I leant over and kissed him lightly on the lips.

With that he grabbed me, rolling me onto my back and making me squeal "No, not again... you're insatiable."

Rising over me he gazed into my eyes as he pinned me down against the mattress "Are you complaining?"

Biting my lip I looked back into his mesmerising grey-blue eyes and shook my head "Never."

It was another forty minutes before I eventually got up out of bed and, pulling on the robe he had leant me, made my way downstairs to the kitchen.

"Good morning sweetheart." A beaming Brenda winked as she poured out a mug of tea for me while her husband read the paper at the table.

"Anything much happening?" I enquired, my cheeks colouring yet again as I sat down.

Smiling he looked across at me "Nothing special. Just talk of us withdrawing troops from Afghanistan."

Suddenly the realisation that Danny would be going back into danger in just a few weeks came back to me. I had almost forgotten about it as we enjoyed the weekend and behaved like a normal couple. After Monday I would go back to being Captain Upson-Marsh and he would be Sergeant Cantwell, eventually serving thousands of miles away from me.

I felt a hand on mine and looked up to see Brenda gazing at me "He'll be fine. Try not to worry."

It was easy for her to say but I had been there and seen it for myself, I knew something of what could happen to him while he was deployed out there.

"Yeah of course he will." I smiled at her and tried to be positive despite my misgivings.

After breakfast Danny and I got ourselves showered and dressed intending to make the most of what would be our last day together as a couple at least for the foreseeable future. Putting thoughts of Tuesday out of my head we went for a long walk, talking and holding hands just like anyone else until sometime later we found ourselves outside the village pub.

"Fancy a drink?"

"Mmhhmm that sounds nice." I let him lead me inside the old-fashioned country hostelry.

The oak beams and horse brasses on the walls gave the pub a real sense of atmosphere as did the handful of locals who were already inside. A few people greeted Danny and gave me a curious look while he ordered our drinks and we then sat ourselves at a table at the far end.

"You ok? He looked at me as he handed me my glass of white wine.

I shrugged "Yeah I guess so."

"Tomorrow?" the look he gave me told me he understood what I was thinking of.

For the next few minutes, we sat in silence, both of us lost in our thoughts about what the next 6 months might bring. I had a deep sense of dread that having overcome all the obstacles that had been put in our way I still could lose him for good.

"Hey, let's forget it until tomorrow." His lop-sided grin made me smile again, "Another drink?"

"Please." I gave him a weak smile in return.

Watching him go to the bar I felt a twinge of jealousy as a pretty young brunette came across to him. It was obvious she knew him from the way she excitedly threw her arms around him and kissed his cheek. The pair of them then exchanged a few words as she kept looking directly across at me.

I was still jealously wondering who she was when she came straight across to me.

"Hi, I guess you're Natasha." She held out her hand to me.

"Err... yes... do we...." bemused I took it and we shook as I wondered if I had competition for Danny.

"Thanks. He deserves to be happy after everything." Her statement left me puzzled.

"Umm... I'm sorry... I... don't understand."

"I'm Claire. Louise's sister." She finally introduced herself.

"Louise?" was all I could think of to say.

"She was Danny's fiancé."

"Oh god, yes... I'm sorry. I didn't... realise....." my words tapered off.

"Don't worry about it. I better go and leave you two alone." She said glancing back to Danny who was just getting served.

"It's wonderful to see him happy again." She continued placing her hand on mine and smiling, "Please don't hurt him."

And with that she was gone leaving me almost in tears, again.

"What did Claire want?" he asked returning with our refreshed glasses.

"Nothing, she was just saying hello." I took his hand and squeezed wondering just how much more I could love him.

The rest of Sunday went by far too quickly.

An afternoon spent cuddled up in front of the television followed by a gorgeous roast dinner in the evening, courtesy of Brenda. Then before I knew it Danny and I were heading back upstairs and I realised this would be the last time I shared his bed for quite some time.

Quickly finishing in the bathroom, I undressed and slipped under the duvet to wait for my boyfriend to join me.

