Milk Drunk


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Randy once again assured her all was well and to not worry about 'making a fool of herself'. He was so nice, she decided to listen to him and during her final session of the day didn't try to hold back. She lost track of her orgasms; choosing to simply reveal in the pleasure of being milked and Randy's gentle words of encouragement and praise.


Beth slowly started to lose track of the days. She found herself slipping into a relaxed haze, she even began to look forward to her three identical meals a day. Contrary to what she thought the food only seemed to get more appetizing with each serving. She noticed they were getting larger as well yet she never failed to lick the bowl clean. The meals weren't the only thing expanding either.

Her breasts were enormous by now. So swollen with milk she didn't even bother wearing a shirt. Since she spent her time either in her room relaxing after her food or being milked there seemed like little point. Same with pants, the machine made her so wet there was no point wearing anything there. At first, she'd been nervous walking around stark naked all the time but Heather and Randy encouraged her to do whatever she needed to be comfortable.

Today she woke like every other, with a tight chest and sore feet. She groaned as she stood, back protesting the weight of her engorged breasts. If she didn't do something soon, she'd be forced to walk on all fours just to get around. When Heather appeared with her morning meal she eagerly began to eat, enjoying that warm fuzzy feeling in her stomach the food always caused. She didn't even feel Heather slip the needle into her side full of her daily hormones.

"Heather, when I first arrived Randy mentioned something about bras for when I grew?" She asked with a lazy smile. The milk tasted extra sweet today.

"Yes, of course." Heather smiled, "Why don't I fetch you something while you it."

"Thank yoooou." Beth called after her, giggling as the way the word carried on. Something about the sound just felt right coming out of her mouth.

When Heather returned, she was not holding a bra but a bundle of what appeared to be leather straps.

"Sorry, you're developing so fast, we don't have anything traditional that will fit you." Heather gave her an apologetic look, "But this harness will help. Here, I'll help you into it."

Were she not in that pleasant, almost drunk phase her meals always put her in Beth would have felt weird having another lady buckle leather straps around her torso. Currently though, she just wanted the support and there was no way she could handle all those buckles by herself; between the constant ache in her feet and the twinge in her back just standing was an effort. Heather expertly placed the bands around her body, cinching them tight and Beth sighed in relief. The leather straps wrapped under and around her breasts, shoulders and back and supported the weight much more easily.

She stretched, enjoying the tight feeling of that leather digging into her skin slightly. Looking down at her body she noted the harness actually looked quite fetching on her. Then a confused wrinkle formed between her brow.

"Heather, what are these?"

She pointed to the patches of skin; since arriving here she had been getting paler, not in an unhealthy way but rather her skin was taking on a creamy white similar to the milk she was producing. But now she noticed several large patches of brown were beginning to form at random points along her skin. Her swollen feet were almost entirely brown as well.

"A little skin discolouration." Heather waved the concern away, "Nothing to be concerned with I assure you. Come on now, it's time for your milking."

Well, if Heather said it was fine it must be. She'd taken such good care of her here, she and Randy knew what they were doing. Besides, the idea of being milked filled her with excitement, her breasts felt full to bursting and even with the harness she could almost feel the milk swirling around inside her. She allowed the nurse to lead her down to the milking room, somewhat embarrassed to realise she had forgotten the way. As always Randal was waiting for her with a gentle smile when she arrived.

"Goodness, look at you! Got a real pair of udders there." He grinned, Beth blushed. Udders really was the right word.

"Your poor back, let's use the heavy-duty machine today. It'll give you a break." Randy suggested, "Here, get down on all fours and let gravity do some of the work."

That made sense when she thought about it, the milk would flow so much easier that way compared to when she was reclining backwards. She followed Randy to the other side of the room where he'd placed a soft plastic mat to ensure her knees didn't get sore and positioned herself as instructed, back to the wall as Randy pulled a long horizontal bar from it.

"This should make you feel more comfortable." He soothed, patting her hair and clipping something to the back of her harness.

She realised the bar was supporting her now, were she to relax her arms and legs she wouldn't fall to the ground. How thoughtful of him. Randy attached the biggest cups yet to her aching breasts and she couldn't help but give a low moan in anticipation.

"That'a girl, enjoy yourself. This machine is even better than the other model. I'm sure you'll have fun."

