Milk Stud


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"Don't go," he whispered.

The door opened again and he stumbled backwards, his eyes widening as he crossed his arms over his chest. His tail whipped behind him and his ass shook as it tugged and slapped against the rounded, soft cheeks.

Judy peeked into the bathroom. Her mouth opened in shock and she pulled herself inside before shoving back against the door.

"T- T- Tyler?" she asked. She pulled at her hair before pressing her hand to her mouth. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god."

"Judy," Tyler moaned. He pressed his arms against his tits and then sneezed as his face finished growing into a long, wide muzzle. A small black spot appeared on his oddly dainty chin and another bloomed around his right eye. His hand crept down to squeeze at his long, pink teats as they continued to push away from his body. His udder bulged above his mound. He leaned back against the stall as his hand lowered between his thighs. "I- I can't stop- can't stop touching myself. So empty. So empty. I need help, Judy. Please. I need you to help me."

"Oh god!" Judy repeated.

"Mmmm-ooooh," her husband moaned again. The wet sound of his hand slapping against his pussy filled the small bathroom. He leaned his elongated head back and his bangs parted to show two small bumps on his forehead. The young man lifted his chest and squeezed one of his teats as he slipped three fingers into his enlarged pussy. "Mmm. Mmmmmmooooooo."

"Tyler, stop!" Judy yelled, walking towards him. "That's not- you're not-"

"Mmmmooooooo," Her husband moaned once more, opening his thighs as he stared at his wife. "You don't know. You don't know what it's like. Empty inside. So empty. I need it. I need it so bad. Please. Your mouth. Or your fingers. God! God, yes!"

He lowered to his knees with a grunt, holding himself up with one hand as his tits and udder dangled beneath him. His hooves clacked on the ground as he shoved his fingers deep within his tight pussy but it wasn't enough.

"Get up," his wife hissed. She grabbed a blanket she'd been holding and wrapped it around her husband. "We're going. My car is right outside."

"Fuck me first!" Tyler yelled, grabbing at his wife's arm. "Please. I'll do anything. I need to cum! God, I need it! Can't think. Can't think of anything else."

She pulled him and then leaned back as his weight surprised her. The blanket ended mid calf and his long toe claws clacked against the floor as he resisted his wife.

"Pull your pants up!" Judy whisper-yelled.

"I caaaaan't," Tyler whined, pulling his wife's hand down to his thighs. She yanked it back and his ears flicked in frustration. The skin above his temples split to expose the nubs of his horns.

"Then. Step. Out. Of. Them," she hissed in his ear. "You can't go out like that!"

She pulled and Tyler shook his legs until the slacks slid down to pool on the floor beneath him. Milk dripped down to create small dark stains on the black fabric.

"This can't be happening," Judy told herself as she dragged him through the bathroom. "This can't be happening. This- stop touching yourself!"

"Mmmmooooo," Tyler moaned. His tail brushed the floor. He reached for it and it curled in response, sliding between his thighs until he gripped it tightly, pulling it between his aching, throbbing pussy with a happy squeal. "Can't. Need it. Need a cock. Thick cock. Need it. Inside of me."

"We're going," she told him, turning to face his slim, elongated muzzle. She watched his horns bend as they lengthened. "Keep your head down and go as fast as you can. Let go of your goddamn tail! Run!"

She pulled and they ran, knocking over displays in a mad dash through the store. People yelled and cursed as she pushed them away. Tyler reached for a man standing nearby but his wife yanked him forward.

The afternoon crowd parted before them when they emerged onto the sidewalk.

"What the fuck is that?" someone yelled as the blanket fell open.

Judy guided her husband to her small waiting car. She opened the passenger and shoved him inside while a crowd grew around them. The car rocked as he slammed into the seat, adjusting himself to make room for the tail coiled behind him.

Other people yelled at her, asking her what was happening but she ignored them, diving into her own seat, shifting and pulling into honking traffic without buckling her seat belt. She took a turn onto an empty side street and floored it as Tyler spread his thighs beside her. He grabbed at her hand but she slapped him away.

"Please," he moaned.

The smell of her husband's pussy filled the tiny car but the hint of his milk joined with it and she shook her head as it filled her nose.

"Can you- can you fucking not?" she cursed, scanning the street while her husband writhed next to her with both hands shoved against his pussy.

"Mmmoooo," he moaned, turning to stare at her before sliding one soaked hand up to his udder. He cradled the hardened skin and pulled at a teat. Milk sprayed against her dashboard.