We were both needful and we made love twice before I let sleep take me, wrapped in his arms, the multiple orgasms having left me exhausted but totally satisfied.

Danny was already up when I awoke the following morning, slowly coming to I experienced sudden feelings of despair as I remembered what Monday meant for me. I would have to return home but Danny was leaving, going back to Afghanistan, and going back into danger in just a few weeks.

The mood at breakfast was sombre. No one really said very much as we sat consumed with our own thoughts of what the next few months might mean for us. It was only later, while I sat in Danny's room watching as he sorted the last of his things from his kitbag.

"I'm going to miss you." I could already feel myself becoming emotional.

He paused from his unpacking and sat on the bed next to me, "We've got a few weeks yet."

"I know but I'll be at my camp and you'll be here and then you'll be gone."

"I've been thinking," he stared disconsolately at the floor, "When I go, I'll be gone for six months and you'll be alone."

"It'll be fine. I'll be here when you get back."

"That's what I mean, I think you should be living your life and if you still want me when I get back...." His voice tailed off as he finished the sentence.

"And exactly what does that mean Danny Cantwell?"

He didn't look up at me "It means you should be...."

"Free to sleep around?" I could feel myself getting angry.


"Listen to me Danny and listen good." I pulled his face up so his eyes met mine, "I love you and I have no intention of sleeping with anyone but you so get that into your thick skull for once and for all."

His grin diffused my anger "I had to ask Nat."

I slipped my arms around his neck "I'm yours. Get used to it."

He kissed me tenderly on the lips "I'm trying to but I've wanted you for so long it's hard to believe you're actually mine now."

An hour or so later, standing by my car he watched me say goodbye to his parents, his mother hugging me.

"Don't be stranger Natasha." Brenda squeezed my hand before I left and made me promise to come down and see them.

My own tears came later when I said goodbye to Danny.

"I'll be back soon Danny. I promise." I sobbed as I clung to him not wanting to let him go but all the while knowing I had to, "Behave yourself."

"I'll try my best to be good." He joked.

"You'll do as you're ordered Sergeant."

"Yes ma'am." He kissed me one last time and then I slid into my car watching him in the rear-view mirror as I drove away.

We managed just one more wonderful long week-end together before Danny had to re-join his unit in Afghanistan.

On the day he had to leave I drove down to pick him up, watching as he said a tearful goodbye to his parents then driving him up to the camp from where he would ship out.

Watching him go through the gates I sat in the car and cried. The tears streaming down my cheeks and dripping onto my lap for a good ten minutes before I felt composed enough to continue my drive, heading back home for the first time in a month. I had phoned and said I was coming and my mind was now wondering what my mother would say when I got there.

Letting myself in I was immediately confronted by her.

"There's obviously no need to guess what you've been up to, is there young lady?" were the first words out of her mouth, "I'm amazed Richard is even prepared to talk to you."

I was left almost speechless by the way she made herself and Richard to be the offended parties in all of this.

"I suggest you go in there now and apologise to him. If you beg him to forgive you, he might.... just might... be prepared to take you back." She continued to harangue of me.

"Richard is here?"

"Yes, he's here and waiting to have a word with you."

Leaving her watching me I stormed into the lounge to confront him.

"Natasha." He stood up as I entered, "I want you to know that I'm prepared to forgive you and take you back as my fiancé."

"Oh, you are?"

"Yes, I am young lady." He smirked, "And in return you'll stop all this silly army nonsense and devote your energies to becoming a dutiful wife and mother. You'll also tell that... that Danny... whatever his name is that you never want to see him again."

"And I suppose I'll have to start drinking red wine as well?"

"Yes, and tonight we can properly consummate our relationship." He took a step towards me as if he was going to take me in his arms.

Alarmed I stepped back "Richard, you can take your red wine, your ring and your dutiful wife and shove them where the sun doesn't shine. I'm with Danny Cantwell and that's the end of it."

"Natasha, I mean it...."

"For god's sake Richard don't you understand, I don't want you.... I never did!" my voice rose several decibels, "I'm in love with Danny."

"I warn you Natasha if I go now, I won't be back." He warned me, his stupid smile still on his face.

