Millie Ch. 07


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"Tell me Mother... would you like to have my cum sucked from your pussy by someone like George?"

"I'm not so sure... at first I thought it would be hot seeing his face in my messy cum filled pussy sucking my Son's jism out... but now I'm just not so sure I could do it."

I was massaging lower on Mom's shoulders and middle back now and trying to be gentle but firm.

"You like showing off your naked body don't you Mom? I mean you like having or letting other people see you in some way when you are out in public."

"Yes, it does turn me on."

"Are there other things I should know about you Mother?"

My hands had reached her lower back and were circling around the top rises of her ass cheeks. I moved so that I had my knees between her knees and this spread her legs just a little. I pressed into her lower back flesh and massaged it really nicely making her moan some more as I did.

"Want a list of Momma's kinky vices do you?"

"Well just some idea of how far you're willing to go and down which paths would be a nice start."

I bent forward and kissed her just above the place where her rounded cheeks came together at the top of her ass. My hands were rubbing her ass cheeks in opposing circles, the left in counter-clockwise circles and the right in clockwise circles so that each time my hands separated I opened her ass and got a nice view of her wrinkled little star. I again kissed her only just slightly lower this time and I didn't raise my head away from her but instead drew in fresh air and breathed out the hot air from my lungs slowly, hotly into her crack.

She really moaned now and wiggled her ass at me.

I kissed each cheek on the inner skin as my hands opened the crack. This sent a shiver up Mom and she moaned in response, but I wanted more than moans of pleasure from her now.

I slithered my tongue out and licked just above the little wrinkled star out onto her back. Then I lowered my head and stuck my tongue out as far as it would go to give me room as I jammed my head into her crotch and started a long lick from the bottom of her pussy up to but not touching her anus. She really wiggled and moaned the one word, "Please!"

"Please what Mother?" I wanted her to tell me to lick her ass, to put my tongue into her and make her cum. I lowered my head and breathed out a new gust of hot breath right onto her anus, long and slow and as hot as I could make it.

"Oh God, Please! Please Son!"

"Please what Mother?"

"You want me to say it don't you?"

"Yes, if you want me to do things to you, then you need to learn to ask me to do them."

She only hesitated a second in thought before replying, "Please... put your hot slimy tongue on my asshole! Into it! Please! I'm going to cum! Please!"

I wet my tongue as much as I could and lowered my mouth to her waiting hole and wetly licked it. I then formed a pucker with my lips and encircled it before applying my tongue to it. I slowly applied pressure with the tip of my tongue and I could feel every wrinkle of her tender skin. She jerked and shivered at the first touch but began pressing her ass back into my face as hard as she thought she could. She alternated hissing ans groaning at the pure pleasure of this nasty act I was performing. I stopped using my hands to massage and instead pulled her up onto her knees without breaking contact. My tongue found easier access to her once she was on her knees as her ass spread of its own volition. I slid my left hand down and rubbed across her open wet pussy slit with the edge of it.

I maintained pressure with my tongue as I rubbed her pussy with my hand. I didn't want to allow any entry into her pussy because I wanted this to be an all anal orgasm and not triggered by her vagina. I pulled my tongue back quickly but maintained my kiss, wanting to re moisten my tongue for a better assault on the ring. I pressed forward on the center now and it gave a little as I wiggled and pushed. I stiffened it as hard as I knew how and pushed it as hard as I could. Her anus gave way and my tongue slid in about a quarter-inch at first and more each time I thrust it. I was thrusting my tongue in time with my hand rubbing her pussy.

There was a low growl and then a hard thrust rearward into me as my tongue thrust forward as deeply into her anus as I had been able to go. I felt her sphincter clamp on my wet intruder and she began a great shuddering. Her legs tensed against mine and I felt a squirt of her juice hit my upper chest as she experienced a tremendous orgasm. Her ass pulsed against my tongue at least five or six times hard! She shook and moaned one long continuous sounding exhale of her breath as she climaxed. I stopped rubbing her pussy and just hung onto her ass trying to keep my kiss in contact until she settled down. She herself broke that kiss as she lowered he hips to the bed. I stayed where I was and just marveled at the woman as she continued her pleasurable shuddering well after her body settled to the bed.