He flicked a switch and instantly the cups began to tighten and pump. Within moments milk was spraying into the tubes and Beth sighed in relief and pleasure. She felt her nipples stretch as the cups milked her and she let her mouth hang open, surrendering to the sensations. She could feel her pussy lips becoming moist and her hips began to shift, thrusting against the open air. Randy placed a strong hand on her ass, pushing it down to hold her in place.

"Easy, I told you this machine will help."

There was a mechanical whir from somewhere behind her and she felt something firm press against her hole. A mechanical dildo, slowly vibrating against her hole and causing her to moan even lower. Slowly, it moved forward, parting her folds and filling her till she was full impaled. Between the harness and her new mechanical lover, she was pinned in place. Slowly, it began to pump in and out of her aching hole in time with cups suction.

"Oh, ooooh..."

She couldn't help herself, it felt so good.

"Don't hold back Beth." Randy whispered, stroking her hair, "If you need to cum you cum, loud as you want."

She did need to cum. She needed to cum so badly. She pushed back against the dildo, groaning as it vibrated against her G spot. She could feel her breasts relaxing as the milk was drawn out, each stream sending shockwaves through her system. With each thrust, each pump, she got closer and her moans became louder and more guttural. A new sound was building inside her, she wanted to let it out but held back. She still had some dignity here didn't she, she shouldn't...

She couldn't...

Oh God, she was unable to stop it-


Her insides tightened in orgasm as the sound escaped, a torrent of fresh milk spilled free from her breasts in response and yet more still flowed after. The pumping continued as did the dildo. It was so good; she didn't even notice the burning sensation in her feet as they finally finished their transformation into hooves. Or the stretching of her ears. She just came again, mooing happily as Randy stroked her hair. When her breasts were finally empty, she felt drained, both physically and mentally. That fog that followed each meal seemed to have solidified somehow, a permanent guest in her brain.

"Good girl. That's a good girl." Randy praised, unhooking her and pulling her to her feet.

Or should she say hooves.

"M-my feet?" The words were hard to form, almost like her mouth was the wrong shape.

"Those are your hooves sweetie, all cows have hooves, you know that."


"Of course." He gave her an almost parental smile. "Why don't you go outside for some fresh air and a snack? Heather!"

Heather entered and clapped her hands together in delight as she looked at Beth.

"Oh, you are coming along splendidly!" She smiled.

"Beth is almost complete now." Randy said to her, Beth found she had trouble comprehending the words, it took a second of thinking before the sounds formed any meaning in her mind.

"Let's get her tagged and collared." He finished, "Then a bit of fresh air in in order, she'll need to stretch her legs."

Heather was saying something else now that, try as she might, Beth couldn't figure out through the brain fog. That haze was mixing with the residual pleasure from the machine and she found herself staring glassy eyed with a soft, docile smile on her face as Heather took her by the hand and lead her out of the room. The nurse walked her out into the garden, there was a large area of open grass that felt calming to look at. Suddenly, her stomach rumbled and she looked to Heather pleadingly.

"Here sweetie." She placed a silver bowl containing her beloved muesli on the ground. "Why don't you sit here and enjoy the weather?"

Beth could only nod, walking on these hooves was hard she was glad to have a break. Plopping herself down on the grass she shivered as the blades tickled her bare ass and pussy. She reached forward, ready to shovel the muesli into her mouth but her hands felt stiff and clumsy.

'I guess I'll just eat from the bowl.' She though, getting on her hands and knees again and lowering her mouth down. Eating this way was so much more efficient, why didn't she try it sooner?

As she ate, she felt something heavy and leather wrap around her neck, Heather clasped it into place and she looked down in wonder. A thick collar with a golden bell was now fit snuggly around her neck and she smiled. What a beautiful gift. The smile faulted a moment later when a sharp pain shot through her left ear and she gave a low groan. Heather patted her rump with an apologetic look.

"Sorry Beth, all done now."

She lifted a stiff hand up to her ear and found a plastic tag hanging from her now large, oval shaped ears. It was a little garish, all bright yellow but it did seem to match her new necklace somehow. She wanted to tell Heather it was alright, she forgave her, but the words didn't come. How did she say that again?