"Great, now fuck off and... leave.... me..... alone."

"Hummph! It's your loss." drawing himself up to his full height Richard stomped out of the room and moments later I was relieved to hear the front door slam.

"NATASHA!" my mother yelled at me, "What have you done?"

"Got rid of the obnoxious prick you tried to marry me off to." I told her my voice soft and firm, "You know the one that would have controlled my life if I let him."

With that I turned and headed up to my room leaving her to fume quietly behind me. I needed to be back at the base early the next day and after seeing Danny off I wanted an early night.

The next two weeks at the camp dragged slowly by for me as I worried constantly about him. Work barely distracted me and my concerns were only briefly punctuated by the occasional e-mail, one letter and a half an hour face time session with him. I missed him even more than I thought I would and that was when the solution came to me.

I'd apply for an overseas posting and join him.

Almost as soon as I thought of it, I realised that there was no way I could arrange a transfer. It would take weeks, possibly months for any request I made to be processed and then it would depend on a suitable position being available.

'Or perhaps on second thoughts there was?' I had a sudden brainwave.

It took a check on army records and a couple of phone calls but after that I knew exactly what I needed to do.

Hesitantly I dialled the number I had been given and waited for an answer.

"Brigadier Hyde please." I responded to the voice at the other end of the line.

"It's Captain Upson-Marsh," when they asked for my name I nervously gave it wondering if her would take my call.

There was a pause and a couple of clicks on the line as I waited.

"Hyde here. What can I do for you Captain?" The Brigadier came on the line, his voice sounding agitated.

"I wonder if I can come and see you sir?" I tried to keep my voice calm.

"For what purpose Captain? Our... business... was concluded as I recall."

"I can explain it better in.... person. Sir."

"Very well tomorrow afternoon at five." He didn't wait for a reply as he hung up on me.

I put the phone down and realised I was shaking. 'Was I really going to go and see the lecherous Brigadier Hyde? Would that get me the transfer to Afghanistan that I wanted?'

The next day I arranged a half days leave, telling my superior I had an urgent family matter to attend to. Then finishing up in the office I hurried back to my quarters to change into a dress and some more appropriate underwear before heading off to my five o'clock appointment.

For the whole drive there I was totally wrapped up with thoughts about what I was about to do. 'Would the egotistical Brigadier still think he could get me into his bed? Would he even want to?' the questions filling my mind were endless.

Arriving at the Brigadier's office shortly before the appointed time I was shown straight in by his orderly,

"Ah the upright Captain Upson-Marsh. Do come in and take a seat." He looked me up and down with obvious distaste, "What can I do for you?"

"I was hoping we could... err.... discuss a possible transfer."

Taking a moment, he studied me as I sat in front of him, my short dress riding half-way up my thighs, his cold eyes calculating as he obviously made his decision as to what he should do.

"I see. Well, I was about to go and eat." He stood up and smiled at her salaciously, "Come and have dinner with me?"

"Thank you." I agreed albeit a little reluctantly, knowing for sure that the Brigadier had intentions for me again.

Half an hour later I found myself sitting opposite him in a small Italian bistro sipping a glass of wine as I waited for the pasta dish I had ordered.

"So, young lady, you want a transfer to?" he began the conversation, smirking at me as he spoke.

"Back to Camp Bastion in Helmand province." my answer was succinct.

He considered what I said for a moment.

"And in return?" his voice was dripping with undisguised lust.

"I'm not going to be your whore if that's what you're thinking." I informed him emphatically, "So don't for one instant imagine that I will be visiting your bed."

He laughed and sat back in his chair "Then give me one reason to agree to your request?"

"Because if you don't, I shall go to the national press and expose the sexual harassment I've endured in the army as well as your misogynistic and anti-equality attitudes."

The conversation paused for a moment as our meals arrived and, waiting for his answer, I began to eat.

"You'll ruin your career if you do that." he smirked after a few seconds.

Shaking my head, I looked him in the eye "I'm pretty sure I have no career now anyway so if I were you, I'd be thinking about my own position."

