Milking The Bull Ch. 02


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He was looking at her long legs, ending in hooved feet when he first noticed her hand appear at the top of his vision, curling a finger trying to signal him to look up. "Oh Bailey?" He blinked and his vision darted back up to her face, "My eyes are up here hun."

Bailey flushed pink, "I..! I'm sorry I...I didn't..."

"Hmm...either my hormones are working their magic way sooner than I thought they would, or this boys got a little crush on me." She smirked at the thought. She had been standing outside the house for damn near an hour and fifteen minutes, nervously pacing back and forth and rehearsing her apology in her head a thousand times before he finally opened the door.

Cathyl had thought that she ruined whatever chance she had with the new boy by freaking going primal on him yesterday and not only forcing him to milk her tits, but molesting him, and forcing him to jerk off her damn cock. Revealing how she was a breeder monstergirl for the farm and showing him that she had no pussy, which is probably what he would've preferred, and instead had a big horse cock and two twin balls beneath it.

She was lucky enough he didn't B-line for the high hills when she whipped it out in front of him, but that didn't make it okay that she showered him in weeks of pent up lust. She hadn't cum THAT much in quite a long time, but she couldn't help it. She was use to her own rough hand jerking her cock, and she'd been so busy lately she just didn't have the time.

But feeling Bailey's soooo soft, supple hands gently touching her meat, she didn't have a chance. And from the pleasure she got, it was sooooooooooooooooo worth it.

Only in the aftermath, she was thinking that Bailey was gonna quit, and she had messed up her only chance at having someone to have a little fun and R&R with. So she swallowed her pride and showed up here waiting for him.

Now though, after seeing his reaction to her attempt at an apology, openly just staring at her voluptuous body. It all started to become clear to her.

She grinned at the realization, and she nearly face palmed at why she didn't see it before. His desire to bulk up and get all manly man like, his natural feminine body and incredible curvy ass. His quick and immediate reaction to her cock in his face, and his skills at handling it too. Plus now, he looked at her as if he wanted more, so it was obvious.

This little boy was a natural born butt slut in denial!

Cathyl almost wanted to jump for joy thinking about it, but kept her cool, knowing that this was still a delicate matter. It was one thing to actually find a boy who liked it in the butt as cute as Bailey. But it was extremely rare to find one that was in denial of the fact that he craved cock. Or more specifically...

Cathyl's girlcock...

So her plan from yesterday to help him work out all the 'right' muscles in his jobs on the farm as making even more sense to her now. And she quickly added a few new ideas to it in order to help cute little Bailey along.

It would be a delicate process, but Cathyl was confident that she could do it. She just needed to kick things off with a little trickery.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." Bailey tried to apologize for checking her out, but Cathyl waved her hand.

"Oh don't you worry about it. I can hardly blame ya, I mean you saw my titties, and my So who am I to judge if ya'll are a little curious." She said, dismissing the ogling. "I'd rather have ya' be lookin' me up and down with that look rather than a one of disgust."

Bailey perked up at that, "Oh nonono I'm not disgusted at all. I guess just...surprised is the better word for it?"

Cathyl shrugged, "Monstergirls are full of all kinds a surprises hun'. But anyway...sorry again for jumpin' ya yesterday, just got all worked up and couldn't help myself. Oh, and I also owe ya' a thank you, these damn things felt like they were bout to burst before you saved the day." She puffed out her chest a little bit, knowing that Bailey's eyes would lock onto them like a cat's on a laser pointer.

"'re...welcome?" He stammered again.

The minotaur leaned her arm on the door frame, "Well I s'pose I'll get right to it, "do ya'll think you can work today? I'd understand if ya'll wanted a day off or somethin' like that."

"No I'm ok!" Bailey shook his head, "Again I guess yesterday I was just really surprised. But I can do the barn work that I have to. It's my job anyways so I can't just call it quits because we had a pretty...interesting rendezvous."

She smirked, "Yeah, I found it pretty interesting myself too." Her smile lingered as did her eyes on the boy. Her was already pink in the face, but that look she gave him made him turn even pinker and he couldn't help but look away shyly.

"'s on the agenda for today then? Same stuff as yesterday or..?" He asked, trying to change the subject.