"Fuck!" she cursed. The car swerved as she yanked the wheel and accelerated. "Fuck! I lost the blanket!"

"L- Language," he gasped, his hand raising to cup his breast. His forehead pounded as his horns grew longer. "Don't- ohhhh, can you just- just touch me?"

The short drive was tense as Judy watched for cops and other cars but when she finally pulled into the apartment parking lot, she slumped back into her seat.

"This is my fault," she groaned, closing her eyes and pressing her palms against her eyelids. "That old woman. I should've watched your drink. She must've done something."

"'S'okay," Tyler panted. He leaned back, pulling at his left nipple. He'd found a spot just inside his pussy that felt amazing as long as he kept his nails in check. "S'okay. It's. Good. Feels so good. Just. Just need more. Just need help. Oh! You have- ohhhhhhh gooood. You have toys. Yes, please! The dildo!"

"I'm not-!" she snapped. "I'm not letting my husband use my-"

"Mmmmmm," Tyler groaned, his hips jerking suddenly. "You don't know. You don't know what it's like. So empty. Need to be filled. Need it so bad."

He turned to lick his wife's face but she jerked away from him.

"We're going to have to run for it," she told him. The sweet smell of her husband's pussy was oddly intoxicating so she breathed through her mouth. "On the count of three, open the door and go. I'll go behind you to try and block anyone's view. Just- just go fast."

"'Kay," he told her, closing his eyes as his knee knocked into the door.

Judy opened her door and tensed, ready to run. Seconds passed before she turned to stare at her husband, still masturbating inside the car.

"God. Dammit," she cursed through clenched teeth. She ran to his side and opened the door, pulling at his arm to force him out.

Tyler went slowly and unwillingly. He stood next to his wife, slightly taller than her but with far wider hips and larger tits. They hung bare and full in the warm afternoon sun and the urge to lie in the grass with his legs spread for any passing male made him weak in the knees. His tail thudded into the side of the car and he turned to look for the largest patch of grass as his stomach rumbled. Nibbling on grass while waiting for a male to breed him sounded like the most amazing thing ever.

"Come on!" his wife insisted, pulling hard. He followed her with a pout on his full lips, sighing regretfully as they passed a lush swathe of green grass. His tail slapped against his calves but he went with her, hugging her arm between his breasts.

When they reached the stairs, he hesitated.

"Hurry!" Judy groaned, pulling at him.

Tyler raised his hoof and stepped carefully, holding the rail. He took another step and the tip of his tail swung to show his anxiety.

"So many stairs," he whispered, taking another step. His voice turned into a whine as he faced his girlfriend. "Can't we just stay down here and find someone to-"

"No!" she said, shoving at his firm ass. "Go! Go! Go!"

They went, clopping up the stairs until they stood in front of their apartment door. As Judy fumbled for her keys, she heard a voice low on the stairs.

"That's Will!" Tyler said, his face lighting up. "He's- he'd fuck me. Please, Judy. Please! Just ask him-"

The keys jangled in the lock and Judy shoved her husband through the suddenly open doorway, grabbing her keys and slamming back against the door.

"Oh my god," she gasped, falling to her knees. Her shoulders heaved as she tried to release the stress she'd been holding. "Oh my god."

Tyler glanced back at her and then towards the bedroom. A sly smile emerged on his long, wide face and he walked to the bedroom out of his wife's sight. He bent next to her side of the bed and pulled out a small wooden box, flipping the lid open and sighing at the sight of a tiny pink dildo. It was far, far smaller than he remembered but he grabbed it and then shoved it into his mouth, working his tongue furiously over the shaft as he lay in bed. He spread his legs with one hoof on the bed and reached his arm down but his breasts and udder blocked him. He whined as he played with his teat before finally rubbing the dildo back and forth against his swollen clit.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Judy yelled. "You can't- augh!"

The young man jerked, squeezing his teat as his wife dived for the dildo. A thick stream of milk splashed against her face and she staggered back, wiping at her mouth.

"Some got in my eye, dammit!" she yelled, turning and pawing at the wall as she made her way to the bathroom.

He watched her for a moment and then resumed rubbing his clit with the dildo, gasping and moaning and bellowing as his hips jerked in small motions. And it still wasn't enough.

"William," he moaned, turning and rolling to stand in their bedroom.

The short black and white fur on his thighs were coated from his pussy. He walked through the bedroom and then stopped, turning to see his wife bent over the bathroom sink. With a mournful glance at the door, he turned and walked to the bathroom, reaching around to hug his wife as he always had. His breasts flattened against her back while his udder settled above her ass.