Brigadier Hyde sat back and considered exactly what I had said. From his expression I could see that my statement had hit its intended target.

"What guarantee do I have you won't pull another trick like this?"

I held up two envelopes "This is a letter signed by me verifying that I have never been subject to any form of harassment or bigotry under your command. The other is an expose of everything I've been subjected to, especially by you."

He took a few moments to think about it, eventually reaching for the letters I held "Agreed. Pack your things I'll arrange it first thing tomorrow."

I could barely contain my excitement. I was going to join Danny.


Stepping off the plane at camp Bastion I stopped and, with a smile on my face, I looked around me remembering the first time I had arrived here. 'When would I see Danny? I couldn't wait to see the expression on his face?'


A lance-corporal saluted me before carrying my bags to his land-rover ready to take me to my quarters. Camp Bastion was to be renamed camp Shorabak when we withdrew some of our troops from the country over the next few months. My job would be to liaise with the Afghan and American forces to catalogue the handover of those assets we would be leaving behind.

Although I wouldn't be based at FOB Arnhem as I had been before I would still have to visit there on occasion so I knew I would eventually see my boyfriend again.

Initially though, I needed to familiarise myself with my duties and the other personnel I would be working with. Most seemed friendly and competent although I had my doubts when I met the American Colonel who would be my opposite number from their side.

"Colonel Oppenheimer. This is Captain Upson-Marsh." My immediate CO, a Major Collingwood, introduced me to him, "She's the new liaison officer for us."

"Call me Hank." He grinned at me "Well I must say you're a lot prettier than the last one. I'm sure I'll enjoy working with you."

Groaning inwardly at being confronted with what seemed like another lecherous arsehole I shook his hand.

"Perhaps we could have dinner this evening? Get to know each other a little better outside of work." he suggested.

"Oh... I err... I..." I stammered as Major Collingwood interjected and agreed that that sounded like an excellent idea.

'Shit! Another prick, that's all I need.'' I thought to myself as I headed to my new quarters, back in the country for just a few hours and I had a dinner date with someone other than Danny.

I had some time to stow my gear and take a shower before, tired but refreshed, I headed across to the officer's mess hall to find Colonel Oppenheimer.

If I had any doubts about his intentions towards me the hour or so I spent in his company over dinner rapidly dispelled them. Throughout the meal I tried to remain pleasant and professional, in spite of his boorish suggestive comments. Then as soon as I could decently take my leave, I attempted to make my exit. However, the persistent Colonel insisted on escorting me back to my quarters and I had no doubt what was on his mind.

"How about a coffee?" he suggested as we reached my billet, obviously reluctant to go.

"I'm rather tired thanks anyway. I really need to get to bed." Giving him a weak smile, I started to push my door open, "Goodnight, Colonel."

Physically standing in his way as he moved to follow, I repeated my words making them more forceful "Goodnight, Colonel."

Sighing with relief I leant back against the door once I had closed it behind me. He was going to be a problem that was certain.

For the next few days, I was kept busy getting to grips with my new role and learning the job, which meant that I had very little contact with Hank Oppenheimer. In fact, I had given him very little thought when I headed to the mess, alone, to get my evening meal.

"Have you been avoiding me Captain?" the voice behind me made me jump.

"Oh... err... no, not at all... I've.... err.... I've been rather busy." Slightly red faced I spun around to find Colonel Oppenheimer there.

"Good, let's eat then." He followed me to an empty table.

For the next forty-five minutes I tried to be as pleasant as I could be all the while I was cringing with each suggestive comment he made. I might have managed to forget about my admirer but it was patently obvious he hadn't forgotten about me.

"Well, thanks for your company but I need to get some sleep. I'm off to FOB Arnhem in the morning."

"It's still early perhaps you'd you like to come back to my quarters for coffee?" Hank suggested as we got up from our seats.

"Thanks, but I don't think...."

We had just stepped out of the mess when I saw him and my heart leapt. He had his back to me, talking to another female officer, but I knew without a doubt it was Danny Caldwell.

"I'm sorry Colonel. Please excuse me." I left him standing speechless as I walked away.