Cathyl shook her head, "I'll show ya what we gotta do, and like I said I'll do the heavy lifting for today. Oh and by the way...I believe your clothes got a little...well...messed up due to my...excessive...yeah?" She asked as he walked out the door beside her. "If ya'll want I can send over one of the other workers to pick up your clothes to run it through the laundry."

Bailey nodded, "Um yeah, that would be nice."

The two of them then began their trek heading back to the farm to begin the days work. On the way though, Bailey noticed something in the air as he walked along. And Cathyl took note of him consistently sniffing the air a few times curiously and she smiled mischievously. It confused the young boy for a bit as he couldn't seem to pinpoint where it was coming from, but ever since he started walking with Cathyl...

Something smelled really good...

Hours Later

Cathyl was true to her promise that she would do most, if not all of the heavy lifting today. She chopped all the wood, carried the majority of the logs, hauled the heaviest sacks, lifted the larges hay bales, while Bailey was given much smaller items and objects to haul around. Of course that still managed to exhaust the poor thing, so much walking and lifting even with eighty percent of his work load being pawned off on the big, strong monstergirl.

It was another hot day with the blaring sun, so Bailey once again overheated in his heavy plaid shirt and tank top undershirt. He wanted to strip again, but we all know what that lead to yesterday. So he suffered in silence, sweating the day away as he practically dragged a burlap sack of potatoes into the barn.

"Ugghh...ggguuhh...rrrrgh..." He grunted and groaned, adjusting his tight grip on the mouth of the bag so as to hold onto it. But his hands were raw despite the gloves he wore, and still sore from all the work he did yesterday. "Oh God this place is gonna kill me." He whined, less than twenty feet from the open barn entrance now. Cathyl had already gone ahead of him, carrying four bags of potatoes on her arms like they were nothing.

Bailey didn't know much about farm work, but apparently their organic, homegrown crops sold really well in the public market, so a lot of the work wasn't just animal care and such, it was moving mass quantities of the crop back and forth between locations so it can be counted, sorted, cleaned, harvested and packaged for shipment. Much of his day went into these things, with the worst parts being hauling the product to where it needed to be. Then going back to where more of it was, bagging it up and hauling again, rinse and repeat about seven or eight times per type of food.

They produced so much on this farm, much to the detriment of exhausted Bailey.

Eventually though, he finally made it into the barn, his legs crying for rest, his hands burning, and his face drenched in sweat that was only made worse by the straw hat surly creating a puddle of perspiration on top of his head.

But he made it at last, and spotted the pile of bags all containing the oval shaped brown veggies, so he quickly made his way to them and ungracefully plopped his last bag down into it. "Ugh! Haaaaah...finally..." Out of the corner of his eye he spotted one of the water barrels they kept in the barn, which they used to refill the basins and troughs for the cattle. But at this moment Bailey didn't care, he darted for the barrel, throwing his gloves off his hands and instantly shoved his burning palms into the cold liquid. "Aaaaaaaaahhhhh..." He sighed happily feeling the refreshingly cold temperature coat his delicate hands, soothing them from their rough day.

He almost wanted to dunk his head in there too, but he reminded himself it was for the animals, and if he was spotted by Cathyl while doing it there was no way he'd live it down. But that also left him with a question in his mind...was he still trying to impress her?

Again he reminded himself the whole reason for taking this job, was to impress girls. So that he no longer was the feminine boy in school and all-around town who couldn't attract a lady no matter how hard he tried. But when he met Cathyl, she became the target of his intentions at first, he wanted to show off that he could be a hard worker, and try to get her to like him. It also helped that she was unrealistically gorgeous, with a nice tough girl undertone to her rugged appearance.

But then the milking happened, and although he was freaked out, she approached him today like nothing weird had happened at all. And apparently, she really liked it, well of course she did. He gave her a handjob for God's sake! But that brought him back to his original conflict, if she wasn't an ordinary girl...well, ordinary in the genitals department, did he still want to try and get her to like him like that?

It's not like he didn't enjoy what happened yesterday, she gave him his own little handy as well, and it was amazing! His spine tingled just at the thought of it, so he wasn't violated or taken against his will. He was just left with wondering if he would be able to get past the giant dong in her pants.

