Milked by Barbarians from the East Ch. 03

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Two teen boys face two witches and two cobras.
2.6k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 03/01/2017
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The next morning, I woke up slowly, as if still in a dream. I was lying on my back, legs spread, in a soft bed of fur and as my eyes adjusted to my surroundings when I realized I was being jacked off. I stretched my legs luxuriously, savoring the sensation until my mind cleared and I bolted up to see Antona the witch kneeling between my legs, her hands glistening with some sort of lubrication as she slickly massaged my organ, steadily up and down. My dickhead disappeared in her wet moving fist.

I pulled away startled but she smiled, "Good morning, Nico. I've come to take the first milk from you."

Bashfully, I tried to cover my erection with my own hands but it was morning wood, the hardest. "My lady, I, I, I'm sorry." I looked around. "Where's Aaron?"

She shook her head, "He tried to escape last night. Your friend was caught and he is in the Akung warriors' tent."

"Are they going to kill him?"

"No, he is being flogged. Then he will be returned here to be milked."

I was a little relieved but I could not imagine a flogging. In our village, a flogging could leave a man bloody and flayed.

"Now, Nico, move your hands away and let me finish you."

I hesitated for a split second. I could see a flash of anger cross her face at my hesitation but I quickly moved away my hands to offer her my erection. She leaned over me and reached behind my buttocks to scoot me closer to her.

"Good boy," she murmured. She resumed her jacking. "You have a beautiful cock, Nico. Beautiful veining. Perfectly shaped head."

I couldn't help myself, I laid back and put my arms behind my head, savoring her attentions. She switched from left hand to right hand, she changed her grip, and then she shed her robe to hold me between her breasts and tap my dick on her nipples. Then she continued on with her hands. I knew I could have cum earlier but it occurred to me, with the way she stared at the head and curve of my penis, that she was enjoying herself with my body.

"I'm close," I stretched my legs and gently squeezed her with my thighs.

She quickly grabbed her chalice and pointed my dick toward my stomach without missing a stroke. I was soon gasping and I looked down, fascinated at my own spurts as I filled the chalice maybe less than half full.

When I had finished pulsing, she quickly sucked and licked the head of my dick to taste the remaining drops. "Very good, Nico. I will be right back."

She jumped up and left the tent with the chalice of my man milk.

I looked around for my nightshirt and pulled it on. But just a few minutes later, the tent flaps opened and 2 giant Akung warriors threw Aaron in and left.

I ran to my friend who was kneeling on all fours, bloody and nude. His back and buttocks and thighs showed signs of a whipping.

"Aaron! Aaron! Are you OK?"

He panted, "They whipped me, Nico! They whipped me for my honor. I tried to escape last night. You had already been defiled by that witch! I had to leave before she mounted me like she did you."

I tried to hug my friend, but he flinched with pain. "I had no choice, Aaron. You saw what she can do. She milked me this morning - I could not stop her!"

Aaron shook his head, "Remember the Monk's chant? Mollia-Hastum? Mollia-Hastum?"

I smiled at the memory. When we were in boy's school, the monks taught us a mental chant that would keep a boy soft so that we could not play with ourselves in the middle of the night.

"Well it worked!" Aaron shouted. "They tried to make me hard while they flogged me, but I recited the Mollia-Hastum and I denied them!" He smiled. I wondered if my religious friend was fighting a losing battle.

Antona entered the tent in a flurry, her long robes behind her. But another young woman followed carrying a large wicker basket - a woman who was a giantess, as tall as Aaron and who's skin was as dark as night.

"Aaron, you have been flogged for trying to escape. If you try again, you will be sent to the kitchens. I cannot save you." She moved behind Aaron and tied his wrists behind him while he knelt before us all, naked and defiant. Aaron gave her a look of steel and I was immediately proud of and scared for my friend.

Antona pointed to the black woman, "This is Tanya. She is a milker from the people of the Nile."

Aaron and I stared at her amazed - neither of us had ever seen a black woman before.

Antona pointed to me, "Tanya, this is Nico - he's a good boy who happily and willingly is milked."

Aaron shot me a look of disdain.

"But his friend Aaron here refuses to be milked and mounted. He uses some peasant chant to soften himself to deny us his member."

Tanya smiled and put down her basket. She spoke in a musical accent, "Such white skin, these boys! Pale like ivory. Pale like milk!"

Antona nodded, "That's why the boys from Briton give the best man milk. Quantity and quality."