She blinked but Heather just smiled and gave her another soft pat on the head. She understood.

"What a good girl you are." Heather beamed, "You really took to this. I bet we could even milk you four times a day!"

Just the thought made Beth wet and she mooed enthusiastically. Rump wagging back and forth to show her agreeance. The praise felt good and if it meant an extra milking each day, that was just icing on the cake.


Life was good here at the Hathor Foundation. Beth was so happy.

She spent her days relaxing in the sunshine and playing in the grass; she had no worries, nothing to stress about. Her days became filled with nothing but relaxation and pleasure, the passage of time only brokered by the sound of a tinkling bell that called her to be milked. She'd stopped sleeping in that silly human bed and instead curled up on the floor. It was so much more comfortable and plus, standing on two legs was exhausting, let alone climbing up into that thing.

After a while Heather took her to a knew area of the Foundation, a large barn where there were dozens more cows! She felt her new ropey tail swish back and forth in happiness to see more of her own kind. The other cows were so nice, they played together, mooed together, even got milked together. It was like one big happy family.

She didn't miss her human life at all. How silly she had been, worrying about things like money and work. Now she had everything she needed; food, shelter, companionship and most importantly pleasure. She and the other cows even had special company from time to time. How they enjoyed teasing the bulls in the next field over, running alongside them and flirting in their own way. Beth eagerly awaited breeding day, she'd overheard Randy speaking with one of the nurses about it. Apparently, there were many human women who wanted to be mothers but could not; now the cows at The Hathor Foundation could do more than feed people, they could create families. Beth beamed at the thought of giving a human mother the child they craved.

When the day finally came and Randy opened the gate between the bulls' fields and her own Beth quivered with anticipation. The bulls wandered in, they looked much as she did, their human traits still vaguely visible beneath the horns and nose rings. There was only a handful, compared to the dozens of cows and Beth began to worry. What if she wasn't picked? How long would she have to wait?

Refusing to be swept aside she boldly approached a strapping young bull, she could already see he was well endowed, far larger than any human lover or dildo and her pussy clenched at the thought. This was yet another benefit to her transformation, as a human flirting was so complicated, so drawn out, here it was easy. She rubbed up against him, leaning forward and presenting her ass and tail in the air to show off her wet folds. She wiggled her round hips back and forth in an enticing manner, she knew he couldn't be able to resist.

She brayed as a wet tongue licked her, parting her folds and sending shivers through her system. It has been so long since she'd felt another's warm flesh down there, or such a gentle touch. In a matter of second he had mounted her, thick cock pressing inside with little resistance. His muscled body leaned over hers and they both groaned together as they began to rut. His cock was hitting that bundle of nerves deep inside her with every thrust and she squeezed him tight inside her. He stretched her so badly she worried so might even tear, it felt so good.

Low, animalistic sounds were escaping them both now, his thrusts became short and strong, pumping in and out with such speed Beth almost fell over with the force of it. She could feel her heavy udders scrapping against the grass, sending tingles across her sensitive skin. His size was enough to break her and she loved it. She wanted more. Already she could feel her insides coiling, tightening around that cock even more as she started to crest.

She mooed out as she came, the pleasure forcing her whole body to shudder and tighten causing milk to sputter from her full udders. She knew she was squirting, but the bull's cock had filled her so much it couldn't escape. She pushed back against it, drawing out the orgasm and groaning in satisfaction as she felt his own wetness flood her.

They pulled apart and Beth keened with the feeling of emptiness that came with his loss. They both mooed goodbye and went their separate ways. Cows didn't have relationships, only sex. Sated, she settled down on a soft patch of grass and watched her fellow cows couple. It turns out she needn't have worried about not being picked, the bulls went from cow to cow without hesitation, rehardening almost instantly between each round. Eventually, all the cows were mated and the bulls were led back to their own pen; Beth watched them go, revealing in the feeling of the bull's seed leaking out of her. The sound of a bell filled the air and Beth's ears flicked in recognition, obediently made her way back toward the barn.

It was milking time.

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Almost Edgar Allan Poe or Franz Kafka. Well Done.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Very hot; loved it! Not easy to find well written erotic works, so well done!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


The ad our main character answered just screams "too good to be true".

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Quite imaginative, although impossible.

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