Despite his concern, his hands raised up to her tits.

They moved against him. He cocked his head and looked in the mirror to see his wife's slack expression. She groaned and pressed back into him and he watched as twin dimples appeared on her shirt. The dimples bulged and she pulled at the neck of her shirt, tugging at the thin fabric until it tore. She pulled harder, moaning as her growing breasts pushed at her struggling bra. Her brown nipples flexed free, long and flecked with pink specks. And dripping milk.

"All wrong," Judy moaned, grabbing her breast. She leaned forward, squeezing herself and two drops of milk dripped into the sink. Her nipples lengthened as the pink appeared to consume the brown. "Wrong. All wrong. Can't- can't do this. Can't."

Tyler grabbed his wife's expanding tits and she moaned louder. He slid his fingers forward to her nipples and twisted them while squeezing the top of her breasts. Milk dripped faster from her nipples and she reached back to cradle her husband's head, digging her finger through Tyler's thick, curly hair.

"Yesssss," his wife moaned. "God, yessss. Feels soooo good."

"Help me," he whispered in her ear. "I need to be bred. I need it."

"Too," his wife said, rubbing back. A small white patch of skin appeared atop her right breast. "Me, too."

"William," Tyler urged.

Judy broke away, walking to the front door as her husband went back to the bedroom. She opened the door, giggling as a sudden rush of wind caressed her throbbing pink nipples. Standing naked in the hallway, she knocked on William's door.

The door opened and William's eyes widened as he glanced down at Judy's tits. Before he could speak, she went to her toes and kissed him, hugging him tightly as her tongue wrapped around his. He pushed her away and wiped his mouth.

"Judy?!" he said, staring at her again. "Your husband- you're married!"

She laughed and then gasped, thrusting her chest forward as they continued to grow.

"He- ohhhh," she moaned, squeezing her breasts. A large wet spot formed at her crotch and spread as her pants tightened to show the swollen, swelling lips of her pussy. "He wants it even more than me. I'll show you. Trust me. Please. I'm so fucking horny, WIll. I just- I just really need your cock inside of me. Tyler wants it, too. Please. I'll show you. Just come in."

Judy stripped as soon as she was inside, shoving at her pants before bending over the back of her chair, not caring that the door was still open. Tyler's high, feminine voice cried out from the bedroom but she ignored him as she spread her legs.

"I'm waiting, stud," she purred, looking behind.

The man took in his surroundings and glanced towards the bedroom.

"This is just really sudden," he said, staring at the slick, glistening lips of her pussy. His cock pressed against his pants. "Look, I just don't want to get in the middle of anything."

"He- oh god," she groaned, reaching a hand under her body to rub her clit. "He wants it, too. You'll see. Just, I can't think straight. I need you to fuck me, first. Please."

Her finger pressed into her wet folds and William groaned as he undid his belt. Licking his lips he looked to the bedroom.

"Who is that?" he asked as he stepped out of his pants.

"Tyler," Judy gasped. "Tyler."

With another woman? Damn, William thought, shaking his head. He licked his lips, rubbing his tongue against the faint, sweet taste of Tyler's milk transferred by Judy's kiss. Some freaky shit but, hell, Judy's hot and ready and smells really fucking good all the way from here.

His cock bobbed before him. He held himself steady and pressed slowly against Judy's pussy before grabbing her hips.

"Yes!" she screamed, shoving back and impaling herself. Her ass slapped against his bare crotch and he grunted, pulling back before slamming back in. She reached up to grab his hand and guide him to her breast. He felt warm milk drip against his palm before he grabbed her and squeezed. "Fuuuuuuuck, yessssss."

Leaning into her body, he snorted and pounded into her, kissing her shoulder before grabbing her other breast, squeezing and pinching her nipples while fucking her.

"Close," she gasped, clenching her hands against the back of the chair. "Already close. Harder. Harder! Fuck meeee!"

She bucked beneath him as she came, trembling and shaking. He grunted, holding her weight as her muscles turned to jelly. William lifted her to a standing position and his cock slipped free. Judy slid to the floor, gasping for breath.

"Bedroom," she panted. "Join you. In. Moment. Needs to be fucked. She needs to be fucked, too."

William grunted and rubbed his forehead. His ballsack slowly filled out to droop to the floor as his testicles swelled and his cock lengthed. Skin formed at the base while he stalked towards the bedroom. He felt the weight of his dick as it grew thick and heavy.