Speaking of which...he realized that he had been deep in thought about her for a while now, but didn't see her.

"You uhh...checking the water over there for traps or suomthin'?" Cathyls voice came from around the corner. In the center of the barn there was a small mini-hut surrounded by lots of hay bales that she leaned around and watched Bailey dunking his hands from.

His head whipped in her direction, " were...sore." He said, almost sounding like he wasn't even sure of the statement himself.

But still, it managed to get a chuckle out of Cathyl, "Aww, well, second day out here's the hardest. You're hurtin' before you even start workin'." She said before taking a sip from the clear glass in her hand.

Filled with a white liquid...

Again like clockwork, Bailey's eyes went right to what Cathyl wanted them to. "Um..wha...what are you drinking?"

She grinned, "Just some milk...what? A girl can't enjoy her own brand?" She took another sip, slurping audibly.

For some reason, Bailey's throat dried even more than it already had. He hadn't had anything to drink yet this morning, and he had been working all day in the hot sun. He needed to remind himself to bring a water bottle for tomorrow. But he also was reminded of what that milk tasted like...her breast milk pouring into his lips...

Although he wasn't exactly craving a warm drink, he recalled that it was quite yummy. And his tongue poked out to lick his thirsty lips at the sight of it.

Could he really muster up the courage to ask for it though? Obviously, it didn't take a genius to put two and two together and see the awkwardness of asking for milk from her after the other day.

So he instead tried to slyly sneak in a way of asking, "Where um...where did you get that?"

She nudged the hut to her side, "The fridge in there, gotta store my milk somewhere hun. Goes bad if ya' let it boil in the sun all day. Why? Feelin' thirsty yourself? Wanna take a little break, without milkin' this time?" Cathyl asked innocently and comedically enough.

"Yes actually, very." Bailey nodded, "And I uhh...don't think I should drink this right?" He lifted his dripping wet, now soothed, hands from the water barrel.

That actually made the minotaur giggle, "Naw, that's just for the cows, and the twins on occasion."


"Don't ask." Cathyl turned to disappear into the hut for a moment as Bailey swung his hands around to air dry them, then followed after her. Before he could get around the corner though to see where she was, she reappeared in his view, now holding two cups in her hand. Both filled with a refreshing looking white fluid. She held the glass she hadn't been drinking from out to Bailey, "Here ya'll go, wet your whistle." She sipped her glass again.

Bailey gladly accepted it, "Thank you..." But hesitated, holding the cup in two hands, thinking about how Cathyl had apologized to him earlier and he hadn't really talked to her about it. "Um...Cathyl?" He asked.

Cathyl felt her skin tingle as he paused with the cup in his hands, seeming to stare down into it. "Yeah? What is it?"

"About yesterday..." he began.


"I wanted to say, it's okay about what happened. I mean, like I said earlier, I was really surprised and...definitely was caught off guard to find out you have know." Cathyl nodded again, "But, you're really nice and I know you were in pain yesterday. And I know little to nothing about how the monstergirl species functions so I probably could've handled it better too if I was better versed in all of this." His fingers tapped his glass, "So...I guess I'm just saying, I'm glad that we're still working together and if you need help with the 'milking' again, I'll be happy to. Just as long as you maybe give me a warning first on how bad it is?" Bailey made up his mind, he did still like Cathyl, and...maybe there was a way around the big girl she packed downstairs?

But even if there wasn't, she was still insanely pretty, and she was helping him get in shape, so he would help her if she needed him to. Purely for professional reasons of course, that's what he told himself. Not because he couldn't stop picturing her cock in his head...

Cathyl actually laughed at his statement, and again, Bailey found himself smiling too at the sound of her giggling. She had the cutest laugh for a big tough girl.

"Sure, I think I can do that." She glanced between Bailey's pretty blue eyes and his still untouched drink. "Well, how bout we cheers to that?" She offered, moving her cup a little forward.

He smiled wider, "Sure!" And he too brought his cup forward, clinking the glasses together and thankfully not noticing that his own 'milk' was a bit thicker that Cathyls in how it sloshed around in the glass.

"Drink up!" She egged him on, raising her glass to her lips, watching over the rim as he brought his cup up to his own. Tilting the glass back and allowing the liquid to pour into his thirsty mouth and...