I flattened my right palm on her shoulder and gently rubbed her a little as she calmed.

"Well baby, as it turns out, I also love anal play too!" she panted out.

"So let's see... you're a submissive dominatrix lesbian committing incest with your own son and exhibiting yourself to other people while at the same time you love having your ass eaten! Did I leave out anything Mother?"

She giggled into the pillow, "I did enjoy holding your cock while you pissed this morning and it didn't make me puke when some of it got on me... so maybe I like water sports too... but other than that I think you've pretty much got me covered. Now let's work on you!"

"Hell that's the easy part... I'm into what you're into!"

"You mean if I'm a lesbian... you're a queer!" She squealed.

"No! No! Not that you goofy broad! I don't see any way I'd ever want to suck a cock. Ever. But, I'm certainly not adverse to any of the rest of the things that interest you at all, and I'm sure there are more things that we just haven't discovered yet."

"Well Son, I hate to tell you but I do love the feel of cock in my mouth and the warmth of a man's semen splashing uncontrollably into the back of my mouth while I hold that cock in place... so if you are like me you'd better guard against your gay feelings!" she had risen and was giving me that serious look but let the smile creep onto her lips at the end and I knew she was kidding me.

"I admit I will probably get hard as a rock and want to rape your ass the first time I see you and aunt Fran kiss! And the same goes for Pam too! Those thoughts are just too hot for me because I had them way too many times. Hell for a few years there nearly every issue of Playboy had a few pages of women on women... funny how that effected me."

"What else turns you on Son?"

"Well I really like stockings and garter belts."

"Ugh! If you had to put them on everyday and take the off just to piss you wouldn't!" she chuckled a wry kind of mocking laugh at me,"But I do understand, your aunt used to call stockings our MAIN ATTRACTIONS when we were getting dressed and come to think of it she seemed to give my stocking legs the once over a lot herself!"

"See what I mean... there's just something about stockings that's attractive and sexy as hell!"

"I guess I like watching everything so I'm what you call a voyeur. I like seeing men and women fuck, I like watching two women together of course and I like watching some bondage type stuff too although the heavy-duty hard-core blood and pain really turns me off. I think my interest started again with Playboy or maybe Penthouse as I have seen a couple of scenes where someone was getting spanked and I got turned at that."

"Yeah, women getting spanked by other women I'd bet!" Mom added.

"Well as you may know boys will be boys and I have seen other magazines not sold at the local news stand that depicted some pretty rough scenes where people were tied up and beaten, or had needles piercing them and shit like that and that stuff really didn't do anything for me at all. Some of the pissing scenes were interesting if it weren't for the welts and blood I might have liked that, but in the magazine I saw there was way too much pain and blood. Some of the guys really got off on that but I just couldn't get into it."

"Wow! You've seen some hard-core pornography? In school?"

"Yes, I'm almost ashamed to admit it now, but yeah, one of the fellas had a few foreign magazine he brought to school and pretty much every guy in our class saw them. He said he found them in his Father's things in his garage."


"Okay, so blood and pain aren't something I like or would tolerate either. I like sexy, not bloody. I prefer moans of pleasure over groans of pain."

Mom gave me a look of concern and added, "Okay Son we agree on those points completely. Go on, what else is a turn on for you?"

"Well I like a woman to be sultry... sexy. I'm also not a huge tit fan either."

Mom rolled over and said,"That's good to hear!" giggling and hefting her boobs at me.

"You know what I mean, some guys go gaga over double D's or even bigger, but I'm more of a physical contact type than a visual type."

"How's that again?" Mom asked, eyebrows up.

"I think any more than a mouthful is wasted and just seeing a huge set of tits doesn't do all that much for me."

"Then why in the hell do you want me naked all the damn time?"