The musk filling the bedroom made him stop and breathe deeply. He licked his lips and stared at Tyler. The small cow woman lay twisted beneath a blanket. His ass and pussy was bare as he frantically tried to pleasure himself with the pink dildo.

William went to Tyler without asking, grabbing his soft hips roughly and pulling him up to his hands and knees. He shoved forward and the head of his cock flattened against Tyler's pussy. The cow woman's lips bulged around the man's still-growing cock. He shoved with a snort and a shake of his head and Tyler's virgin pussy enveloped him.

"What the fuck?" William groaned as Tyler's tail pressed up against the blanket. It lifted and pushed the blanket aside to reveal the broad white and black furred back, wide hips and distended pussy. "The fuck?"

Despite his confusion, he felt dazed. But, beyond that, testosterone was flooding his body. Two large lump formed on the man's head and he snorted as he forced his enormous cock deep within Tyler's tight pussy.

Tyler screamed as he finally felt the endless void being filled.

"No, don't pull out!" Tyler gasped, reaching back to grab William's cock. Milk dripped from his udder and his breasts quaked as he shoved himself back while clenching the muscles deep within his pussy. He paradoxically wanted to keep William inside of him forever while also wanting to feel the thick, flattened head of the man's cock rub against every ridge inside of him. "Please! Need you! Please!"

William grunted and grabbed Tyler's tail, pulling back before slamming inside. Tyler screamed as the head of the man's cock hit his cervix but he pushed back in return, wanting to feel every inch.

Judy came up behind William, reaching behind him to grip the base of the man's cock. Despite being buried inside Tyler's pussy, several inches of his cock were still outside. Judy stoked him, kissing his back before letting go to rub Tyler's clit for a quick second. She released them both and crawled into bed, gently pushing Tyler onto his side. William grabbed Tyler's leg and raised it as he bent to adapt to the new position.

When the man slammed back into Tyler's pussy, Tyler's udder shook and Judy groaned, leaning into it and grabbing a teat. She squeezed and pulled over and over.

"Feel good?" she gasped, rubbing herself as she played with her husband's teat. "Feel good?"

"Yessss!" Tyler screamed. He grabbed his wife's head and shoved her down, holding her in place as Judy sucked a long teat into her mouth.

William grunted as muscles bulged in his shoulders and biceps. He reared back and slammed again, burying himself completely in Tyler's aching pussy as he stretched to take the other man's length. Judy turned over and raised her hips, bouncing her ass above her husband's long muzzle. When he licked between her thighs, she jerked but continued to suck and pull at his teats.

"Oh! Oh, yes! Oh, don't stop, yes!" Tyler screamed, pulling Judy's ass down against his breasts. He clawed at her back as the sensations overpowered his meager mind. William filled him completely, pounding relentlessly into his pussy until he felt a dull pain spreading from his crotch beneath the intense, overwhelming pleasure. "I'm- I'm- I'm-!"

"MmmmmmMMMMMMOOOOOO!" Tyler bellowed, bucking and scrabbling as William held him in place. The other man snorted and then yelled and his cock exploded within Tyler. Hot cum filled Tyler's aching pussy, squeezing past William's pulsing cock to spurt free, covering his legs and the other man's crotch.

"Mmmmmmore," Tyler gasped, squeezing his own breast before pulling at his wife's ass. "More."

"Roommate," William grunted. A large patch of black fur was spreading through the hair on his chest. "Have a roommate."

The other man walked away with his enormous, cum covered cock hanging before him. The door opened but Tyler busied himself with his wife's pussy, licking at her while spreading her sweet lips. Another door opened and someone shouted.

"What the fuck!" a new voice said. "Who the fuck-? William? What the- who the- What's wrong with them?!"

Tyler looked up to see William carrying another man on his shoulders. The large naked man grabbed his roommate and set him down before pushing him toward Tyler. The other man struggled, grunting and pushing and slapping at William's hand until Judy grabbed his head and pulled him towards Tyler's teat. She squeezed and pulled and a thick spray of milk shot into the surprised man's mouth.

"Fucking sick, what the fuck!" the man said, wiping his mouth. "What the fuck!"

William released him and the new man backed away. Yet his eyes remained locked on Tyler's cum-covered pussy.

"What the fuck," he whispered, grabbing at his cock. He groaned and rose to his knees and then to his feet. The head of his cock slipped past the band of his pants.