Cathyl grinned.

Bailey was parched, so when the cool milk finally entered his mouth he happily began to guzzle it down. It tasted a little different from yesterday, probably just because it was chilled and not directly from her boobs. But it was still just as creamy and sweet, maybe a little salty too? Definitely unique, but he didn't mind, it was tasty and he was thirsty as heck, so he happily tilted the cup further and further back, swallowing every drop that entered his mouth until the cup was drained.

"Gllp...aaahhh..." He sighed, refreshed, "Thank you so much, can I have more?" He asked, a sick part of him delighting in the fact that he was sampling her milk again, although he wasn't sucking her tits, it was still her milk. And something about that fact made a tingly feeling bloom in his lower belly.

The minotaur's eyebrows lifted as he said this, and looked at her with an eager smile on his face and batting long eyelashes hopefully. "Wow...he didn't even notice! What a cutie!" Her grin grew, "Why of course you can hun, gimmie one sec." She said taking his glass and turning back to the little room in the hut. "He enjoyed that one so much, I think I can skip straight to a thicker drink with this one..."

Happily Bailey walked over to the hay bales outside the hut and sat down, already feeling invigorated from ingesting something so yummy. It was strange, her milk was cool and yet it felt like it warmed his throat all the way down, even now he felt a pleasant heat in his belly. But not uncomfortably so like the weather made him feel, it was just...soothing. "If her milk is always this good, I'll definitely help her with milking again! I mean, what's more manly then nursing on a hot girls big boobies?" He snickered at the thought. His throat was definitely less parched now, but more milk definitely wouldn't hurt.

Soon after Cathyl returned with another full cup containing a thick white substance, her glass was emptied so she only had the one glass this time. She approached Bailey's seated position so he had to look way up to see her face with her height. "Here you go hun, down the hatch!" Again she goaded him on, but was very eager to see how this drink was going to turn out.

With a gleeful smile, he reached up and accepted the offered glass. "Thank you." Then without a second thought, he brought it to his lips and resumed drinking.

Only this time, after the first swallow, he again noticed something different. Something much different.

The liquid in this glass was waaaay thicker than her milk he just drank. It poured more like a pudding then an actual liquid, and when it reached his mouth he nearly had to chew it in order to swallow. The taste also wasn't bad, just different, still sweet, but saltier, and had a headiness to it that for some reason made him want to keep swallowing. He blinked a few times and looked into the cup, watching the thick, viscous fluid slowly drain into his mouth, but his throat wouldn't stop gulping. A musky scent came from the cup as well that only served to fuel his desire for more, he couldn't explain it, every instinct in his body just screamed, 'swallowswallowswallowswallow'.

Cathyl watched with her hands on her hips, a content, conniving smile on her lips as the boy drank down every drop. Only leaving a small circle of her 'milk' in a ring on the bottom, he glanced up at her with puffed out cheeks as his mouth was full with the last few gulps. "Go on now...finish." She said calmly, not commanding him, but the way she looked down at him...he could feel her desire to watch him finish the rest of it. He knew she was wordlessly telling him to, and that's how he knew something was very wrong.

But he did it, he flexed his throat, and Cathyl watched his little neck swallow one gulp after the next. Drinking down all the thick, seed she had prepared for him.

He finished with another little, "Ahh..." This one though sounded a little less refreshed, and more relived. But he still licked his lips, catching the remaining salty residue on them.

"Was that good hun? Nice and yummy for ya'?" She asked, her head tilting cutely to the side and her tone sounding suspiciously innocent. No point in lying though, even though he could tell this was not ordinary milk, it wasn't gross, it actually tasted pretty good. So he just nodded at her, "Great...I'm glad to hear it want some more?" She asked.

"Ummm..." Bailey felt another non-temperature related heat rise to his face. Why was she looking at him like that? Her eyes looking him over similarly to how his gazed over her earlier today, only she was being much more intentional about it. "Uhh I'm not sure if I should. Thank you but..." He tried to think up an excuse as to why he shouldn't have more of it, it was good, and as he drank it, he wanted more and more. But if this was going where he was thinking it was going...he wasn't sure if he should.