"Because mother." I said as I leaned down and tweaked her nipple,"I love you and your fabulous tits. Your my perfect model to judge all others against!"

She jerked at the tweaking, but cooed at the praise!

"Go on, surely there's more!"

"Well since we're being so open about everything, I have always wanted to watch you pee." I was watching her face and she seemed only moderately surprised at my admission, like she half expected it. "You don't seem to be all that surprised about that Mother."

"No Son, I'm a farm girl and we all grew up out in the sticks. When you're a big family isolated out on a West Texas farm far from town and you're a mix of young girls and young men, you watch each other to learn things."

"Watching was all you did?"

"No, but we didn't get blatant about it either. There were 9 of us kids and the ratio was right for a lot of sight-seeing and play, also it was a farm you know."

"I remember it a little Mom."

"Well watching the animals gave us some pretty good demonstrations of how the birds and the bees operated in our neck of the woods, then we just naturally put two and two together and started watching each other."


"It wasn't like a porn show every damn day Son!"

"No Mom, but instead of photographs in Playboy you pretty much got to see the real thing, in the flesh so to speak."

"Yeah, except it wasn't all wonderful like you think. Remember we were brothers and sisters and just because you see an animal do something doesn't mean humans can act the same or do the same things. Without too much detail, I've seen my brother rape my sister and get her pregnant, I've been forced to suck my brothers many times and so were all of my sisters. We were watched as we pissed and crapped and we watched all the others do the same. We bathed together, swam together, ate together and slept together. Two adults and 9 children in a five-room farm-house for 16 years. Think about it a little and you'll come to your own conclusions about what all went on."

"Holly crap! What about dating others?"

"The boys were allowed to date as soon as they turned 17, but us girls weren't allowed to even be alone with a boy until we were 18 or had left the farm. There weren't too many ways to leave the farm other than schooling or something like that."

"Wow, so all of you guys fooled around with each other?"

"No, it wasn't all of us, some of us got to just watch and then there were those like me that didn't want to fuck, but since the boys were older we were made to do other things. Usually it was oldest played and youngest watched, but like I said there was one exception."


"Georgia, the baby of the family. The boys got to playing with her a lot and truth be known that's probably what saved me from being their fuck toy because she liked them fooling around with her and went to great lengths to show her ass in front of them. They started off stripping her naked at night, then soon graduated to getting her to suck them, then got one of the other girls to lick her because they thought it was yucky. Come to think of it that girl was Fran! Oh my God! So that's what got her into women was being made to suck her own sister!"

"I guess she must have liked it though because she continued with you."

Mom just gave me the wary eye and continued her story, "She liked the attention and she really like being the center of attention. She liked being naked in front of all of us. I think because of all of the attention she got her breasts sprouted early and that didn't hurt her in getting the boy's complete attention. They would each suck her nipples at the same time and of course their hands were all over her. I think she lost her virginity to an errant finger and from then on she was ready to fuck anyone anytime. Your uncle Jake was her first fuck but Bill followed suit quickly and after a while it was a standard ritual nightly as she got thoroughly fucked several times almost every night right in front of the rest of us. Fran would lick her until she was ready and she'd just flop onto whoever's bed was going to be first that night."


"It didn't take long, about a year and she was growing a big belly and it wasn't from swallowing watermelon seeds either!"

I laughed at that because when we were kids that's what we were told would happen if we swallowed the seeds was a watermelon would start growing inside us!

"She got off the farm then, we weren't told but I think she was shipped off to our Aunt's farm in Oklahoma."

Mom was visibly shaken telling the story and I could see that it wasn't memories she enjoyed hashing out with me so I changed the subject but filed away a couple of the mental scenes for later.

"So do you think I could see you pee sometime?"

She giggled and said,"Hell Son if it'll turn you on you can kneel down in the tub and I'll piss right in your face like I used to do to your uncle Jake."

"No shit, you used to piss in uncle Jake's face?"