"I have never tasted a boy from Briton, mistress." Tanya walked over to Aaron and traced his shoulders with her finger. "Poor young, mu-too, young man." She looked at his whipped back and walked around to examine his front. She clucked admiration, "His uume is quite large for a white boy."

Aaron closed his eyes. I could read his lips, he was reciting the Mollia-Hastum.

Tanya reached for his soft dick and weighed it in her palm. "It is heavy and quite fills my hand. Let's make him hard as an obelisk!" At that she kneeled down and swallowed his dick. She sucked fervently, as if she was feeding on him, but Aaron kept his eyes closed and his lips moving, reciting the chant.

Sweat broke out over his forehead, but tried as she did, Aaron remained soft.

Meanwhile, Antona looked back at me and saw that I was tenting beneath my nightshirt. She stood in front of me and gently rubbed her ass against my erection. "Watch what happens to your friend," she whispered to me.

"Your lips have no power over me, you black witch!" Aaron yelled. "I have taken control over my own body." He looked over at Antona triumphantly.

Tanya spat out his soft dick with disgust and wiped her mouth. "The white boy remains soft!" She looked over Antona.

Antona pointed at Aaron and made circles in the air. A spell! "Your pain shall be your pleasure! Your pain shall be your pleasure! Your pain shall be your pleasure!"

Aaron looked shocked, then worried. Then all eyes turned to the wicker basket as the lid came off.

Two large cobras slid out of the basket! One was black with a yellow underbelly. The other was green with red. They coiled and slithered their way toward Aaron. As they approached, it looked as if Aaron's penis was shrinking in fear.

"Nyoka!" Tanya said with a big smile.

As the cobras approached Aaron, he struggled with his tied wrists. But the green cobra swiftly slid around him and coiled around his waist until its head was sniffing and staring at his ass. The black cobra headed directly between his legs and looked at his now tiny dick.

"No! Stop this! Nico, help me!" Aaron cried out.

I was petrified with fear but tried to take a step when Antona quickly grabbed my bulge and hissed, "Not one move!"

Tanya walked over to Aaron, "Young white mu-too, you are in the hands of the nyoka, the snakes!"

"Get them off me!"

"No, young mu-too, the nyoka will not stop until they have kissed your own snake, your uume."

"What?!" Aaron look around in horror.

At that, the green cobra coiled back and shot upward between Aaron's cheeks. He gasped with shock and fell forward, almost landing on the black snake. The green cobra rubbed itself in his crack and found his asshole. Then it aimed itself and started to push in.

"Oh! Oh!" Aaron was grunting as if he were shitting himself, but the reverse was true as more and more snake pushed itself into him. Its insistence and force made Aaron spread his legs wider. "Oh, oh!" he grunted over and over, his eyes closed, his face red with exertion as he tried to expel it from his body.

Tanya continued to walk around Aaron and the snakes, chanting in her language and smiling at Aaron's struggles.

Suddenly, the green snake's coiled body forced Aaron to lean backward. And there we saw the effect of Antona's spell - your pain shall be your pleasure. As the green snake worked its way in Aaron's anus, we watched as he firmed and produced a huge erection. As Aaron's boner rose in the air, the black cobra hissed and rose facing it. I swear Aaron was now 10 inches long and as thick as my arm. And as he erected, his foreskin retracted, his dickhead deep red.

In response, the black cobra's own hooded head flared.

Oh no. I suddenly realized what was going to happen.

The black cobra's mouth unhinged and it lashed out at Aaron's hard dick.

"NOOOOOO!!" he yelled at first in shock, but then in surprise as the black cobra was gasping and swallowing down the length of his prick.

I had seen a snake swallow a mouse once before, but Aaron's dick was much bigger than a mouse, and it seemed as if the cobra was gagging as it made its way down Aaron's length.

Aaron threw his head back and started to moan. Meanwhile Tanya was laughing and dancing around him. She rubbed between her thighs as she watched the snake gag on Aaron's member.

"Don't worry," Antona said to me, "the snakes have been defanged. Any pain Aaron feels now is pleasure. And you'll see how we tame the snake, a symbol of manhood."

Aaron moaned again, his muscles struggling against his tied wrists, his thighs parted by force while the green cobra nosed his prostate gland, while his giant erection was swallowed by the twitching black snake. He bellowed loudly, "Oh no, oh no, I'm going to cum!"

Tanya jumped in front of him and grabbed the back of the black cobra. She yelled something in her language and danced while she pulled the cobra slowly off his dick.