"Yeah, he said he liked feeling the warm stream hitting him and he really liked us younger girls doing it so he could watch where it came from."

That triggered a memory of mine and I wanted to tell Mom so I interrupted her, "You know when some of us guys would get together and bullshit, there was a saying something like that, something about a girl being so good-looking you'd let her piss in your face just to be able to see where it came from."

Mom chuckled at that!

"It was only one of the many little sayings we had."

"Okay, okay, let's get back on the subject here!"

I hadn't realized it but Mom was turned on... and I wasn't too sure why.

"Well I obviously like being in control, dominant, of you anyway and I suspect that will get worse as we go along." Mom moaned and gave me a look of pure desire!

"I like it when you suck me a lot Mother. I'm only average, but you make me feel like I'm John Holmes."

Mom giggled and I was noticing how a lot of our talks amused us both. It must be because we are so at ease with one another.

"You do know I want your ass?"

Mom got a timid look to her face and answered, "Yes, I know."

"You also know I like playing with your little ass too, don't you?"

"Oh hell yeah, I hope you know that I enjoyed that almost as much as anything I've ever done!"

"When I take your anal cherry Mother, I want it to be very special. I want it to be as a man and wife and the wife giving her husband her virginity on their wedding night."

Mother fell into my arms and kissed me as hard as she ever had, tears were streaming down her face as we embraced. When the kiss broke, I held her gently and asked, "Was that a yes, Mother?"

"Was what a yes?"

"I just asked you to marry me Mother and was hoping you were saying yes."

She turned to me again and the tears started fresh as she nodded as hard as she could and said, "Yes, oh yes, yes, yes! I want you so bad I just can't stand it!"

We were both very happy and contented for a little while but then the aura of sexual attraction reared its beautiful head and we caressed it and each other late into the morning. The damned alarm went off before either one of us was ready!

Mom jumped up and made a beeline to the shower. I made a beeline for the coffee pot! Mom was out as I was ready to go in and she went straight for the coffee while I went for the shower she had left running hot! We were ready and out the door together except for the small embrace I gave her at her car door, just a quick hug and kiss, but the kiss was on her mouth and I told her,"I love you Mother!" and she knew I meant it. It was an important beginning for the rest of our lives.

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Foxterot7aFoxterot7aover 1 year ago

Although fiction, mother and son are so self-secure, self-confident, and trust each other to the point they realize they can talk about anything without fear of embarrassment, shame or guilt. In real life, I have no problem with consensual incest because of the length and depth of the relationship. In real life, how many "normal" couples ever have the type of discussion contained in this chapter? How many couples feel so confident with each other to even broach the subjects discussed in this chapter?


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
"Mother, you are my Mother, and that one little fact alone makes the sight desirable for me."

He's talking about his mother's sagging tits in this excellent story, but that holds even more for her cunt. A mother's cunt may be old, worn out, covered with sparse gray hairs. But none of that matters to her son. The supreme fact is that it is, indeed, his own mother's cunt, his own birth canal, his mother's baby hole, that wonderful nearly magical hole between his mother's legs that he came out of. His mother's twat exerts a power over her boy's mind like nothing else can. The sight of it stuns him and fills him with awe, the sharp musky scent wafting to his nostrils that he inhales deep into his young lungs, his own mother's twat-smell, makes him harder than he's ever been before in his life. He's practically creaming his pants. But the son and his mom know a much, much better place for him to cream. So he tosses his shorts and mom gasps with delight as she sees her darling baby boy's big hard cock. Baby boy takes that big cock of his and sticks it up the cunt of all his dreams, fucks the shit out of it, and blows his young balls up where he was once a baby. And once he's done that, he'll be doing it over and over again.

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichalmost 11 years ago
they should get married, perhaps after they move into the ranch

A very sweet and erotic love story that is even better because it's between mom and son.

I'm glad that his mom thinks she will like being submissive to him and let him conrol their sex and love lives.

I would like to see mom find her sister and tell her to come live with them.

A very good chapter.

Thanks for the read.

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