Spasming and shaking, Aaron kept his eyes closed as the cobra left behind its sticky saliva on his shaft. Tanya grabbed the base of the cobra's head as she pulled it off Aaron's own dickhead. We watched as last rivulets of cum trickled down the tip.

With one hand holding the cobra's head, Tanya kneeled down and gulped Aaron's remaining drops. He shuddered as he finished emptying into her mouth.

She stood up, smacked her lips and presented the cobra to Antona.

I nervously took a step back.

With a suddenly flash of a small knife, Antona cut the snake just below its head. As its body thrashed, Tanya poured snake blood and Aaron's milk into a waiting chalice.

Meanwhile, Aaron was still kneeling, still erect, and still had the second cobra in him.

"Get it out of me!" He yelled.

Tanya laughed and stood before my kneeling friend, "Young mu-too, your uume has been kissed by the nyoka. Will you obey us now? Or be milked like this again?"

"No!" Aaron shook his head, "No more! I will obey! I will obey."

Tanya whistled an odd couple of notes, and we watched as the green snake uncoiled and plopped out of Aaron's ass with the sound of a bottle's cork. Without the stimulation and tension, Aaron sagged, and his monstrous erection quickly subsided. The snake returned to the wicker basket.

Tanya shot Antona a smile and walked over to us, "How about this young mu-too?" She pointed at me. "Does he need the nyoka's kiss?"

Antona looked at me and held my chin, "No, Nico is a good boy. Lift your nightshirt for Tanya!"

I looked at the two women and meekly raised by nightshirt to show that I was hard.

Licking her lips, Tanya pointed at my erection, "My mistress, I have not fed today. I only managed a few drops from that one there!" She pointed at Aaron.

Antona smiled, "Of course. You may feed. Just don't hurt him. He is not yet trained."

"Thank you, mistress! Thank you!" Tanya bowed.

Antona stepped away. I looked at the black woman who towered over me. We looked at each other for a second before she reached down and lifted me into her arms, carrying me like a baby. Then she shifted me so that she was facing my genitals.

I was startled at being lifted like a child but before I knew it, she moaned and happily swallowed me whole and licked me from head to balls. I held onto her shoulders for balance while she walked around the tent, feeding off me. Antona watched with amusement while Aaron was lying on his side, exhausted.

Tanya paraded me around the tent, bouncing me in her arms. I watched her hungry mouth on me. My dick had never felt so sticky before.

She took a breath, "This one is so light!"

Antona nodded.

She continued to suckle and rub her nose in my now damp pubic hair. I wasn't quite comfortable being fellated in her arms, but soon I felt the stirring and whispered I was going to cum.

She went insane with a feeding frenzy, sucking more and more and lathering my balls with her pink tongue. My dick throbbed in the cyclone of her mouth until I thrust upward and moaned and began to cum.

At that, Tanya made a mewing, yowling noise like a cat in heat. She kept sucking on me until my erection was gone and I was just a wet soft dick in her mouth. She kept me in, listening to my panting as I gently squirmed to signal I wanted her to put me down.

She finally released me and smiled as if she had just had a large drink of wine. "That boy is sweet!"

Antona smiled. "He is."

"Mistress, may I mount him?" She took a step toward me.

I took a step back, rubbing my wet limp dick, wanting a bath.

"No," Antona shook her head, "Not yet. He hasn't been trained. You saw how fast he cums."

Tanya looked disappointed. Antona reached into the pocket of her robe and gave her a gold coin. "Take this coin to the 3rd regimen's tent. There are at least 6 Viking warriors there. Show them the coin and ask them for a mounting. They will oblige a beautiful Nilean woman like you."

"Thank you, my mistress!"

"Be forewarned. The Vikings are rough and easily twice the size of these Britons with hard penises the size of fists."

"Mmmmmm, thank you, my mistress!" She quickly left the tent.

Antona looked at me, "Fill the bath, Nico. You and Aaron need to clean up." She took the chalice of snake blood and Aaron's milk and left.

I dutifully started the fires to boil water for the bath and wonder what training I was to have.

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contestwinnercontestwinner4 months ago

I have been reading erotica almost a decade and I'm bummed out that I only happened upon this story 2months ago. Since then I have returned time and time again. This story really captured my erotic imagination. It's very quickly becoming one of my favorite stories ever.

JohnnyRottencrotchJohnnyRottencrotchalmost 3 years ago

I still love reading this story!

JohnnyRottencrotchJohnnyRottencrotchabout 7 years ago
More! More! More!

I love good milking stories like this!!! Keep it cumming!

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